ESL’s VR League: Season 2 Grand Finals Taking Place at Oculus Connect 5

A couple of months ago Oculus announced the second annual esports tournament, VR League: Season 2, in collaboration with ESL. With the competition well under way with players competing from across the globe its been announced that the grand finals will take place during Oculus Connect 5 (OC5) in September.

Echo Arena artwork

Due to be streamed live on VR League’s FacebookTwitch and YouTube channels starting at 11:30 AM PST/19:30 CEST on both Wednesday, 26th September and Thursday, 27th September, competitors will be fighting for a total cash prize pool of $120K USD. The first day will feature military shooter Onward and magical combat title The Unspoken. While Day Two will feature the slightly sportier Echo Arena and Sprint Vector.

Onward is a 5v5 tactical first-person shooter (FPS) which held its first invitational back in June, securing one team a spot in the grand finals. Working in tandem with the VR Master League, the VR League will be putting two more slots up for grabs in an open qualifier on 11th August. For the fourth slot four teams from the VR Master League will be invited to compete live on LAN on 2nd September.

As for The Unspoken, four players are already in the World Finals Qualifier with four places remaining. The Last Chance Qualifier takes place on 14th August with the World Finals Qualifier following on 18th August, where the top two players from each region will get to play at OC5.

Onward screenshot 1

If your more of an Echo Arena fan then there’s still time to join in the fun. Apart from the Echo Arena Invitational in July  there’s still the Stage 3 Finals on 12th August, where the two top teams receive an invite to the World Finals Qualifier. Finally there’s the Last Chance Qualifier on 14th-15th August to get through to the World Finals Qualifier. If you want to compete head here.

Finally there’s the most physical videogame of the lot, Survios’ Sprint Vector. Qualifiers haven’t even begun just yet for this title, with the racing due to begin on 17th August. For further details on how to sign up head here.

With plenty of competition expected over the next month VRFocus will keep you informed of what’s going on.

VR League Season 2 Finals Officially Slated For Oculus Connect 5

VR League Season 2 Finals Officially Slated For Oculus Connect 5

If I’ve learned anything over the past couple of years, it’s that VR is very likely the future of esports. Competitive gaming has taken the world by storm and it’s exciting to watch masters of their craft expertly play the hottest video games, but when you can see someone physically competing in virtual reality, it’s even better.

Earlier this year Oculus, Intel, and the ESL teamed up again for Season 2 of the VR League with $220k in total prizes on the line and $120k total just for OC5 Finals. Now, the VR League Finals are coming up soon with live competitions at Oculus Connect 5 from September 26th – 27th at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center. Live coverage of the VR League Finals will begin at 11:30AM PT on September 26th on Facebook, Twitch, and YouTube. The first day will feature Onward and The Unspoken with day two dedicated to Echo Arena and Sprint Vector.

For Onward, competition has been heating up lately as VR League has partnered with VR Master League. One team has already secured a spot for the OC5 Finals through their domination at the Onward Invitational and starting on August 11th, the VR Master League will run its open qualifier tournament to award two teams spots at the Finals. The fourth and final team slot will go to the winner of the September 2nd Onward Last Chance Qualifier, which will be hosted live at ESL Studios in Leicester, UK. More details on all thins Onward here.

Half of The Unspoken’s lineup for OC5 finals is already set, after an initially shaky period of uncertainty of whether or not it would even be included in VR League. The remaining four slots will go to competitors from the World Finals Qualifier on August 18th (following the preceding Last Chance Qualifier on August 14th). More details on The Unspoken here.

There are still lots of chances to qualify for Echo Arena, including the Stage 3 Finals, Last Chance Qualifier, and World Finals Qualifier across multiple regions. And for Sprint Vector, rankings haven’t even happened yet. On August 17th during the World Finals Qualifier, the top eight players (based on points) will be selected to compete on-stage in San Jose for the VR League Finals. More details for Echo Arena and Sprint Vector can be found at each link.

