Gran Turismo Sport Updates Will Be Winding Down In 2020

If you’ve been enjoying the frankly absurd amount of free updates for Polyphony Digital’s Gran Turismo Sport since launch in 2017, you might want to prepare for a quieter year.

Studio head Kazunori Yamauchi suggested as much on Twitter this weekend. Teasing an update arriving soon, he added: “This year’s updates are modest in frequency and volume.”

So don’t expect to see a wealth of new cars and tracks for Gran Turismo Sport in 2020. Every car and track that’s been added since launch can be played inside the game’s optional PSVR support, which offers either 1v1 AI races or time trials. The experience itself is first-rate, but Gran Turismo Sport’s VR support is notoriously bare bones.

Three new cars will be added in this latest update. The tweet above has some silhouettes which I’m sure people smarter than me can pick out.

With any luck, the winding down of free updates means that Polyphony Digital is ramping up production on the next iteration of the Gran Turismo series, presumably for PS5. Yamauchi confirmed a new game was in development in the middle of 2019, adding that the transition to new consoles would help improve the state of VR support.

“The first thing that’s going to be affected by more power is VR,” the developer said. “I don’t think that there’s anything else that requires that much processing power. I really like VR; I’m one to believe in the possibilities of it, and it’s very suited for a driving game.”

Hopefully that means PSVR support is a lock for Gran Turismo on PS5.

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‘Gran Turismo’ Studio: Next Game to Embrace ‘past, present & future’, Suggests VR Support

Kazunori Yamauchi, CEO of Polyphony Digital and developer behind the Gran Turismo franchise, recently sat down with GT Planet to reveal a bit about the studio’s next Gran Turismo title. Yamauchi says that not only is the next GT game already in works, but it will embrace the “past, present and future.” Furthermore, Yamauchi says he believes in the future of VR, and confirms it’s “very suited for a driving game.”

Although Yamauchi was reticent to speak specifically about whether the next GT game will definitely feature VR supporthe feels confident in virtual reality as the next generation consoles emerge.

“The first thing that’s going to be affected by more power is VR,” Yamauchi told GT Planet. “I don’t think that there’s anything else that requires that much processing power. I really like VR; I’m one to believe in the possibilities of it, and it’s very suited for a driving game.”

Sony most recently revealed the first details of its upcoming PlayStation console in an exclusive interview with Wired, saying that the current generation PSVR will be compatible with their next gen PS console, and that it would feature a more powerful CPU and GPU, advanced audio processing, and radically faster mass storage—all of it music to any VR developer’s ears.

Next-gen Xbox Revealed with No VR in Sight, Sony Forges Ahead with PSVR on PS5

“VR is something that really depends on the evolution of GPU power, and the hardware for it, like display devices even,” Yamauchi continues. “It’s something where you can never have enough computing power; there’s always going to be that hardware limit, and that limit is never going to be high enough for us! Obviously that’s going to gradually improve over time and we’ll make sure to follow that.”

Responding to a question regarding whether the studio’s next title will be in the Gran Turismo franchise, or its offshoot Gran Turismo Sport (2017), Yamauchi thinks the next title “will be a combination of the past, present and future – a complete form of Gran Turismo,” he concluded.

When Polyphony Digital announced that Gran Turismo Sport would include full PSVR support back in late 2015, many driving sim fans were excited they’d finally get to jump into their favorite super cars and hit the track in VR. However the studio didn’t end up offering full support, rather serving up a single ‘VR Arcade’ mode—something that proved to be pretty lackluster due to its 1v1 races with AI that just doesn’t seem to offer much of a challenge.

The lack of full support was very likely due to hardware concerns however, so a console with greater processing power may allow the studio to offer its next game fully in VR.

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The Next Gran Turismo Is In The Works And PSVR Support Sounds Likely

Gran Turismo creator and Polyphony Digital head Kazunori Yamauchi wasn’t too hot on the original PSVR. But it sounds like he’s still excited for how the tech will progress with the next PlayStation.

Speaking to GTPlanet, Yamauchi recently confirmed that the next entry in the racing simulation series is in the works. Few details about the game were shared, but it’s very likely it will debut on the next PlayStation, thought to be launching next year. That will, of course, mean improved graphics and performance. But, interestingly, Yamauchi was quick to point out the benefits for VR.

“The first thing that’s going to be affected by more power is VR,” the developer said. “I don’t think that there’s anything else that requires that much processing power. I really like VR; I’m one to believe in the possibilities of it, and it’s very suited for a driving game.”

Yamauchi’s words are in-line with earlier comments he made in 2017. Ahead of the release of Gran Turismo Sport, which featured bare-bones PSVR integration, the developer said that he’d hoped for something “more incredible” than the current headset. Perhaps he’ll get his wish with PS5 and a possible PSVR 2?

“VR is something that really depends on the evolution of GPU power, and the hardware for it, like display devices even,” Yamauchi added. “It’s something where you can never have enough computing power; there’s always going to be that hardware limit, and that limit is never going to be high enough for us! Obviously that’s going to gradually improve over time and we’ll make sure to follow that.”

It sure sounds like the next game in the Gran Turismo series will support VR again, then. Hopefully this time that will include the full game and not just time trials and 1v1 AI races.

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DriveClub VR Livestream: Burning VR Rubber With A Racing Wheel Setup

DriveClub VR Livestream: Burning VR Rubber With A Racing Wheel Setup

For today’s livestream we’re digging back into the launch library of the PSVR for some racing fun with DriveClub VR. This is still one of my go-to VR games to show someone that’s new to the medium since I have a racing wheel setup to pair it with for added immersion.

There are lots of great VR racing games out there, such as Project Cars 2, DiRT Rally, and WipEout VR, but something always brings me back to DriveClub. I’m far from an expert at this game, but it’s such a blast to play.

