Here Are Some Of The VR Games Attending EGX 2018

Later this month videogame developers, publishers and players will get meeting in Birmingham for EGX 2018. Being one of the biggest gaming events to take place throughout the year in the UK, it is a fantastic chance for people to get hands-on with countless number of videogames. Among the large list of AAA releases sit a number of virtual reality (VR) titles that are inviting players to immerse themselves in a range of different experiences, which are definitely worth checking out.

Astro Bot Rescue Mission - Screenshot (E3 2018)

Starting things off with a bang, PlayStation are bringing a number of different PlayStation VR titles to the show including the upcoming Astro Bot Rescue Mission, Blood & Truth and the ever popular Wipeout Omega Collection with it’s VR mode. These titles all offer a different and unique experience and showcase just what the PlayStation VR headset is capable of doing. Other PlayStation VR titles on display at the show are the much anticipated Tetris Effect from legendary videogame developer behind REZ Infinite, Tetsuya Mizuguchi.

The list doesn’t end there. Maybe you want to experience some fast paced action at the show. If that is the case then Skyfront VR will be for you. Offering intense multiplayer first-person shooter (FPS) fun, players will be flying through zero-gravity battle arenas as they fight for the best score. Speaking of zero-gravity, the roguelike space shooter Everspace with it’s VR support will also be attending the show. Likewise Sublevel Zero Redux and its six-degrees-of-freedom will also be in attendance.

Beat Saber Arcade Machine - Screenshot

Other experiences that players will be able to immerse themselves in at the show include They Suspect Nothing. In which players need to blend in as a robot and complete a series of mini-games. Arca’s Path VR will be there as well with it’s charming visual design and captivating gameplay from developers Dream Reality Interactive and Rebellion. There is even a chance to check out Titanic VR in which players will explore the famous ship and learn more about the events that unfolded. Finally, the ever popular Beat Saber will also be at EGX 2018 giving those at the show a chance to let lose and enjoy some rhythm gameplay.

EGX 2018 will be taking place at The NEC in Birmingham from 20th to 23rd September, 2018. Tickets are still available for those who need one and can be purchased from the event website and you can see the full list of games playable here. VRFocus will be sure to bring you all the latest on the VR happenings of the event so stay tuned for more.

EVERSPACE Adds TrackIR & HOTAS Support, Plus Hardcore Mode

Hamburg-based indie developer ROCKFISH Games has today released an update for EVERSPACE. Adding a Hardcore Mode, TrackIR, and customisable HOTAS (joystick) support to their fast-paced roguelike space shooter, this major update sees the ROCKFISH Games deliver on the last remaining promises of their wildly successful Kickstarter from 2015.

EVERSPACE image 1The Hardcore Mode offers a whole new level of challenge for veteran pilots. Players are no longer allowed to improve their starting conditions, so each new run starts out with the same fixed set of pilot perks and without any ship perks upgraded. Players can upgrade ship perks only at the end of each sector, provided they have collected enough credits. Hardcore Mode also introduces another surprise: before entering a new sector, players must select from different “handicap” modifiers which have adverse effects on the overall gameplay, letting them choose between the frying pan or the fire.

In spite of the fact that the HOTAS support stretch goal was not unlocked, ROCKFISH Games also added fully customisable joystick support due to strong demand from the community. Enthusiasts can now fully configure the controls layout including button and axis mapping, and even tweak settings for sensitivity and dead zones to their liking.

EVERSPACE is still as fast-paced and twitchy as ever, so we still think that using the mouse and keyboard is the best way to fly. But, some of our fans have been pretty vocal about it, and we heard them loud and clear: they are finally able to use their HOTAS to pilot their space ship on their dangerous journey,” said Michael Schade, CEO and co-founder of ROCKFISH Games.

