Two Years On, Half-Life: Alyx’s Modding Community Is Stronger Than Ever

From gangsters to Rapture, Half-Life Alyx has a thriving modding community.

Looking to learn more, we spoke to the developers behind the Levitation and Gunman Contracts mods, talking about the wider scene.

We’ve witnessed some stunning creativity in modding communities over the years. Sometimes it’s just minor tweaks, giving games some quality-of-life improvements. Perhaps you wanted more songs in Beat Saber, a game that thrives on this support. Or maybe, someone’s created a VR mod for your recent favorite flatscreen games, like Resident Evil Village and Cyberpunk 2077. There’s some incredible scope here but whatever your choice, one thing remains consistent. These community endeavors are a labor of love. Half-Life: Alyx’s mod scene is no different.

Two years since launching, Alyx remains one of VR’s finest games. It’s seen a few post-launch updates like developer commentary and smooth turning, but considering nothing’s happened since November 2020, Valve’s almost certainly done with its own significant post-launch updates. It’s a blessing, then, that they patched in Steam Workshop support, which currently houses nearly 1,300 individual mods. From minor cosmetics to full-on campaigns, that’s given Alyx a second life beyond Valve’s original designs, and that’s not stopping anytime soon.

Wanting to learn more, I reached out to two of the scene’s more prominent developers. First is Corey “CoreyLaddo” Balsom who’s working alongside FMPONE on the upcoming Levitation mod. Second is Arne “ANB_Seth” Burkert, developer for the Gunman Contracts mod, which turns Half-Life Alyx into a mobster shooter. Discussing the state of Half-Life: Alyx’s modding community, their own projects, and more, what I discovered proved enlightening. 

Asking how they got into Half-Life, both developers tell a similar tale. Balsom advised Half-Life 2 “was the first game I truly remember playing on my dad’s PC back in 2004” and he’s been a huge series fan ever since. Buying a Valve Index after Alyx’s announcement, he calls it “one of the greatest gaming experiences I’ve ever had,” explaining he’s looking forward to Valve’s next steps. With Burkert, he explained that the original Half-Life “holds a special place in my heart.” Though he didn’t connect with its story, the technical side was inspirational, telling me “HL1 had me creating maps in Hammer back-to-back for years as a teenager.” When Alyx landed, Burkert thought it was “just a perfect and visually beautiful VR experience” that inspired him, though story views didn’t change. 

Moving onto their own projects, I enquired about how these got off the ground. Balsom explained that two years ago, FMPone contacted him and pitched Levitation’s narrative, informing me that “at the time it was fairly simple; just Alyx infiltrating a Combine structure in search of destroying dangerous technology.” Since then, they’ve significantly fleshed out this premise, stating they’re hoping to match “Valve’s bar of quality as best we can when it comes to seamless narrative sequences and dialogue” and that he’s “proud of what we’ve been able to achieve with the tools.” 

Gunman Contracts 1

As for Levitation’s recent trailer, he advised the ”overwhelmingly positive response” was “staggering,” sharing how he “can’t wait for people to get their hands on it.” Telling me they wanted to build off Alyx’s ambiguous ending, he confirmed Levitation’s story is very self-contained narratively, explaining that as a fanmade project, they didn’t want to “rewrite already established lore.” Following up, he advised “having the character of the G-Man at our disposal allows us to come up with ways around that to better fit the Half-Life universe.”

With Gunman Contracts, Burkert explained VR games have often lacked the “action feel” he’s hoping to find, which includes Alyx. So, he wanted to “create an action VR experience “for me”, something I really wanted to play ever since I first played VR games, but couldn’t find anywhere.” Telling me how Alyx “came close on the technical side of things,” that led him to feel like he could create this himself. After checking out the development tools, work slowly begun on Chapter 1

Burkert then detailed his experiences with those modding tools, calling them “well made, yet restrictive at times,” explaining this didn’t allow for original in-game content modifications. While he enjoyed working within those limits and pushing what’s already there, Burkert explains “I would have enjoyed a bit more freedom/ways to alter the game itself, especially regarding enemies.” Questioning how he handled gameplay changes, I’m then told Gunman Contracts “is packed with dirty workarounds left and right,” calling them a nightmare during development and that they’re “sure to weigh in on performance.”

