Facebook is now Meta but What Does That Mean?


So, Facebook announced its rebrand a couple of weeks ago. Let’s get into it. The social media giant will be positioning itself ready to build the metaverse, and in keeping with that goal, it changed its parent-company name to ‘Meta’. Meta will now be known as the overarching company that runs Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, and Oculus among others. 


Mark Zuckerberg, CEO and founder of Facebook, has said that he wants to build the metaverse; with it being a virtual world where people can do anything and everything, including work, game, and socialise. Zuckerberg said, “We believe the metaverse will be the successor of the mobile internet…We’ll be able to feel present – like we’re right there with people no matter how far apart we actually are.”

Meta also reported that the revenue of their VR segment had grown so substantially that they will now need to count this revenue separately and divide it into two categories. One category is the family of apps as mentioned above, and the second category is its Reality Labs products featuring their VR and AR technology. 

This change comes at a time when Zuckerberg is expecting the metaverse to reach a population of 1 billion people within the next 10 years. Therefore, this rebrand is to support his vision of building a metaverse to meet that demand. Users will be able to design their own avatars, decorate their own virtual space, meet with people, and even attend virtual concerts and events all from the comfort of their own homes. All of this is not too far stretched from what we see now, with both Fortnite and Roblox hosting virtual concerts very recently.


Over the last year, Facebook rolled out two platforms in beta to get the metaverse ball rolling. Horizon Worlds and Horizon Workrooms. The former allows users to invite their friends over to their digital world and the latter does the same but purely for professional environments. As well as this, Zuckerberg has also expressed interest in the NFT and Crypto space, working on how digital assets can be effectively represented within the metaverse.

However, this change comes at a time when Facebook is facing uphill public relations battles. This includes the recent whistleblower, Frances Haugen coming forward with leaked documents outlining the toxic business practices and evidence of the long term negative impact the platform will have on the public. Many believe that this rebrand is just to distract the public from what is really going on behind closed doors. Imran Ahmed, CEO of the Center for Countering Digital Hate had not-so favourable words about the Facebook reposition, saying the following, ‘…just imagine what Facebook could achieve if it devoted even a fraction of its metaverse investment on proper content moderation to enforce even the most basic standards of truth, decency and progress.’

There has been a mixed reaction from industry experts on this move from Zuckerberg. Here are a few examples of the negative comments:

“While it’ll help alleviate confusion by distinguishing Facebook’s parent company from its founding app, a name change doesn’t suddenly erase the systemic issues plaguing the company… If Meta doesn’t address its issues beyond a defensive and superficial altitude, those same issues will occupy the metaverse,” said Mike Proulx, VP and Research Director at Forrester.


Tom Bianchi, VP of Marketing at Acquia stated, “Big tech companies are taking steps towards consent-led data strategies, such as embracing first-party data and the phasing out of third-party cookies… But, given the scale of the Cambridge Analytica scandal and the recent whistleblower revelations, it’s clear Facebook has a long way to go before it regains consumer confidence.” 

“With social media under scrutiny, and with increasing regulation inevitable, the rebrand and pivot seem to be an attempt to deflect some of the attention from recent scandals, while also entering into a new arena where Facebook may feel better positioned to shape the rules,” said Arielle Garcia, Chief Privacy Officer at UM Worldwide.

It’s not all bad though, here are a few positive outlooks…

Jeff Sue, General Manager of Americas at Mintegral said, “The metaverse and virtual reality world is a great opportunity for Facebook and the new rebranding signifies their intentions… Traditional social media has been a crowded space recently, especially with the rise of TikTok capturing younger audiences. Facebook needed to pivot on many levels from product to PR, and this will allow it to continue growing.”

“Meta represents the future not only for Facebook but for marketing… The metaverse represents the next massive opportunity for brands to engage consumers in new ways,” Aaron Goldman, Chief Marketing Officer at Mediaocean opined. “The key to success for brands in the metaverse will be ensuring that their assets are built into the ecosystem for easy access by consumers.”

This future vision certainly has the tech industry divided. With Meta planning on spending $10 billion in the next year alone on this bet, the social media giant is most certainly committed no matter what other issues hamper it.

Zuckerberg: Meta Will Continue To Subsidize Headset Cost

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg gave insight into the company’s current and future hardware business model at Connect 2021, indicating that the plan is to continue to sell devices at cost or with subsidies to help build a larger ecosystem with as many users as possible.

