Epson Adds Biometrics to its MOVERIO AR Smart Glasses Platform

Epson’s Moverio range of augmented reality (AR) smart glasses offer a range of uses, from industrial applications to drone flying and sports. Today, the company has announced a partnership with Bedrock Biometrics to bring its PalmID solution to the AR platform.

Epson Moverio BT-350

With this collaboration both Epson and Redrock Biometrics are looking to push both AR and virtual reality (VR) technology forward by introducing biometric authentication for a consumer AR headset. At the same time they’ll provide a software development kit (SDK) for developers to build biometrics into their videogames and applications.

“Epson collaborated with Redrock Biometrics to create an even more attractive platform for developers to create new games and applications,” said Leon Laroue, technical product manager at Epson America in a statement. “The ability to use biometric authentication opens the door to increased interactivity without disrupting the AR experience.”

PalmID uses the front facing camera built into the MOVERIO BT-300 Smart Glasses to convert the palm image into a unique signature, authenticating the user in less time than it takes to enter a password. In addition to a device unlock app for current MOVERIO BT-300 users, the PalmID SDK enables MOVERIO developers to build AR applications with secure biometric authentication for features such as secure sign in, in-app purchases and access security-sensitive assets.

“When using augmented or virtual reality headsets the face and eyes are covered and therefore not available for authentication. Fingerprint scanners require additional hardware built into the headset and blindly swiping, making them inconvenient and error prone. Palm-based biometrics provides the ideal combination of security and user experience for these devices,” adds Hua Yang, co-founder and CEO of Redrock Biometrics. “Epson has been a pioneer in AR, continuously pushing the industry forward. The PalmID SDK is another big step in bringing hands-free AR experiences to the masses.”

MOVERIO BT-300 users can download the PalmID app for free via the MOVERIO Apps Market. As for developers interested in PalmID, you’ll need to contact Redrock Biometrics. For any further updates from Epson, keep reading VRFocus.

DJI and Epson Fly High With New AR Drone App

Epson have a history of working with drone manufacturer DJI to publish apps and videogames suitable for pairing Epson’s Moverio line of smartglasses with DJI’s drones. That partnership continues with the release of a new augmented reality (AR) drone app.

The aim of the new app is to provide better safety and productivity when piloting DJI drones using Moverio smartglasses. With drones becoming increasingly popular, both for hobbyists and professional use, learning how to get the best out of them is a worthwhile goal.

The Epson AR Flight Simulator App was developed by Epson to allow users to fly a digital 3D version of a drone in the real world using the flight controllers from the recent line of DJI drones, such as the Mavic Pro, Phantom 4, Inspire 2 and Spark. The simulator aims to mimic the smooth, natural movements of the DJI Mavic Pro, allowing rookie pilots to learn how to properly pilot a drone effectively.

In order to use the app, users will need a compatible drone first of all. Then they will need to connect to a stable WiFi connection, turn on the Moverio smartglasses, remove the propellers from the drone, turn on the aircraft and remote controllers, plug the controller into the Moverio and select the Epson AR Flight Simulator from the Moverio display in order to launch the app.

The Epson AR Flight Simulator app is available from the Epson Moverio app store. Also newly available on the Moverio app store is DronePrix AR, developed by Edgybees. Similar to Epson AR Flight Simulator, DronePrix AR allows drone pilots to practice their skills by piloting a drone through an AR mid-air obstacle course.

DronePrix AR has over 30 courses to master in single player mode, along with a multi-player mode that allows users to connect with other drone pilots all over the world to test their skills against each other and find out who is the drone pilot ace.


Further news on Epson AR apps and other news and innovative AR projects will be right here on VRFocus.

Epson Collaborate With ARtGlass, Will Use AR To Bring Us History To Life

We’ve already seen the immersive power of augmented reality (AR) being used to bring traditional experiences to life. Whether it’s print journalism like TIME or the New York Times adapting to the new technology, or NUSHU brining news and history to life for children, AR is changing the way we immerse ourselves in media. To take things one step further, Epson are collaborating with ARtGlass to make historic sites and monuments in the United States more immersive, educational and interesting than ever before.