Balsom had similar tool complaints, telling me it’s been a struggle at times “due to its fussy nature and systems.” As such, I’m told he couldn’t have pulled off some of the planned content “if not for some extremely helpful members of the Source 2 modding community,” As a project animator, he confirms his time is mostly spent within Source Filmmaker, exporting animations used for the map editor, Hammer. Telling me “It absolutely took some getting used to,” Balsom explained how it becomes stressful when “things just don’t work out and the solution isn’t there.” Unlike Gunman Contracts, you won’t find any big gameplay changes here, I’m told it builds off the core Alyx gameplay with some “new level design twists.” He does tease “a lot of exciting moments in store” for players though.

Moving ahead, I questioned where they see the modding scene heading. Balsom tells me ”we’ve already seen some impressive projects within the Half-Life: Alyx modding scene,” naming Gunman Contracts, Alyx Bond: Runway, and Return to Rapture as specific examples, alongside future projects like Anti-Citizen. Explaining that “I expect we’ll see some really outstanding work from modders in the future as the engine is broken down more in the years to come,” Balsom hopes this community will thrive and gain further recognition. 

With Burkert, he tells me Gunman Contracts Chapter 3 is currently planned, explaining “it will also feature a complete different setting, this time taking the unknown gunman to a big mansion.” Teasing that it “might be inspired by a very special mansion in gaming history” – also explaining it may feature a “fitting secondary play mode” – I’m told he’s looking to test the waters for creating a full standalone Gunman Contracts project. Only problem is, Source 2 can’t be licenced for standalone games, so he’s testing out projects on Unity instead. Unsurprisingly, I’m told it’s “still very early to say more than that” but Burkert’s clearly driven in creating their own game, citing how the “experience, awesome reactions and feedback of Gunman Contracts” gave this thought room to grow. 

Regarding the modding community’s future, Burkert had high praise, expressing how “the Alyx community is amazing, great talent, very helpful all around, [and it’s] simply a blast to work with them.” Believing we’ll continue seeing great content in the future, his main concern regards the Source 2 licencing, saying creators will need to switch to other engines since these can’t be officially “owned” or monetised.  Telling me Valve’s developed  “a perfect base for modern VR games,” this could always change but right now, Burkert believe this is a “missed opportunity,” one that could help push the VR community further. 

I’d like to thank Corey Balsom and Arne Burkert for speaking with me for this future. It’s clear that between their work on Gunman Contracts and Levitation, both have a strong passion for the community and, in Arne’s own words, there’s “even better content” to come yet. Valve’s previously called Alyx “our return to this world, not the end of it” and as my crystal ball’s in for repairs, it’s hard to predict what they’ve got planned. We don’t even know if the next Half-Life will be in VR. Whatever happens, modders are keeping Alyx alive and there’s a strong future ahead.

Stunning Half-Life Alyx mod “LEVITATION” Arrives Q3 2022

2020’s Half-Life: Alyx was a seminal moment for virtual reality (VR), Valve not only finally adding to the much-loved sci-fi franchise but also giving creators the chance to build upon it with Steam Workshop. As if you need a reason to step back into City 17, later this year a stunning looking mod is due to arrive with a big campaign, Half-Life Alyx: LEVITATION.

Half-Life: Alyx - Levitation

The first details for Half-Life Alyx: LEVITATION were released over the weekend by way of a very slick trailer, promising a “4-5 hour experience for the average player.” In it, you’ll continue your role of Alyx Vance, fighting through the dangerous streets of City 17 on a new mission to an area called Sector X.

Two of Alyx’s colleagues Barry and Maya went to investigate a mysterious levitating building, and well, haven’t come back. So you need to find out what happened and it seems as though the shadowy G-Man will be making an appearance whilst your buddy Russel also makes a return.

Other than that not much else is known but expect the usual action-packed gameplay with plenty of Combine and Headcrabs to work your way through. This being a Steam Workshop mod, Half-Life Alyx: LEVITATION will be free when it launches later this year, currently scheduled for Q3 2022.

Half-Life: Alyx - Levitation

There are a ton of mods for Half-Life: Alyx, some, like Levitation, stick with the Half-Life theme and expand the gameplay further. Others move completely away from the Half-Life setting, drawing inspiration from other videogames. Some of the most notable include a Bioshock mod in two chapters, Return to Rapture, which has been well received by the community, and Gunman Contracts where you become a trained assassin taking on a new contract.

Take a look at the trailer below and see what you think, as Half-Life Alyx: LEVITATION is free it’ll certainly be worth a download when it arrives. Don’t forget that you do need to own a copy of Half-Life: Alyx in the first place before you can. For more VR mod updates, keep reading gmw3.

Levitation: Alyx Mod With 4-5 Hour Campaign Looks Amazing

An upcoming Half-Life: Alyx mod looks absolutely stunning in a new trailer, promising an engaging and spectacular short campaign set in the Alyx universe.