The Quest 2 starts at just $299 despite having a higher resolution, more features, and less weight than its predecessor.  That entry level price, however, may just be the start for Meta’s long-term ambitions.

Back in March, Zuckerberg confirmed that the company’s business model for headsets was focused on offering a low price above everything else.

Last week at Connect 2021, Zuckerberg gave further details about Meta’s commitment to this model, now and going forward. You can read a transcription below or watch from the 43:15 mark on the video embedded above.

Most of all, I’ve come to believe that the lack of choice and high fees are stifling innovation, stopping people from building new things and holding back the entire internet economy. We’ve tried to take a different approach. We want to serve as many people as possible, which means working to make our services cost less. not more.

Our mobile apps are free. Our ads’ business model is an auction, which guarantees every business the most competitive price possible. We offer our creator and commerce tools either at cost or with modest fees to enable as much creation and commerce as possible.

And it’s worked. Billions of people love our products. We have hundreds of millions of businesses on our platform, and we have a rapidly growing ecosystem and a thriving business.

That’s the approach that we want to take to help build the metaverse too. We plan to continue to either subsidize our devices or sell them at cost to make them available to more people. We’ll continue supporting sideloading and linking to PCs, so consumers and developers have choice rather than forcing them to use the Quest Store to find apps or reach customers. And we’ll aim to offer developer and creator services with low fees in as many cases as possible. So we can maximize the overall creator economy, while recognizing that to keep investing in this future we’ll need to keep some fees higher for some period to make sure that we don’t lose too much money on this program overall.

After all, while a growing number of developers are already profitable, we expect to invest many billions of dollars for years to come before the metaverse reaches scale. Our hope though is that if we all work at it then within the next decade, the metaverse will reach a billion people, host hundreds of billions of dollars of digital commerce and support jobs for millions of creators.

You can read more about what Meta executives had to say about the metaverse last week, or check out our round-up of everything announced at Connect 2021.

Facebook Connect 2021: Nur BBQ-Soße und geheimer Koffer?

Tower Tag auf Steam

Die Facebook Connect 2021 warf ihre Schatten voraus. Wird Facebook eine neue VR-Brille vorstellen? Und was wird die neue Brille auf dem Kasten haben? Eine Quest Pro? Oder doch sogar schon eine Quest 3? Mittlerweile wissen wir leider, dass die Schatten nicht echt waren. Oder hat jemand kurz vor der Präsentation das Licht geändert?

Facebook Connect 2021: Nur BBQ-Soße und geheimer Koffer?

Mark Zuckerberg bbq

Die Vorfreude auf die Facebook Connect 2021 war groß und auch wir saßen gespannt vor den Bildschirmen. Doch was wir bekamen, waren eigentlich nur Vision und die uns bereits bekannt sind. Dazu einen neuen Namen für Facebook und der zukünftige Verzicht auf ein Facebook-Login. Deshalb beschäftigt sich Reddit hauptsächlich mit zwei Dingen nach der Keynote: Der BBQ-Soße auf dem Regal und dem Koffer, der niemals geöffnet wurde. Doch war dies alles so geplant?

Die BBQ-Soße hat Mark sicherlich nur dort vergessen, da er sie ständig zu sich nimmt. Das diese Soße viel Aufmerksamkeit bekommen hat, ist wohl mehr oder weniger Ausdruck der geringen Dichte an neuen Ankündigungen.

Was jedoch auffällig seltsam erschien, war der Umstand, das Mark einen neuen Prototypen in einem Koffer gebracht bekommt, welcher anschließend nicht geöffnet wird. Zwar wird anschließend über zukünftige Geräte gesprochen, doch warum generiert man eine Vorfreude, die anschließend nicht eingelöst wird?

Man könnte hier spekulieren (dies ist keine Verschwörung), dass eine Vorführung geplant, aber letztendlich nicht ausgestrahlt wurde. Im schlimmsten Fall war die Szene aber einfach nicht besonders gut durchdacht. Dennoch sind wir gerade im Zusammenhang mit den Teasern von Boz uns nicht sicher, ob hier nicht in letzter Minute die Entscheidung gefallen ist, keine weiteren Einblicke in den aktuellen Prototypen zu gewähren.

