Cyan, the studio behind genre-defining puzzle classics Myst (1993) and Riven (1997), launched a Kickstarter campaign for their upcoming VR puzzle game Firmament. While the campaign initially rushed out of the gate by garnering over 25% of funding in the first two days of going live on March 26th, it appears the momentum has slowed somewhat as it hovers around the halfway mark.
Update (April 8th, 2019): With a little less than three weeks to go before the ‘all or nothing’ crowdfunding campaign comes to an end, support for ‘Firmament’ seems to have stalled somewhat on its quest to reach the $1,285,000 end goal. Currently the campaign is sitting around the $600,000 mark, and has 18 days until the bell tolls, which will take place on April 27th.
We’re wishing Cyan lots of luck moving forward as they strive to drum up further support for another highly-polished, atmospheric VR puzzler.
Original Article (March 27th, 2019): The studio is searching for $1,285,000 USD in total within the next 30 days. Although it’s an ‘all or nothing’ campaign, Firmament looks to be well on its way to its goal; at the time of this writing the campaign has already garnered over $291,000.
Backers at all funding tiers are said to receive the completed game by July 2020. The lowest funding tier offers a digital download of the game for $30, which includes a digitally delivered manual and strategy guide. Owning to Cyan’s iconic puzzle games, many of the higher funding tiers have already seen a healthy glut of backers. At the time of this writing 36 people have donated $1,000 to the campaign. A single backer has also chosen the $5,000 funding tier.
Cyan previously created two successful Kickstarters that helped launch the 25th Anniversary Collection of Myst and atmospheric VR puzzlerObduction (2016).
First announced March 2018, the studio is still staying pretty tight-lipped on details surrounding Firmament. Cyan CEO and co-founder Rand Miller however says the game won’t be as solitary as previous titles, this time including a companion device that will be “an integral part of both the story and puzzles.” Some of the puzzles, Miller says, are call-backs to Myst regarding the “steam punk, magic vibe.”
There’s also some more teaser text found on the Kickstarter page which you might find more than a bit tantalizing (Cyan flaunting its storytelling chops).
A gasp for air… a release of chilled breath… the crackling sounds of melting ice.
You wake in a glacial cavern — perfused by blue. It’s crowded with metal pipes and adorned with curious, clockwork gears.
Echoing machinery resonates in your ears as a massive metal door opens before you…
As you enter a dark chamber, warm lights flicker to life, revealing a frigid, yet intimate stone interior, supported by riveted iron beams. In the middle of this room is an ancient table – a tea cup on one end and a frozen body slumped over the other. The corpse’s hands hold an exquisite clockwork device — held out like an offering.
You reach for the device, and suddenly… a small whir… a blue glow is birthed from its core as it comes to life and lifts from the outstretched palms of the rigid stranger. It hovers above you, watching.
An apparition appears with a message from the woman that left this gift. She planned to mentor you…
…but something has gone terribly wrong.
An immense, unexpected adventure now lies ahead…
There’s no word at this time on exactly which VR platforms will see support, although it’s clear PC VR headsets will be supported alongside the flatscreen version of the game. We’d imagine this means the standard set: Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and Windows VR headsets.
Check out the whole Kickstarter pitch for a few more clips not seen in the teaser trailer linked above.
Die Kickstarter-Kampagne zu Firmament war ein voller Erfolg. Kurz vor Ende der Kampagne wurde das Finanzierungsziel in Höhe von ca. 1,2 Million Euro mit mehr als 17500 Unterstützern erreicht.
Der VR-Titel soll nun für Playstation VR (PSVR) sowie für PC-Brillen erscheinen.
[Update vom 12. April 2019]:
Während die Kickstarter-Kampagne zu Firmament weiterhin läuft, haben die Entwickler von Cyan Worlds ein neues Stretch Goal für das Erreichen des Ziels hinzugefügt. So sollen nun auch Konsolenspieler mit PlayStation VR (PSVR) ins Boot geholt werden, denn beim Erreichen von 1,4 Millionen US-Dollar soll Firmament ebenso für die PSVR erscheinen.
Derzeit wurden knapp 700.000 US-Dollar von den erforderlichen 1,28 Millionen US-Dollar erreicht. Das Alles-oder-nichts-Projekt läuft noch 14 Tage bis zum 27. April.
