Review: Face Your Fears 2

The promise of wireless freedom is one of Oculus Quest’s biggest selling points, allowing players to really immerse themselves in whatever virtual reality (VR) title they so choose. Horror is one of those genres that could benefit from a standalone headset and luckily Oculus Quest has two scary videogames to choose from on launch day, The Exorcist: Legion VR and Turtle Rock Studios’ Face Your Fears 2. However, when it comes to the latter, you shouldn’t be too scared about what’s hidden in the shadows.

Face Your Fears 2 - Screenshot (OC5)

2017’s original Face Your Fears suited that time in the industry, offering small terrifying scenes that were out to instantly shock and scare. So it’s understandable that Turtle Rock Studios has expanded the initial theme into a larger fleshed out experience, with a spooky storyline and much more gameplay to get you properly involved in the narrative.

Set inside a mansion and its grounds, Face Your Fears 2 is split into two chapters which are separated by several decades. The first takes place in recent years and showcases a promising start, the protagonist is looking for his sister who was at a party held at the crumbling mansion. Wandering through the grounds red-eyed crows squawk and snakes suddenly appear in the undergrowth. As you begin to explore further a derelict shed hides a key yet you must first deal with all the spiders, ranging from little ones on your hands to giants eight-legged monsters trying to attack you through the wooden slates.

Face Your Fears 2 has plenty of these little moments that are designed to make you jump, and even the most hard-core VR horror fans would possibly jump at least once. Just like any jump scare obsessed videogame they do start to wear thin and most importantly become easy to spot – which then kills the atmosphere. When it comes to tense, terrifying atmosphere the best parts in Face Your Fears 2 are the bits in between, when the audio and visuals work in unison, unfortunately instantly broken when an actual scare comes along.

Face Your Fears 2 - Screenshot (OC5)The actual gameplay is very by the numbers, a door is locked and there’s only one place to find a key, with the occasional moment where you need to have a brief wander – but not for too long. While there is repetition between the two chapters thankfully each does have its own unique areas so you shouldn’t get bored. What does get a little annoying – and very immersion breaking – is that certain areas can be failed and require several attempts, completely dispelling any notion of fright.

As a launch title for Oculus Quest Face Your Fears 2 really should amaze and drop you to the floor in horror. Yet at no point does the experience ever feel like it can attain those heights, treading mediocre level ground that sorely underuses the device’s ability. Face Your Fears 2 is by no means a bad VR experience it’s just not up to the calibre of Turtle Rock Studios’ previous output.



  • Verdict

Run Screaming Through Your House Playing Face Your Fears 2 on Oculus Quest

There’s nothing like a good horror videogame to get the heart racing, especially when it comes to virtual reality (VR) content. Turtle Rock Studios released Face Yours Fears way back in 2016 for Samsung Gear VR, and with the official unveiling of Oculus Quest yesterday the studio is developing a sequel, Face Your Fears 2.

Face Your Fears 2

On display at this weeks Oculus Connect 5 (OC5) conference in California, Face Your Fears 2 goes straight for the jugular when it comes to scaring the life out of guests, by introducing lots and lots of spiders, from tiny creepy crawly eight legged horrors, to massive beasts trying to climb through windows. So if you’re even slightly arachnophobic then this is the title for you.

As VRFocus’ intrepid reporter Nina finds out in her preview there’s plenty to make you jump, with a dark and dingy atmosphere nicely setting the mood before all those spiders start jumping at your face – which is usually most people’s main fear when it comes to arachnids.

Of course there’s the added benefit that Face Your Fears 2 is on the very latest Oculus headset which features inside-out tracking. Before on the Gear VR version you could only look around and crumple to the floor screaming, much like Oculus Rift horror titles due to the cable. This time however you’ve got much more freedom to move around – depending on play area – and run in fright into a wall. Seriously, that probably won’t happen as Oculus Quest has the Guardian system but you never know.


Check out the video below of Nina talking about Face Your Fears 2 as well as playing the title in a suitably decked out location full of spider webs and such. VRFocus will be reporting from Oculus Connect 5 later today once the second day gets underway, so stay here for more VR news.

OC5: Turtle Rock Games Is Developing Face Your Fears 2 For Quest

OC5: Turtle Rock Games Is Developing Face Your Fears 2 For Quest

At last year’s Oculus Connect, VP of Content Jason Rubin revealed that Gear VR’s Face Your Fears, a game with several scary showcases for the platform, was one of the company’s “biggest success stories” yet. Yesterday, we found out that a sequel is on the way.

Face Your Fears 2 was somewhat quietly announced during yesterday’s Connect 5 keynote, being shown in a demo reel for Oculus’ new standalone VR headset, Quest. Since then Turtle Rock Studios, the makers of the original game, have confirmed that they’re working on the new iteration. It’s even on display at Connect this year with its own spooky booth, as seen in the pictures below.

The footage on-stage had a crow fly at the user’s face, which didn’t look pleasant at all, but that’s kind of Face Your Fear’s objective. The original game featured relatively short sequences designed to play on people’s fears in often cruel ways, selling expansions on the Oculus Store. It made for a great way to showcase the power of VR, even on three degrees of freedom (3DOF) headsets like Gear VR and Oculus Go.

It looks like Face Your Fears 2 is shaping up to be a launch title for Oculus Quest next spring. No word yet on if it will also coming to Gear and Go.

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Preview: Face Your Fears 2 – Why’s it Always Spiders?

Every time a new piece of virtual reality (VR) technology is revealed, a horror experience is offered alongside it. As if the promise of heightened jump scares hasn’t waned over the last five years, Oculus Connect 5’s debut of the final Santa Cruz hardware – now known as Oculus Quest – comes complete with its own haunted house courtesy of Turtle Rock Studios.

The sequel to 2017’s ‘fear and phobia’ experience retreads familiar ground. The sequence available at Oculus Connect 5 begins with the player standing in a clearing by a wood, tasked with finding your missing younger sister. As you walk along a pathway and approach a house, a few simple clues tell you you’re heading in the right direction, while some boundaries trigger events that inform you it’s not going to be a simple case of hide-and-seek.

A later sequence has you explore a woodshed, in which nasty things and apparitions are designed to halt your progress. The phobia that this sequence is excited to push the boundaries of is arachnophobia: beginning with a small spider that jumps on to your hand there’s soon floods of them all over the floor, giant ones reaching through walls at you and swinging from the ceiling literally straight into your face. Yet all the while, all you want is to find a key.

The biggest issue here is that the design of the experience still relies on players moving beyond the boundaries of the demonstration area. Oculus Quest allows you to freely move and walk within an experience unlike any other VR device out there, so why are we still being constrained by analogue sticks for locomotion? While the demonstration build of Face Your Fears 2 was perfectly adequate for showcasing a lowbrow scare sequence in VR, it seems to somewhat fall short of expectations for a totally wireless 6 DoF head-mounted display (HMD).

Oculus Quest - BackEssentially, Face Your Fears 2 is hamstrung by the last two years of VR design. It’s built for a VR device that’s more limited than Oculus Quest, and uses the benefits that the new hardware adds in a purely superficial way: you can move freely, but the design if the videogame completely ignores that possibility. The additional comfort Oculus Quests offers is still welcome of course, but whether that alone is worth a $399 (USD) upgrade is definitely a matter for debate.

The demonstration build ends once you’ve faced the seemingly-endless aggression of spiders and manager to unlock the door to the house with the key you acquired along the way. So while Face Your Fears 2 presents a haunted house experience for Oculus Quest, we haven’t yet been given the chance to step inside. That, it seems, will have to wait until the device launches in Spring 2019.