EVERSPACE Early Acces Screenshot 02With this major patch, there are coming further features requested by the community, like options to toggle Motion Blur, Chromatic Aberration, different kinds of anti-aliasing, changing the screen percentage in non-VR Mode, Colorblind Mode, as well as mouse/keyboard controls and further improvements in VR. The complete changelog is available on the official EVERSPACE forum (requires registration), and VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest VR news from ROCKFISH Games.

Don Your Space Suit as EVERSPACE Comes to VR

It’s been a while in the making but finally ROCKFISH Games’ rogue-like space combat title EVERSPACE Earlier this month the studio revealedhas finally made it to virtual reality (VR). the title would be getting the long awaited support for Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and OSVR and now version 1.0 has been released.

ROCKFISH first announced VR support back in 2015, prior to its successful Kickstarter campaign. The arrival of version 1.0 not only benefits VR users but also players who’ve enjoyed the title all the way through Steam Early Access. The update brings with it, the addition of a story line, achievements, more points of interest, a new device called the Sensor Array, plus many tweaks and bug fixes.

EVERSPACE cockpit image

One feature that has been completely overhauled is the use and crafting of scanning probes. ROCKFISH explained on a Steam post: “We watched a lot of streams and videos of people playing EVERSPACE and noticed that crafting/using scanning probes has become too obligatory. The routine would be to craft and use a scanning probe at the beginning of every location which is neither fun nor does it promote explorative gameplay. We realized that a lot of gameplay elements would not work the way we intended, i.e. cloud fields, comm hubs, jump suppressor signals and many more. On the other hand, not being able to craft scanning probes (e.g. due to a lack of gas) would result in frustration, so increasing the crafting costs was not and option.

“Our solution: Remove scanning probes completely, add radar memory (so that scanned objects will remain on the HUD), increase the amount of comm hubs and introduce a new device, the sensor relay which increases the ship’s sensor range.
With these changes in effect, we noticed a huge improvement in gameplay, shifting the approach towards risk/reward driven exploration rather than dully working off HUD markers one after another.”

EVERSPACE can be purchased now for £22.99 GBP, and for any further VR updates to the title, keep reading VRFocus.

Full EVERSPACE 1.0 changelog:

New Features

  • Added the story
  • Added more points of interest
  • Added achievements (version dependent)
  • Added new device: Sensor Relay
  • Added new ship colors
  • Added VR support for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive
  • Added option to switch Yaw and Roll mapping for controller


  • Removed scanning probes from the game.
  • Added “radar memory”: scanned objects will now remain on the HUD indefinitely
  • Increased spawn chance of comm hubs
  • Changed “Low Profile” glyph negative effect: Instead of increased jump cooldown there is now a jump suppressor in every location
  • Changed “Predetermination” glyph positive effect: Instead of no jump suppressors G&B and Okkar are now hostile to each other
  • Decreased “Bullseye” glyph shield regeneration percentage from 20% to 10%
  • Increased “Leech” glyph hull hitpoints regeneration from 10 HP to 20 HP per kill
  • Changed “Devastator” subroutine values from 50% / 30% to 40% / 40%
  • Gunship turret kills and player drone kills will now reset the kill timer while using the Berzerker glyph
  • Spawn superior loot with high enhanced weapons chance behind locked doors of derelict colonial stations
  • Give a credits bonus for each sector reached
  • Show total cost of perks with sub levels and credits already spent on level
  • Added more codex entries
  • Added illustrations to codex entries
  • Okkar Interceptors will now occasionally use teleporters
  • Replace Gatling Turret with Front Shield Generator in Gunship Loadout C
  • Reduced energy consumption of some weapon mods
  • Reduced energy consumption of device mods
  • Reduced Damage Booster bonus
  • Reduced Shield Booster Mk2 and Mk3 bonus
  • Damage Limiter consumable reduction is now calculated separately after armor damage reduction instead of adding it to the armor damage reduction
  • Increased Missile Defense System duration
  • Balanced Ancient “Teleporter” alien: Less damage but better accuracy
  • Set maximum number of ARC-9000s per secondary slot from 2 to 1
  • Further increased Time Extender cooldown durations
  • Increased speed at which plasma is collected in plasma fields
  • Decreased Ancient Weapon damage bonus
  • Increased Nano Injector repair amount to match the required Nano Bots
  • Grey Goos are no longer affected by ARC-9000
  • Performance optimizations, especially on medium and low settings
  • Prevent black holes from spawning close to ancient structures
  • Do not show missile lock warnings if Beeline enhancement is installed
  • Increased Flak Cannon 5-5 damage
  • Increased Sensor Drone hitpoints
  • Increased Elite Access Key drop chance from 40% to 75%
  • Made a few UI changes to the cockpit displays
  • Changed spacing, colors and positions of a few UI elements
  • Added run duration to hall of fame


