Preview: Farhome – Starship Troopers in VR

Remember Starship Troopers, the epic 1997 movie that was all about saving the human race from giant insect like aliens? Well indie developer DEVCUBESTUDIO seems to have taken a leaf out of that films book and created Farhome for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, a big sprawling virtual reality (VR) adventure that’s sure to garner a few fans.

Far Home

Released via Steam Early Access, Farhome is your quintessential sci-fi first-person shooter (FPS) where you have to survive several hostile environments teeming with alien creatures that will stop at nothing to kill you. For a debut VR project DEVCUBESTUDIO has certainly pulled out all the stops to make an impressive looking experience that can be played in both single-player and co-op multiplayer modes.

Currently there are four levels to choose from, three of which feature all out action with hordes of enemies to slaughter across several planets, whilst the other takes a completely different tact, dropping you inside a deserted space station that has the odd similarity or two to Lone Echo.

The more action focused levels are definitely the cream of the crop here. Before heading out you can select from one of two characters, an Engineer or Heavy, each with their own particular secondary features. Here you can also equip special abilities and items to take with you such as an assortment of grenades.

Far Home

Once planet side it’s pretty much straight into the firefight which can be a little daunting the first time as there’s not been a lot of time to learn the controls. These are fully featured, especially when it comes to movement. On the HTC Vive the left thumbpad controls teleportation by clicking it in, whilst a swipe left or right with turn the viewpoint smoothly – no snap rotation. The right touchpad has a duel option as well, smooth locomotion by lightly pressing the pad or a click does a very short teleport to get you out of trouble. There’s not much in the way of fine tuning these controls in the options menu but they seemed to work fine for most situations encountered.

Combat is more a war of attrition than anything else. You’re fighting bugs so they tend to just come straight at you once you’ve been spotted. Thankfully the environments have been nicely engineered so that you don’t have to stay on the ground and get overwhelmed. Find a nice container or rocky outpost to stand on and suddenly things do get a bit easier.

The space station section isn’t as good as the others. Most of the time it’s a case of wandering around unlocking doors and following the route marker. At points the gravity switches off or you have to go outside, with movement controlled by a wrist mounted booster. There’s only one – on the left hand – and while similar to Lone Echo it’s no way near as finely tuned, plus for some strange reason Farhome will only allow the environment to be grabbed with that same hand, making the right almost redundant. It seems like DEVCUBESTUDIO wanted to change the pace of Farhome so that it wasn’t pure action all the time, unfortunately all you’ll want to do is get through it as quickly as possible.

Far Home

As Farhome supports both HTC Vive and Oculus Rift VRFocus decided to try both to see if the experience was the same. This was not the case. On Oculus Rift the entire experience suffered with some nasty latency issues, after trying to play for 10 minutes it just became unbearable. For HTC Vive on the other hand it was perfect, no latency and no glitches whatsoever.

At present Farhome is shaping up very nicely for HTC Vive. The environments are well designed and laid out, with the combat suitably frantic and challenging. There are issues to resolve – the biggest being Oculus Rift – yet from what VRFocus has seen so far Farhome is on the right track to be one of the best VR experiences scheduled for 2019.

Epic VR Adventure Farhome Heading Towards HTC Vive and Oculus Rift in April

Those that enjoy massive sci-fi first-person shooters should keep an eye on Steam Early Access next week as UK-based indie team DEVCUBESTUDIO will be releasing its first virtual reality (VR) title for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, Farhome. 

Far Home

The story goes that: “In the early 24th century, people from the emaciated Earth are looking for a new world to live in. The players will become members of an elite special purpose squad accompanying a large space mission. The goal of the expedition is to deploy the base, to get the extraction of the most precious cyrium up and running, and also to get ready for launching the Portal that will allow the Earthians to relocate to a new place of residence. But the new world holds its own threats and challenges.”

Featuring both single-player, co-op and multiplayer modes, Farhome is designed around team based gameplay with four different classes to select from – only two have been named so far Engineer and Heavy. Each will come equipped with their own types of weapons and unique abilities with the weapons offering an alternate fire mode.

DEVCUBESTUDIO is designing the VR title to be as open and accessible as possible for players, with long-distance teleportation, short-range jumps, and smooth locomotion on offer.

Far Home

As with most early access releases Farhome won’t be the full experience. With the team planning on being in early access for around 9-12 months the launch will feature fully playable versions of 4 different missions to showcase the various gameplay elements in Farhome. There will be a single-player mode and a coop mode on offer across desert, jungle, Ancients’ caves, and space environments.

The full version will have 15 missions to play through, alongside new enemies, new regions and new character classes.

Farhome is due to arrive on 5th April, 2018 for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. With some impressive looking visuals check out these screenshots, and keep an eye out for a VRFocus preview of the title soon.