Epson Moverio BT-2200

Epson’s Moverio line of AR smart glasses will be the ones powering the new AR experiences. They’re the natural choice for ARtGlass, who are the pioneer for AR storytelling and cultural enhancement software. The new partnership will see landmarks such as George Washington’s Mount Vernon and James Monroe’s Highland.

Greg Werkheiser is ARtGlass co-founder and CEO, and he’s excited to enhance education on culture and history with AR; “When we first launched ARtGlass in Italy, we knew that if we could overcome the challenges of bringing wearable AR tours to the Old World, we’d be ready for the New World. We are thrilled now to help revolutionize cultural tours at U.S. sites.”

Werkheiser continued; “U.S. museums and cultural sites attract more visits annually than pro sporting events and theme parks combined. The future of history is bright.”

You can view a sample of the tour of James Monroe’s Highland embedded below, giving viewers an idea of how AR is implemented into the tour experience. Users will be able to better visualise time period accurate furnishings and rituals through the power of AR, making the tour a far deeper and more educational experience.

Anna Jen is the director of augmented reality solutions at Epson, and she said of the partnership; “From the beginning, it was our intention to deliver real-world, near-term benefits to the public through the Moverio AR smart glasses. ARtGlass software and strategies, coupled with our glasses, will enable millions of visitors to U.S. historic sites to enjoy transformative experiences.”

We’ll have all of the latest news on sites where you can experience Epson’s AR technology and where ARtGlass are enhancing experiences as and when they happen, so to be up to date with the future of technology, make sure to keep reading VRFocus.

Epson’s Moverio Looks to OSVR for Content Creation

Epson has today announced the availability of a device plug-in based on the Open Source Virtual Reality (OSVR) platform to enable cross-platform content creation for Moverio software developers. The integration of the plug-in with the Moverio augmented reality (AR) smart glasses was made in collaboration with Sensics, creators of OSVR and a provider of special-purpose virtual reality (VR) and AR solutions.

Epson Moverio BT-350

Developed as a platform upon which Razer’s OSVR Hacker Dev Kit (HDK) was based, OSVR is a multi-OS middleware layer that connects popular applications and videogame engines to hundreds of VR and AR devices using a common universal interface. By downloading the device plug-in, Moverio developers can now use the Unity engine and a wide selection of other standard tools to create content for the Moverio platform in addition to running existing OSVR content on the Moverio.

Additionally, developers will be able to integrate peripherals, such as positional tracking sensors or natural human interfaces, with Moverio applications in an easier way as well as gaining access to image analysis and AR toolkits that are pre-integrated with OSVR.

“We are excited to add Epson and their strong line of augmented reality products to the list of devices supported by OSVR,” says Yuval Boger, CEO of Sensics. “Our experience shows that enterprise customers seek multi-vendor solutions that can be upgraded over time and OSVR makes this process exceptionally easy.”

The current Moverio AR smart glasses were first introduced in 2016, with the Moverio BT-300, the third-generation of Epson smart glasses. The device features an OLED digital display and quad core Intel Atom processor, and includes a built-in five mega pixel front-facing camera. Other devices in the Moverio range include the BT-350 (pictured above) and BT-2200 (pictured below).

Epson Moverio BT-2200

“This collaboration between Epson and Sensics enables OSVR developers to easily port existing games and apps to Epson’s Moverio augmented reality smart glasses, and provides existing Moverio developers with powerful new tools and resources for building rich new content,” says Leon Laroue, Technical Product Manager of Augmented Reality Solutions at Epson America.

The Moverio OSVR plug-in is available now and can be downloaded via Github, with instructions for use and sample applications also available. VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest details on the Moverio AR smart glasses and other hardware and devices joining the OSVR platform.