The mod, titled Half-Life: Alyx – Levitation, will be released in Q3 of this year on Steam Workshop, available for free for those who own the base game. According to the developer, the mod campaign will be roughly 4 to 5 hours in length.

As you can see in the trailer embedded above, the production quality looks absolutely fantastic. There’s appearances from Russell and G-Man, with new (or perhaps just reworked) voice lines, and the story will center around a levitating building in Sector X that two of Alyx’s friends go to investigate.

In terms of gameplay, it seems like a continuation of similar stuff found in Alyx’s main campaign — a mixture of action, exploration and shooting, with hopefully some puzzles chucked in for good measure too.

Half-Life: Alyx released in early 2020 and since then we’ve seen some incredible mods available through Steam Workshop. One of the most prominent ones is the Alyx Bioshock VR mod, Return to Rapture, which is spread over two parts, the most recent of which released last month. Other mods such as Gunman Contracts overhaul Alyx into something completely new — in this case, a mobster shooter.

You can view our list of the best Alyx mods as of last October here. It’s been a while since we hopped onto Steam Workshop, so keep an eye out for an update with more Alyx mods added to the list in the coming weeks.

Half-Life: Alyx Fan Campaign Brings Nova Prospekt To VR

Yet another interesting fan campaign for Half-Life: Alyx is now available to play.

This time it’s Monomyth from developer Fabian Pachler. This campaign is still set in the world of Half-Life, bringing players to the Combine facility of Nova Prospekt first seen in Half-Life 2, but you won’t be playing as Alyx. Instead, you’ll be a new character that sneaks through the facility with the help of a radio operator. The game has its own dialogue, as you can hear in the trailer below.

New Half-Life: Alyx Fan Campaign Released

Pachler says the mod will take about an hour to run through and should be played on hard difficulty. It uses assets from the Half-Life 2 Remade Assets team and even some custom Combine designs. For fans of Half-Life 2 it’ll definitely be worth paying a visit to the haunted halls of Nova Prospekt in VR.

Monomyth is just one in a string of notable fan campaigns for Alyx of late. Last week we revealed the release date of the highly-anticipated second part of the BioShock VR mod, Return to Rapture, and there’s been a lot of positive buzz about the Gunman Contracts series that turns the game into a John Wick-style shooter. Mods like this keep us coming back to Alyx while we wait to see if Valve has any intentions to deliver another VR game. Currently, it’s a little busy with the launch of the Steam Deck.

Are you going to be checking out Monomyth? Let us know in the comments below.

Half-Life: Alyx’s Excellent BioShock Mod Launches Huge Second Part Next Week

The second part to developer Patient 8 Games’ ace BioShock VR campaign for Half-Life: Alyx, Return to Rapture, releases next week.

UploadVR can reveal that the unofficial campaign will hit the game’s Steam Workshop page on March 11, picking up where the impressive original set of levels left off. Return to Rapture tells a new story in which Alyx herself travels to the iconic underwater city, coming into contact with both Combine soldiers and headcrabs as well as enemies from the BioShock series.

Check out some gameplay from an early build of part two that we played back in December.

Half-Life: Alyx BioShock VR Mod Release Date Revealed

The second part features 24 new levels, which the developer says should offer roughly 15 hours of gameplay. But this installment also brings far more of the BioShock universe into the game. There are Plasmids and new weapon models like the Thompson submachine gun, for example. Patient 8 is also promising reworked AI with enemies able to heal and thousands of lines of dialogue to deliver the story.

Headed up by wim buytaert, Patient 8 Games has a Patron page for those that want to support the project, but the team is also planning to create its own standalone VR game once work on Return to Rapture has wrapped up.

It’s been a good few weeks for Half-Life: Alyx mods overall. In recent months we’ve been getting installments in the Gunman Contracts series, which also turns Valve’s fantastic title into a mobster shooter. It certainly looks like developers are really getting a hang of building on the foundations that Valve established, then.

Are you going to be checking out Half-Life: Alyx’s newest BioShock VR mod? Let us know in the comments below!

This ‘Half-Life: Alyx’ Mod is the John Wick VR Game We Always Wanted

Half-Life: Alyx (2020) has been in the wild for a little under two years now, and modders have been busy using it to make cool stuff—just like they did with the original Half-Life (1998). Enter ‘Gunman Contracts’, a multi-chapter mod that scores some serious style points while smartly leveraging Valve’s Source 2 for some John Wick-style action.

Gunman Contracts is set of free mods for Half-Life: Alyx created by Germany-based graphics designer ‘ANB_Seth’.

