Get Your Chef on With Cooking Simulator VR This Week

Cooking Simulator VR

Virtual reality (VR) is not only a great gaming platform but an excellent place to learn new skills. What happens when both of those are combined? You get videogames like Cooking Simulator VR, which is set to serve up some culinary delights for PC VR users in a few days.

Cooking Simulator VR

The work of GameBoom VR, a developer and publisher behind Thief Simulator VR and Into the Darkness, Cooking Simulator VR is an immersive spinoff of the studios’ 2019 title. Offering a highly polished, realistic kitchen equipped with all tools and gadgets a budding chef needs, the VR version will let you truly get hands-on with the cooking process with over 80 recipes to prepare.

Offering gameplay modes including career and sandbox, there are 140+ ingredients to slice and dice your way through, from meat and fish, through to fruit, veg, dairy products, and various liquids, as well as herbs and spices. With realistic physics and advanced cooking mechanics, you can take your time to cook the perfect steak or learn how to multitask and bring a whole meal together.

Even with the realism, there are still gamified mechanics like being able to unlock new skills as you progress through the career mode. This is where you can really find fame as a superstar chef, cooking up gastronomic delights as more and more customers come to your restaurant.

Cooking Simulator VR

While the essence of Cooking Simulator VR is about realism if you’re really serious about your food, there’s plenty of opportunities to have some fun. Create as much chaos as you like, don’t do the dishes, practise those in-air slicing skills or see what happens when a gas bottle is put in a microwave – seriously don’t do this for real.

Cooking Simulator VR is set for release this Thursday, 29th July 2021 on Steam for Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Valve Index and Windows Mixed Reality headsets. To see what else this week has in store check out Friday’s The VR Drop for more info. As always, keep reading VRFocus for all the latest VR videogame arrivals.

Into the Darkness’ Latest Trailer is All About the Double Barrel Shotgun

Into the Darkness

At the beginning of the year, Cosmos Games and GameBoom VR announced Into the Darkness, a virtual reality (VR) shooter which is focused on portraying accurate physics within its mechanics. With a PC VR launch currently stencilled in for 2021, the teams have released a new trailer showcasing everyone’s favourite weapon, the shotgun.

Into the Darkness

Ever since the original Doom era, the shotgun has held a special place in fans hearts, with it being almost unthinkable to have a first-person shooter (FPS) without some type of shotgun present. And then there’s the double-barrel shotgun as present in Into the Darkness’ trailer. Like most videogames, you’re presented with a short barrel version designed for maximum destruction at close range, get for enclosed environments where enemies can pop out suddenly.

Into the Darkness’ double-barrel certainly looks the part, highly details with plenty of intricate engraving giving it that old-school wild west look. As you can see from the footage the weapon makes short work of the videogames’ robotic enemies when they get in close. But like any gun of this ilk, you need to make sure you’re on target, as with only two shots you’re constantly having to reload.

A single-player action-adventure, Into the Darkness is set in a near-future where the human race is trying to attain immortality by transferring consciousness into machines. As a special agent, you’re sent to a research facility experimenting with Transhumanism, one where contact has been lost and previous agents have not returned.

Into the Darkness

Gameplay is going to be physical and physics-based, so players can freely interact with the environment and the objects they find. The same goes for the combat and puzzles, with weapons ranging from guns to swords and knives. But those mechanics also allow you to get creative. Run out of ammo, well find something useful to smack over an opponents head.

The trailer is the first in a series Cosmos Games and GameBoom VR plan on releasing. Into the Darkness will get a Steam launch later this year supporting Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Valve Index and Windows Mixed Reality headsets. As further details are released, VRFocus will keep you updated.

‘Thief Simulator VR’ Launches Out of Early Access Tomorrow, Trailer Here

After a year in Steam Early Access, Thief Simulator VR is officially slated to launch tomorrow, November 5th.

Developed by GameBoom VR and published by PlayGames, a prolific publisher of simulator genre titles, Thief Simulator VR is set to launch its 1.0 version on Steam tomorrow.

As you’d imagine, Thief Simulator VR puts you in the shoes of a burglar stealing who creeps around in a free roam sandbox of suburban houses. Letting you open doors with lockpicks, buy hi-tech hacking tools, and use plain old brute force, you sneak your way into homes to steal as much loot as possible. It’s not as simple as it sounds though; you’ll need to watch out for homeowners, gather intel, and make sure the fuzz doesn’t pinch you during your home invasion adventure.

