Twilight Path: VR-Rätselabenteuer im Fantasy-Setting erscheint Sommer 2018

Entwicklerstudio Charm Games stellt sein neues VR-Rätselabenteuer Twilight Path vor, das noch im Sommer 2018 erscheinen soll und euch in eine fantastische Welt voller Herausforderungen führt. Der VR-Titel ist der inoffizielle Nachfolger von FORM (Juni 2017), welches für Oculus Rift, HTC Vive und Windows-VR-Brille erschienen ist.

Twilight Path – Atmosphärisches VR-Rätselabenteuer von Charm Games

Das VR-Abenteuer Twilight Path führt euch ähnlich wie FORM in eine wunderschön gestaltete Umgebung, um euer Wissen sowie eure Geduld in zahlreichen Rätseln auf die Probe zu stellen. Im Gegensatz zum Vorgänger durchlauft ihr dieses Mal jedoch kein Sci-Fi-Setting, sondern durchwandert eine Fantasy-Umgebung.

Die Spieler/innen werden in den namens gebenden Twilight Path befördert, der als mystische Zwischenebene die reale Welt mit dem Totenreich verbindet. Aufgrund eines geheimnisvollen Fluchs herrscht Chaos im surrealen Gebiet. Um einen Weg nach Hause zu finden, müsst ihr den Twilight Realm restaurieren und vom fiesen Fluch befreien. Entsprechend durchwandert ihr die surreale Umgebung und stellt euch zahlreichen Aufgaben und Rätseln, bis ihr auf die Erde zurückkehren könnt.


Die Devs versprechen eine lebhafte Spielwelt mit zahlreichen Charakteren, die euch auf eurer Reise begegnen und gelegentlich begleiten. Die Steuerung funktioniert per Teleportation, indem ihr von einem festen Punkt zum nächsten springt, wo neue Rätsel auf euch warten.


Den Vorgänger FORM haben wir bereits für euch angespielt. Was euch darin erwartet, könnt ihr in unserem Testvideo anschauen:

Ein offizieller Veröffentlichungstermin wurde bisher leider noch nicht bekannt gegeben. Ebenso wurden die unterstützenden VR-Brillen bisher leider noch nicht veröffentlicht. Laut Webseite von Charm Games soll der Release des VR-Titels noch im Sommer 2018 bevorstehen.

(Quellen: Charm Games | Upload VR | Video: Charm Games YouTube | VR Nerds YouTube)

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Hands-On: Twilight Path Is The Next Enthralling VR Puzzle Game By The Creators Of Form

Hands-On: Twilight Path Is The Next Enthralling VR Puzzle Game By The Creators Of Form

Update: Twilight Path will launch on October 2nd on Steam and Oculus Home for $14.99.

Original: Twilight Path from Charm Games has a strong sense of identity from its opening moments. The very second that it begins you immediately feel like you’re inside of a fully-realized virtual world, even if all you’re really doing is teleporting around while solving puzzles.

This is the follow-up to 2017’s Form, an exquisite, but extremely short, sci-fi themed puzzle game, and the feeling that these were made by the same people and perhaps even somehow exist in the same universe is palpable. Charm clearly has a strong identity and could become a go-to developer of VR puzzle games just like Owlchemy is a go-to developer of silly interaction games.

Similar to Form, Twilight Path has beautiful environments that you feel compelled to gawk at, but you won’t be running around with any artificial locomotion at all. This is just a stand in place and teleport a bit type of game, which is perfectly fine for this type of experience.

The brief demo I tried featured two primary “powers” that I used to solve puzzles: a tiny little magical orb and a telekinesis grabbing power. When I held the orb up and gazed through it, similar to the Lens of Truth in Ocarina of Time, it revealed secrets in the world. I get the feeling that this orb and the “Twilight” theme are going to play major parts in this puzzle adventure.

Obviously the biggest difference between Twilight Path and Form is just the actual setting. Whereas Form was a staunchly sci-fi game full of esoteric monuments, bright cascading lights, and floating platforms, Twilight Path feels much more grounded, even if still highly fantastical. It’s equally as gorgeous visually, just in a different style. Stylistically it actually gave me some vibes similar to The Gallery from Cloudhead, or obviously Myst.

When playing a non-VR puzzle game, I have a bad habit of getting frustrated very easily after trying a few solutions at random when I get stuck, but that doesn’t seem to happen as much in VR. Games like Twilight Path instead invite me to tinker until I found the solution. Similar to Form it didn’t feel overly difficult, but hopefully that’s just because this was only a small section of the game.