Facebook XR

Doch all die Spekulationen bringen uns nicht näher an ein neues Oculus Quest-Modell. Immerhin hat Meta auf der Facebook Connect 2021 aber in Aussicht gestellt, dass im kommenden Jahr eine neue Premium-Reihe eingeführt werden soll.

Project Cambria und Project Nazare

Die neue Reihe wird aktuell unter dem Namen Project Cambria geführt und die veröffentlichten Leaks im Vorfeld der Connect 2021 decken sich mit den neuen Bildern.

Neben diesen Bildern gab es kaum Informationen. Jedoch sollen das Tracking von Augen und Gesicht unterstützt werden und Pencake-Linsen zum Einsatz kommen, um die Größe der Brille deutlich reduzieren zu können.

Die erste AR-Brille von Meta wird aktuell unter dem Namen Project Nazare geführt. Leider wird es laut Meta aber noch einige Jahre dauern, bis das Unternehmen eine eigene AR-Brille auf den Markt bringen werden. Deshalb gab es vom Produkt auch aktuell noch keine Bilder zu sehen.

Wir sind daher sehr gespannt, was das kommende Jahr uns bieten wird und wann uns Meta weitere Einblicke in die Hardware geben wird. Zwar sind wir etwas enttäuscht von der Connect 2021, jedoch lässt die Aussicht auf eine neue Premium-Reihe der Quest uns um so mehr auf die kommenden Veranstaltungen freuen.

Die Oculus Quest 2 bleibt damit weiterhin unsere Empfehlung für alle Menschen, die in die Virtual Reality eintauchen wollen. Hier findet ihr unseren Langzeittest zur Oculus Quest 2 und hier erfahrt ihr, wie ihr eine Quest 2 noch vor den Feiertagen ergattern könnt.

Der Beitrag Facebook Connect 2021: Nur BBQ-Soße und geheimer Koffer? zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Everything Announced At Connect 2021: Meta, Project Cambria & More (Updated)

Did you miss this year’s Connect conference? Well don’t worry — from Facebook to Meta to Project Cambria, we have a summary of everything announced at Connect 2021.

If you want to watch an abridged version of the main keynote presentation, we’ve cut it down to around 20 minutes highlighting the biggest and most important announcements, entirely cringe-free. That’s embedded above, otherwise you can check out a summary of each topic below.

Facebook Goes Meta

meta quest facebook zuckerberg

At the very end of the keynote, Mark Zuckerberg dropped an impactful ‘one last thing’ announcement.

Facebook is rebranding its corporate name to Meta. Facebook, Instagram and other services and apps will keep their existing names, but fall under the umbrella company now called Meta.

Read more here.

RIP Oculus, Quest Becomes Meta Quest


After the keynote, current VP of VR/AR and incoming Meta CTO Andrew Bosworth announced that the Oculus brand will be retired from existing and future hardware releases. The Oculus branding will live on in some software departments but for the most part, Oculus is no more.

This also means that Oculus Quest 2 will be renamed next year to Meta Quest 2.

Read more here.

Facebook-Free Quest Login From 2022

Zuckerberg Quest 2

We don’t have an exact date or many specific details yet, but Meta is getting rid of its mandatory Facebook-login for Quest headsets.

The change is being made in light of community feedback and will be available sometime next year.

Read more here. 

High-End VR: Project Cambria Revealed

Hot off the leaks that circulated last week, Meta revealed that a new ‘high end’ standalone headset codenamed Project Cambria will launch in 2022.

It will feature eye tracking, face tracking, high resolution color passthrough and multi-element pancake lenses, and will be on the higher end of the price spectrum.

Read more here

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas on Quest 2

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Oculus Quest 2

A port of Rockstar Games’ huge hit Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is in development for Oculus Quest 2.

Read more here.

First Fully-Fledged AR: Project Nazare Revealed

Project Nazare AR Meta

Meta revealed the codename of its first pair of consumer AR glasses — Project Nazare.

A demo video gave us a peek at a little of what to expect, but the glasses are “still a few years out” from release.

Read more here.

Horizon Home Sweet Home

Horizon Home Oculus Quest

Move over Quest Home — Horizon Home is here to stay.

This overhaul turns your Quest’s home environment into a social space, with the ability to invite friends over and host watch parties. Building and customizing your own home space is coming too, but is a bit further down the pipeline.

Read more here.