Seeing a VR platform manufacturer like Oculus continue to not only support — but invest in — the competitive VR esports landscape is extremely exciting. Hopefully this leads to more competitions down the line, including a VR League Season 3 for next year.

To stay up to date on the latest with the VR Leage, make sure and follow their official Facebook and Twitter profiles. Let us know what you think of how the competitions have been thus far down in the comments below!

Correction: We fixed a typo that originally stated the wrong prize pool amount.

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The post VR League Season 2 Finals Officially Slated For Oculus Connect 5 appeared first on UploadVR.

vSports: ESL rudert zurück – Finale von The Unspoken findet doch statt

Wir berichteten vor wenigen Tagen über die Entscheidung der ESL, den VR-Titel The Unspoken aus der laufenden zweiten Saison der VR League zu entfernen. Ein Schritt, der große Empörung bei der Spielerschaft auslöste und besonders für Enttäuschung bei den professionellen Teilnehmern sorgte. Nun gibt es Neuigkeiten vonseiten der E-Sports-Liga, denn die Verantwortlichen rudern von ihrem Entschluss zurück. Das große Finale des VR-Magier-Duells soll nun doch auf der Oculus Connect 5 stattfinden. Die besten vier Spieler treten in San José gegeneinander an und erhalten die Chance auf das Preisgeld in Höhe von 220.000 US-Dollar.

ESL rudert zurück – Finale von The Unspoken findet auf der Oculus Connect 5 statt

In einem kürzlich veröffentlichten Statement auf Reddit beschreibt itszerolove, Partnermanager der ESL, die zukünftigen Pläne für den VR-Titel The Unspoken. Demnach soll das große Finale des Magier-Duells nach einer Absprache mit Oculus nun doch wie geplant auf der Oculus Connect 5 stattfinden.

Als Begründung für diese Entscheidung gibt er das passionierte Feedback der Community an. Demnach dachten die Verantwortlichen, dass das Interesse an The Unspoken aufgrund der geringen Anmeldezahlen schlichtweg nicht mehr vorhanden sei. Durch die rege Kritik wurde den Entscheidungsträgern allerdings bewusst, welches Ausmaß die getroffenen Schritte für die Betroffenen haben. Bei einer derart starken Unterstützung für die Profis möchten weder ESL noch Oculus an der getroffenen Entscheidung festhalten. Demnach soll der ursprüngliche Plan wieder aufgenommen werden und den besten vier Spielern die Möglichkeit gewährt werden, im Finale gegeneinander anzutreten. Dafür werden sowohl Reisekosten und Spesen übernommen sowie die Chance auf das Preisgeld im kompetitiven Wettbewerb gewährleistet.

Zudem gestand er eine mangelnde Kommunikation rund um die gesamte Veranstaltung ein, was sich zukünftig verbessern soll. Bereits in den kommenden Wochen sollen neuen Informationen bezüglich der Oculus Connect 5 veröffentlicht werden.

(Quellen: Reddit)

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vSports: ESL entfernt The Unspoken aus VR League aufgrund sinkender Spielerzahlen

Vor wenigen Monaten kündigte Oculus in Kooperation mit der ESL die zweite Saison der vSports-Liga VR League an. Innerhalb der VR-Liga treten professionelle Teams in verschiedenen VR-Spielen gegeneinander an, um ein Preisgeld in Höhe von 220.000 US-Dollar zu erspielen. Schlechte Nachrichten gibt es nun für die Kontrahenten des Magier-Spiels The Unspoken, denn die Verantwortlichen verkündeten, dass der VR-Titel aufgrund einer zu geringen Spielerzahl aus der laufenden Liga entfernt wird. Das große Finale auf der Oculus Connect 5 wird ebenfalls abgesetzt.