The devs clearly have a handle on how to make engaging puzzles in VR, but hopefully they can flex their narrative muscles a bit more this time around. The ancient, mystical, and mysterious world of Twilight Path is seeping with character and it’d be a shame to see that go to waste for just a thematically similar collection of puzzles. Since the demo was only a short 30-minute slice, maybe the full game dives into the world and story a bit more.

We don’t have a firm release date for Twilight Path at this time, but the website still says Summer 2018 and we expect to see it land on Rift, Vive, and Windows VR. Let us know what you think down in the comments below!

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The post Hands-On: Twilight Path Is The Next Enthralling VR Puzzle Game By The Creators Of Form appeared first on UploadVR.

Nicholas Cage VR Experience, The Gallery & Space Pirate Trainer Among Cinequest Film & VR Award Winners

If you haven’t already gathered from the dramatic upswing in posts on VRFocus about it, virtual reality (VR) is definitely finding a home in amongst the independent film festivals. Last night might have seen the results from this year’s Academy Awards (aka The Oscars), but this weekend also saw the results from another award ceremony settled. Not in Tinseltown but care of Silicon Valley based organisation Cinequest. They’re midway through this year’s event which runs until Sunday March 11th, but they have already passed judgement on the most recent edition of the Cinequest Film & VR Festival’s awards for the medium of immersive entertainment.

As you might surmise from that it isn’t just films, documentaries and so forth that are celebrated as part of the awards. But all manner of creative media that uses virtual reality (VR) technology as well as the people involved in it. Some familiar names cropped up this year in the twenty award categories that recognised “achievement in storytelling, technical artistry and immersive design”.

A full list of winners has now been published and you can read these below:

Best VR Film, Feature
Speed Kills VR Experience
Starring Maverick Spirit Award recipient John Travolta and Katheryn Winnick, speedboat racing champion and multimillionaire Ben Aronoff (Travolta) leads a double life that lands him in trouble with both the law and drug lords. Directed by Travis Cloyd. Produced by Travis Cloyd, Guy Griffithe, Richard Del Castro and TopDogVR.

Best VR Sci-Fi
The Humanity Bureau VRevolution
Starring Nicolas Cage, this dystopian thriller set in the near future sees the world facing serious environmental problems as the result of global warming. The standalone episodic virtual reality series released on March 2nd, followed by the theatrical film release of the sci-fi action-thriller, The Humanity Bureau on April 6th. The Humanity Bureau VRevolution was directed by Rob W. King and Josh Courtney. Produced by Travis Cloyd. Josh Courtney, Kevin DeWalt and Rob Bryanton. Written by Dave Schultz and Travis Cloyd.  The experience is a Mind’s Eye Entertainment Presentation. Distributed by OneTouchVR.

The Humanity Bureau / Nicolas CageBest Cinematography
Boxes (Directed by Matt Naylor)
James is tasked with clearing out the last boxes from his childhood home after his father’s death, but memories are recalled in painful vignettes in this empowering story.

Best Documentary
Revoked (Directed by Stevo Chang)
In an American future, when the President revokes the green card of Iranian-born Jane Manesh, she must flee to Canada with the help of her childhood friend.

Best Social Activism
Behind the Fence (Directed by Lindsay Branham & Jonathan Olinger)
The Rohingya Muslims must survive a Government led campaign to eliminate them.

Best Educational VR
Meeting Rembrandt: Master of Reality (Directed by Bridget Erdmann & Ingejan Ligthart Schenk)
What if you had the chance to meet the famous 17th century master painter? Get close up and personal as he changes history forever with his controversial painting, the Night Watch in this immersive experience.

Best Short VR Film
Best Storytelling
La Camila (Directed by Jak Wilmot)
When the storms of nature threaten her very existence, a young shepherd girl, Camila, struggles to fill her papa’s shoes and create new clouds for the dying world below.

Best Action VR
Space Pirate Trainer (Directed by Dirk Van Welden, I-Illusions)
Hone your offensive and defensive battle skills with awesome space age weaponry against an ever-increasing barrage of killer fighting drones.

Best Episodic VR Game
The Gallery – Episode 2: Heart of the Emberstone
After receiving your Gauntlet, you must travel to a long-forgotten world where the past holds many secrets and reveal the true intentions of the dark figure in the Starseed.