Quest Goes 2D

2D apps in Home oculus quest

Quest will also get support for new 2D apps, available in the Oculus Store, which use a new framework based on the progressive web app industry standard. There’s a few apps expected to launch soon, like Facebook, Instagram, Dropbox and Slack, with others arriving further down the line.

Read more here.

Broken Cloud Gets Fixed

oculus quest content

The broken cloud storage system for save files on Quest is being replaced by a new service called Cloud Backup, which will be turned on by default for all apps.

Read more here.

Oculus Avatars in Unity

Unity developers will be able to integrate the new Oculus Avatars 2.0 from December, with Unreal Engine support coming next year.

Read more here.

Mixed Reality On Quest Store Apps

After being available as an experimental API, Quest developers will soon be able to ship apps or updates that use the mixed reality functionality on Quest, starting from the next SDK version.

More features are being added as well, to make up what Meta calls the Insight SDK.

Read more here.

Speech Recognition, Tracked Keyboards and Hand Interaction Library

The next SDK release will give Quest developers access to speech recognition capabilities, while tracked keyboard support and a Unity hand interaction library are planned for next year.

Read more here.

Blade and Sorcery on Quest

Blade And Sorcery Oculus Quest

The physics-driven VR combat simulator Blade And Sorcery is coming to Oculus Quest 2 next month.

Read more here.

Horizon Workrooms Customization

Workrooms customization_Still1

Later this year, Workrooms users will be able to add custom logos and posters to their rooms, and switch between “a wider variety of environments.”

Read more here.

Beat Saber Passes $100 Million

Beat Saber OST 4

Meta announced that Beat Saber has made over $100 million in revenue on the Quest platform alone.

Read more here.

Oculus Gaming Showcase

Oculus Gaming Showcase

After the game announcements at Connect, Meta VP of Play Jason Rubin confirmed that the Oculus Gaming Showcase will return for a 2022 show in the future. You can read more here. 

Oculus Quest 2 Active Pack

Oculus Quest 2 Active Pack

Launching in 2022, this new Active Pack contains new accessories aimed at those using VR for fitness.

You can read more here.

Building the Metaverse


Lots of comments were made about the metaverse at Connect 2021. Here’s what Meta executives had to say about the metaverse on a pre-Connect briefing call and during Connect itself. 

Beat Saber Teases New Content & Cosmetic Sabers

This very short Beat Saber tease gave us our first look at what is seemingly cosmetic sabers, coming as part of a larger update to Beat Saber at some point in the future. Read more here. 

Quest Users Unlinking Facebook Account Keep Their Purchases

meta quest facebook zuckerberg

Just after Connect, Meta confirmed that Quest 2 owners who unlink their headset from their Facebook account will retain their software purchases. Read more here.

Vertigo Games Bringing Deep Silver Franchises To VR

Vertigo Games Oculus Studios Deep Silver

Arizona Sunshine and After The Fall developer Vertigo Games is set to bring some of the worlds from gaming publisher Deep Silver to VR in a new deal with Meta and the Oculus Studios label. Read more here. 

What was your favorite Connect 2021 announcement? Let us know in the comments.

This article was first published on October 29 and updated with more entries on October 31. 

Meta Announces AR Glasses Prototype Project Nazare

Alongside the reveal of the new Project Cambria VR headset, Meta (formerly Facebook) just gave a codename to its first pair of consumer AR glasses. Meet Project Nazare.

A demo video of Nazare showed some familiar AR experiences, like communicating with friends in virtual windows and even playing multiplayer with avatars appearing in the user’s living room. There was no actual picture of the hardware itself, but expect more information in the future.

Speaking about Project Nazare, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg described the glasses as the company’s “first full augmented reality glasses,” but also indicated that they are still a work-in-progress:

“There’s a lot of technical work to get this form factor and experience right. We have to fit hologram displays, projectors, batteries, radios, custom silicon chips, cameras, speakers, sensors to map the world around you and more into glasses that are about 5mm thick. So we still have a ways to go with Nazare, but we are making good progress.”

A Connect blog post says the Project Nazare glasses are “are still a few years out.

To watch the full segment from today’s keynote, check out the video embedded above — if it doesn’t start in the right place automatically, skip to 1:07:40.

Last month Facebook also released a pair of glasses in partnership with Ray-Ban named Ray-Ban Stories. However, these are not real AR glasses, and don’t even feature simplistic overlays. The Ray-Ban Stories’ main feature is its built-in camera and microphone for point-of-view photo and video recording.