Far Home: Sci-Fi-Shooter mit Koop-Modus Anfang 2018 für Rift und Vive

Ein neuer Sci-Fi-Shooter namens Far Home wurde vom britischen Entwicklerstudio DevCubeStudio angekündigt. Der Koop-Shooter soll im Januar 2018 im Early Access für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive erscheinen und bis Ende nächsten Jahres im Full Release erhältlich sein. Dabei bietet der VR-Titel sowohl die Möglichkeit, mit Freunden gemeinsam verschiedene Alienplaneten zu erforschen, wie auch spannende Feuergefechte angereichert mit taktischen Teamplay-Elementen zu erleben.

Far Home – Sci-Fi-Shooter mit Koop-Gameplay und taktischen Spielelementen

Far Home spielt in einer postapokalyptischen Zukunft im Jahr 2300. Nachdem die Menschheit ihren einst so blauen Planeten durch Verschmutzung und Überbevölkerung zugrunde richtete, ist sie nun auf der Suche nach einer neuen Heimat.

Der Sci-Fi-Shooter soll sowohl alleine wie auch im Koop-Modus mit Freunden spielbar sein. Und dabei ballert ihr euch nicht nur wild durch die Level, sondern müsst taktisches Feingefühl beweisen und jede Menge Teamarbeit mitbringen. So sollen zur Veröffentlichung sechs verschiedene Charakterklassen auswählbar sein, die jeweils ihre eigenen Vor- und Nachteile mit sich bringen. Die Geschichte spielt sich auf insgesamt fünf Planeten ab, die es dabei zu erkunden gilt. Sie beheimaten fiese Aliengegner, aber auch freundlich gesinnte Bewohner, die euch im Kampf und im Storyverlauf unterstützen.


Das VR-Projekt befindet sich bereits seit 2015 in der Entwicklung und bisherige Einblicke können sich durchaus sehen lassen. Mit Far Home geht das Entwicklerstudio seine ersten Schritte im VR-Spielemarkt. Zudem arbeiten die Entwickler derzeit an Tools für Modifikationsmöglichkeiten, um der Steam-Community freie Erstellung von Mods zu gewährleisten.

Far Home soll im Januar 2018 im Early Access für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive auf SteamVR erscheinen. Gegen Ende des nächsten Jahres soll daraufhin die Vollversion des VR-Shooters folgen. Wir werden euch über Neuigkeiten zum Sci-Fi-Shooter wie gewohnt auf dem Laufenden halten.

(Quellen: VR Focus | DevCubeStudio)

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More Gorgeous Looking Screenshots From Sci-Fi Adventure Far Home

At the beginning of the week, UK-based indie developer DEVCUBESTUDIO announced its very first virtual reality (VR) title, a sci-fi first-person shooter (FPS) called Far Home. If you liked the look of those first couple of images then you’ll want to take a gander at these beauties.

While the quality of screenshots should always be taken with a pinch of salt – as some videogames never quite live up to the images provided by developers – Far Point certainly looks impressive none the less. With a visual quality that could be compared to Crytek’s Crysis series, these images certainly showcase a rich a vibrant world, filled with all manner of nasty creatures to kill.

Some are certainly bigger than others with one screenshot giving a taste of a possible boss battle about to start. Thankfully there seems to be a range of weapons available, with what looks like a shotgun, an assault rifle, and there’s no mistaking the multi-barreled death machine that is the minigun.

Far Home’s story is set in the future, the year 2300 to be more precise. It’s a familiar tale where pollution and overpopulation has made Earth pretty much uninhabitable, leaving humanity no choice but to head into the stars for a new home. The title looks like it might be single-player to begin with, then as development continues the studio plans to add strong team-based co-operative elements.

DEVCUBESTUDIO aims to release a Steam Early Access version some time in January 2018, supporting both HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, with a full release expected before the end of 2018. The team wants to get the Steam community heavily involved so it’s currently working on a set tools so that users can add their own modifications.

VRFocus will continue its coverage of Far Home, keeping you informed on all the latest updates.

Far Home
Far Home
Far Home
Far Home
Far Home

UK Studio Announces First VR title Far Home

As the virtual reality (VR) industry grows, an increasing number of small or independent studios are exploring the possibilities created by the new technology. One of those is UK-based development studio DEVCUBESTUDIO, which has just unveiled its first VR title, sci-fi adventure experience Far Home.

Far Home is set in the future of 2300, where pollution and overpopulation has created significant problems on Earth, leaving many human searching for a new place to call home. Players will engage with an immersive first-person shooter adventure, with the development team hoping to introduce strong team-based co-operative elements.

Players will be able to choose from four varied character classes and travel to five different planets, encountering alien inhabitants who can either help or hinder players in their mission. Each planet will feature its own unique environment to explore, with many destructable features to destroy.

“We are extremely proud to announce our game, something that we’ve been working on since 2015. It was a hard decision to start a VR project, but we are now one step away from being able to share the results of our hard work, and we sincerely hope the gaming world takes an interest in our project.” said Aleksander Shevchenko, DEVCUBESTUDIO CEO.

Far Home is expected to come to Steam Early Access some time in January 2018, for the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, with an anticipated full release launching before the end of 2018, though a price point has not yet been confirmed. The development team are currently working on creating tools with the aim of further expanding the videogame during the Early Access period.

VRFocus will bring you further news on Far Home as it becomes available.