OtherLife review – virtual reality goes bad in ambitious Australian sci-fi thriller

Ben C Lucas’s innovative rumination on the pitfalls of technology has Hollywood appeal and features a darkly charismatic performance from Jessica De Gouw

It is not uncommon for films about drug users to contain closeup shots of pupils dilating. This is hardly surprising given closeups of eyes have long been fashionable in cinema; the famous opening of Luis Buñuel’s 1929 classic Un Chien Andalou comes to mind. And after a hit of the good stuff, eyeballs look fabulous on screen, as films like Requiem for a Dream remind us.

Australian writer/director Ben C Lucas’s sophomore feature, OtherLife, joins the crazy-eyed canon in its opening moments, peppered with near full-screen vision of a narcotic-infused peeper.

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Carne y Arena review – dazzling virtual reality exhibit offers a fresh look at the refugee crisis

Birdman director Alejandro González Iñárritu’s latest project is an innovative and immersive account of the horrors faced at the Mexico-US border

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So – the envelope is pushed a little further, the limits of cinema questioned a little harder, the rectangular perimeter fence of the movie screen challenged a little bit more confidently.

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What if we’re living in a computer simulation?

Virtual reality technology is making great advances, but it has also helped popularise a theory long debated by philosophers and now gaining supporters in Silicon Valley – that the outside world is itself a simulation

Have you ever wondered if life is not exactly what it’s cracked up to be? OK, let’s take that thought a little further. Have you ever suffered from an identity crisis? Yes? One in which you suspected that you’re not a real person, but instead an extremely sophisticated computer simulation of a real person produced by an immensely more developed civilisation than that which we take to be our own?

It’s just possible that I lost you on that last point, but stay with me, because the reality we take for granted is coming under increasing technological and theoretical threat.

There’s a religious element to the notion of a giant simulation, a sense that there is a higher, purer reality

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Heavy hitters and hot tickets: Cannes 2017 is as mouthwatering as ever | Peter Bradshaw

Michael Haneke’s Happy End leads the charge for this year’s Palme d’Or, but there are tasty spectacles on the Croisette wherever you look

Related: Cannes takes on Trump with highly politicised lineup for 2017 film festival

The Cannes official selection list has been unveiled and it is a politicised lineup with a repeated thematic emphasis on the refugee crisis, designed to give the finger to the New Trump Order. The inclusion of Claude Lanzmann’s new film Napalm may be of interest to the White House press secretary Sean Spicer – horrified as he is about countries who use chemical weapons.

Related: Cannes film festival 2017: full list of films

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Ghost In The Shell VR Experience für Oculus Rift und Gear VR

Passend zum Film-Release des Live Action Remakes von Ghost in the Shell könnt ihr ab heute in die Rolle von Major Kusanagi (Scarlett Johansson) schlüpfen.

Die passive Virtual Reality Experience basierend auf der Adaption des Anime Klassikers ist in Kooperation mit Oculus Studios, REWIND, Dreamworks, HERE BE DRAGONS und Paramount Pictures entstanden und lässt euch Schlüsselszenen aus der Sicht der Cyborg-Agentin erleben. Technologie spielt im Sci-Fi-Action Universum von Ghost in the Shell eine führende Rolle.

Der Film, basierend auf dem Anime Klassiker von 1995, läuft seit 30. März in den deutschen Kinos und spielt in einem Zukunftsszenario bei dem fortschrittliche Technologie es ermöglicht den Verstand in Maschinen zu übertragen. Diese Verschmelzung hat natürlich auch ihre Schattenseiten welche im Film thematisiert werden. Neben moralischen Fragen bietet Ghost in the Shell beeindruckende Effekte, welche eine perfekte Vorlage für die Umsetzung von Virtual Reality Inhalten bietet.

Um selbst den Kampf gegen Cyborg-Geishas in VR erleben zu können steht das ganze kostenlos im Oculus Store zum Download bereit. Ebenfalls zur Verfügung steht ein 360° Video welches ihr euch über den Browser ohne Samsung Gear und Oculus Rift anschauen könnt.