There’s already two individual chapters available on the Steam, ‘Chapter 1 – The Extraction’, which came out last September, and now ‘Chapter 2 – Art of War’, which released late last month.

Here’s a look at some of the action from Chapter 2 to whet your appetite, gameplay courtesy Virtual Insider:

Both chapters focus entirely on human enemies (re: not shambolic monsters), and include custom sounds, assets, original score, and voice acting. Enemies can be taken down with either one headshot or two body shots, however its four difficulty levels are determined by the amount of damage the player can take.

To play Gunman Contracts, make sure to have a copy of Half-Life: Alyx and subscribe to both chapters through Steam Workshop. Open the game and that’s it!

Gunman Contracts is free, however creator ANB_Seth has a Patreon page for users looking to support future chapters. They say they’re hoping to make Gunman Contracts a long-lasting series with more chapters yet to come. Check out the Patreon here.

What are you favorite Half-Life: Alyx mods? Let us know in the comments below!

The post This ‘Half-Life: Alyx’ Mod is the John Wick VR Game We Always Wanted appeared first on Road to VR.

Steam Autumn Sale: Alyx Goes 50% Off, Saints & Sinners And More Big Discounts

The Steam Autumn Sale is now live, with substantial discounts on some big VR games.

The Steam Autumn Sale is one of many seasonal sales available at the moment for Black Friday and Cyber Monday, such as Meta offering store or retailer credit for Quest 2 headset purchases and the PSVR software discounts available on the PlayStation Store.

The most notable discount in the Steam sale is Half-Life: Alyx, which is available at half-price for the first time ever. Alyx has regularly been discounted by 40%, but this marks a new record saving since the game launched in March 2020.

Here’s a selection of the Steam Autumn Sale discounts on offer:

– Half-Life: Alyx for $29.99 (down 50% from $59.99)

– Boneworks for $23.99 (down 20% from $29.99)

– The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners for $21.99 (down 45% from $39.99)

– Star Wars Squadrons for $14.79 (down 63% from $39.99)

– Pavlov VR for $14.99 (down 40% from $24.99)

– The Room VR: A Dark Matter for $19.49 (down 35% from $29.99)

– Walkabout Mini Golf for $11.99 (down 20% from $14.99)

– Eleven Table Tennis for $9.99 (down 50% from $19.99)

– Ragnarock for $16.24 (down 35% from $24.99)

– Eye of the Temple for $17.99 (down 10% from $19.99)

– Vermillion for $15.99 (down 20% from $19.99)

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR for $19.79 (down 67% from $59.99)

– Superhot VR for $14.99 (down 40% from $24.99)

– Into the Radius VR for $20.99 (down 30% from $29.99)

– Phasmophobia for $12.59 (down 10% from $13.99)

– No Man’s Sky for $29.99 (down 50% from $59.99)

– Five Nights At Freddy’s: Help Wanted for $23.99 (down 20% from $29.99)

– Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond for $31.99 (down 20% from $39.99)

Trover Saves The Universe for $10.49 (down 65% from $29,99)

– Myst for $26.99 (down 10% from $29.99)

– I Expect You To Die 2 for $19.99 (down 20% from $24.99)

You can view the full list of VR titles discounted as part of the Autumn sale here.

What will you be picking up in this year’s Steam Autumn Sale? Let us know in the comments below.

Watch: First Look At Return to Rapture Part 2 – Alyx’s Great BioShock Mod

We’ve got another look at the promising second part to Return to Rapture, the BioShock fan campaign coming to Half-Life: Alyx.

The 13-minute clip shows the introductory level to the second half of the experience. And it’s a great showcase of just how much has changed; there are many more assets from the original BioShock recreated for the mod, along with more original voice acting. I especially love the ideas that cross between the franchises, like introducing Alyx’s gravity gloves with BioShock’s classic black and white video tutorials.

Later on in the demo, we get to see some of Alyx’s classic combat in the halls of Rapture, and other interactive nods to BioShock, like shooting a health station to get a health kit. Developer Patient 8 Games is going to great lengths: this installment will feature over 3,000 assets from the original BioShock and the developers have also noted that Big Daddies and other characters will now be full-on enemies.

Overall it’s looking like a really impressive second half to one of Alyx’s best mods to date. Earlier this week we updated our listings for the best fan-made content for Valve’s VR blockbuster, so make sure to check that out too.

Gunman Contracts Mod Turns Half-Life: Alyx Into Mobster Shooter

Gunman Contracts, a new Half-Life: Alyx mod by ANB_Seth, overhauls Alyx’s visuals to turn it into a mobster shooter that is almost unrecognizable from the game it started as.