[Update vom 9. April 2019]:
Die Kickstarter-Kampagne von Cyan Worlds hat nach knapp der Hälfte der Zeit von den gewünschten 1,28 Millionen US-Dollar knapp 640.000 US-Dollar durch 8086 Unterstützer erreicht (Stand vom 4. April 2019).
Insgesamt verbleiben noch 17 Tage, um das Alles-oder-nichts-Projekt zu unterstützen.
[Originalartikel vom 27. März 2019]:
Entwicklerstudio Cyan Worlds (bekannt für Myst, Riven und Obduction) kündigte vor knapp einem Jahr das VR-Steampunk-Adventure Firmament mit einer tief greifenden Geschichte an. Doch für die finale Umsetzung des VR-Titels fehlen dem Studio die monetären Mittel, weshalb sich die Verantwortlichen nun zur Finanzierung per Kickstarter-Kampagne an ihre Fans wenden.
Firmament – Kickstarter-Kampagne für VR-Steampunk-Adventure gestartet
Mit Firmament plant Cyan Worlds sein neues Abenteuer, welches als geistiger Nachfolger in die Fußstapfen ikonischer Videospieltitel, wie Myst, Riven und Obduction treten soll.
Dafür werden die Spieler in eine eisige Steampunk-Umgebung versetzt, die voller gigantischer Maschinen und riesigen metallischen Türmen besteht. Mithilfe einer mechanischen Eule, die euch als Begleiter und Mentor zur Seite steht, durchquert ihr die immersive Spielwelt, um euch auf ein gefährliches Abenteuer zu begeben und euer Schicksal zu erfüllen. Erst während eurer Reise sollen sich die verborgenen Geheimnisse der anziehenden Welt wirklich offenbaren.
Die verantwortlichen Entwickler halten genauere Informationen zur Story noch bedeckt, versprechen allerdings in Kombination mit VR-Technologie ein neues Level des Storytellings zu ermöglichen. Ein Versprechen, das man den erfahrenen Entwicklern durchaus abnehmen kann, wenn man bisherige Veröffentlichungen betrachtet. Zusätzlich soll das Spiel spannende Rätsel- und Exploration-Elemente sowie grafisch beeindruckende Umgebungen und Orte enthalten.
Die Interaktion mit dem Begleiter soll durch Handbewegungen stattfinden, wobei der mechanische Gefährte zunächst nur rudimentär versteht, sich jedoch ebenso mit euch weiterentwickelt. Zur musikalischen Untermalung wurde Russell Brower, bekannt für seine Kompositionen für World of Warcraft, ins Team geholt.
via: Firmament Kickstarter
Allerdings ist ein Release im jungen VR-Markt stets mit einem hohen Risiko verbunden, weshalb sich die Devs nun an seine Fans wendet, um Mittel zur Finanzierung des ambitionierten Projekts zu sammeln. Dafür veröffentlichte Cyan eine Kickstarter-Kampagne, in der insgesamt knapp 1,3 Millionen US-Dollar gesammelt werden sollen. Eine stolze Summe, von der bisher ein Achtel finanziert wurde.
Wer Firmament unterstützen möchte, kann dies hier auf Kickstarter tun. Zur Belohnung winken neben einigen Goodies, eine spezielle Kampagne als DLC, die exklusiv den Supportern zur Verfügung gestellt wird. Sollte in den kommenden 30 Tagen genug Geld gesammelt werden, soll der Release des VR-Titels 2020 folgen. Für welche VR-Brillen das VR-Abenteuer veröffentlicht werden soll, ist noch nicht bekannt.
Cyan Worlds, the developer behind VR adventure game Obduction and, of course, Myst is back. But the developer’s new VR game, Firmament, needs your help to become a reality.
Today, Cyan launched a Kickstarter crowd-funding campaign for its latest project. The studio is hoping to raise a hefty $1,285,000 over the course of the next month. At the time of writing the campaign has been live for a few hours and already raised close to $40,000. This isn’t a new move for Cyan; both Obduction and a 25th Anniversary Edition of Myst were both funded via Kickstarter.
Firmament very much follows in the footsteps of Myst and Obduction. It’s a visually-striking adventure in which you solve puzzles and learn about the mysteries of the world around you. We actually went hands-on with the game all the way back in April 2018. We fell in love with the highly-detailed world, which you’ll explore alongside an AI companion known as an adjunct.
Why Kickstarter?
“Though our goal of $1.3 million seems high, it is a relatively modest budget for the kind of experience that Cyan creates,” the developer writes of the decision to take the game to Kickstarter. “But Cyan has plenty of experience, and a small, but talented team. We’ve learned over the years that a smaller, experienced team, working closely together can be very efficient and satisfying.”