We’ll be livestreaming DriveClub VR on PSVR today using an El Gato HD60 S and monitoring chat on a nearby PC. The stream will be starting later today at approximately 4:00 PM PT and we’ll aim to last for about an hour or so. We’ll be livestreaming directly to the UploadVR Facebook page. You can see the full stream embedded right here down below once it’s up:

Embedded livestream coming soon

You can see our archived streams all in this one handy Livestream playlist over on the official UploadVR YouTube channel (which you should totally subscribe to by the way). All future and current streams will be on Facebook, which you can see a list of here.

Let us know which games you want us to livestream next and what you want to see us do, specifically, in DriveClub VR or other VR games. Comment with feedback down below!

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Gameplay-Video: Gran Turismo Sport auf der PSVR

Einer der veröffentlichten Top-Hits in der letzten Woche war Gran Turismo Sport für PlayStation VR (PSVR). Chris und Patrick setzten sich hinter das virtuelle Lenkrad und heitzten über die Rennstrecken. Allerdings haben sie doch einige Kritikpunkte an der VR-Umsetzung.

Gran Turismo Sport: Rennspaß mit Einschränkungen

Die Gran-Turismo-Serie ist sicherlich die wichtigste Rennspiel-Simulation auf der PlayStation. Mit Gran Turismo Sport ist letzte Woche der jüngste Teil für die PlayStation 4 erschienen, der den Online-Wettkampfmodus in den Fokus rückt. Zusätzlich lässt sich der Rennspaß in der virtuellen Realität spielen. Allerdings mit deutlichen Einschränkungen. So sind in VR nur ein Drittel der Strecken vorhanden und es gibt lediglich einen Modus: das Rennen gegen die Computer-AI. Immerhin findet Chris lobende Worte für den Kino-Modus mit der PSVR. Der intensiviert die Erfahrung, auch wenn man auf die „echte“ virtuelle Realität verzichten muss. Dafür hat man halt das komplette Spiel.

Gran Turismo Sport ist in vier verschiedenen Editionen erhältlich, außerdem wird es ab Donnerstag, den 26. Oktober ein verbilligtes Bundle beim Discounter Aldi geben. Das enthält die Gran Turismo Sport Day One Edition mit 250.000 Ingame-Credits und zusätzlichen kleineren Boni. Das Paket soll knapp 300 Euro kosten. Wer das Spiel einzeln kauft, bezahlt kanpp 60 Euro im PlayStation Store.

Der Beitrag Gameplay-Video: Gran Turismo Sport auf der PSVR zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

PSVR: Gran Turismo Sport veröffentlich, exklusives Bundle bald bei Aldi

Der Rennsport-Titel Gran Turismo Sport von Polyphony Digital ist seit heute dem 18. Oktober 2017 offiziell im PlayStation Store für PlayStation 4, PS4 Pro und PlayStation VR (PSVR) erhältlich. Zusätzlich soll es bei Aldi am 26. Oktober ein limitiertes Gran-Turismo-Bundle mit PS4-Konsole sowie weiteren Boni geben.

Gran Turismo Sport mit VR-Support

Die Renn-Simulation Gran Turismo Sport von Entwicklerstudio Polyphony Digital ermöglicht euch realistischen Rennspaß auf 19 unterschiedlichen Rennstrecken mit einer Auswahl von bis zu 140 der schnellsten Autos der Welt. Der Titel bietet einen Kampagnen-Modus, einen Arcade-Modus, einen Sport-Modus sowie – eingeschränkten – VR-Support. So kann man nur gegen einen Konkurrenten antreten und es sind zwar alle Fahrzeuge, aber nicht alle Strecken enthalten.

Es sind bereits DLCs für die Zukunft geplant, wie der Schöpfer der Gran-Turismo-Reihe Kazunori Yamauchi auf Twitter andeutet. Diese sollen hauptsächlich neue Fahrstrecken und Fahrzeuge enthalten. Darunter bekannte und beliebte Automobilmodelle sowie weltweit berühmte Rennstrecken. Wann der zusätzliche Content erscheint, steht aktuell noch nicht fest.

Die Rennsport-Simulation ist in unterschiedlichen Produktversionen erhältlich:

  • Gran Turismo Sport Standard
  • Gran Turismo Sport – Day 1 Edition
  • Gran Turismo Sport – Steelbook Edition
  • Gran Turismo Sport – Collectors Edition

Außerdem sind verschiedene digitale Editionen verfügbar, so beispielsweise die Standard Digital oder die Digital Deluxe Edition. Weitere Bundles und die genauen Details der verschiedenen Editionen sind auf der offiziellen Webseite einsehbar.

Gran-Turismo-Bundle bei Aldi


Bei Discounter Aldi Süd und Nord soll es ab dem 26. Oktober ein limitiertes Bundle für Gran-Turismo-Fans zum Preis von 299 Euro geben. Das Paket beinhaltet eine PS4 Slim im Gran-Turismo-Design mit dazugehörigem Controller und zusätzlich das Spiel Gran Turismo Sport – Day One Edition, welches 250.000 Ingame-Credits, ein Lackeriungs-Sticker-Paket, Avatare und einen Skin für einen Rennhelm enthält. Zusätzlich sind weitere Boni wie das Spiel That’s you! Und ein Sky Supersport Monatsticket enthalten.

Gran Turismo Sport ist seit dem 18. Oktober 2017 für 60 Euro für PlayStation 4, PlayStation 4 Pro und PlayStation VR (PSVR) im PlayStation Store erhältlich.

(Quellen: Gran Turismo | GamePro | Aldi Nord | Video: PlayStation Deutschland Youtube)

Der Beitrag PSVR: Gran Turismo Sport veröffentlich, exklusives Bundle bald bei Aldi zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!