(Quelle: VRFocus)

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Trinity: Die erste interaktive Sci-fi-Serie in VR

Von Stop-Motion zur virtuellen Realität. Das VR-Produktionsstudio UNLTD hat sich den vor allem für Animationsfilme bekannten Regisseur Patrick Boivin geschnappt und plant ein innovatives Pionierprojekt: Die erste TV-Serie in VR. Trinity wird das gute Stück heißen und uns in eine Zukunft ohne Menschen entführen, in der es heißt: Androiden gegen fiese Singularität – Round One.

Trinity: Mehr als nur eine statische 360° Erfahrung?

Im Rahmen des South by Southwest Festivals, das seit dem 10. März in Austin stattfindet, hat sich das Studio erstmals zum neuen Virtual Reality Projekt geäußert. Dabei standen vor allem die Schwierigkeiten, mit denen Filmemacher in der virtuellen Realität konfrontiert werden, im Vordergrund. Um das Pilotunternehmen in die Tat umzusetzen, greift UNLTD sogar auf ihre ganz eigene Kameratechnik zurück, die eigens für Trinity entwickelt wurde.

Es ist die Rede von einer interaktiven Engine und 360° Scripting, um die bisher primär passiven VR-Erfahrungen zu übertrumpfen. Konkret bedeutet dies, dass ihr während der Episoden im Raum umherlaufen könnt, um deutlich differenzierte Perspektiven innerhalb der Serie einnehmen zu können. Das Ziel: Eine Immersion, die weit über das hinausgeht, was bisher erlebbar war.

John Hamilton, UNLTD Mitarbeiter und Produzent der Serie sprach auf dem Festival, das Film, Musik und andere interaktive Medien wie Virtual Reality abfeiert, von einer nie dagewesenen Erfahrung:

We are able to allow viewers to move around within an episode of Trinity in a way that hasn’t been seen before in virtual reality.

Auch der Regisseur, zuletzt für Dragon Baby und den Trailer zu Lego Cars 2 verantwortlich, zeigte sich optimistisch und ist gespannt auf die Herausforderungen, die eine Serie in der virtuellen Realität mit sich bringt. Bereits der erste 2D-Trailer, den ihr euch unten anschauen könnt, beweist eindrucksvoll, welche Intimität und Immersion mit dem Projekt einhergehen könnte:

The trailer showcases the intimate and involved feeling created when entertainment meets virtual reality.

Die Sci-Fi-Serie Trinity wird in fünf Episoden a 15 Minuten für die großen VR-Plattformen verfügbar sein. Der Pilot soll ausgewählten Partnern bereits im Herbst zugänglich gemacht werden. Wir sind gespannt, welche Ausmaße das Pionierprojekt annehmen wird.

(Quelle: Engadget)

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Lyndsy Fonseca and Tony Denison Join Cast of VR Film Agent Emerson

Director Illya Rozhkov is working with VR Movie studio The Rogue Initiative to produce a virtual reality (VR) film called Agent Emerson, which will serve as the pilot for a VR series called Identity Experience.

Agent Emerson is described as an action-adventure VR experience and will be shot on a specially designed stereoscopic VR camera rig referred to as the ‘Identity Capture Camera’ or ‘IC-Cam’. This custom-engineered camera allows for an immersive 360-degree first-person point of view to be captured.


The basic story behind Agent Emerson concerns a CIA operative named David Emerson who awakens to find himself part of an experimental government program where subjects are put under the direct remote control of a figure called ‘The General’- played by Tony Denison. Emerson must then try and escape the program and regain control of his own actions with the help of Alex Emerson – played by Lyndsy Fonseca.

Fonseca has been seen recently in Marvel TV show Agent Carter, as well as in the Kick-Ass films and popular TV show How I Met Your Mother. Denison is best known for his role as Detective Andrew Flynn in The closer and Major Crimes as well as his villainous turn as mob boss Ray Luca on Crime Story.

“This is a stellar opportunity to embrace the new virtual reality frontier and I am excited about working with director Ilya Rozhkov and The Rogue Initiative,” says lead actress Lyndsy Fonseca.

