Oculus Rift: Kostenloses Probewochenende von Eternity Warriors VR

Der VR-Action-Titel Eternity Warriors VR ist dieses Wochenende bis einschließlich Montag den 19. März kostenlos im Oculus Store für Oculus Rift per Desktop-App spielbar. Die VR-Adaption von Eternity Warriors ist ein Wave Shooter, der es den Spielern erlaubt, alleine oder im Ko-op mit Freunden in der Rolle von drei unterschiedlichen Helden in die Fantasy-Welt des Franchises einzutauchen und sich in hitzige Gefechte gegen altbekannte Widersacher und Monster zu stürzen.

Eternity Warriors VR – Dieses Wochenende kostenlos im Oculus Store verfügbar

Der Arcade-Action-Titel Eternity Warriors VR von Indie-Entwicklerstudio Vanimals ist eine VR-Adaption des erfolgreichen Eternity-Warrior-Franchise. Innerhalb des VR-Titels stürzen Horden von ikonischen Feinden im Stil eines Wave Shooters auf euch zu. Diese müsst ihr mit Nah- und Fernkampfwaffen zerpflücken.


Dafür stehen euch drei verschiedene Klassen mit unterschiedlichen Spielstilen zur Verfügung: Als Krieger nutzt ihr Schwert und Schild, um die anstürmenden Gegner aus nächster Distanz zu bekämpfen. Euer Schild ist in der Lage, feindliche Projektile zurückzuschleudern. Außerdem könnt ihr einen desaströsen Laserstrahl aus eurer Hand abfeuern. Der Jäger setzt auf die Präzision eines Bogens, um aus der Distanz Feuerpfeile auf seine Feinde abzufeuern und mit einem Kraftfeld Gegner einzufrieren. Ebenso für den Fernkampf, jedoch mit mehr Durchschlagskraft ausgestattet, setzt der Schütze auf Revolver und Schrotflinte sowie auf ein magisches Schild zur Verteidigung.


Die diversen Missionen lassen sich sowohl solo wie auch im Ko-op-Modus mit Freunden meistern. Am Ende der jeweiligen Karte erwartet die Spieler dann ein fordernder Bosskampf. Zur Belohnung winken Trophäen und Auszeichnungen, die man mit anderen Spielern teilen kann.

Eternity Warriors VR ist vom 15. bis zum 19. März kostenlos im Oculus Store per Oculus Desktop-App mit einer Oculus Rift spielbar. Zudem ist der VR-Titel derzeit zum reduzierten Preis von 4,49 Euro im Oculus Store erhältlich.

(Quellen: Road to VR | Vanimals | Video: Vanimals & Eternity Warriors Youtube)

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Play Arcade Combat Game ‘Eternity Warriors VR’ This Weekend on Rift For Free

Eternity Warriors VR, an arcade combat game from Beijing-based indie studio Vanimals and Eternity Warriors franchise creators Glu Mobile, is opening up access to Rift owners for free this weekend.

Eternity Warriors VR boasts online co-op in addition to single player mode. Based on short mission-based sessions that take place in a single environment (room-scale locomotion only), you’ll be able to choose from three different combat classes—The Warrior, The Hunter, or The Gunner—all of which have their own weapon styles ranging from long-range to short-range melee types. Waves of enemies and boss battles should keep you slashing and shooting, something that’s always more fun with someone by your side.

The free access period starts March 15th at 1:00 PM EDT (your local time) and goes until March 19th at 3:00 AM EDT (your local time).

One of the major complaints by owners of the game is the lack of populated servers, something many online VR games face as a challenge currently. While game demos are still few and far between on the Oculus Store, the free access weekends at least give you a chance to see what the game is like with the hustle and bustle of healthy online usership, hopefully attracting more regular paying users as a result. Oculus has since held several free access weekends for games such as Onward (2017), SPARC (2017), and From Other Suns (2017). To see the latest free weekend, keep an eye on the ‘Coming Soon’ section on Oculus’ website.

Check out Eternity Warriors VR for Rift on Oculus Home here.

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Preview: Eternity Warriors – Bringing Hack n Slash Gameplay to VR

Vanimals Games is well known for its arcade hack n slash series Eternity Warriors which has seen several iterations released on mobile devices over the last six years. So now the developer has turned its attention to virtual reality (VR) bringing that same universe to HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, giving players a chance to engage in all out combat.

The early access release features three standard type characters (or loadouts), Warrior, Hunter or Gunner. Naturally each has its own particular strengths and weaknesses depending on how you like to play. The Warrior is the close range specialist – and probably the most fun – equipping you with a massive sword in one hand and a shield in the other. All the loadouts have secondary options, so once the sword is charged it’ll let out a long distance attack, while the shield hand can also fire a massive laser beam – both good for ranged enemies.

The Hunter is the bow carrying character, good for those who like to keep things at a distance, although because you’re rooted to the spot it does tend to be the weakest of the three as you can’t move to maintain that distance. To help, the bow has explosive fire arrows and seeker arrows which can lock on to multiple enemies which do work very well. Should things get close quarters the bow hand can release a stasis field for a short time and the bow can be used like a blade. It was just nowhere as good as the warrior’s sword.