True AR is shaping up to be a competitive market – Microsoft and Magic Leap already have full but compromised AR devices like HoloLens, which are bulky and have limited field of view. We also know that other companies like Apple are working on AR devices as well.

Oculus Quest Expands 2D App Support, With Facebook, Instagram, Dropbox, Slack & More

Meta (formerly Facebook) is expanding 2D app support on Quest — apps like Instagram, Dropbox and Slack will soon be available to download on the Oculus Store. 

Announced at Connect today, these 2D apps for Quest will use a new framework based on the PWA (progressive web app) industry standard.

Starting today and expanding with increased support to come, this will expand the Quest Home’s 2D app capabilities from just the operating system first-party 2D apps and services (Explore, Oculus Store, Oculus Browser) to include other first and third-party apps from “a variety of developers” that can run in a 2D panel model and take advantage of the Quest’s multitasking capabilities.

2D apps in Home oculus quest

“You just download them and then you use them like panel apps in Home, just like the first party apps,” said Product Management Lead, AV/VR for Enterprise Jill Campbell on a call earlier this week. “Enabling more 2D apps is another step forward in making VR more flexible and more useful … Services like Slack and Dropbox, Facebook and Instagram, and many more open up opportunities, not just for how to use the headset, but for developers and how they might build for the headset.”

DROPBOX on Oculus Quest

Select apps, including Facebook, Instagram, Smartsheet and Spike, will be available in the Oculus Store for Quest from today.  Apps such as Dropbox, Monday.com, MURAL, My5, Pluto TV and Slack “will follow soon” along with other unannounced apps in the future. 

Slack on Oculus Quest

Meta says that these apps 2D panel apps are using a new framework based on the Progressive Web App (PWA) industry standard, which will make Home a developer platform for the first time and allow an app to “have the look and feel of a native app and gain access to discovery and distribution features on the Oculus Platform.”

New work environment quest

There’s also a new work-focused home environment, designed to be used with 2D panel apps and a desk as a virtual office location, pictured above. Unlike Horizon Workrooms, which is designed as a communal meeting and collaborative workspace, this environment is simply an aesthetic change to the home environment optimized for 2D apps and multitasking — essentially an area to work on something by yourself. 

Zuckerberg Announces Facebook Company Rebrand To Meta

Mark Zuckerberg announced that Facebook’s company title will be renamed to Meta. 

Facebook Becomes Meta

The social media platform Facebook will keep its name, as will other company services and apps, while Meta will become the official name for the umbrella company that oversees Facebook, Instagram, Facebook Reality Labs and all its other subsets. 

The official announcement follows on from a report from The Verge last week that indicated the change might be incoming and announced officially at Connect.

As we remarked last week, the move is not dissimilar to Google’s 2015 decision to rebrand their company title from Google to Alphabet. This was done to distinguish Google from the search engine and provide a more encompassing name for the umbrella company managing all of its services and products. 

For Meta, the new name signals a shift towards the metaverse, which has been a big focus of Facebook’s recent VR/AR efforts and today’s Connect keynote. Currently the company brands its own social VR applications on platforms like the Oculus Quest as ‘Horizon’, including Horizon Home, Horizon Workrooms and Horizon Worlds.

Meta says that the name was chosen “because it can mean “beyond,” and captures our commitment to building social technologies that take us beyond what digital connection makes possible today.”

What do you make of the new Meta name? Let us know in the comments below!


New ‘High End’ Headset Codenamed ‘Cambria’ Launching Next Year

After months of speculation of a Quest Pro, Meta announced a VR headset codenamed Project Cambria which will launch in 2022.

Cambria isn’t Quest 3 and will not replace Quest 2. Mark Zuckerberg described it a a new product line separate to the Quest line – “a completely new advanced and high end product” which will be “at the higher end of the price spectrum”.

As hinted by Zuckerberg and firmware findings earlier this year, Cambria will include eye tracking and face tracking to drive avatars in social VR.

It will also have high resolution color passthrough for compelling mixed reality experiences.

Multi-element pancake lenses used instead of fresnel lenses will let Cambria achieve a more compact form factor than any previous Oculus headset.

The reveal comes after months of speculation, rumors and leaks about a device that’s been commonly referred to as Oculus Quest Pro. Meta executives confirmed its existence earlier in the year and this week we saw leaked tutorial videos that seemed to confirm the device was nearing reveal.