ESL entfernt The Unspoken aus VR League – Finale auf der Oculus Connect 5 abgesagt

Seit dem Start der zweiten Saison der VR League investieren Profis in den VR-Spielen Echo Arena, Sprint Vector und The Unspoken Zeit und Geld, um sich im September einen Platz im Finale auf der Oculus Connect 5 in San José in Kalifornien zu sichern. Den Gewinnern winkt neben einer kostenlosen Reise zum Austragungsort ein Preisgeld von insgesamt 220.000 US-Dollar.

Schlechte Nachrichten gab es jedoch nun für die Kontrahenten von The Unspoken, denn das kompetitive Magierduell wurde kurzerhand aus der VR-Liga entfernt. Ebenso wurde das dazugehörige Finale abgesagt. Die Beweggründe für diese Entscheidung verkündete der Community-Manager Hung Lau “Gravitiy” der ESL im eigenen Discord-Server. Demnach war eine zunehmend sinkende Spielerzahl das Hauptargument für den kurzzeitig gefassten Entschluss.

In einem Gespräch mit Road to VR machte der letztjährige Gewinner des Turniers, Charizard, seiner Enttäuschung Luft:

Ich denke, es ist wichtig zu verstehen, dass sich die passionierten Spieler sehr über diese Entscheidung aufregen werden. Das ist allerdings nicht das Hauptproblem. Die ESL veranstaltete ein sieben-wöchiges Turnier und lies die Spieler im Glauben, dass sie mit dem versprochenen Preisgeld auch entsprechend entlohnt werden. Dafür investierten sie eine Menge Zeit und Geld, um sich vorzubereiten. Währenddessen wurde die ESL mit Aufmerksamkeit und Publicity entlohnt und konnte dies für Marketing nutzen. Natürlich gefällt es keinem von uns Spielern, dass The Unspoken aus dem kompetitiven Bereich verschwindet, aber viel schlimmer ist die Tatsache, wie wir von den Veranstaltern belogen wurden. Das geht über Enttäuschung hinweg und ist nahezu kriminell.”

Bisher veröffentlichte die ESL noch keine Stellungnahme zur Entscheidung oder den Vorwürfen der Community.

(Quellen: Road to VR)

Der Beitrag vSports: ESL entfernt The Unspoken aus VR League aufgrund sinkender Spielerzahlen zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Update: ‘The Unspoken’ VR League Final is Back on & Coming to Oculus Connect 5

The Virtual Reality League is an ESL Gaming organization partnered with Oculus that oversees eSports tournaments for online VR multiplayer games including Echo Arena, The Unspoken, and Sprint Vector. While ESL cancelled the competition a few days ago, something that was done after competitors engaged in seven weeks of bracketed 1v1 battles, the company now says it’s reverting back to the original plan to send the top four players to compete at Oculus Connect 5 after all.

Update (July 7th, 2018): An ESL spokesperson took to Reddit, and announced the company has worked with Oculus to reinstate its plans to run ‘The Unspoken’ tournament finals at Oculus Connect 5. Here’s the relevant bits:

“While The Unspoken has seen a decline in signups, we were wrong to believe this warranted a lack of interest in the Grand Final. We’re thrilled to see the passionate community surrounding The Unspoken so eager to prove themselves in front of an audience at Oculus Connect 5—both Oculus and ESL are happy to oblige. After discussing with Oculus, we will keep the original plan: the top four players from The Unspoken will be invited to Oculus Connect 5, provided travel, and will compete for a share of the overall VR League prize pool.

We are still fine tuning the plans for Oculus Connect 5 and more information will be released in the coming weeks—stay tuned.”

The original article detailing the cancellation follows below:

Original article (July 5th, 2018): Starting back in May, VR League hopefuls began competing in The Unspoken tournaments with the promise of getting a chance to shine at OC5. For many, this represented not only the opportunity to win the bulk of a $220,000 prize pool for claiming victory at the tourney, but also get a chance to travel to San Jose, California for Oculus’ biggest event of the year, the Connect 5 developer conference.