Lastly there’s the Gunner and as the name implies you’re dual wielding a pistol and shotgun. There’s no need to worry about ammo or reloading, the pistol is infinite and the shotgun reloads automatically and quick. This is another very good class as the pistol can be charged for high damage, rapid fire shots, and the shotgun can place a small shield to protect against incoming projectiles.

Currently gameplay consists of killing waves of enemies across five rounds. The same area is used but you do move around it, offering different hostile spawn locations. If you know the Eternity Warriors franchise then you’ll already kind of know what to expect, Vanimals Games isn’t trying to sell you some massive story driven adventure, just the fun action sequences boiled down into one experience. Even at this stage it’s a hoot. Parrying an enemies strike with the warrior’s shield flings them up into the air where you can juggle them with your sword which never gets old.

Plus Eternity Warriors does look gorgeous which always helps. The enemy characters are very well crafted and highly detailed – very noticeable when they’re right up in your face – and so is the one location, with the last round overlooking a city in ruins.

VRFocus previewed the single-player but there’s also a coop multiplayer mode as well, so you can team up with a mate (or stranger) to help protect your back. This should help add to the longevity of the experience. Otherwise Eternity Warriors would be fairly short lived, which good graphics alone can’t save. It’ll be interesting to see how Vanimals Games goes about expanding the title as development continues.

Further Details Emerge On Eternity Warriors VR

Earlier this year developer Vanimals Games announced plans to bring its successful smartphone franchise, Eternity Warriors, to virtual reality (VR). The title passed the Steam Greenlight process before that service was closed, and is now anticipating an Early Access release in September 2017.

Eternity Warriors VR is an action-adventure title where players can take on the role of one of three hero classes, Warrior, Hunter or Gunner to fight against hordes of devilish monsters. There are plans for both single player and multiplayer modes in the Early Access version, with multiplayer co-op being a planned feature.

Vanimals Games have said that the title is designed with fast-paced arcade-style combat in mind, with short, mission-based sessions so users can play in short bursts to fit in around their schedule. The developers have also promised that characters and monsters from the mobile titles will be making appearances, which is sure to please fans of the previous smartphone Eternity Warriors titles.

The developers are hoping to work with the community to gather feedback on how best to improve the videogame. There are already plans to add extra hero classes, multiplayer modes and challenges modes to the full release. Players who purchase the Early Access version will be upgraded to the full release version for no extra cost.

Eternity Warriors VR is expected to be released into Steam Early Access for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift some time in September 2017. A price point and precise release date has not yet been confirmed. Further information and updates can be found on the Steam store page.

VRFocus will bring you further information on Eternity Warriors VR as it becomes available.

‘Eternity Warriors VR’ Coming to Steam Early Access this Month

Eternity Warriors, the mobile game series, is making its way to VR soon with the aptly named Eternity Warriors VR, a first-person co-op hack-and-slash coming to Steam Early Access later this month.

The game was initially released on Viveport as a single-player demo that let you play as either the blade-wielding Warrior or the Hunter, a class outfitted with bow and arrow. Featuring mission-based gameplay, the demon-filled brawler now lets you slash through enemies as one of three different classes; the Warrior, the Hunter, or the Gunner, a class that uses both a pistol and shotgun to take out enemies.

Thanks to SteamVR support, Eternity Warriors VR will be compatible with HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. Eternity Warriors VR is also one of the first VR games to have native support for Windows VR headsets, among 67 others.

Inspired by the Devil May Cry and Bayonetta series, the built-for-VR game was created by Vanimals Technology, a Beijing-based game studio working with Eternity Warriors franchise owners Glu Mobile. In Q3 2016, Vanimals received an initial round investment of approximately $1 million from Youget Capital and Green Pine Capital.

‘Eternity Warriors VR’ on Steam

The post ‘Eternity Warriors VR’ Coming to Steam Early Access this Month appeared first on Road to VR.

Eternity Warriors VR Seeks Greenlight Votes

Having seen success with four titles for smartphones, developer Vanimals Games are bringing the Eternity Warriors franchise to virtual reality (VR). The creators are seeking support through Steam’s Greenlight system in order to get the title published.

The original Eternity Warriors was launched six years ago on smartphones and has had three sequels since then. The VR iteration will continue the series tradition of being a first-person hack and slash where players cut down hordes of demonic foes using an arcade-inspired combat system.

There are plans for three different character archetypes, the melee-focussed Warrior, the sneaky Hunter or the ranged Gunner. Each class will have a range of abilities available to them as players make their way through the various mission-based levels, which will feature dark, apocalyptic aesthetics. The developers are also hoping to introduce multi-player coop and PvP if the title passes the Greenlight process.

It is not currently known what VR platforms could be compatible with Eternity Warriors VR, though the developers have said they anticipate it will be available for ‘PC VR platforms’, which likely means HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. Vanimals Games are hoping to bring the title to PlayStation VR and mobile VR platforms at some point in the future.

The title will use enemies and environments that will be familiar to players of the mobile titles while introducing new mechanics and bosses unique to the VR experience. If the Greenlight process is successful, the developers hope to release a full version of Eternity Warrirors VR by Q3 2017.

A trailer for Eternity Warriors VR is available to view below.

VRFocus will continue to bring you news of Steam Greenlight VR titles.