First released in Early Access back in November 2019, GameBoom VR set out to include all of the features from the non-VR PC game Thief Simulator (2018)which gained notoriety when YouTuber ‘jacksepticeye’ played the PC version soon after its release.

Jacksepticeye also touched back with the VR version of the game too, which garnered it nearly two million views on YouTube. You can check that video out here.

The developers say on the VR game’s Steam page that they’ve pushed countless bugfixes, weekly updates, a better tutorial, and “a lot of new content” in preparation for the full release.

Although we haven’t had a peek yet at the 1.0 version just yet, GameBoom VR is holding a livestream reveal, which is linked below:

The post ‘Thief Simulator VR’ Launches Out of Early Access Tomorrow, Trailer Here appeared first on Road to VR.

Thief Simulator VR Wants to Steal Your Attention in November

Once Halloween is out of the way it’s then time to look forward to Christmas, a time of giving. Or you can go in the complete opposite direction and have some fun practising a little thievery with GameBoom VR’s soon to be released title Thief Simulator VR, now scheduled for a November launch.

Thief Simulator VR

The team dropped an announcement trailer at the end of September, showcasing what the final version would look like. A release was initially slated for the end of October but this was then pushed back.

In a statement, the studio said: “Thief Simulator VR has been created for almost the entire last year, and we put all our hearts into this project. We are looking forward to seeing our game in your hands. However, we all understand how business works – a wrong release date could cause other games to steal (pun intended) our visibility in digital stores. The current Steam Halloween Sale would take away our visibility, and we want our game to reach as many players as possible, which will convert into the resources needed for its further development (and Prison Simulator VR). For this reason, we decided with our publisher that Thief Simulator VR will appear on the market on November 12, 2019.”

That puts the videogame a couple of weeks out, arriving on Steam Early Access for HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, Windows Mixed Reality and Valve Index. Offering free-roaming sandbox neighbourhoods to explore with different houses to stakeout, players will be able to lock pick doors, smash everything in a house, steal cars, jump through windows, and more. Once back at their hideout players can disassemble stolen cars, hack phones and tablets to then sell on. With the cash, they can purchase new tools and gadgets to rob richer more secured homes.

Thief Simulator VR

GameBoom VR notes that at launch Thief Simulator VR will have the same amount of content the standard Thief Simulator videogame had when released. During Early Access the studio aims to add another neighbourhood, more items and a New Game+ mode.

As Thief Simulator VR nears its release, VRFocus will keep you updated on the latest announcements.

Thief Simulator VR Looks Like the Ideal Cat Burglar Trainer in Latest Trailer

Being burgled is never pleasant or something you want to experience, losing valuable possessions and feeling like your home isn’t secure. That being said, the classic thief image is a romantic one, a classy, skilled character who isn’t necessarily bad, they just like stealing things which involve a challenge. Gameboom VR is currently working on Thief Simulator VR, an experience which definitely leans towards normal burglary rather than extravagant heist, and from the latest trailer looks a lot of fun.

Thief Simulator VR

Thief Simulator VR isn’t some basic smash and grab burglary sim as the team is planning on a rich immersive experience. A single-player videogame with a narrative which revolves around paying off a debt to a mysterious family by robbing houses, you’re able to free-roam sandbox neighbourhoods and choose your target carefully.

You’ll be able to gather intel and observe your target like a military operation, learning who lives inside and their movements, what’s actually inside and is it worth your time, as well as what security is there to overcome? Other variables can include neighbours, are they noisy or quiet?

As this is a simulator style experience Gameboom VR is going for realism. For example, security with be greater on the more lucrative properties so you’ll need to work your way up by doing smaller jobs, learning new skills and buying useful equipment along the way. There’s no infinite backpack in Thief Simulator VR so you’ll need to be clever about what you pinch, leaving behind useless items to save space for the expensive stuff.

Thief Simulator VR

While you can hack phones and tablets in your hideout, erasing serial numbers and removing security to sell them in pawnshops you’ll also be able to steal cars which can be driven back to the hideout and then be disassembled, selling the parts online.

Of course, it’s not all fun and games, you’ll need to be on the lookout for any unexpected guests who will call the police if they spot you.

Currently, Gameboom VR expects to release Thief Simulator VR onto Steam Early Access towards the end of October, supporting Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Valve Index and Windows Mixed Reality headsets. For continued updates, keep reading VRFocus.