FOVE Launches v1.0 of its Eye-Tracking Headset


Way back in 2016, long before the HTC Vive Pro Eye or Varjo, Japanese startup FOVE launched the first commercial eye-tracking headset. Since then the company (like many) has steered towards more commercial applications – especially in the medical industry – announcing today the launch of its v1.0 software update.


While eye-tracking hasn’t entered the consumer field, the technology has been making great strides when it comes to enterprise use cases, from foveated rendering to user analytics. In the medical realm, the technology can aid the diagnosis of eye conditions or dizziness for example.

There are three editions of the FOVE0 headset, split only by the installed software. For medical researchers, there’s the new FOVE Pro software upgrade, offering the ability to measure eye torsion as well as measuring the contours of the eye. A new system has been implemented to allow calibration of one eye at a time, ideal for those who work with patients with strabismus or amblyopia.

For companies, there’s the FOVE Enterprise upgrade designed for use at scale. New features include single-point calibration, faster than FOVE’s traditional method, and then there’s support for NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX embedded computing platforms, reducing the cost of deployments. Both the Enterprise and Pro versions are payable upgrades.


The standard FOVE0 software is also getting an update (this one is free). FOVE is adding official support for Ubuntu Linux. This includes all VR features, such as the FOVE Compositor and eye-tracking.

For developers, FOVE’s SDK for C, C++, C# and Python have seen big APIs updates to help access the new features, along with the plugins for Unity and Unreal engines. For further updates on FOVE, keep reading VRFocus.

Osram Semiconductors Working With FOVE for Eye-Tracking

German-based Semiconductor company Osram are going to be providing chips to Japanese virtual reality (VR) company FOVE to integrate eye-tracking into FOVE’s line of VR headsets.

Osram Opto Semiconductors will be providing Tiny infrared ChipLEDs in order to facilitate integrated eye-tracking into FOVE’s VR headset. Eye-tracking allows for eye-control, allowing users to select or interact with objects just by looking at them, and allows for increased realism by letting players make eye-contact with NPC characters. Eye tracking also allows for the use of a graphical technique called foveated rendering, which allows a VR system to only render the user’s current field of vision in full detail, allowing reduced detail in areas out of view, thus saving system resources and allowing for more realism.

“We chose Osram IR LEDs because they are high-quality products. They meet all our specifications. One of our main deciding factors was that very little light lies outside the central emission spectrum and is therefore lost, which meant we could streamline our optical filter design process and maximize our sensor performance,” said Lochlainn Wilson from FOVE.

“Through our collaboration with FOVE, we are the first supplier to provide an eye tracking solution for a VR headset,” said Eric Kuerzel, Product Marketing Manager at Osram Opto Semiconductors. “With its high efficiency and compact package, the SFH 4053 is ideal for this application.”

FOVE’s flagship VR headset, the FOVE 0, has been working with other technology companies such as AMD to perfect its headset, which is currently available as a development kit version. FOVE originally began as a Kickstarter project to create an eye-tracking VR headset, so the eye-tracking technology has been something the company has been keen to push from the very beginning.

VRFocus will bring you further information on FOVE and other VR hardware projects as it becomes available.

FOVE Announce Partnership With AMD And New Downloads At GDC

Eye-tracking head-mounted display (HMD) virtual reality (VR) device FOVE 0 has been running demonstrations at GDC with their new partners AMD.

The demos are running on MD MultiRes Rendering on Radeon graphics hardware for the first time using foveated rendering. The FOVE 0 with the AMD Radeon has achieved frame rate improvements of almost double and they are reporting baseline GPU improvements of 30% versus standard rendering.

Daryl Sartain, AMD’s Director of VR had this to say; “What FOVE gives us is something we’ve never had before, the ability to know precisely where the user is looking at any moment is a crucial feature that enables us to accurately render high-resolution images where it matters.”

Fove image headshot

FOVE began as a project to create an eye-tracking VR headset on Kickstarter, which successfully hit its funding goal on July 4th 2015. Since then FOVE has rolled out it’s FOVE 0 development kit version to it’s backers as well at the dev kit being made available from the FOVE website for $599 (USD).

As announced on their website, FOVE have also rolled out some new demos for download. Including CognitiveVR, an eye-tracking analytics demo that tracks eye movement from inside a VR store, allowing detailed analysis of product placement and advertising effectiveness.

fove demos

Also on the FOVE Demo Launcher platform are several new demos of games available for FOVE, such as Project Falcon, an on-rails shooter; Judgement, a VR story experience where the player is interrogated by a terrorist group; Rainball a deceptively simple puzzle game and Grandma’s Doll, a VR version of children’s game ‘Statues’ with a horror twist.

VRFocus will continue to bring you news on FOVE as it comes in.

Fove: Aktueller Status des Fove 0 Headsets

„Augen sind die Fenster zur Seele“ – Unter diesem Motto hat Fove bereits vor zwei Jahren ein VR-Headset vorgestellt, das sich als eines der ersten der revolutionären Eye-Tracking-Technologie bediente. Die Entwicklung wurde bis zum letzten November vorangetrieben, als das Startup endlich Vorbestellungen freigegeben hat. Nun ist die erste Version unter dem Titel Fove 0 verfügbar und hat von den Machern bereits das erste Status Update verpasst bekommen, das mit einigen Verbesserungen an den Start geht.

Fove: VR mit Eye-Tracking bekommt Update

Auf der offiziellen Seite zur Fove 0 verspricht das Team des gleichnamigen VR-Entwicklers lediglich ein OLED-Display mit einer Auflösung von 2560 x 1440 Pixel und bleibt in diesem Punkt deutlich hinter den großen VR-Marken wie Rift oder Vive zurück. Die Bildwiederholungsrate ist mit 70Hz gut, bietet aber Luft nach oben.

