[Update]: In Death: Neue Erweiterung “Paradise Lost” und Full Release erscheinen am 2. Oktober


Sólfar Studios gab den Release-Termin des neuen Updates sowie die Veröffentlichung des Full Releases von In Death bekannt. Demnach soll beides offiziell am 2. Oktober erscheinen. Der VR-Titel ist für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive auf Steam sowie im Oculus Store verfügbar und soll in der 1.0-Version für ungefähr 29,99 Euro erhältlich sein.

[Originalartikel vom 21. August 2018:]

Entwicklerstudio Sólfar Studios kündigte auf der Gamescom 2018 ein neues Update für den Roguelike-VR-Shooter In Death an. Die Erweiterung Paradise Lost integriert ein völlig neues Kapitel ins Spiel, welches zahlreiche neue Inhalte mit sich bringt. So treffen die Spieler/innen auf neue Gegnertypen, finden zusätzliche Waffen und müssen sich einem biblischen Endgegner stellen. Zudem soll der VR-Titel in naher Zukunft den Early Access verlassen und in den Full Release übergehen.

In Death – Neues Update Paradise Lost und Full Release angekündigt

Der VR-Shooter In Death erhält ein neues Update, welches auf der Gamescom 2018 vorgestellt wurde. Das neue Kapitel Paradise Lost führt die Spieler/innen als Folge des Fegefeuers in weitere himmlische Gefilde, in denen sich neue gefährliche Gegner befinden.

Die neue Umgebung beheimatet unter anderem die Cherubs, die euch mit ihren Waffen aus der Luft heraus angreifen. Außerdem trefft ihr nun auf uralte Banshees, welche euch mit mächtiger Magie attackieren. Schafft ihr es, euch durch die himmlischen Heerscharen zu schlagen, erwartet euch am Ende eine ganz besondere Herausforderung: Der Erzengel Gabriel bewacht höchstpersönlich den Ausgang und stellt sich euch in den Weg. Damit ihr für die neuen Aufgaben gewappnet seid, erhaltet ihr mehr Auswahl in eurem Waffenarsenal. Entsprechend steht neben dem Bogen nun auch eine Armbrust zur Option.


Derzeit befindet sich der Roguelike-Shooter noch in der Early-Access-Phase. Dies soll sich jedoch innerhalb der nahen Zukunft ändern, denn die Devs kündigten den Übergang in den Full Release an. Zeitgleich bedanken sich die Entwickler/innen für das ausgiebige Feedback der Community, welches maßgeblich zur Weiterentwicklung des Spiels beigetragen hat.

Wir haben die Early-Access-Phase von In Death bereits getestet und waren positiv überzeugt.


Genaue Informationen über den Full Release sollen in den kommenden Tagen bzw. Wochen erscheinen. Die neuen Inhalte für In Death sind für Spieler/innen der Early-Access-Phase kostenlos.

(Quellen: Sólfar Studios Blog: Paradise Lost | Video: Solfar Studios YouTube)

Der Beitrag [Update]: In Death: Neue Erweiterung “Paradise Lost” und Full Release erscheinen am 2. Oktober zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Bowshooter ‘In Death’ Launches Out of Early Access With ‘Paradise Lost’ Update on October 2nd

Sólfar Studios, the Iceland-based studio behind roguelike VR archery game In Death, has announced that the game is set to launch out of Early Access on October 2nd, accompanying the ‘Paradise Lost’ update which will bring new enemies and a new weapon.

Update (September 17th, 2018): Having been in ongoing Early Access development since February 1st, In Death is due to hit its full ‘1.0’ launch come October 2nd, the same day that the forthcoming ‘Paradise Lost’ update is rolled out. The game will launch on the Oculus Store and Steam priced at $30, an increase over the current Early Access price of $20. The studio says they’re actively developing a PSVR version of the game but have yet to reveal a launch date.

In Death has enjoyed a very positive reception from players during its early access release, holding down a 4.5 out of 5 review on the Oculus Store, and a 93% positive rating on Steam. It’ll be interesting to see if the game will appeal to a potentially wider audience when it launches fully on October 2nd.