As with Obduction, Firmament’s VR support is optional. Crucially, though, Cyan is working on VR integration from the off this time. That means no retroactive additions like motion controllers, it’ll all work naturally from the start. Cyan itself says the game is specifically designed for VR.
Interested? Backers of the campaign will get exclusive access to downloadable content like unique skins for the adjunct and other skinned items. You can pledge $40 to get a copy of the game on PC with VR support. Supported headsets haven’t been announced yet, and neither has a possible PSVR port (Obduction did eventually reach PSVR). Cyan is estimating a July 2020 launch at this time.
Elsewhere, Cyan is also publishing another VR adventure named Zed. We’re expecting that one to launch pretty soon.
Just over a year ago, developer Cyan -famous for Myst, Riven and most recently Obduction – announced a PC and virtual reality (VR) experience, Firmament. Apart from a teaser trailer, few details were given at the time other than it being a “new steampunk adventure,” and little has been heard since. Of course, that changes today with Cyan announcing a Kickstarter crowd-funding campaign to bring the project to life.
Unlike other Kickstarter projects VRFocus has covered recently like Last Labyrinth – which succeed in hitting a £14,000 GBP goal – Cyan is looking towards backers to raise a rather substantial $1.3 million over the next 30 days to develop Firmament. However, Cyan is no amateur when it comes to crowd-funding for its latest videogames, with Obduction, and most recently the Myst 25th Anniversary Collection both successful Kickstarter campaigns.
So for the Firmamentcampaign, the studio is collaborating with Fangamer to create lots of exciting merchandise, a company which has built a reputation for creating shirts, plushies, books, prints, pins,etc.
“Kickstarter is a way for us to reach out to our fans to help us fund the types of games we like to build and they like to play.” said Rand Miller, CEO, Cyan in a statement. “Anyone who knows Cyan understands that we have always embraced pushing the boundaries of world creation. We believe that VR is part of an evolutionary step in making our worlds even more immersive. Empowering our fans to fund through Kickstarter allows us to explore these creative opportunities. Oh, and they’re gonna love this game.”
Firmament is deeply rooted in the spirit of titles like Myst and Riven, with plans to release the videogame on PC and for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive in 2020.
Explaining a little more about the experience Cyan reveals: “Firmament is an all-new story and experience, but it draws on and embraces the steampunk aesthetics (that define parts of Myst) to weave a rich and surprising narrative – with just a touch of magic. The player explores various fantastic worlds with the help of a mechanical adjunct. This constant companion gradually becomes an essential instrument as the player learns how to seamlessly interact, guide, and communicate with it, uncovering a remarkable chain of events.”
As the Kickstarter progresses, VRFocus will bring you the latest updates.
This year was awesome for VR gaming, but 2019 is looking even brighter with a slew of highly polished titles coming to PSVR, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.
Here we take a look at 15 tantalizing VR titles confirmed for release in 2019.
Don’t miss the ‘To Be Announced’ section below either, which features eight high-profile games that don’t have release dates yet, but will hopefully come out in 2019 too.
Population: One is an upcoming battle royale shooter from the studio behind VR indie hit Smashbox Arena (2016). Population: One is offering a ton of fun mechanics such as the ability to climb anything, build forts, fly, and shoot the ever-living crap out of everyone with a variety of scrounged weapons as you battle for that tasty chicken dinner.
Studio description: The Tempest shattered your android body. Now you must journey through an ever-changing cloudscape to augment yourself and save your friends. Explore an expansive world with complete freedom—bound up cliffs, glide across chasms, and fly through the slipstream with velocity. Detonate explosives, harness electricity, and wield makeshift weapons to overcome titanium sentries and monolithic guardians. Play single-player, or explore forgotten ruins together.
Studio description: You are elite Special Forces soldier Ryan Marks, on a desperate mission to save his family from a ruthless criminal overlord. Grab your PS Move motion controllers and blast anyone in your way as you go face to face with enemies, uncover secrets and experience the thrill of the chase in a high-octane action narrative inspired by PlayStation VR Worlds’ ‘The London Heist’ experience.
Studio description: Jack and Liv are back in Lone Echo II. Return to the rings of Saturn in this highly-anticipated sequel, to unravel the mysteries of Lone Echo and journey deeper into space – past the very boundaries of time itself.