  • Fixed Splitter Glyph not forcing a start with only one empty secondary weapon slot when having loadout B or C selected
  • Fixed Equalizer Glyph not affecting Health after very first jump (start of game) and after using jump gates
  • Fixed Leech Glyph not regenerating hull hitpoints when destroying turrets
  • Fixed Bullseye Glyph falsely recharging the shield when hitting non-NPC objects
  • Fixed splitted “Ancient Friends” being hostile and damaging the player
  • Fixed tooltips showing on locked ships loadouts
  • Fixed some navigation issues in setup screen
  • Fixed being able to escape from system map before jumping away by pressing next/previous tab
  • Fixed large ships (e.g. Okkar Corvettes) receiving huge amounts of collision damage
  • Fixed “Colonial Interceptor” always being displayed in end of run screen, even if Colonial Scout or Colonial Gunship were chosen
  • Fixed visual upgrades for ships getting mixed up
  • Fixed spread mod not affecting energy
  • Fixed charge duration of weapons which was affected by energy consumption reduction
  • Fixed Corrosion Missiles stop doing damage if Outlaw Drone Carrier brings up shield
  • Fixed ship geometry not being hidden in 1st person no-cockpit view when playing with a high FOV
  • Fixed freighter jump charge effect not being displayed

Everspace erhält VR-Support zum offiziellen Release

Der Space Shooter Everspace von Rockfish Games wurde im Jahr 2015 per Kickstarter finanziert. Damals wurde das Spendenziel durch mehr als genug Unterstützer weit übertroffen. Die Entwickler versprachen in der damaligen Kickstarter-Kampagne VR-Support für das Actionspiel. Zum Release am 26. Mai wird dieses Feature nun endlich integriert. Zusätzlich werden weitere neue Inhalte, wie beispielsweise eine neue Kampagne eingeführt.

VR-Support zum offiziellen Release


In Everspace bestreitet der Spieler Weltraumschlachten in Singleplayer-Missionen. Dabei navigiert ihr euer Raumschiff durch das Weltall und messt euch mit anderen Piloten mit einem Arsenal unterschiedlicher Waffen und Geräten. Zusätzlich beinhaltet es ein Rollenspiel ähnliches Loot- und Craftingsystem. Die auf der Unreal Engine 4 basierende Grafik des Spiels ist schön anzusehen und bringt eine großartige Science-Fiction-Atmosphäre mit sich.

Das Spiel startete die Early-Access-Phase im September letzten Jahres. Während dieser Zeit experimentierte Everspace mit Support für die Oculus Rift und HTC Vive. Jedoch war die VR-Implementation noch äußerst fehlerhaft, wie die Entwickler in einem Update der Kickstarter-Kampagne anmerkten: „Die erste ‚experimentelle‘ VR-Implementation war alles andere als perfekt. Der Support für Virtual Reality hatte vorerst keine Priorität, denn wir legten den Fokus zunächst auf die Kernelemente des Spiels.“

