Virtual Reality Aids With Experiments In Space

Virtual reality (VR) has been increasingly involved in the area of space travel, with multiple VR apps and videogames attempting to explore and recreate the experience of space travel for users. The European Space Agency (ESA) is using VR is a different way to explore how the brain interprets information such as gravity.

An experiment called Gravitational References for Sensimotor Performance, or GRASP, is exploring how microgravity affects the ability of humans to grab or manipulated objects in the environment of space, using VR to aid in the task.

The GRASP experimental series is designed aid in getting a better understanding of how the human brain draws information from a variety of sources, such as sight, sound and even gravity as part of hand-aye coordination.

Astronauts aboard the International Space Station don a specialised VR headset which is driven by a laptop with a customised audio and graphical system. This simulates a series of tasks for users to perform, while a 3D motion tracker display in real time in response to movements of the hand, arm and body.

The experiments are repeated on Earth and up beyond the pull of gravity in order to get a concrete idea of the differences. It is hoped that these insights into physiology and hand-eye coordination will help with research into conditions that relate to vertigo, dizziness, balance and spatial orientation.

The gathered data could also be helpful in guiding astronauts on spacewalks and could assist in developing new guidance systems for robots. This research might then be applied in areas such as remote operation of equipment, which could be used not only to explore the landscapes of other worlds, but could also help surgeons and engineers.

International Space Station

A video clip of the experiment being conducted can be viewed below. For further coverage of new and innovative uses for VR technology, keep checking back with VRFocus.

What’s Life Like Off World? Find Out In The International Space Station Tour VR

Many children when they are growing up and are asked what they want to be when they grow up will say they want to be a sports star, or perhaps a doctor or a fireman. One other more outlandish, certainly out of this world occupation that is often cited is that of an astronaut. Amazingly, as technology develops and companies like SpaceX and Virgin Galactic continue to work to make cheaper space flight and space tourism respectively a relative prospect. For many of our children in the years ahead this might actually become a realistic prospect.

International Space Station Tour VR

For the overly large proportion of the rest of though, such times are out of reach. However, we can still all reach for the stars – or at least orbit – thanks to virtual reality (VR) and the latest release from Polish creative studio The House of Fables. They’ve teamed up with the European Space Agency (ESA) to bring you a new view of the world, one 400km above it in fact, with a tour of the International Space Station (ISS).

International Space Station Tour VR takes you around the only manned outpost outside of the Earth, with a combination of high-quality 360 degree photos as well as video recorded by Italian astronaut and ISS resident Samantha Cristoforetti. Taking in the eight modules on the station from America, Europe, Japan and Russia

First released on Windows Mixed Reality, you can now download International Space Station Tour VR on Steam, the Oculus Store, Google Play, the Windows Store and also Viveport.

“We first released ISS Tour VR on Windows Mixed Reality and are proud to now introduce it to new platforms.  Making the app available on HTC Vive, Oculus, Google Cardboard, Google Daydream, Viveport and doing so completely for free, means that more people will get the chance to visit places they’d never be able to visit otherwise, and experience things that normally only a few of us can experience, like visiting the ISS.” Explained Adam Robaszyński-Janiec, The House of Fables’ CEO.

You can see a preview trailer for the experience below. For more 360 degree news and videos check out VRFocus’ thrice weekly morning segment Life in 360°, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Get Some Space This Christmas – Up On The ISS With Windows Mixed Reality

It’s Christmas! [Insert that declaration but made in the style of Noddy Holder here.] It’s that time of year when everyone gathers around to spend time with their families and give thanks for what they have. This is until about this time in the day, where upon you suddenly remember why you all moved out in the first place. Mum’s in tears, Dad’s gone out to the shed to mess with something. Your brother’s stolen your present, your sister’s sat on hers and broken it. Your Aunt and Uncle are arguing again, your Grandparents are making inappropriate comments and everyone is fighting tooth and nail over the remote. So now the only thing on is that soap opera only half of the others only ‘kind of’ like.

What a day, eh? Makes you want to just get away from it all. Stop the world, I want to get off! Well, funny you should mention that. For owners of one of Microsoft’s Windows Mixed Reality head mounted displays (HMDs) there’s a brand new opportunity to just that.

It’s time to head outwards and upwards, quite a ways upwards – 400km above the surface in fact, going from the comfort of your own home all the way to the International Space Station (ISS). A free experience from Polish studio The House of Fables, in International Space Station Tour VR you’ll have the opportunity to spend time on the ISS and discover just what being an astronaut is like by visiting eight of the modules onboard the station.  Getting a close up view of the various tasks and living conditions that being on the ISS entails.

The House of Fables is based in Warsaw and was set up by August 2014.  Traditionally the studio focusing on hidden object and adventure videogames however in this instance they’ve taken on a distinctly educational project in 360 degrees. Incorporating European Space Agency photos and videos recorded by Italian astronaut and ISS resident Samantha Cristoforetti.

“Working on ISS Tour VR was a very challenging, yet rewarding experience.” Said The House of Fables CEO Adam Robaszyński-Janiec on the project. “For me, the ability to create apps like this is what VR is all about. Thanks to this amazing technology we can give people the chance to visit places they’d never be able to visit otherwise, and experience things that normally only a few of us can experience – such as visiting the ISS.”

You can see a trailer for the experience below. VRFocus will bring you news of more new releases for Windows Mixed Reality very soon.