Studio description: Deliver cargo or smuggle alien lifeforms on your rickety ship all across the galaxy! In Failspace the pressure is always on you and your crew. Fix those leaks, pull those levers and crank those handles to maximum in short but increasingly difficult cargo missions.
Studio description: Overcome impossible odds and survive certain death scenarios in the undercover spy thriller that VR has been waiting for. It’s a zero-sum world where facing danger head-on is a requirement, and success favors those who embrace it. In this exciting Oculus exclusive, the enemy will stop at nothing to gain an advantage. To defeat them, you and your team of elite operatives must use every advanced weapon, cutting-edge technology, and deceptive tactic in your arsenal.
Studio description: Bend and twist reality in A Fisherman’s Tale, the mind-bending VR puzzle adventure game in which being turned upside down and inside out is not merely a play on words.
The free multiplayer Typhon Hunter update to Prey: Mooncrash is already out for console and PC, but support for all major VR platforms is coming next year. Like PropHunt in Gary’s Mod, one player is assigned as the hunter (Morgan Yu) while the others try to hide out and evade detection as typhons, the game’s alien race of mimics that can turn into everyday objects like mugs, chairs—practically anything you can think of.
ACE COMBAT 7 is unfortunately not entirely playable in VR, as the game’s campaign is focused on PS4 users, although Bandai Namco has created a handful of missions developed specifically for the PSVR that the studio says will provide “several hours of VR gameplay.”
Studio description: Wonderful. Your dogs have been dognapped by a beaked lunatic who stuffed them into his eye holes and is using their life essence to destroy the universe. Does that make any sense? You’ve partnered with Trover, a little purple eye hole monster to save them. Find power babies and plug them into his eye holes so that he can absorb their power, track down Glorkon, and save your dogs (and the Universe).
We don’t know much about gameplay mechanics yet, but it’s possible the Magic Leap One release of Angry Birds: FPS – First Person Slingshotmay hold some answers. Resolution Games was also involved in its making, a title that does away with the standard side-scrolling gameplay for a more immersive first-person experience of physically shooting a slingshot at the 3D piggy fort.
Respawn Entertainment, the studio behind Titanfall and Call of Duty, has partnered with Oculus to develop what they call “a major VR release.” There’s not much on the books about the game yet, including the title or specific release date, but it promises battlefield realism that will give you a chance to “experience life closer to what a soldier would experience in real combat.”
Studio description: First you JOBBED, now you VACATION. Visit Vacation Island and experience RECREATION, optimal RELAXATION, and classic human past times like SUNBURN. Vacation Island offers all this and more so that you can discover the lost art of TIME OFF.
Studio description: A visceral, jetpack-fueled VR Arcade Shooter where you fly through deadly Orbital Arenas in hostile space, facing off in extreme battles. You are now part of the elite Tribes of gun-slinging Spacers who battle it out in treacherous 2v2 and 1v1 battles.
Studio description: ZED is the story of an aging artist, lost in regret, and the haze of dementia. Inside the dreamscape of this creative mind come undone, players reassemble the artist’s fragmented memories into a final, lasting legacy: a loving final gift to his unborn granddaughter.
Eagre Games is a new studio led by original Myst (1993) artist Chuck Carter. Zed will be the first game published by Cyan Ventures, Cyan’s newly formed publishing arm.
To Be Announced
3 Games from Valve
Image courtesy Valve
Platform: Rift, Vive (unannounced)
Developer: Valve
Valve is still famously mum on its three games originally confirmed back in February 2017, and yes, we’re still waiting on all of them. [Insert tired Half-Life 3 joke here].
Valve has produced The Lab (2016) and plenty of content for the SteamVR Home that all really demonstrate just how uniquely qualified they are to produce full-length VR games. Fingers crosses we hear something definitive this year.
Originally teased at PSX 2015 with a slated release for an October 2016, High Wire Games’ has slipped into what looks to be a 2019 release. In Golem, you play as an adventurous kid who has been seriously injured. You are stuck at home in your bed, dreaming of exploring the outside world. The minds behind the game are ex-Bungie staffers, including Halo composer Marty O’Donnell.
Playful Corp, the minds behind Rift launch title Lucky’s Tale (2016), had a bit of a scare recently when pre-orders for their upcoming side-scrolling platformer Star Child were mysteriously cancelled. Never fear, Star Child is still in production, although the release date is unknown at this time.