The finals however have been cancelled mid-tournament, and won’t be appearing alongside Echo Arena’s league finals at the dev conference (see update above).

Image courtesy Insomniac Games

The official reasoning behind it, Community Manager Hung Lai (‘Gravity’) says in a the company’s Discord channel, is due to shrinking player numbers. The decision, he said yesterday, was decided “less than 48 hours ago,” and that The Unspoken is being entirely dropped from the VR League as a competitive eSport.

Image captured by Road to VR

Players invited to Oculus Connect are offered comped travel, hotel, and no entry fee to the conference—a valuable prize in and of itself for many competitors looking to rub elbows with VR devs and enthusiasts from all over the world. With two months of battles behind them, participants are rightly dismayed to find out they’ve been wasting their time, and investing their hopes in something that just doesn’t exist anymore.

Only a day after the competition started, Insomniac Games Senior Community Developer Tim Salvitti had this to say on the game’s Discord channel:

“We are excited for VR League Season Two and can’t wait to check out the action online. However, at this point in time we have no new updates planned for the game. We have been listening since the last update and certainly know some of the wish lists everyone has. We would love to see as many of you as possible playing in VR League and hope we can push to make The Unspoken one of the games Oculus brings to OC5! As always, we will continue to watch and listen, and we thank each and every one of you for playing and helping make the game what it is.”

The company also previously stated on the competition’s website that from the onset, Unspoken league competitors could “earn points to qualify for the Wold Qualifier bracket for OC5.” That statement has since been removed from the league website.

Where a list of upcoming cups once was now stands a blank sheet.

Last year’s Unspoken finals winner ‘Charizard’ told us a little more about how he feels after having the rug pulled out from under him:

“I think that it’s important to understand that players who are passionate about this game are going to be upset about it being cancelled. That’s not the core of the issue though. ESL has held a 7 week tournament on the assumption that this prize was going to be paid out. Players have spent time and money preparing for this, and ESL has gained attention and marketing by holding this on the assumption of those prizes being followed through. So yes, none of the passionate players of this game want to see it go, but beyond that, they have been lied to in what they can expect by investing in this game on a competitive level. It’s beyond just disappointing, it’s downright criminal.”

While The Unspoken playerbase is dwarfed in comparison to other traditional eSports, at the end of the day what matters most is the players, many of whom invested countless hours in learning how to play the game at a professional level. With real prize money on the line, it’s clear ESL hasn’t done right by its community (see update above).

We’ve reached out to ESL for a statement, but haven’t received any word yet regarding a more detailed reason behind this. We’ll make sure to update as new information comes out.

A special thanks goes out to Shaun Lane for pointing us in the right direction.

The post Update: ‘The Unspoken’ VR League Final is Back on & Coming to Oculus Connect 5 appeared first on Road to VR.

This Week In VR Sports: Coca-Cola Planes, eSports Dreams, And AR Games

As the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2018 comes to a close, it is time for another entry of This Week In VR Sport. VRFocus brings you a number of sports related virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) stories every weekend and this week, there are some goodies. Byond have created a virtual tour of the FIFA World Cup Trophy Tour by Coca-Cola, Sprint Vector and Oculus step up their eSports scene and ePlay Digital launch their Big Shot AR app into beta.

ByondXR Powers FIFA World Cup Trophy Tour by Coca-Cola Experience

FIFA World Cup Trophy Tour by Coca-Cola

ByondXR have recently launched a 360-degree tour of the official Coca-Cola/FIFA World Cup Trophy Tour. This immersive VR/AR experience is designed to give viewers an interactive fly through and an up-close-and-personal view of the Coca-Cola plane, which has embedded relevant media and social content found within.

The team are ByondXR have built the immersive experience, which is designed to be used high-end VR headsets such as the HTC Vive, to help promote the World Cup and offer viewers something they might not be use to. Though the FIFA World Cup Trophy Tour by Coca-Cola was taken to more than 50 countries ahead of the tournament in Russia, plenty of people would have missed out on it. This is why the experience is a perfect fit for VR/AR, allowing viewers that feeling of being that in person without even needing to leave their house.