Epson Wins rAVe Awards For AR Smartglasses

Epson may be best known to consumers for its range of printers, scanner and projectors, but the Japanese tech company also produces a range of smartglasses using augmented reality (AR) technology. Its Moverio line of smartglasses have been used for business applications and for uses such as piloting drones. During the recent InfoComm 2017 awards, Epson snagged towards for its Moverio smartglasses.

The rAVe Best of InfoComm Awards are designed to honor products that have been showcased at InfoComm. “Our Best of InfoComm Awards are totally unique, as a manufacturer cannot pay to enter them, they cannot nominate themselves, and we do not award them from a list of limited entries,” said Gary Kayye, founder and editor-in-chief, rAVe Publications. “We literally go to every single booth at InfoComm and collectively pick the best of the best we see on the show floor.”

The Epson Moverio BT-350 AR smart Glasses gained recognition for its capability as offering remote technical assistance, as well as training applications and applications involving the medical, logistics and manufacturing fields.

The Epson Moverio BT-300 FPV Drone Edition smart glasses, meanwhile, were recognised for being ‘Best in class’ for FPV drone pilots, with its remote image capture and broadcasting receiving much praise.

“We are honored to be recognized this year by rAVe for our innovative products and developments shown at InfoComm 2017,” said Richard Miller, director of projector product management, Epson America, Inc. “Epson remains committed to driving the future of display technology with our core devices at the heart of every product as a key differentiator.”

VRFocus will continue to bring you news on developments in the VR and AR industry.

Drone Prix AR Game now Supports Epson Smart Glasses

To go along with Epson’s recently expanded Moverio line of smart glasses, developer EdgyBees has announced that the augmented reality (AR) drone-piloting videogame Drone Prix is now compatible with the Epson Moverio Drone Edition smart glasses.

Drone Prix presents a mid-air obstacle course superimposed over the real world view from your drone’s camera that users need to try and pilot their little drone through in order to hone their piloting skills and perhaps have some fun while doing so. Drone Prix features over 30 courses and features a competition mode along with a single player mode, for drone pilots who feel like testing their piloting skills against each other. The multi-player mode can connect with other drone pilots around the world, so there’s no need for users to worry about their drones colliding.

Epson America Product Manager Eric Mizufuka said in a statement: “Edgybees has created an amazing new innovation — AR drone gaming on smart glasses — that could only be possible on the Moverio platform. With the Moverio BT-300 Drone Edition, users can avoid having to look down at their smartphones or tablets in bright sunlight, providing convenience, comfort and safety as well as a one-of-a-kind gaming experience.”

The Epson BT-300 Drone Edition smart glasses were created as a collaboration between Epson and drone manufacturers DJI and were designed specifically to improve the experience for drone pilots. The Drone Prix app is available for users who don’t have the Epson smart glasses as it can be played using just a smart phone.

The app was launched last month by Edgybees specifically for DJI drones like the Phantom 3, the Phantom 4 and the Mavic Pro.

A video demo showing how the Drone Prix app works is available to view below.

VRFocus will continue to bring you news on new AR products and services.

Epson zeigt zwei neue Smart Glasses Produkte auf der AWE

Die Augmented World Expo (AWE) in Kalifornien brachte gestern einige Ankündigungen mit sich. Neben der Veröffentlichung der Gewinner der uDev Challenge von uSens wurden auch viele neue Produkte angekündigt. So auch vom japanischen Unternehmen Epson. Das Tech-Unternehmen stellte die BT-350 und BT-2200 aus der Moverio-Reihe vor.

Neue Smart Glasses von Epson

Das Unternehmen Epson ist vor allem für seine Drucker und Scanner bekannt, entwickelte jedoch auch seit geraumer Zeit eine Reihe von Smart Glasses, welche unter dem Produktnamen Moverio laufen.