Original Article (August 20th, 2018): In ‘Paradise Lost’ you’ll find “new enemies in the form of cute cherubs harassing you from the air as well as banshees hitting your with their powerful magic. Finally, you will not get through Paradise Lost without dealing with the Archangel Gabriel that guards its exit,” the company says in a Steam update.

Along with the cherubs, a new weapon is coming to the game too, a crossbow which is said to deal “more short-range damage than the bow.” Up until now, the only weapon available was the bow and arrow, albeit with plethora of arrow types at your disposal.

Image courtesy Solfar Studio

“We are fast approaching the Full Release of In Death where you will as an Early Access player receive all of the new content for no additional charge,” the studio says. “Expect more details on our full launch in the coming days and weeks.”

Hands-on: Roguelike Bow-shooter 'In Death' is Divinely Inspired & Devilishly Fun

In Death’s full release is slated to arrive sometime in 2018. The game currently supports HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and Window VR headsets.

The post Bowshooter ‘In Death’ Launches Out of Early Access With ‘Paradise Lost’ Update on October 2nd appeared first on Road to VR.

Watch NVIDIA’s Gamescom GeForce Event Live Here Today @ 9AM PT

Gamescom, the world’s largest gaming expo, is only a few hours away from opening their doors to the masses. To kick things off, NVIDIA is hosting a special GeForce gaming event today in Cologne, Germany that most everyone suspects will feature the launch of the company’s latest flagship GPUs, the RTX 2080 and RTX 2080 Ti.

If you’re in Cologne, you can actually get into the event, which Nvidia says via a blogpost will be “loaded with exclusive, hands-on demos running on the hottest upcoming games, presentations from some of the world’s biggest game developers and some spectacular surprises.”

NVIDIA founder and CEO Jensen Huang will be delivering a keynote at the event.

The event begins at 6:00 PM CET (local time here), and if you’re not going to be able to make it, you’ll be able to check out the livestream here.

We have feet on the ground at Gamescom 2018, so check back for all of the VR/AR news and hands-on articles of this year’s up and coming games.

The post Watch NVIDIA’s Gamescom GeForce Event Live Here Today @ 9AM PT appeared first on Road to VR.

NVIDIA Gamescom Event Expected To Announce New Graphics Card

With NVIDIA graphics cards being generally considered the go-to devices for building a virtual reality (VR) PC rig, its not surprising that news of a new GPU from the company would attract a great deal of attention from VR enthusiasts. Those rumours have earned an extra dose of plausibility with news that NVIDIA has scheduled an event at Gamescom.

NVIDIA has set up an event for 20th August at Gamescom, which many analysts are expected will be where a new graphics card will be announced.

Nvidia GTX 1080ti

The company said that the event will: “Be loaded with new, exclusive, hands-on demos of the hottest upcoming games, stage presentations from the world’s biggest games developers, and some spectacular surprises!”

Most rumours have surrounded the expected GeForce GTX 1180, which is said to be based on the new Turing architecture, named for computing pioneer Alan Turing and the successor to the existing Pascal architecture used in the 10-series cards.

The new 11-series will follow on from the 10-series cars such as the 1080, a line which has become to be known for being able to support VR, particularly with the GeForce 1060 and up. Some information sources have pointed to the new cards instead being titles the 20-series, with the flagship card instead being called the GTX 2080.

A leaked release schedule suggests that the GTX 1180 could be on sale as early as 30th August, with other cards in the series following on through September and October.


Notably, NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang cast doubt on the rumoured release schedule, saying at the Computex 2018 event that the new GPUs will not launch for ‘A long time from now.’

Some leaked specs for the GeForce GTX 1180 have also been released, as shown here:




12nm FinFET



Die Size


CUDA Cores


Core Clock


Boost Clock



8-16 GB GDDR6

Memory Speed


As always, much of these leaks and rumours need to be taken with a pinch of salt. For further news and developments from NVIDIA, keep checking back with VRFocus.

Join VRFocus For A Post Gamescom XR Review This September

Events are tricky, sometimes there’s just only so much you can do to get to them or see everything there when you do. The next major event on the horizon is, of course, Gamescom next month and after a somewhat lackluster feeling E3 earlier this year, there’s a lot of expectation going in to it. 