“The core of this digital and social campaign has been to develop content and capabilities to help enable the storytelling across the entire FIFA World Cup campaign in new engaging ways,” said Eran Galil, CTO at ByondXR. “This experience allows us to do that all the way through to the final whistle.”

ByondXR uses the latest in advanced technology to empower brands, agencies and retailers to allow them to engage with their customers in exciting ways, using interactive AR/VR/360-degree experiences. Offering an immersive suite, companies can quickly deploy virtual stores and XR experiences across mobile, web and AR/VR headsets.

Sprint Vector Kick Off ESL Qualifiers

Sprint Vector coverart

Fast paced VR racing title Sprint Vector have announced the start of their ESL qualifiers for those looking to become a VR eSports star. Ever Friday throughout this month, ESL will be hosting an open online qualifier for Sprint Vector players around the world through Oculus Home and Steam.

There are reasons to care about this though, as the Oculus-sponsored VR League will feature over $2,000 (USD) in prize money from the online qualifiers and a share of $25,000 (USD) in the finals. Elsewhere, Community Cup champs will be given their own Oculus Rift and Oculus Touch setup and a chance to complete in the finals for $25,000 (USD) prize pool, which is available thorough Steam.

If you are looking to enter the VR League and Community Cups then you can do so via the official website.

VRFocus’ Senior Staff Writer Peter Graham reviewed Sprint Vector saying: “There’s very little to dislike in Sprint Vector. Sure there will be times when that competitive edge over takes you, getting annoyed when you fudge a jump but that’s to be expected. The single-player has enough to get you started with a few hours of gameplay, yet it’s the multiplayer that’ll have you coming back for more. Here’s hoping that Sprint Vector draws in enough of a crowd to sustain it, rather than becoming another multiplayer focused experience that gets forgotten about. Which would be a shame, because from where VRFocus is standing Sprint Vector is another hit for the studio.”

ePlay Digital Release Big Shot AR Into Beta

Big Shot AR

ePlay Digital announced back in early May their new AR sports app that would allow players a similar experience to that of Pokémon Go. The company have now announced that the beta for Big Shot Basketball would take place during the Las Vegas, 2018 NBA Summer League. This meant that those who attended the event, along with a few other select locations across North American, were able to try the mobile videogame out ahead of the 2018/2019 NBA season.

“This is going to be a big summer for ePlay and for augmented reality,” says Trevor Doerksen, CEO of ePlay Digital. “We are advancing the state-of-art for sports and mobile technology and look forward to seeing hundreds of thousands of fans of all ages enjoying the magic that our augmented reality platform creates.”

The company have been working with 7-time NBA champion, Robert Horry and a group of talented young basketball players in the run up to the launch of Big Shot AR by having them wear the titles logo throughout the summer. Though the beta launch has already happened earlier this week, there is still much work to be done to bring the title up to a full launch later this year.

Big Shot is of course a series of sports and entertainment titles that will feature AR, fantasy sports, eSports streaming, selfies, 3D, and other advanced mobile videogame features. ePlay Digital have compared the app to being the “Pokémon Go for sports”. The first of these titles is the aforementioned Big Shot Basketball app with future titles planned to be based on NFL, NHL, soccer, and MLB.

That is all for This Week In VR Sport. For more on immersive sport news keep reading VRFocus and remember to check back next week for another This Week In VR Sport.

This Week In VR Sports: Coca-Cola Planes, eSports Dreams, And AR Games

As the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2018 comes to a close, it is time for another entry of This Week In VR Sport. VRFocus brings you a number of sports related virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) stories every weekend and this week, there are some goodies. Byond have created a virtual tour of the FIFA World Cup Trophy Tour by Coca-Cola, Sprint Vector and Oculus step up their eSports scene and ePlay Digital launch their Big Shot AR app into beta.

