Become a Spartan in Halo Training Grounds’ Free-Roaming VR Multiplayer Starting This Weekend

This sees the start of several events dedicated to the massively popular Halo franchise on Xbox. Called Halo: Outpost Discovery, the travelling live event experience will be heading to various US cities and as part of it VRstudios has created a free-roaming virtual reality (VR) multiplayer called Training Grounds. 

Halo Training Grounds

Halo Training Grounds is an arena style competitive experience where two teams of three fight it out as Spartan drones. Using VRstudios’ untethered backpack VR system which utilises HTC Vive Pro headsets, the gameplay has been “engineered to challenge various disciplines such as squad-integrated coordination strategies, spatial awareness in the battlefield, and real-time weapon tactics improvisation,” states the studio. Essentially a VR version of laser tag, which Halo: Outpost Discovery does also feature in Combat Deck (not VR).

“It was our aim to enable players to get that “awe” experience as soon they put on their VR headsets and actually feel what’s it like to be immersed in the Halo universe and then battle it out against their friends in a fast-paced and action-packed competitive combat experience,” said Chanel Summers, VRstudios’ Vice President of Creative Development. “Casual and hardcore fans alike will immediately recognize some of the most iconic elements in the Halo universe, including Spartan characters, Covenant Plasma Pistols, and the classic Halo environment, Valhalla. The result is an immersive, high-energy VR experience that puts players and fans inside of the Halo universe like never before.”

While it’s not the full Halo VR videogame VRFocus would love to see, Halo Training Grounds certainly looks a lot better than 2017s rather dismal Halo: Recruit for Windows Mixed Reality headsets.

Halo Training Grounds

Halo: Outpost Discovery also features plenty of other stuff for Halo fans to enjoy, such as the Hall of History with UNSC weapons, life-sized sculptures, an iconic to-scale Warthog vehicle and more. Or how about the Pelican Training simulation, or Covenant Escape, an escape-room-style experience.

The event will be heading to the following cities over the next couple of months:

  • July 5-7 – Orlando, Florida
  • July 19-21 – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • August 2-4 – Chicago, Illinois
  • August 16-18 – Houston, Texas
  • August 30-September 1 – Anaheim, California

Further information including ticket purchases can be found on the official website. For any further updates, keep reading VRFocus.

‘Halo’ VR Multiplayer Shooter Coming to Location-based Halo Event

Halo: Outpost Discovery is a weekend-long event coming to a few cities across the US this summer; it aims to bring fans closer to the world of Halo, while undoubtedly distancing them from the money in their back pockets. As a traveling Halo theme park, it just so happens to have a Halo-themed multiplayer VR attraction too.

Dubbed the ‘Outpost Discovery Training Grounds’, event-goers can team up in the 3v3 multiplayer shooter, giving you a free-roaming, wireless VR environment to run around while you shoot your plasma pistol and heal via the series’ shield generator.

The attraction was built in partnership with VRstudios, the studio known for their work on several of the games available at Dave & Buster’s VR arcades nation-wide including Star Trek: Dark Remnant and the large-scale LBE attraction Barking Irons Gunslinger.

In fact, the Halo VR Training Grounds appears to be similar to the Barking Irons Gunslinger attraction, which VRstudios describes as a mix between lasertag and dodgeball.

Image courtesy 343 Industries

Although this is clearly an attraction intended for a limited run, it’s hard to get excited about what essentially makes for a small-scale lasertag match. We’ve seen worse implementations, but we’ve also seen better ones too.

Granted, this isn’t the first licensed Halo VR experience though, and at least looks more fun than the Halo: Recruit experience used to hype Windows VR headsets back in October 2017. That app (read our full hands-on here) was decidedly better polished in terms of graphical realism, giving you a more 1:1 understanding of the scale of Jackals, Elites, and other baddies from the Halo universe, although you shoot at an admittedly puny 2D lightgun-style waveshooter.

If you’re looking to get your head into the first officially licensed multiplayer Halo VR shooter, Halo: Outpost Discovery will be touring the following cities:

  • July 5-7 – Orlando, Florida
  • July 19-21 – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • August 2-4 – Chicago, Illinois
  • August 16-18 – Houston, Texas
  • August 30-September 1 – Anaheim, California

The post ‘Halo’ VR Multiplayer Shooter Coming to Location-based Halo Event appeared first on Road to VR.

Halo: Outpost Discovery: Halo-Ausstellung mit spielbarer VR-Arcade-Erfahrung

In Amerika zieht ab Juli eine interaktive Halo-Ausstellung durch die Staaten, welche die Herzen von Fans der Spieleserie höher schlagen lässt. Die Halo: Outpost Discovery bietet zahlreiche Hintergründe zur Geschichte, Panels, Spiele sowie immersive Attraktionen, um tief in das Sci-Fi-Universum einzutauchen. Dazu zählt die VR-Arcade-Erfahrung Halo: Training Grounds, welche die Spieler in Drei-gegen-Drei-Wettkämpfen gegeneinander antreten lässt sowie weitere Unterhaltungsangebote im Setting der Erfolgsserie.

Halo: Outpost Discovery – Halo-Ausstellung inklusive VR-Arcade-Erfahrung in Amerika

Die Ausstellung Halo: Outpost Discovery tourt ab Sommer dieses Jahres durch die USA, um das beliebte Halo-Universum für seine Fans zum Leben zu erwecken. Darin können die Besucher Hintergründe zur Geschichte der Spieleserie erfahren oder sich mit anderen Spielern austauschen. Doch neben Lore und Fandom steht besonders der Unterhaltungsaspekt im Fokus der Veranstaltung.

So bieten die Veranstalter nicht nur veröffentlichte Spieletitel zum Anspielen an, sondern stellen auch zahlreiche immersive Attraktionen bereit. Dazu zählt die VR-Arcade-Erfahrung Halo: Training Grounds, welche die Spieler in Teams gegeneinander antreten lässt. In der Rolle eines Spartan-Supersoldaten finden sich drei Mitspieler zusammen, um ganz nach Halo-Manier das gegnerische Dreiergespann mit Laserwaffen oder Nadelwerfer abzuschießen. Dafür werden die Kontrahenten mit VRcade-Rucksack-PC-Systemen und einer HTC Vive Pro ausgestattet. Dies ermöglicht absolute Bewegungsfreiheit in der VR-Arena.


Image courtesy: Halo Outpost Discovery | 343 Industries | via: VR Scout

Neben der VR-Erfahrung wird zudem ein interaktives Museum, die Hall of History, mit zahlreichen ikonischen Monumenten, Fahrzeugen und Spielelementen angeboten. Außerdem stehen ein Escape-Room im Setting eines Convenant-Raumschiffs, ein Flugsimulator sowie weitere Unterhaltungsattraktionen bereit.


Image courtesy: Halo Outpost Discovery | 343 Industries

Ob die Arcade-Erfahrung langfristig auch in weitere VR-Arcades einziehen wird, bleibt zunächst abzuwarten. Diesbezügliche Informationen könnten uns auf der diesjährigen Mobile World Congress in Barcelona im Februar erwarten, auf welcher Microsoft ebenso vertreten ist.

Die Veranstaltung Halo: Outpost Discovery findet an folgenden Wochenenden statt:

  • 5. bis 7. Juli in Orlando
  • 19. bis 21. Juli in Philadelphia
  • 2. bis 4. August in Chicago
  • 16. bis 18. August in Houston
  • 30. August bis 2. September in Anaheim

(Quellen: Halo Outpost Discovery | VR Scout | Video: HALO YouTube)

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