“It’s an honor to be chosen to be part of this advanced new world of VR filmmaking,” added Tony Denison.

Filming began on March 4th in Louisiana and will then move to Los Angeles to complete principal photography. A confirmed release date has not yet been announced.

VRFocus will keep you updated on Agent Emerson and other VR film projects.

IMAX Launches High-Tech Centers That Make Trying VR a Movie-Like Experience

IMAX Launches High-Tech Centers That Make Trying VR a Movie-Like Experience

Today in Los Angeles, IMAX unveiled the first of many planned VR installations intended to create “location-based VR of the future.”

According to IMAX: “IMAX VR is a mind-shattering VR experience in a location-based, state-of-the-art Experience Centre. The IMAX VR Experience features a unique combination of premium technology and world-class content that lets users see, feel, move and play in new worlds in a powerfully immersive and realistic way, much like IMAX® theatres offer moviegoers a differentiated and best-in-class film experience. With groundbreaking VR headset technology, 360-degree sound and sophisticated room tracking, players will be instantly transported into new virtual worlds that are more realistic than anything imaginable.”

The LA space is comprised of 14 “futuristic pods” that are equipped with the latest and greatest in VR technology. According to our reporter at the event, most of these pods were fitted with an HTC Vive VR headset, but others had the more experimental Star VR headset from Starbreeze.

IMAX and Acer are partners on the Star VR so its presence in this facility makes sense. When it comes to the Vive, however, IMAX explained in an official statement that the two companies have “a new technology and content partnership to incorporate HTC VIVE headset technology and highly engaging, location-based specific VR content into IMAX VR centers.”

In addition to the hardware, Vive is also reportedly working on “exclusive VR content experiences” for these IMAX VR centers, and is establishing “an approach to incorporate future HTC Vive technology into IMAX VR centers.”

In addition to a Vive or StarVR headset, the IMAX VR pods are equipped with Dbox cinema chairs, Subpacs and a “variety of control devices, adding a deeper layer of realism” such as the gun controller shown above.

These pods will come pre-loaded with VR content that interested customers can purchase a ticket to enjoy in advance online. Tickets will cost between $7 and $10. According to IMAX, the content includes “experiences from leading content developers such as ILMxLABs, Sony, Lionsgate, Starbreeze, Survios, and Ubisoft. The full content list includes John Wick Chronicles, Star Wars: Trials On Tatooine and Knockout League.” Other notable experiences available at these demos include The Lab, Universe Sandbox, Quivr, Tilt Brush, Job Simulator and others.

This is how the IMAX VR process will work for customers:

“To get started, players can select the experiences and show times of their choice on the IMAX VR site or at the Centre – just like they would to order tickets to their favorite IMAX movie. Upon arriving, users will check in and then proceed to the Players’ Lounge for a quick briefing about the particulars of the play experience by one of IMAX’s VR guides. The players are then led to the uniquely designed pods, where they will be helped into the IMAX VR gear and prepare for the experience they’ve chosen.”

The LA IMAX VR location is described as a “pilot” program for the company. At the unveiling it was announced that IMAX has “signed papers” to create four more installations across the US and China. These locations will be: Shanghai, at JinYi’s prominent Shanghai Hongkou Plaza multiplex, a “high” profile AMC location in New York City, two undetermined Regal Cinemas locations in New York and California. These locations are slated to open “in the coming months.”

Finally, IMAX will also be investing in Dreamscape Immersive — a joint venture between IMAX, Warner Brothers, Twentieth Century Fox, Metro-Goldwyn Mayer (MGM), Westfield Corporation, Bold Capital Partners, and Steven Spielberg. Dreamscape Immersive is a Los Angeles based startup working to build location-based VR installations. IMAX has also previously announced the establishment of a $50 million fund for VR projects.

The LA IMAX VR location is open now. Tickets are available online.