ByondXR Powers FIFA World Cup Trophy Tour by Coca-Cola Experience

FIFA World Cup Trophy Tour by Coca-Cola

ByondXR have recently launched a 360-degree tour of the official Coca-Cola/FIFA World Cup Trophy Tour. This immersive VR/AR experience is designed to give viewers an interactive fly through and an up-close-and-personal view of the Coca-Cola plane, which has embedded relevant media and social content found within.

The team are ByondXR have built the immersive experience, which is designed to be used high-end VR headsets such as the HTC Vive, to help promote the World Cup and offer viewers something they might not be use to. Though the FIFA World Cup Trophy Tour by Coca-Cola was taken to more than 50 countries ahead of the tournament in Russia, plenty of people would have missed out on it. This is why the experience is a perfect fit for VR/AR, allowing viewers that feeling of being that in person without even needing to leave their house.

“The core of this digital and social campaign has been to develop content and capabilities to help enable the storytelling across the entire FIFA World Cup campaign in new engaging ways,” said Eran Galil, CTO at ByondXR. “This experience allows us to do that all the way through to the final whistle.”

ByondXR uses the latest in advanced technology to empower brands, agencies and retailers to allow them to engage with their customers in exciting ways, using interactive AR/VR/360-degree experiences. Offering an immersive suite, companies can quickly deploy virtual stores and XR experiences across mobile, web and AR/VR headsets.

Sprint Vector Kick Off ESL Qualifiers

Sprint Vector coverart

Fast paced VR racing title Sprint Vector have announced the start of their ESL qualifiers for those looking to become a VR eSports star. Ever Friday throughout this month, ESL will be hosting an open online qualifier for Sprint Vector players around the world through Oculus Home and Steam.

There are reasons to care about this though, as the Oculus-sponsored VR League will feature over $2,000 (USD) in prize money from the online qualifiers and a share of $25,000 (USD) in the finals. Elsewhere, Community Cup champs will be given their own Oculus Rift and Oculus Touch setup and a chance to complete in the finals for $25,000 (USD) prize pool, which is available thorough Steam.

If you are looking to enter the VR League and Community Cups then you can do so via the official website.

VRFocus’ Senior Staff Writer Peter Graham reviewed Sprint Vector saying: “There’s very little to dislike in Sprint Vector. Sure there will be times when that competitive edge over takes you, getting annoyed when you fudge a jump but that’s to be expected. The single-player has enough to get you started with a few hours of gameplay, yet it’s the multiplayer that’ll have you coming back for more. Here’s hoping that Sprint Vector draws in enough of a crowd to sustain it, rather than becoming another multiplayer focused experience that gets forgotten about. Which would be a shame, because from where VRFocus is standing Sprint Vector is another hit for the studio.”

ePlay Digital Release Big Shot AR Into Beta

Big Shot AR

ePlay Digital announced back in early May their new AR sports app that would allow players a similar experience to that of Pokémon Go. The company have now announced that the beta for Big Shot Basketball would take place during the Las Vegas, 2018 NBA Summer League. This meant that those who attended the event, along with a few other select locations across North American, were able to try the mobile videogame out ahead of the 2018/2019 NBA season.

“This is going to be a big summer for ePlay and for augmented reality,” says Trevor Doerksen, CEO of ePlay Digital. “We are advancing the state-of-art for sports and mobile technology and look forward to seeing hundreds of thousands of fans of all ages enjoying the magic that our augmented reality platform creates.”

The company have been working with 7-time NBA champion, Robert Horry and a group of talented young basketball players in the run up to the launch of Big Shot AR by having them wear the titles logo throughout the summer. Though the beta launch has already happened earlier this week, there is still much work to be done to bring the title up to a full launch later this year.