The Gallery Heart of the Emberstone screenshot 4

Best Music Video
Apex (Directed by John Albert, Wevr)
A surreal, apocalyptic vision set to an original score from artist and musician Arjan van Meerten.

Best Animation VR
Best Production Design / Art Direction
Allumette (Directed by Eugene Chung, Penrose Studios)
Allumette tells a story about love, sacrifice and a deep bond between a young girl and her mother in a fantastical city in the clouds.

Best Sports VR
To the Top (Directed by Richard Matey, Electric Hat VR)
A platforming game that gives you the freedom to move across the environment’s obstacles with superhuman abilities.

Best VR Experience
Best Sound Design
FORM (Directed by Richard Matey, Electric Hat VR)
FORM is a puzzle adventure, mixing classic gameplay inspired by Myst and The Room, with surreal and spectacular visuals akin to 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Best VR Game
Karnage Chronicles (Directed by Thorbjoern Olsen, Nordic Trolls)
A high fantasy RPG where you play a Murkwraith on a mission to defeat enemies of the lands and restore order to shape your future.

Best VR Interactive
Manifest 99 (Directed by Bohdon Sayre, Adam Volker, Flight School Studio)
Journey into the afterlife aboard a mysterious train inhabited by a murder of crows in this ominous and eerie experience.

Manifest99 header

Most Innovative VR
Gary the Gull (Directed by Tom Sanocki, Limitless Entertainment Ltd.)
Developed by veterans from Pixar, Gary the Gull is VR Animated Interactive short film that puts you in the story. Respond to Gary’s questions by nodding, shaking your head, talking, and see how your decisions affect the story’s telling.

VR Visionary Award
Travis Cloyd
Fusing his expertise in both film and VR, Cloyd has served as cinematic VR producer for four feature films. Working with world-renowned talent like Nicolas Cage, John Travolta and Wesley Snipes, Cloyd continually bridges the gap between Hollywood and immersive storytelling, a connector and conduit between the fields of film and tech.

VRFocus will be bringing you more updates throughout the year as immersive technology continues to help creativity flourish.

FORM-Entwickler kündigen neues Adventure Twilight Path an

Wann man als VR-Nerd an ein schönes und stimmungsvolles Spiel denkt, dann kommt einem schnell FORM von Charm Games in den Sinn. Der VR-Titel erschien letztes Jahr für die Oculus Rift und HTC Vive und stellt ein spannendes Puzzle-Game mit anfassbaren Rätseln dar. In unserem Test konnte FORM vier von fünf Freddys abstauben und auch auf Steam sprechen 375 Bewertungen mit einem „Sehr positiv“ als Durchschnitt eine eindeutige Sprache. Nun kündigen die Entwickler mit Twilight Path neues Spielefutter für Rätselfreunde an.

Twilight Path: Frische Aufgaben für Rätsel-Freunde

Mit Twilight Path werden die Entwickler wohl bei ihren Wurzeln bleiben und ein neues Spiel für Rätsel-Fans ins Rennen schicken, das in einem Fantasy-Setting angesiedelt ist und euch boshafte Götter und Geister auf den Hals hetzt. Zudem soll das Spiel auf maximalen Komfort ausgelegt sein: Weder Zeitdruck noch Tod belästigen den Spieler. Twilight Path könnte sich also sehr nah am Vorgänger halten und es wird spannend, ob die Entwickler genügend frische Ideen und Rätsel in das Spiel integrieren können, um den Zauber von FORM erneut entfachen zu können.


Derzeit ist nicht klar, wann das Spiel genau erscheint, doch die Entwickler peilen einen Release im Sommer 2018 an. Zunächst soll das Spiel nur für die HTC Vive und die Oculus Rift erscheinen, wobei ein Support von Windows Mixed Reality Headsets wohl kein größeres Problem darstellen sollte.  Ob sich Charm Games auch zukünftig an die PSVR trauen wird, ist derzeit noch offen.

(Quelle: Road to VR)

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‘FORM’ Developers Announce Puzzle Adventure ‘Twilight Path’ for Summer 2018, Teaser Trailer Here

Charm Games, the developers behind the fantastic (albeit fairly short) otherworldly puzzle game FORM (2017), today unveiled their next upcoming VR title. Called Twilight Path, the puzzle game will take you on what Charm calls a fantasy adventure “to meet wandering spirits, enchanted sentries, and mischievous gods.”