Quest 2 itself is now a year old and, although Facebook has never revealed official sales figures, it’s thought to have been incredibly successful compared to other VR headsets, outselling all previous Quest and Rift headsets combined. Developers have reported huge software sales on the platform and a recent recall document suggested Facebook may have sold in the region of four million headsets in the US and Canada alone.

Consulting CTO John Carmack said in April that while he’s “happy to have some Pro version” he worries it will “wind up with 1/10th of the users on there and we should be about kind of maximizing the user base.”

Meta says more information will be shared next year, and the company is now working with developers on apps that take advantage of the new capabilities.

Meta: Quest VR Headsets ‘Won’t Need A Facebook Account’ From 2022

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg signaled the company will be “making it so you can login into Quest with an account other than your personal Facebook account.”

Here’s the full comment from Zuckerberg in the Connect keynote:

“As we’ve focused more on work, and frankly as we’ve heard your feedback more broadly, we’re working on making it so you can login into Quest with an account other than your personal Facebook account. We’re starting to test support for work accounts soon, and we’re working on making a broader shift here, within the next year. I know this is a big deal for a lot of people. Not everyone wants their social media profile linked to all these other experiences and I get that, especially as the metaverse expands.”

While not exactly detailed about the path forward, the comment does indicate Facebook is at least listening to feedback since it imposed a Facebook account requirement last year.

Details on the Oculus Blog indicate that a new Quest for Business program will “let you log in to your Quest 2 headset with a Work Account, an upcoming business-only login that will allow you to collaborate with coworkers and access productivity apps from the Oculus Store like Horizon Workrooms and Gravity Sketch without using your personal Facebook account details.”

Facebook confirmed on a call earlier this week that current Quest for Business headsets did not have access to Oculus Store content, as they ran on a different software platform and used a different stock-keeping unit (SKU) code. However, the new Quest for Business program will be provided as an option on consumer headset models, with access to all the same content and with support for work account login.

This new program is set to begin in a small beta with current business customers this year, before moving into open beta in 2022 and general availability in 2023.

However, Zuckerberg’s comments indicate there will be changes to Quest login options beyond support for work accounts. A Facebook representative confirmed to UploadVR that the company is working on providing “more options” within the next year, with more details to come at a later date.

In a post on his Facebook profile, VP of VR/AR (and incoming 2022 CTO) Andrew ‘Boz’ Bosworth had the following to say:

As we’ve focused more on work, and as we’ve heard feedback from the VR community more broadly, we’re working on new ways to log into Quest that won’t require a Facebook account, landing sometime next year. This is one of our highest priority areas of work internally.

Bosworth also mentioned a new upcoming type of profile for first-party social experiences, called a ‘Horizon Profile’, in his post, which could play a part in the upcoming changes to Quest login options.

This news is breaking and the article will be updated as new information becomes available. 

Horizon Workrooms Will Let You Customize The Room Later This Year

Horizon Workrooms is set to expand, offering users the ability to customize rooms and add custom logos and graphics. 

These new features won’t be available until later in the year, but will let users add some personal touches to the Workrooms, including a custom logo graphic on the wall and custom posters. Users will also be able to switch between “a wider variety of environments”, one of which is pictured below.

Workrooms customization_Still1

In its current state, Horizon Workrooms only offers one room with no customization beyond the seating arrangement. Users can only choose between conversation, boardroom table and presentation settings, which alter the direction of the seats but nothing about the room itself. 

On a call earlier this week Facebook’s Product Management Lead, AV/VR for Enterprise Jill Campbell said that these new customization options are only the beginning of future personalization plans for Workrooms. “This is one step we’re going to take in that direction with lots more to come.”

The image embedded above shows a brand new environment set among city skyscrapers, while the image below shows the default countryside setting that launched with Workrooms. The images also show the custom logo and poster integration, exampled here by Zoom (whose video conferencing service is soon to receive native integration with Workrooms). 

Workrooms customization_Still2

Workrooms launched earlier this year as Facebook’s remote work and collaboration solution for VR. It allows teams to meet in VR and work together with a sense of presence as if everyone is in one room. It achieves this by harnessing a combination of existing and emerging technologies, such as spatial audio, keyboard and hand tracking, passthrough, remote desktop and Oculus Avatars.