From the makers of Myst (1993) and Obduction (2016) comes another VR puzzler, this time promising more steampunk goodness. It’s still heavily under wraps, but Cyan calls it a “resplendent, magical, journey — a monumental voyage through four diverse and curious realms, working in concert with an ever-present, clockwork companion, and the support and instruction of a long-dead, ethereal mentor.”
Borderlands 2 VR is already available on PSVR, but it’s more than likely that the loot-em and shoot-em action game is headed to PC VR headsets too. According to a new promo video, Sony is confirming that Borderlands 2 VR is a timed exclusive, giving it at very least a five month minimum on the PSVR platform; a hypothetical PC VR launch date could come as early as May 14th, 2019.
The minds behind early successes Senza Peso (2014) and Insurgent (2015) have been busy developing their first full-fledged VR game. Called Bebylon Battle Royale, the VR melee party brawler puts ridiculously dressed infants into kart-based Smash Bros-style combat.
The studio previously targeted an early 2018 release, although now it seems it’s heading towards 2019.
Cyan World’s Myst is regarded as one of the most revolutionary and influential PC games of all-time for good reason. It ushered in a new era of gaming with the CD-ROM format and pushed boundaries of what was visually possible on existing PC hardware at the time. In many ways, Obduction, Cyan World’s previous game, did a lot of the same things for VR gaming that Myst did for PC gaming.
However, Obduction wasn’t a full commitment. Since it was both a VR and non-VR title it wasn’t able to take full advantage of the medium and initially released without roomscale or motion controller support. To this day it still suffers from technical issues. Firmament, the next project from Cyan Worlds, aims to remedy all of those mistakes.
We first caught wind of the new game a few weeks before GDC and finally got our hands on the game at the conference in San Francisco, CA. While it’s still a very early prototype of the game, clearly the team learned a lot from their work on Obduction. Firmament is built from the ground-up to be a VR-exclusive title.
My demo was on the Oculus Rift using Touch controllers and even though it only lasted about 10 minutes total, I saw a lot of promise.
Specifically, it was an absolutely beautiful world. The ice-capped mountaintops and snow flurries in the distance felt like a wonderful change of pace from the dark, tainted landscapes of Obduction. If Skyrim were designed from the ground up again for VR, I feel like its enormous mountains and vast landscapes could learn a lot from Firmament’s environmental designs.
At the very start of the GDC demo my character is frozen alive in a block of ice. Things begin with a machine drilling me out of the ice and letting me explore a creepy old cave that looks like it could almost be part ornate mansion. You can see glimpses of the area in the screenshots and teaser trailer here.
I’ve only got teleportation for movement in the demo so I make my way down the hall and up a staircase to a small orb ingrained in a waist-high pedestal. Once I remove the orb it buzzes up into the air and follows me around. Lifting my hand up above my head calls the orb to me and I can even point at things for it to interact with in the distance.
Immediately the orb becomes part of the game’s puzzle solving. The next few minutes of the demo involve raising and lowering bridges to cross vast chasms. Nothing really stumped me at all and it was all very intuitive and simple to understand. I’d imagine the final game will include some of the classic head scratchers that Cyan’s games are always so well-known for.
Since Firmament is a VR-only game the way you explore and interact with the world is going to be different from the likes of Myst and Obduction, so I’m eager to see more. Unfortunately the onsite developer at GDC informed me the game is likely one or even two years away from release, so we’ll have to wait a while before we get to see the final product. In the meantime at least we’ve got Torn to look forward to.
Let us know what you think down in the comments below!
Cyan, the studio behind Myst (1993) and Obduction (2017), announced they’re working on a new steampunk adventure game called Firmament.
The studio is keeping specifics under wraps for now, including target headset, launch date, etc. Cyan calls it a “resplendent, magical, journey — a monumental voyage through four diverse and curious realms, working in concert with an ever-present, clockwork companion, and the support and instruction of a long-dead, ethereal mentor.”
While it’s hard to tell much of anything from the trailer itself, the setting appears to be Cyan’s usual repertoire of raw, open spaces mixed with massive (and puzzling) machinery.
vitae dilationem afferre requirit firmamentum – or in English, ‘prolongation of life requires support’.
The developers behind Myst and Obduction have announced their next virtual reality (VR) game with the reveal of Firmament.
