Player-Hosted Celebration Of EVE: Online Coming to Amsterdam

The dates of the biggest player-hosted gathering of EVE: Online fans have announced the dates of its upcoming event. Evesterdam will be coming to Amsterdam on 4-5th November, 2017.

The Evesterdamn event was first held back in 2013 as a small meetup organised over Facebook to allow EVE: Online players to get together. The event has grown exponentially since then, and is now recognised as one of the biggest EVE fan events in the world.

As well as the expected social meet ups to drink and swap stories and chat with fellow EVE: Online fans, there are also presentation planned for the developers at CCP Games, along with demonstrations of virtual reality (VR) spin-off titles EVE: Valkyrie and EVE: Gunjack. Players who have not previously had the opportunity to play those titles will have the chance to try it out.

Players will also be leading presentations, and the organisers are looking for EVE:Online players who have an interesting idea of what they can talk about on stage to a crowd of eager attendees. Those who are chosen to be presenters will be given free entry to Evesterdam. In addition, prizes will be on offer for in-game competitions for those who choose to engage in the tournaments that will be going on through the weekend.

Evesterdam will be held on November 4th and 5th at the Compagnietheater, Kloveniersburgwal 50 in Amsterdam. Tickets have not yet become available. Previous events had tickets to the event priced at €70 (EUR) for the standard ticket. Further information and updates can be found on the Evesterdam website.

VRFocus will bring you further updates on VR-related events as they become available.