Big Shot is of course a series of sports and entertainment titles that will feature AR, fantasy sports, eSports streaming, selfies, 3D, and other advanced mobile videogame features. ePlay Digital have compared the app to being the “Pokémon Go for sports”. The first of these titles is the aforementioned Big Shot Basketball app with future titles planned to be based on NFL, NHL, soccer, and MLB.

That is all for This Week In VR Sport. For more on immersive sport news keep reading VRFocus and remember to check back next week for another This Week In VR Sport.

Oculus & ESL: Start der 2. Saison der eSports-VR-Liga mit über 220K US-Dollar Preisgeld

Im letzten Jahr rief Oculus gemeinsam mit Intel und der ESL die VR-eSports-Liga ins Leben, in der professionelle Teams in den beiden VR-Titeln The Unspoken und Echo Arena bis zum Finale in Kattowitz gegeneinander antraten. Kürzlich verkündet Oculus die zweite Saison der VR-Liga in Kooperation mit der ESL, in der die Kontrahenten um ein Preisgeld in Höhe von 220.000 US-Dollar miteinander konkurrieren dürfen. Zusätzlich nehmen die Veranstalter insgesamt fünf weitere kompetitive VR-Spiele in die Liga auf und verändern das Turniersystem, um für mehr Flexibilität zu sorgen.

Zweite Saison der E-Sports-VR-Liga – Neues Turniersystem und fünf weitere VR-Titel

Die zweite Saison der VR-Liga startet am 18. Mai mit dem action-reichen Magierduell The Unspoken, indem die zauberaffinen Kontrahenten einen Monat lang gegeneinander antreten, um sich einen Platz an der Spitze der Liga zu sichern.

Bereits am 20. Mai folgen die Turniere für Echo Arena, in denen die Spieler in taktischen Drei-gegen-Drei-Duellen einen Monat lang in der Schwerelosigkeit um den Sieg kämpfen. Daraufhin beginnt am 4. Juni ebenfalls einen Monat lang erstmals die Rangliste für das rasante Rennspiel Sprint Vector. Auch der bisher unveröffentlichte VR-Shooter Echo Combat soll im späteren Verlauf des Jahres Teil der Turnierszene werden.

Echo Combat

Neben diesen VR-Titeln sollen zwei weitere bisher unbekannte Wettbewerbsspiele während der Monate Juli und August bekannt gegeben werden. Danach sollen nochmals drei weitere eSports-Spiele veröffentlicht werden. Zusätzlich findet vom 16. bis 17. Juni ein Einladungsturnier für die Community des Multiplayer-Shooters Onward aus der VR Master League statt, das gleichzeitig einem guten Zweck dienen soll: Die erzielten Gewinne sollen der Wohltätigkeitsorganisation Stack Up zugutekommen, einer Organisation zur Unterstützung von Kriegsveteranen durch Gaming.

Das diesjährige Finale der Liga soll nach fünf Monaten der Turnierphase auf der Oculus Connect 5 im Oktober 2018 stattfinden. Die Teilnehmer können dieses Jahr ein Preisgeld in Höhe von 220.000 US-Dollar gewinnen und partizipieren in einem flexibleren Turniersystem. Die Teilnahme ist auf der offiziellen Webseite der ESL möglich.

(Quellen: Upload VR | Oculus Blog | ESL VR | Video: VR League Youtube)

Der Beitrag Oculus & ESL: Start der 2. Saison der eSports-VR-Liga mit über 220K US-Dollar Preisgeld zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Oculus Announces VR League: Season 2 in Collaboration With ESL

While esports like CS:GO and League of Legends (LoL) are massively popular, attracting ever growing numbers of fans whilst offering even bigger prize funds, the virtual reality (VR) is hot on their heels. Last year Oculus, in partnership with ESL and Intel created the VR Challenger League featuring multiplayer titles like The Unspoken and Echo Arena that anyone could enter. Today, Oculus has again teamed up with ESL for a new-look VR League: Season 2.