Though details are currently thin on what players can expect from Firmament the announcement of the title is an exciting one given the work of developer Cyan in the past. Having released Obduction back in 2016, which was the successor to Myst, developer Cyan has clearly been hard at work on this new title. Said to be a “new VR experience” the titles website describes it as a “resplendent, magical, journey” and a “new steampunk adventure”. Players will be sent on a “monumental voyage through four diverse and curious realms, working in concert with an ever-present, clockwork companion, and the support and instruction of a long-dead, ethereal mentor.”
The released teaser trailer clocks in at just under two and a half minutes, showing off plenty of stunning environments and interesting steampunk elements. The narrative that is delivered in the voice-over creates a tense atmosphere full of mystery and questions just waiting to be answered. With mentions of some sort of ‘arrival’ it seems that players will need to uncover the truth of what is happening in this cold, harsh world and find the answers they seek. With Firmament planned to be a VR release it can be expected that exploring every possible space and interacting with everything will be required.
With a proven track record and a stunning reveal Cyan clearly know how to get people excited for a release. Though no further details are available beyond the teaser trailer and the rather bare-bones website, Firmament is already shaping up to be a title worth keeping an eye on. With the focus on VR from the get go, it is possible that the title will be an outstanding experience but until gameplay is released and VRFocus can get hands on, that is up for debate.You can see the teaser trailer for yourself below.
Currently there are no details on a release window or potential platforms but you can be sure that these details will be released in due course and covered here on VRFocus.
Das Entwicklerstudio Cyan Worlds (bekannt für Myst, Riven und Obduction) kündigt ihren neuen VR-Titel Firmament an. Dabei soll es sich um ein VR-Steampunk-Adventure handeln, das erstmals auf der anstehenden Game Developers Conference 2018 in San Francisco vom 19. bis 23. März vorgestellt wird. Die Entwickler veröffentlichten als Apptetithäppchen einen ersten Trailer zum neuen VR-Titel.
Firmament – Neues Steampunk-Adventure aus dem Hause Cyan Worlds
Cyan Worlds verkündet die Veröffentlichung ihres neuen VR-Spiels Firmament, das erstmals auf der anstehenden GDC 2018 in San Franciscovorgestellt wird. Kürzlich veröffentlichten die Entwickler eine eigene Webseite zum Spiel, die einige Bilder sowie den Teaser enthält.
Die Entwickler verrieten bisher, dass es sich um ein Steampunk-Adventure handelt. Dabei begeben sich Spieler auf eine magische Reise durch diverse Welten gefüllt mit riesigen Maschinen und metallischen Türmen. Dabei steht euch ein uhrenähnlicher Begleiter zur Verfügung sowie ein verstorbener Mentor, der euch als Geist gute Ratschläge gibt.
Während der Geschichte werden vier monumentale Bereiche offengelegt, die sich in ihrer Umgebung grundlegend unterscheiden sollen. Im Trailer wird eine schneeüberdeckte Berglandschaft präsentiert, die sich nach dem Betreten eines mit einer Schneeflocke symbolisierten Portals offenbart. Die weiteren Symbole auf der Pforte präsentieren eine Flamme, ein Blatt, einen Blitz sowie eine Gruppe von Personen. Wir dürfen gespannt sein, was uns in diesen Welten erwartet.
Ansonsten ist noch nicht viel zum Spiel bekannt. Beispielsweise, für welche VR-Plattformen der Titel erscheint oder wann es offiziell erhältlich ist. somit müssen wir uns bis zur GDC 2018 vom 19. bis 23. März gedulden, auf der Firmament erstmals in der Öffentlichkeit präsentiert wird.
Wir werden euch über Neuigkeiten zum kommenden Steampunk-Adventure auf dem Laufenden halten.
The creators of Myst, Riven, and most recently Obduction, Cyan Worlds are back with a brand new VR game: Firmament. It’s unclear whether this is related to any of their existing properties or not, but it very clearly seems to be inspired by their past work at the very least.
Firmament will be shown for the first time at GDC in the Indie MegaBooth area. We don’t know much of anything about the game yet, but you can watch its teaser trailer right here:
From Cyan, the indie studio that brought you Myst and Obduction, comes a new steampunk adventure.
The game of Firmament is a resplendent, magical journey — a monumental voyage through four diverse and curious realms where you work in concert with an ever-present clockwork companion, under the guidance of a long-dead, ethereal mentor.
Everything is not as it seems.
There’s a few more screenshots up above to give you an idea of what to expect. We’ll be going hands-on with the game in just a few weeks at GDC in San Francisco, CA. Let us know what