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Wesley Snipes: Virtual Reality Kurzfilm „The Recall VR Abduction“

The Daywalker is back! Diesmal stehen auf Action-Star Wesley Snipes‘ Abschussliste allerdings nicht Vampire sondern Aliens. Der „Blade„-Darsteller liefert uns in diesem Jahr seit langem wieder einen Actionfilm: „The Recall“ ist eine Mischung aus Cabin-Horror und Sci-Fi, in dem eine Gruppe ahnungsloser Teenager Urlaub in einer Waldhütte macht und promt vor einer Alieninvasion fliehen muss. Natürlich kommt Snipes als Outlaw den Teenagern mit vielen Waffen und in alter Action-Manier zur Hilfe. Spannender wird es mit dem dazugehörigen 10-minütigem Kurzfilm „The Recall VR Abduction“, in dem Snipes sein Virtual Reality Debüt gibt.

Was erwartet euch in The Recall VR Abduction?

In dem im Sommer erscheinenden VR-Kurzfilm schlüpft ihr in die Rolle von Brendan, gespielt von R.J. Mitte (besser bekannt als Walt J.R. aus Breaking Bad), welcher mit seinen Freunden zum ersten Mal in einem Wald auf den zwielichtigen Snipes trifft. Der Kurzfilm ist dabei keinesfalls ein Vorgriff auf den später im Jahr erscheinenden Spielfilm. So soll es mehrere verschiedene Enden in dem Virtual Reality-Erlebnis geben. Das Projekt von Regisseur Mauro Borelli soll zwar den Film promoten, den Zuschauern aber auch ein spannendes alleinstehendes Abenteuer bieten. Wer wollte nicht schon mal mit Blade persönlich auf Vampir- oder Alien-Jagd gehen?

Wesley Snipes ist ein VR-Befürworter und sieht das Schauspielern für eine interaktive 360 Grad Welt als spannende Herausforderung:

„Für Schauspieler ist das Drehen in einer virtuellen Realität unglaublich interessant. Man muss sich dabei eher wie ein Theaterschauspieler auf einer Bühne benehmen. Da es keine Cuts, Short-Takes oder Wiederholungen gibt, muss jeder immer 100% bringen und in seinem Charakter sein- man kann ja jeden zu jeder Zeit sehen. Es ist eine großartige Chance für Schauspieler ihr Können zu beweisen.“

Auf den Social Media Seiten des Filmteams soll euch zudem 360 Grad Behind-The-Scenes-Footage geboten werden.

Die Virtual Reality erhält immer mehr Einzug in Mainstream-Medien und wird von diesen auch immer mehr geschätzt. Hoffentlich wird sie bald in der Lage sein, nicht nur 10-minütige Story-Features zu einem Film zu bieten, sondern eigene und längere Projekte zu realisieren.

Hier nun der Trailer zum Action-Horror-Sci-Fi(-Trash?) Film The Recall:

(Quell: VR Scout)

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Film Created Almost Entirely In ‘Tilt Brush’ Imagines The Future Of Music

Film Created Almost Entirely In ‘Tilt Brush’ Imagines The Future Of Music

Artist Adam Dylewski is the creator of a new short film that was created almost entirely inside virtual reality.

The Future of Music is the name of the innovative new short. It follows a protagonist by the name of “Sara” — a working musician living through what it might be like to be a creative decades in the future. According to Dylewski, he wanted to create a project that uniquely took a look at the way technology, art, music and creativity are all intersecting in a world that continuously redefines what it means and what it takes to make music.

“I made this sci-fi short to look at how VR, crowdfunding, remix culture, the death of the major record labels and super high-speed internet might transform the world of music in the next 20 years,” wrote Dylewski in an email to UploadVR.

Tilt Brush is a Google-created virtual reality art application that lets users draw, paint and design three dimensional masterpieces with their own two hands in an immersive digital space. This means that every frame in The Future of Music was hand-made individually by Dylewski.

This entire piece, and the statements that it is attempting to make about the future of creativity are important subjects for VR enthusiasts or general technophiles to consider. It’s also a interesting use of a program that has already been mined for use by thousands of other artists. We’ve seen artists use Tilt Brush in the past to create music videos, for example, but nothing quite like the speculative future Dylewski is trying to explore here.

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