Die BT-350 ist eine verbesserte Version des Vorgängermodells BT-300. Die neue Brille wird von einem Intel Quad Core X5 Prozessor mit Android 5.1 angetrieben. Im Vergleich zum Vorgänger ist das neue Modell sowohl stabiler als auch komfortabler zu tragen. Dafür wurden zusätzlich anpassbare Nasenauflagen für Brillenträger hinzugefügt. Besonders die Widerstandsfähigkeit der Brille wurde explizit hervorgehoben, um auf die Verwendung der Brille in verschiedenen Berufsfeldern hinzuweisen. Dazu zählen beispielsweise logistische oder medizinische Bereiche.


Das zweite vorgestellte Modell ist die Moverio BT-2200, die ebenfalls eine Weiterentwicklung der bestehenden BT-2200 Reihe ist. Dem neuen Modell wurde ein neues Scharnier hinzugefügt, welches die Anbringung an Helme ermöglicht. Zusätzlich hat es einen aufklappbaren Rand, wodurch der Träger die Brille herauf- und herunterklappen kann.

Beide Modelle werden innerhalb diesen Monats erscheinen und über die Webseite von Epson bestellbar sein. Die Brillen sind mit einem Preis von 1.399 USD (ca. 1250 Euro) für die BT-350 und 2.999 USD (ca. 2700 Euro) für die BT-2200 nicht billig. Damit sind sie laut Epson auch eher für stark frequentierte Geschäftsumfelder geeignet, in denen mehrere Verwender sich die Smart Glasses teilen können.

(Quelle: VRfocus)

Der Beitrag Epson zeigt zwei neue Smart Glasses Produkte auf der AWE zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Epson Reveal Two New Products In Smart Glasses Line At Augmented World Expo

California is playing host to this year’s Augmented World Expo (AWE) and as you might expect there are a number of stories coming out of the event. New deals and new augmented reality (AR) products are being announced, including Epson. The Japanese technology company is best known for its printers and scanners. However it has also been developing its own line of smart glasses for sometime. These are the Moverio line of products, the last of which we reported on VRFocus was the Moverio BT-300, which marked the third generation of AR hardware and which was announced at the 2016 Mobile World Congress (MWC) held back in February last year.

Today sees the addition of the two devices to the Moverio family, the first being the BT-350 set of smart glasses which acts as an improved version of the BT-300. Powered by a quad core Intel® Atom™ X5 processor and by Android 5.1 ‘under the hood’, the BT-350 is set to retaining the benefits of its predecessors visual quality whilst increasing build durability and increasing flexibility with greater adjustment capabilities to have a more comfortable and secure fit. Such as the addition of adjustable nose pads to take in to consideration those who are already wearing glasses. The durability of the 350 is highlighted by the target market being use in high-use public arenas such as in museums as well as in professional sectors such as the medical, logistics and manufacturing industries. Lenovo also revealed that an array of accessories for the BT-350 will also be made available, listing the aforementioned nose pads, a customizable neck straps and, for when it gets a bit too bright, “flip-up style shades”.

The BT-350 is to be joined by the Moverio BT-2200, in similar form an upgrade to the existing BT-2000 series of industrial-focued smart headests. The BT-2200 takes into consideration feedback given, and is set to include the addition of a new hinge that is designed to go over the top of helmets with a front brim. Allowing users to flip the smart glasses up and down as needed and for the the glasses to remain securely fastened.

Epson also revealed that both sets of smart glasses are due to release at select retailers and will be orderable on the Epson website next month, June 2017 with a list price of $1,399 (USD) for the Moverio BT-350 and $2,999 (USD) for the BT-2200.

“Demonstrating Epson’s ongoing leadership and commitment to the market, the Epson Moverio BT-350 are the first production-volume smart glasses designed for a busy, commercial environment where the glasses are shared by users,” commented the Product Manager for Augmented Reality Solutions at Epson America, Michael Leyva on the news. “We are also the first to offer an innovative docking station for easy smart glasses management.”

Said dock, the Quint Controller Dock for the Moverio BT-350, will ship at the same time for $699 (USD). VRFocus will bring you more news from AWE as it is revealed.