Die Early-Access-Phase von Everspace endet am 26. Mai, denn zu diesem Datum findet der offizielle Release des Spiels statt. Zum vollständigen Release erhält das Spiel die lange erwünschte Umsetzung des VR-Supports für HTC Vive und Oculus Rift. Wie das aussieht, kann man im kürzlich veröffentlichten Trailer betrachten:

Außerdem bringen die Entwickler einige neue Inhalte ins Spiel. So erscheint eine neue Kampagne mit neuen Missionen und Storyelementen. Des Weiteren wurden weitere Zwischen- und Videosequenzen eingefügt, einige Bugfixes unternommen und Steam-Errungenschaften sowie Steam-Sammelkarten hinzugefügt.

Wir dürfen gespannt sein, wie sich Everspace in der Virtual Reality anfühlt. Das Spiel ist auf Steam für 27,99 Euro erhältlich.

(Quellen: UploadVR | Steam | Kickstarter)

Der Beitrag Everspace erhält VR-Support zum offiziellen Release zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Gorgeous Space Combat Game Everspace Finally Gets VR Support

Gorgeous Space Combat Game Everspace Finally Gets VR Support

When Rockfish Games announced its new space action game, Everspace, a few years back, we were pulled in by its stunning graphics. It also helped that the Kickstarter campaign for the game, which raised around $466,000, promised full VR support. Soon the developers will make good on that promise.

Everspace will leave its current Early Access phase and launch as a full release on May 26th, Rockfish confirmed today. The game launched in pre-release form last September, and had experimental support for both the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, but the studio is planning much sturdier integration for this month’s release. Check out the trailer below to see why that’s a good thing.

“”The first “experimental” VR implementation was far from perfect and for quite some time VR has not been a priority as we had to complete all the core elements of the game, first,” Rockfish explained in a Kickstarter update. “Fortunately, we were able to hire another talented developer back in March this year to solely focus on the VR implementation. We are excited to announce that the full version will ship with full VR support for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.”

That’s not all that will be new for Everspace’s full release. Rockfish will also be adding a full campaign to the game, which players could only get a taste of in the Early Access release.

Rather than focusing on multiplayer battles like EVE: Valkyrie, Everspace offers single-player missions in which you head into combat with enemy ships. The game features RPG-like crafting and loot systems as well as procedurally-generated levels that you’ll explore with one of three ships. Built with Unreal Engine 4, it’s an utter treat for the eyes.

We’ve got high hopes that Everspace will be an essential experience for headset owners. We’ll find out if that’s the case later on this month.

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EVERSPACE to Launch This Month With Full VR Support

Today, ROCKFISH Games has announced that its rogue-like space combat title EVERSPACE will fully launch out of Steam Early Access this month, bringing with it full virtual reality (VR) support.

VR support has been teased since the studio first revealed the title back in early 2015. Then later that year its launched a successful Kickstarter crowd-funding campaign, reaching some €420,252 EUR, whilst releasing a video showcasing the VR development. That’s all now set to come to fruition with Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and OSVR owners finally getting to play the title.

EVERSPACE cockpit image

EVERSPACE will launch on Friday, 26th May 2017. In the announcement on Steam ROCKFISH Games wrote: “The Full Release version will add the story elements with missions, cutscenes and video sequences, as well as full VR support. Next to many tweaks and bugfixes, version 1.0 will also add Steam Achievements and Trading Cards. The promised Hardcore Mode did not make it in time and will get added post release as a free update. We’ll also start working on Joystick support right after release.

“The Full Release version will support the following languages: Chinese (Simplified + Traditional), English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Spanish (Latin America). Voice Overs will be available in English and German.”

EVERSPACE is a single-player shooter, putting greater emphasis on story than multiplayer focused titles like EVE Valkyrie. Players will be able to engage in dogfights, mine resources to craft equipment and modify ships, loot blueprints for exotic weaponry and much more.

Checkout the new gameplay video below, and for any further VR updates to EVERSPACE, keep reading VRFocus.