FundamentalVR launched its virtual training platform back in 2018, combining patented haptics with realistic visuals to help teach surgeons various procedures including Spinal Pedicle Screw and Total Knee Arthroplasty. Today, the company has announced an expansion to its programs, adding ophthalmology.

Ophthalmology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of eye disorders, with the Fundamental Surgery platform now able to offer immersive, data-driven medical educational simulations for lost cost teaching of the subject. Traditionally this is done through classroom lectures, instructional videos, medical meetings, operating room observations and tissue-based wet lab training.
With a lot more industries having to move to remote learning and training methods in 2020, solutions such as Fundamental Surgery help to continue that educational process. Students are still able to accelerate their learning whilst teachers have the ability to collect and objectively measure performance data.
Key to this is FundamentalVR’s HapticVR architecture, designed to mimic the physical cues of surgical actions, medical tools and tissue variations. All student interactions from their surgical gaze and respect for tissue to their movement efficiency is recorded for analysis.

FundamentalVR has also created tailored solutions for various companies, such as a cataract surgical simulator for Orbis International. The organisation aims to stop avoidable blindness by training teams in low and middle-income countries, helping their communities. Deploying the solution to select training programmes, Orbis is evaluating the impact immersive training has to surgical skills to help further development.
“Industry analysts now estimate adoption curves for immersive technologies have accelerated by around three years asCOVID-19 permanently changes traditional teaching methods,” said Richard Vincent, co-founder and CEO of FundamentalVR in a statement. “With the addition of ophthalmology capacities, we are meeting this increased demand with proven technology that allows medical device companies and medical educators to more effectively train the next generation of surgeons and bringing innovative new procedures and equipment to market permanently.”
Fundamental Surgery currently supports off-the-shelf devices such as Oculus Quest and HTC Vive Focus Plus, for an unlimited number of remote simultaneous users. VRFocus will continue its coverage of FundamentalVR and the healthcare industry, offering up to date news on the latest advancements.