Preview: Golf Pool VR – 8-Ball Putting Madness

Golf Pool VR

Golf and Pool may involve hitting solid balls across green surfaces but that’s about where the similarity ends. Ever wondered what would happen if you tried to mix the two? Well, all your questions are about to be answered thanks to Golf Pool VR, providing reasons both for and against this sporting mashup.

Golf Pool VR

Developer Frozen Dreams wisely decided that using a pool cue on a golf course just wasn’t going to work, so instead made the (somewhat) saner decision to use a golf putter on a pool table – in Earth’s history someone must have been done this drunk at least once? So Golf Pool VR is exactly as you’d expect, 8-ball rules apply, just this time you’ve got to line those shots from way above…with a golf club.

Instantly you’d think this sounds easy, just like putting? Nope, because there’s another ball involved. In fact, 8-ball just got a lot harder as trying to work out those angles is mightily difficult. Luckily there are two modes to help with this, one for novices and one for those experienced players. The former gives you the angle the red/blue ball is going to go whilst the latter only shows what your putter and white ball are doing. While the system works well enough there’s certainly a high learning curve difficulty as lining up a straight forward shot isn’t easy. The novice mode does have an angle lock function but you need to remain cool as ice to get it in the desired direction before locking as the arrow is super sensitive to any body motion.

As you are playing with that’s essentially a golf putter all the pool tables are located on the floor. There’s a selection of environments to choose from with the tables always remaining the same – there’s no crazy golf/pool mashup at the moment – and most of the locations are glorious to look at such as either of the city scenes; the one in the rain stands out in particular as for some reason two guards/police officers are just casually chatting away.

Golf Pool VR

You only need one controller for Golf Pool VR so you’re limited to snap turning and teleportation to manoeuvre around the table and get on the white ball. If there’s enough space you can simply walk around which is very handy for fine-tuning after teleporting because it never quite lands in the perfect spot. You’re also limited to the table edge which is fine most of the time yet the odd occasion did arise where having the ability to step a little further away would have been great.

What’s nice to see in an Early Access title is the inclusion of single-player and multiplayer modes so that you can go head to head with a mate. Solo against the AI provides suitable practice although it does get stale. Adding a friend to the mix means that even if you’re both rubbish learning Golf Pool VR can still be an enjoyable experience.

Adding some variety to the experience as well as being a really odd mini-game, there’s Save the Penguins mode. Dispensing with the pool mechanics you’re adrift in Antarctica and somehow all the penguins are frozen, so hot molten rocks from a nearby volcano (bear with us) need to be chipped at these rock-solid critters to unfreeze them. The physics do feel a little off in this mode as its way too easy to send the rocks soaring into the distance, and they are limited in number.

Golf Pool VR

Golf Pool VR really is a mixed experience at the moment. It’s beautiful to look at and the pool table physics work well. The real problem comes trying to effectively marry the subtle features of each sport, most notably the pool- side of things as there’s no way to add any sort of spin so there’s no point really worrying about position. Work is needed to finesse the gamelay yet there’s no reason Golf Pool VR can’t turn into a novel VR experience which isn’t afraid of trying something different.

Something for the Weekend: Bundles And Deals In The Steam Store

Some days are really sent to test you. Nothing goes right, and instead everything goes very wrong indeed. It’s raining out, or cold, or both. Something expensive breaks. Someone reliable is not. You’ve no time for any of the things you need to do. Your post is nothing but bills and your next-door neighbour is still playing that same song over and over they started playing several hours back. What’s the worst is when these days happen to be on the weekend, supposedly days of rest. 

Sometimes you just need to take a load off, and get away from it all. In this way virtual reality (VR) is especially valuable. After all, if the world’s full of nonsense why not go to a new one? Thankfully there’s always a deal here on the various stores where you can pick up a videogame on the cheap and work out some of the stress from a testing world.

Today’s selection of titles picked by VRFocus come from Steam, so check out the below and maybe save some cash on something good.


Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

Remember what I said about combating stress above? Here’s a bumper pack of titles to cause havoc in.

Earlier in the week we told you about the release of Serious Sam 3 VR: BFE. Croteam have been busy throughout 2016 and 2017 converting some of their most iconic titles – the Serious Sam series – into VR compatible adventures for both HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. As well as that release Croteam also released a special bundle of all their VR related titles onto Steam.
It’s a five pack consisting of Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope, Serious Sam VR: The First EncounterSerious Sam VR: The Second Encounter, the aforementioned Serious Sam 3 VR: BFE and also The Talos Principle. 