Slated to arrive summer 2018, we don’t have a good idea yet what headsets will be supported. FORM, a game which we gave a solid [8.5/10],  supports both Oculus Rift and HTC Vive – something the studio could repeat if they don’t go the exclusivity route, be it via PSVR or Oculus.

If the cinematic stylings, visual polish and clear intention behind FORM’s design is any indication, than you can color us excited for more information on Twilight Path.

While there’s still not much out there yet about the game, we found this quick blurb in the description of the teaser trailer.

  • Use your wits to solve puzzles, restore ruined structures, open sealed passageways, and rescue a host of magical creatures from danger
  • Explore a gorgeous and vibrant world, only possible in virtual reality
  • Play at your own pace, with no death or timers
  • Designed for maximum comfort

The post ‘FORM’ Developers Announce Puzzle Adventure ‘Twilight Path’ for Summer 2018, Teaser Trailer Here appeared first on Road to VR.

FORM Developer Charm Games Reveals VR Adventure Title Twilight Path

Charm Games cemented its reputation as a virtual reality (VR) puzzle maker last year when it launched the beautifully designed and dream like experience FORM. Today, the studio has unveiled its next project, another puzzle style videogame called Twilight Path.

Twilight Path Screenshot 02

Twilight Path is another otherworldly adventure, this time however players will encounter wandering spirits, enchanted sentries and mischievous gods. Players find themselves trapped in a mystical spirit world between the real world and the afterlife. To escape, they’ll need to solve puzzles, reshape and restore massive stone structures, open sealed passageways, and rescue a host of magical creatures from danger.

“Picked up as a passenger by Barque, a living anthropomorphic ferry, his fiery companion Singe, and whimsical faerie navigator Nix, players will learn that their only path home leads to the timeless Well of Souls,” notes the description. “Along the way, the unlikely companions will encounter a land of beauty, mystery and life. Only by restoring the Well to balance can players return to the life they left behind.”

Twilight Path stays true to the core gameplay that made our first title a success and features experiences that are accessible to anyone, regardless of height or play area setup,” said Alan Jernigan, Co-founder of Charm Games in a statement. “Our main goal with gameplay is to carefully craft satisfying VR puzzles that unlock a path through a gorgeous and vibrant world – just as we did in FORM.”

Twilight Path Screenshot 03

Charm Games has ensured that Twilight Path has as fewer restrictions as can be that could hamper the gameplay experience. So players will find no timers, no death or uncomfortable movement, making sure as wider audience as possible will be able to enjoy Charm Games’ latest production.

You’ll still have to wait however as Twilight Path is scheduled for launch this Summer for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. In the meantime check out FORM, as it made it onto VRFocus’ list of ‘The Best HTC Vive Games You’ve Never Played‘, having achieved a four-star rating in its review. For any further updates from Charm Games, keep reading VRFocus.

Something For The Weekend: Great Steam VR Games, Space Exploration, Sci Fi Shooting And More

Ah another week is over and you need to get away into the virtual world for a few hours, right? We completely understand, which is why we’ve got a big list of brand new discounts you can take advantage of to get some new software for you virtual reality (VR) head-mounted display (HMD).

Just take a look below for all of the best offers on Steam VR, and check back on VRFocus every week for more great offers.



In this world, puzzles are built from dreams and memories and you must piece them together to understand the truth. The world morphs around you as you explore existence itself.

FORM is now £6.59.

Vector 36

Vector 36

Race across the surface of Mars in an incredible floating vehicle called a Skimmer. Pilot different vehicles as you race on the surface of the red planet. Don’t crash if you want to survive this extraterrestrial racer.

Vector 36 is now only £12.15.


In a medieval world you’re without fancy gadgets and technology, so your best friend is old fashioned stealth tactics. Hide away on rafters and quietly hunt down those that banished you from the Knight’s Order.

Unknightly is now only £9.29.

The Unwelcomed

the unwelcomed

What’s the best thing to do when you’re somewhere you’re not welcome? That’s right, leave. Except that’s a bit more difficult in an escape room scenario. Your late uncle’s mansion is not as cosy as it first seems…

The Unwelcomed is now £7.69.

Cat Sorter VR

Cat Sorter VR Screen_03

What’s the best pet in the world, certifiably much better than dogs? That’s right, it’s cats. In Cat Sorter VR, you’ll be surrounded by the furry fiends and will have to organise your kitty inventory…

Cat Sorter VR is now £3.99.

Show Must Go On

show must go on

Here you’ll feel like a superstar as you jump onto the stage and hit the beat. As you puncture the bubbles you’ll play with and feel the rhythm, and fill your stage with lights and music.