Echo Arena artwork

For season 2 Oculus has expanded the lineup of vidoegames available, Echo Arena and The Unspoken return but are this time joined by Survios’ Sprint Vector and military simulator Onward. Up to seven titles are said to be participating across the five-month competitive period with three more still to be revealed.

The competition begins tomorrow 18th May, with a month of magical combat in The Unspoken. This will then be followed by  a month of frenzied racing in Sprint Vector starting on 4th June. The titles for July and August will be revealed nearer the time.

For Echo Arena fans a four week competition will return on 20th May. Last year Echo Arena saw 258 players across 98 teams worldwide compete. Additionally, later in the year Echo Combat will be introduced to the VR League, with its own competition.

Sprint Vector Final screenshot1

“Oculus is committed to fostering long-term growth of the VR esports ecosystem, and Season 2—with its new format and additional games—is an amazing next step on this exciting journey,” says Oculus Head of Esports Christopher K. McKelvy in a statement.

Oculus’ VR League will also support the VR Master League with an Onward Invitational event from 16th – 17th June. The live event will be held at the ESL UK Studios, also benefiting Stack Up, a charity supporting US and Allied veterans with gaming.

VR League Season 2 will feature a prize pool in excess of $220K USD. The VR League is open only to legal residents of the 50 U.S./D.C., Canada, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom, who are over the age of 13. For further updates on the tournament, keep reading VRFocus.

vSports – Eröffnung der VR Challenger League mit Echo Arena und The Unspoken

Nachdem Oculus im letzen Monat die VR Challenger League ankündigte, dem bis dato größten Virtual Reality eSports Event, machte die VR-Facebook-Tochter nun publik, dass die ersten Paarungen online zur Anmeldung freistehen. Zusammen mit Intel und der ESL fördert Oculus die neue Art des Virtual Reality Sports und versucht die Massen von Virtual Reality zu begeistern. Der Begriff vSports könnte sich schon bald etablieren.

Paarunger der VR eSports Veranstaltung von Oculus Intel und ESL

Jetzt teilnehmen – VR Esports League: VR Challenger Brackets ab sofort geöffnet

Die drei Hauptveranstalter ESL, Intel und Oculus lassen es sich nicht nehmen, dem Event einen ordentlichen Preispool zu verpassen. Preise im Gesamtwert von mehr als 200.000 US-Dollar warten auf die Gewinner. Erst Online, dann sowohl in Nordamerika, als auch in Europa können Spieler an der Veranstaltung teilnehmen.

Die Spiele, die gespielt werden, sind The Unspoken und Echo Arena. Während man in ersterem Spiel mit Magie und taktischem Kalkül gegnerische Zauberer bekämpft, fliegt man in Echo Arena in futuristischen Arenen schwerelos umher und schleudert Disks in gegnerische Tore.

Echo Arena und The Unspoken im vSports Fokus

Ab heute können sich also Onlineteilnehmer für Qualifizierungsrunden anmelden. Wer erfolgreich ist, kann dann in die lokal ausgetragenen regionalen (Zwischen-)Finals vorrücken. In Deutschland ist lediglich Hamburg Austragungsort. Hier wird vom 28. bis 29. Oktober in der Barclaycard Arena gefighted. Folgende Termine und Örtlichkeiten sind gesetzt.

Oculus Connect (San Jose),  11. – 12. Oktober
ESL One Hamburg, 28. – 29. Oktober
IEM Oakland, 18. – 19. November
DreamHack Winter (Las Vegas), 30. November – 3. Dezember

Diejenigen, die auch diese Qualifizierungsrunden überstanden haben, reisen nach Katowice nach Polen. Hier finden dann, in mitten des weltgrößten IEM Katowice Gaming Wettbewerbs (25. – 26. Feb. und. 3. – 5. März), die finalen Virtual Reality eSports Paarungen der VR Challenger League statt.

Um sich für die online Qualifikation zu registrieren und weitere Informationen zu erhalten, sollten die zukünftigen VR eSportler besuchen.

(Quelle: Oculus)

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