The CROTEAM VR Bundle works out to be 51 percent off of purchasing the games separately; meaning you can pick up all five titles for £73.90 GBP rather than £150.95.

Racket Nx screenshotRacket: Nx

Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

Racket: Nx is an out and out sports title, compare it to any game which involves a racket of some sort (badminton, tennis, table tennis, etc), just with a bit of sci-fi flare. Players are located in the centre of a dome, on a slightly raised platform. This dome is made up of hexagonal panels which illuminate with different options depending on the game mode or difficulty.” – Read Peter Graham’s preview for VRFocus.

Until the end of Monday Racket: Nx is available on Steam for £9.59 (GBP) rather than £15.99.

Karnage Chronicles logoKarnage Chronicles

Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

Karnage Chronicles is a first-person experience that performs in a similar fashion to the extremely well received Vanishing Realms: Rite of Steel. While Indimo Labs’ debut title nails the combination of puzzle solving and combat fairly solidly, Karnage Chronicles has two other ideals up its sleeve: character class divisions and co-operative gameplay.” – Read VRFocus Editor Kevin Joyce’s preview.

You’ve just over a day to get Karnage Chronicles on Steam at 15% off, for £16.14 (GBP) rather than £18.99.


Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

It seems like there’s always a zombie crisis somewhere isn’t there?  In this fast-paced Early Access VR videogame from INTO GAMES a zombie outbreak has occurred throughout the world.  You are a soldier of the Special Event Action Team, better known by the acronym S.E.A.T.  It’s your job to convince the walking dead to stop the former, and stay the latter. With as many bullets as is necessary.

You’ve until November 17th to get 25% off of ZomDay, bringing the price down to £5.24 (GBP) from £6.99.


Compatibility: HTC Vive

Aeon is a VR shooting game. Use your Bullet Time (slow motion) ability, sharp swords and heavy caliber pistols to kill the enemy! Realistic details of hit reactions, real-time sword cutting system, Advanced IK to let you see your whole body.” –  Developer Illusion Ranger

Another title scheduled to end just over a day from the time of writing, Aeon is available on Steam with a 10% discount currently. Buy it now at £17.09 (GBP) over the usual cost of £18.99.

Final Soccer VR

Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

In this videogame by Ivanovich Games, soon to celebrate its first anniversary you must take on the role of a football attacker or a goalkeeper and use your virtual skills in order to score goals or prevent them from being scored. Its as simple as that. Whilst for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift the striker side of the game is only for the HTC Vive – so do bear this in mind.

For a short time only you can get Final Soccer VR for £7.49 (GBP) 50% off its usual price of £14.99.  Its also a part of the Virtual Reality Arcade Bundle, which also features Lander 8009 VR, Operation Warcade VR and Off-Road Paradise: Trial 4×4. You can get all four of these titles for £26.60. 52% off the usual price.

Alpha Mike Foxtrot VR – AMF VR

Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

“Get ready for the Next Generation in Virtual Reality First Person Shooters! Focusing on fast-paced gameplay and immersive environments, Alpha Mike Foxtrot VR (AMF VR) delivers the goods. Put on your headset and engage in all-out warfare with Bots, Friends (or Enemies) around the globe.” – SUBLEVEL ONE STUDIOS

An Early Access title, Alpha Mike Foxtrot VR – AMF VR is on sale through Steam for £5.75 rather than £7.19 until 17th November.

Legendary Hunter VR

Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

Developed by LastnOni and published by Frozen Dreams, Legendary Hunter is inspired by the classic NES videogame Duck Hunt – but Duck Hunt didn’t have a day/night cycle, and it certainly didn’t have wolves and crocodiles hunting you.

You’ve just over a day left on this offer, which gives a third off the regular £5.59 (GBP) price to give you a sale value of £3.74.

Super Ninja Hero VR

Compatibility: HTC Vive and Oculus Rift

If there’s one thing that’s bound to ruin your day it’s a bunch of ninja’s flying out of the sky. I mean it’s a Sunday. You’ve got things to do. That washing isn’t going to sort itself out you know. Take up arms in Wuhan Firegame Co.,Ltd’s first person battler which is on sale now for half its usual price of £6.99 (GBP). Another title in the Steam week long deal that is rapidly expiring, you’ve just over a day to act and acquire it.

Wacky Wings VR

Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift and OSVR

A title that came out at the beginning of the year from Pocket Money Games, Wacky Wings VR doesn’t see you just fly aeroplanes, it also sees you take command of helicopters and even dragons! Navigate your way through ten levels of in-flight entertainment.

Wacky Wings VR is available at half price until November 15th, so act fast if you want it for £1.99 (GBP) as opposed to £3.99.