We’ve tried out a bunch of Alyx mods and custom maps over the last year, most of which aim to create an experience and setting similar to the game’s main campaign. However, a select few have pushed the boundary further by replacing assets or creating a level set outside the world of Half-Life, such as the Bioshock, Goldeneye and Wolfenstein 3D mods. Those mods were riffing off other existing IPs, but Gunman Contracts uses Alyx’s engine and gameplay to essentially create a small map that’s entirely new in setting and story, disconnected from Alyx in all but the basic gameplay.

gunman contracts alyx mod

Chapter 1 – The Extraction released this week and is the first part of what will hopefully develop into a series. You play as a hired gun sent to rescue a woman in a nearby bar. In terms of gameplay, it’s similar to Alyx with some elements stripped back. The pistol is your only weapon, the multi-tool is nowhere to be seen and niether are the gravity gloves. It’s Alyx gameplay, but in its rawest, pure shooter form.

You can check out the first five minutes of gameplay here:

The most impressive and notable part of Gunman Contracts is how fresh and different it feels. Some of the default assets and sounds have been replaced, providing just enough fresh assets to feel different while still using the stock Alyx materials to make the buildings and the larger environments. If you had never played Alyx before, you might not even know you were playing a mod of an existing. It feels surprisingly different, even if the replaced assets are realistically only a small portion of what’s being used.

The biggest change is to enemies, which now appear as 1920s mobster types instead of Combine soldiers. It’s an impressive switch out visually, but it does come with drawbacks. Their lips don’t move at all, but the enemies do have a very limited set of voice lines (taken from Max Payne 2, according to the Steam Workshop description). Likewise, the AI and movement of the mobsters is significantly (yet understandably, given the scope) worse than the Combine solider you’re used to fighting in Alyx. They mostly stand still and motionless, interspersed with moments of shooting or movement between two places, sometimes even popping up with no warning behind you.

gunman contracts alyx mod

This can make encounters feel a bit frustrating and cheap at times, but the predictable nature of it also gives it a retro shooter feel — once you learn where the enemies are, you can almost speed run your way through. Even if the combat AI isn’t as dynamic or polished as Alyx, it’s still fun to play and the novelty of the visual change makes it worthwhile.

The mod is super impressive overall and should be congratulated for trying out something different and more challenging than just a standard Alyx map set in City 17. What’s most striking here is the visual overhaul and thematic change — even if there are a few AI and gameplay downgrades, the familiarity of the gunplay and Alyx’s mechanics help you brush over them.

Gunmade Contracts – Chapter is available now on the Steam Workshop.

Custom Half-Life: Alyx Map, Goon Squad, Puts You In A Combine Soldier’s Shoes

Goon Squad, a custom map by Steam Workshop user G Kaf, provides Half-Life: Alyx players a new experience playing as a Combine soldier accompanied by two Combine buddies, trying to make it out of a quarantined sewerage system.

Spoilers ahead for those who haven’t played Half-Life: Alyx’s main campaign.

Released almost a year ago, this is a custom map for Half-Life: Alyx that gives you about 30-40 minutes of content in a similar fashion to the main campaign. While playing as a Combine soldier mixes things up a bit, it ultimately makes little difference to the gameplay — you’ll still be using the gravity gloves and the same weapons, alongside the multi-tool to solve puzzles, just with a few fellow Combine soldiers as back-up.

If you want to get a feel for the map, you can check out the first five minutes in the video embedded below.

That footage should give you an idea of the level of polish we’re dealing with here — not only does the map feel aesthetically in line with most of the Alyx campaign, but it employs a few thoughtful design tricks as well. In terms of map layout, you’ll often see the next objective before you can reach it, prompting you to look for ways to get there. It’s a similar trick used in the main campaign and makes this custom map feel quite thought out.

About halfway through the map — spoiler warning for those who want to play it fresh themselves — you’ll encounter a familiar foe from the main Alyx campaign. That’s right, Jeff is back, baby, and he’s up to the same old tricks. Just like in Chapter 7 of Alyx’s campaign, you’ll lead this blind monster astray by chucking bottles and bricks across the map in an effort to distract and misdirect him using sound. You’ll have the added pressure of completing Combine mini-game puzzles this time as well, which adds another layer of stress.

Just like Loco-Motive, if you’re looking for a solid and reasonably short map that offers more of the same high-quality Alyx gameplay as the campaign, then Good Squad is a great option. You can subscribe to the map on Steam Workshop and check out our guide on how to install and play custom Alyx content.