Show Must Go On is now only £5.49.

Galactic Core: The Lost Fleet

galactic core lost fleet

Guide the lost fleet back home with your shooting skills – after you crash land, protect your team and destroy waves of aliens on a mysterious world. Making it home alive is going to require teamwork.

Galactic Core: The Lost Fleet is now £1.43.



Memorize the path forward as quickly as possible to reach the finish, otherwise you’re doomed. Take your time and only step on the right blocks otherwise you will fall, and it’s a long way down.

MIMIC is now £7.40.



Ready to get spooked in VR? Well Reciful is here to give you an experience you won’t soon forget. Everywhere has been plunged it darkness, and you must use your simple torch to move through the world, shoot enemies and survive.

Reciful is now £7.49.

VRZ: Torment

VRZ Torment screenshot 2

Zombies suck. But far more concerning is the news that zombies bite. You don’t want to have to deal with that. As such in VRZ: Torment you’ll be fighting off hordes of the undead with a variety of weapons. Oh, there’s ghosts too.

VRZ: Torment is now £4.31.

For all of the latest offers and deals, check back on VRFocus every week.

The Best HTC Vive Games You’ve Never Played

Having covered the creme de la creme for virtual reality (VR) in our ‘Best Oculus Rift Games’, ‘Best HTC Vive Games’ and ‘Best PlayStation VR Games’ articles, VRFocus has now decided to look at those videogames you may have missed during the course of 2017 that are still worthy of your time and money. 

With both the ‘Best Oculus Rift Games You’ve Never Played’ and ‘Best PlayStation VR Games You’ve Never Played’ already covered it’s now the turn of HTC Vive, with the headset having a considerable selection on offer. If you can peel yourself away from Fallout 4 VR or DOOM VFR for one moment then how about checking out these lesser-known, but still very good titles.

HTC Vive stock image 1


Mixing a science fiction storyline along with a surreal puzzle adventure, Charm Games’ FORM does just about everything right when it comes to immersing you in a fantastical VR experience. You play a scientist trying to unlock the mysteries of an ancient artifact, and in doing so are transported to an awe inspiring world filled with puzzles to test your mind, memory, hearing and more. Having launched in early June it can be quite easy for some videogames to get lost in the maelstrom that is the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3).


The Invisible Hours

Tequila Works’ The Invisible Hours is fairly new having only launched in October for HTC Vive. The experience is a murder-mystery who-dun-it, a virtual reality (VR) version of Cluedo for those boardgame fans. Rather than play an actual character, you’re instead a kind of fly-on-the-wall, able to freely wander around the mansion, watching the story evolve whilst uncovering an intricate web of interwoven stories to discover clues to the murder of Nikola Tesla.

The Invisible Hours screen1

Siegecraft Commander

There are a few real-time strategy (RTS) title out there for HTC Vive depending on what you’re after. One that might have escaped your attention was Siegecraft Commander by Blowfish Studios. Released at the beginning of the year, Siegecraft Commander offers an intriguing twist on tower defence style gameplay, where you have to launch your next tower from the last, with a wall interconnecting the two. This eventually leads to a carefully laid out web of towers and walls which can all come crumbling down at a moments notice should an enemy destroy a key early building with many branches leading off it. While an RTS, tower defence title may not be to everyone’s liking, it’s certainly worth a look if you enjoy a tabletop style challenge.

Siegecraft Commander - screenshot

Left-Hand Path

Another newbie that could’ve easily been overlooked thanks to another role-playing game (RPG) being released, Left-Hand Path is a Dark Souls inspired adventure that’s been created by indie studio Strange Company. Armed with arcane powers, players must wield their newly-found powers and explore to find even more powerful spells and rituals, while trying to stay alive long enough to solve the mysteries that lay before them. If you’re after a big RPG that offers something different to Bethesda then Left-Hand Path is certainly worth a look.

Left-Hand Path screenshot 1

Hurl VR

Sometimes it’s the simple things in life than can be the most rewarding but also most easily missed. For most of you reading this Hurl VR probably brings up blank expressions, sounding like a drunk party game that involves way too much liquid. That’s not the case however, as Hurl VR is about precision throwing (basketball style), trying to get a ball into a goal. Sounds easy enough but there are several types of platforms that need to be utilised to bounce and teleport the ball accurately. Hurl VR is simple to pick up yet fiendish by the end, so don’t overlook it if you’re after a cheap puzzler.