Realities Centre Huckletree WestFor those not able to get to this year’s Gamescom event, taking place from August 21st 2018 through to the 25th in Cologne Germany, VRFocus is giving members of the UK XR community an extra opportunity to check out in person some of the virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) experiences that will be shown.  We’ve teamed up once again with the team at Realities Centre to present what is being called “The Post Gamescom #XR Review” – a chance to demo, connect and discuss everything to do with immersive technology that Gamescom reveals.

Amongst those currently confirmed as attending are Cherry Pop Games with Football Nation VR, Dream Reality Interactive and Rebellion’s physics-based platform title Arca’s Path VR and The Persistence,  Firesprite’s roguelike horror for PlayStation VR. Along with the opportunity to play the videogames on show there will also be a number of speakers and a panel discussing VR and AR’s role at this year’s Gamescom event and the latest in immersive technology news. Led by VRFocus‘ Editor and CEO Kevin Joyce and Nina Salomons who’ll be familiar to regular VRFocus readers from our regular interview videos.

“Gamescom is always a highlight in the annual videogames event calendar, and over the years has become one of the biggest showcases for new and exciting hardware and software.” Says Joyce, “Working with UK developers to bring their titles back to UK audiences is exactly the kind of opportunity that VRFocus was always designed to provide.”

“The UK XR community is hugely passionate, and the Realities Centre is keen to enable everyone access to all the latest developments whether or not they have the budget to attend international trade shows. Partnering with VRFocus for the Post Gamescom #XR Review enables Realities Centre further reach into the UK community and to attract the biggest names in XR.” adds Thomas Gere, Realities Centre CEO.

The Persistence
The Persistence

The event takes place on Thursday, 6th September 2018, at the Realities Centre at Huckletree West, Mediaworks, White City in London. Applications for tickets can be made at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/vr-gaming-showcase-with-gamescom-review-in-association-with-vrfocus-tickets-45551446603. Regular tickets are free, and demos and talks will begin at 7PM. Those who purchase a VIP ticket however will be able to gain access to the demos an hour earlier. Please see the Eventbrite listing for further details.

VRFocus will, of course, be keeping you fully up to date on all the VR and AR news over the Gamescom period. We also announced another event yesterday, the third VR Diversity Initiative (VRDI) meetup which is taking place at the end of this month. You can find out more details about that, here.

BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Europe Confirms Gamescom 2018 Lineup

The Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2018 may have taken place just over a couple of weeks ago but time flies in the videogame industry with developers and publishers looking towards the next big event, which just so happens to be Gamescom in Cologne, Germany next month. Today, BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Europe has now confirmed all the videogames that’ll be on show to the public, with a total of 11 on demonstration.

Of course the main one for all you virtual reality (VR) fans out there is Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown, which was first unveiled in December 2015 and as yet still hasn’t received an official launch date or window. While Bandai Namco hasn’t confirmed if the title will be playable with PlayStation VR at Gamescom, previous demonstrations of the experience have featured VR and non-VR demo stations.

As if you didn’t know already, Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown puts players in the cockpit of the most advanced war planes ever developed. It’ll feature different weather and flight conditions to put players’ skill, dexterity and ingenuity to the test. A new trailer launched during E3 2018 even though the title itself didn’t make an appearance.

In a preview of the title fro E3 2017, VRFocus has said: “In its present state Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown promises high octane flying action for PlayStation VR players that’s sure to encourage legions of fans to try the VR compatibility. As long as Bandai Namco manage to provide enough content to satisfy then PlayStation VR is likely to have another killer exclusive title when the videogame finally arrives next year.”

As for the other titles on demonstration at Bandai Namco’s stand, they are:

  • Jump Force 
  • DRAGON BALL FighterZ on Nintendo Switch
  • ONE PIECE World Seeker

“Gamescom is one of the best opportunities to give our fans an early, first-hand look at some of our biggest upcoming titles – and 2018 is no exception. This year’s line-up includes the return of fan favourites such as SOULCALIBUR, DRAGON BALL and ONE PIECE, as well as all-new titles such as the mashup of the greatest-ever manga and anime characters in Jump Force.” says Hervé Hoerdt, Vice President Marketing and Digital at BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Europe. “We’re also proud to announce a brand-new co-publishing project at the show we think our fans will be very excited about. Stayed tuned for more information.”

As and when further details on Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown are released, VRFocus will let you know.