Fove 0

Was das Fove 0 ausmacht und womit es sich einen Platz an der Sonne ergattern könnte, ist das Eye-Tracking-System, mit dem einerseits Rechenleistung gespart und andererseits der Versuch unternommen wird, natürliche menschliche Interaktion zu simulieren.

Steam Support und Lösungen für Engine-Probleme

Das Update bringt nun endlich so etwas wie Steam-Support, denn ab Donnerstag, den 2. Februar wird eine Beta-Version für die wichtigste Vertreibsplattform im Bereich VR eingeläutet. Dafür anmelden könnt ihr euch unter diesem Link.

Nicht nur für VR-Gamer, die Lust haben, ihre Lieblingstitel nun auch mit dem Eye-Tracking-Headset auszuprobieren, bringt das Update einige Neuerungen. Vor allem Entwickler haben ab sofort erweiterte Möglichkeiten, ihre Spiele für die Fove 0 zu optimieren.

Der brandneue Build für das Development Kit unter dem Titel 0.10.0 erblickte gestern das Licht der Welt und schafft Probleme mit sowohl Unity- als auch Unreal-Engine aus der Welt, die der Spiele-Entwicklung lange im Weg standen. Über die Website von Fove haben Gaming-Konstrukteure die Option, stabile und zuverlässige Plugins für die beiden Spiel-Motoren herunterzuladen.

Wer sehnsüchtig auf die eigene Version der Fove 0 wartet und über alle Verbesserungen und Entwicklungen auf dem Laufenden bleiben will, bevor er mit der Brille experimentiert, schaut sich das vollständige Changelog an.

(Quelle: VR Focus)

Der Beitrag Fove: Aktueller Status des Fove 0 Headsets zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

FOVE Issues Status Update, SteamVR Beta Available Soon

This month has seen the arrival of FOVE 0, the virtual reality (VR) head-mounted display (HMD) that features inbuilt eye tracking as standard. Pre-orders went live in November 2016, with the first headsets shipping over the course of this month. Today FOVE Inc. has issued a status update regarding issues surrounding the software development kit (SDK), Unity and Unreal plugins, and the SteamVR driver.

With Steam being the dominant global marketplace that it is, support for the platform is fairly important. FOVE Inc. has now said a beta version will be available on Steam this Thursday, 2nd February, users just need to fill in this form to apply.

Fove image headshot

For developers the company has launched a new version of its SDK, with 0.10.0 going live today. Issues surrounding video game development engines Unity and Epic Games’ Unreal Engine have now reportedly been resolved, with stable versions of the plugins available through the manufacturers website.

Checkout the full changlog rundown below, and for any further FOVE updates, keep reading VRFocus.

Current status of FOVE 0 platforms and content:


  • The version 0.9.3 of FOVE SDK was uploaded to our website on January 20th
  • We will publish a new version (0.10.0) of the SDK today, January 30th

2 FOVE Setup

  • There was a problem with the setup application during the first week of launch
  • The problem was fixed and version was uploaded to our website on January 25th
  • We will publish a new version (0.10.0) of the Setup today, January 30th

3 Unity plugin

  • There was a problem with Unity plugin during the first week of launch
  • It was fixed and the latest version of the plugin was uploaded to our website on January 25th

4 Unreal plugin

  • The latest version has been uploaded to Github and is working properly
  • See download instructions on our website

5 Unity example

  • In relation to the problem with the Unity plugin reported above, there was a problem with the example scene too
  • A fix was made and uploaded to our website on January 25th

6 SteamVR driver

  • The beta version will be available on Steam this Thursday, February 2nd
  • If you wish to sign up as a beta tester, fill in this form and we will send you the Steam beta access key on the day of launch

7 OSVR driver

  • We are working on getting the beta version online as soon as possible

8 Other sample content

  • We are preparing our original demo launcher at the moment and are planning to upload it to our website soon
  • Inside the demo launcher you will find various applications that utilise eye tracking in creative ways – for gaming, analytics, social interaction and more

‘Sword Art Online’ Is Getting An Official VR Experience On FOVE

‘Sword Art Online’ Is Getting An Official VR Experience On FOVE

Sword Art Online is a virtual reality massively multiplayer online role-playing game that isn’t really a virtual reality massively multiplayer online role-playing game. But it might be soon.

Okay, back up. What I mean to say is that this is a popular anime and manga series set in the year 2022 in which the titular MMORPG traps players inside its virtual worlds. The real game doesn’t exist, then, but the premise has had VR fans begging for an adaptation for headsets for some time. Even Oculus Rift creator Palmer Luckey has referenced the series a few times over the past few years.

Fans can rejoice, then; an official Sword Art Online VR experience is coming, but not on Luckey’s Rift, nor HTC’s Vive or PlayStation VR. The experience is actually coming to eye-tracking underdog, FOVE 0.

Or at least it is in Japan and Korea. FOVE recently posted a web page for the experience, complete with the art you see above, though it’s impossible to work out much about it unless you speak fluent Japanese. Manga.Tokyo, however, reports that the experience is called Meet Asuna FOVE VR Home, and will promote the upcoming Sword Art Online: The Movie, due for release in Japanese cinemas next month.

Asuna herself is one of the characters in the series, and will appear in the experience as seen in the images in this article. You can interact with her using the headsets eye-tracking tech: she’ll smile when you pay attention to her and get angry when you don’t. It’s far from a full Sword Art Online VR game, then, but it’s better than nothing for fans of the series.

The app will go live next Tuesday, January 31st, and be available until the end of July 2017. We’ve reached out to FOVE about the possibility of a western release.

FOVE 0 itself started shipping to Kickstarter backers and pre-order customers this week.

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