Hurl VR

VR Weekly 24: Pimax 8K-VR-Brille, HTC und das Spiel der Woche

Chris und Patrick plaudern in dieser Woche im YouTube-Video vor allem über zwei Themen: das Pimax 8K-VR-Headset und den milliardenschweren Deal zwischen Google und HTC. Außerdem gibt es im aktuellen VR Weekly das Spiel der Woche. Das ist zwar ein „uralter Schinken“, aber bietet ein faszinierendes Rätsel-Erlebnis.

VR Weekly: HTC Vive, Pimax 8K und Form

Chris und unser Praktikant Patrick analysieren den VR-Markt: Diese Woche platzte die Bombe, Google investiert 1,1 Milliarden US-Dollar in das wirtschaftlich angeschlagene Unternehmen HTC. Was bedeutet das für das Smartphone- und VR-Geschäft des chinesischen Herstellers? Das zweite große Thema ist der Start der Kickstarter-Kampagne von Pimax. Der Hersteller hat gleich drei VR-Brillen im Gepäck, eine mit 5K-Auflösung und zwei mit 8K-Auflösung. Die größte Brille ist allerdings ein Zukunftsmodell, für das man mindestens eine NVIDIA GTX 1080 Ti benötigt. Vielleicht sogar zwei. Oder eine High-End-Grafikkarte, die irgendwann in der Zukunft erscheint. Neben der Auflösung will das Modulare System aber vor allem mit dem großen Field of View von 200 Grad beeindrucken.


Da wir aber nicht nur Technik-Nerds sind, sondern auch verspielte Naturen, gibt es das Spiel der Woche: Chris hat Form durchgespielt und ist äußerst angetan vom Rätsel-Titel. Allerdings fällt er mit rund einer Stunde Spielzeit zu kurz aus. Warum sich Form trotzdem lohnt, erklärt unser Redakteur im VR Weekly 24 und in seinem Test auf unserer Seite.

Der Beitrag VR Weekly 24: Pimax 8K-VR-Brille, HTC und das Spiel der Woche zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

FORM mit der Oculus Rift im Test

Mit FORM steht ein Spiel für die HTC Vive und die Oculus Rift bereit, welches auf großartig inszenierte Rätsel, eine düstere Atmosphäre und dem Spiel mit der Ungewissheit setzt. Doch kann ein Spiel mit einer Spielzeit von knapp einer Stunde wirklich 15 Euro wert sein?

FORM mit der Oculus Rift

Ihr schlüpft im Spiel in die Rolle von Dr. Devin Eli und versucht, den Obelisk zu entschlüsseln. Glücklicherweise ist Eli mit einer besonderen Gabe der Visualisierung gesegnet und kann dem Geheimnis durch eine Reise auf die Schliche kommen, die euch in Traum-ähnliche Welten entführt.

Wenn man es ganz nüchtern ausdrücken will, dann werdet ihr in FORM von Rätsel zu Rätsel teleportiert, wobei diese zwar sehr schön gestaltet wurden, doch selten die grauen Zellen zum Schwitzen bringen. Doch FORM lebt von den kleinen Dingen. Jedes Rätsel ist mit viel Leidenschaft und einer beeindruckenden Liebe zum Detail gestaltet. So wirkt jede Mechanik durchdacht und selbst Rätsel mit kleinen Objekten lassen sich einfach mit den Touch Controllern lösen.

Insgesamt fühlt sich das Spiel wie ein einstündiger Trip durch eine verschobene Welt und nicht wie ein gewöhnliches Adventure an. Die Spiellänge ist zwar für den Preis etwas enttäuschend, doch die aufgerufene Stunde füllt FORM hervorragend. Sicherlich hätte man das ein oder andere Spielelement noch weiter ausschlachten können, doch vielleicht ist es auch gerade gut, dass FORM diesen Weg nicht geht und zur knappen Spielzeit steht. Wenn ihr einen Eindruck von den Rätseln bekommen wollt, dann skipped doch kurz durch unser Video. In diesem spielen wir den kompletten Titel durch.

Wer Rätsel-Spiele mag und sich vom vielleicht zu hohen Preis nicht abschrecken lässt, der bekommt mit FORM solide Unterhaltung geboten.

  • Großartige Gestaltung
  • Faszinierende Momente
  • Tolle Spielmechaniken
  • Zu kurze Spielzeit
4 / 5

Der Beitrag FORM mit der Oculus Rift im Test zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!