Grand Theft Auto 5 Is 100% Free To Keep On Epic Games Store And There’s A Solid VR Mod

You’ve probably heard the news by now, but if not, then today is your lucky day: Grand Theft Auto V, the open-world crime spree simulator that continues to top sales charts years later since its release, is 100% free to download and keep forever from the Epic Games Store right now until May 21st.

GTA V originally released back in 2013 and features one of the largest and most dynamic open worlds we’ve seen in a video game. The single-player campaign charts the stories of three separate individuals that you switch between across Los Santos, Rockstar’s satirical recreation of Los Angeles. There’s a massive and bustling online community as well for the MMO-esque half of the game, GTA Online.

Luckily for you, as a reader of our site that either owns a VR headset or is interested in the technology, you can play GTA V in VR on PC with little hassle by checking out this VR mod. We’ve tested it out and even livestreamed the experience. It’s far from perfect, but considering the game was never developed with VR support in mind it’s actually quite good.

First-person gameplay feels relatively good if you’re not overly sensitive to motion sickness, for the most part, and even though you’re playing with a game pad it still feels reasonably immersive, especially during fire fights or when driving vehicles.

There have been lots of rumors about Rockstar stepping into VR development more sometime soon following the success of LA Noire VR and the rumors of Red Dead Redemption 2 VR. Their games seem like perfect candidates.

Let us know if you decide to redeem GTA V on the Epic Games Store and what you think of the VR mod down in the comments below!

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Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries Developer ‘Interested’ In VR, But ‘No Plans’ Right Now

Good mech games and VR go together like racing sims and wheel accessories — it just makes sense. But don’t hold your breath for VR support in MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries, at least not yet.

Over three years ago back in 2016, MechWarrior 5 developer Piranha Games showed interest in VR support for its combat-focused mech simulator. Back then, the President of the company stated that it was “designed” to support VR and they actually held a single demo for the game’s VR support at and industry event leading up to release. A programmer even stated that “native VR support” was one of the reasons they picked Unreal Engine for the game. But now that release has come and gone on the Epic Games Store, there is no peep of VR support at all.

We reached out to the developer for comment on the topic and received the following statement from a spokesperson on behalf of Piranha Games:

“Officially, Piranha is still interested in VR as a platform, but no plans to consider implementation until next year.”

So that’s not a “No,” but it’s also not a “Yes!” either. My reading of this means that they’d love to get it working well without sacrificing resources for the core game, but it’s not a priority and if it does happen it won’t be for a while. That’s just my assumption on things, though.

Currently the top of the pile in terms of VR-focused design for a mech combat game is Vox Machinae, which has an elaborately intricate cockpit rife with interactions using tracked motion controllers. But even simple head-tracking support to play with gamepad, keyboard and mouse, or a flight stick-style setup would be better than nothing for VR and mech fans.

MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries released this week and is receiving mostly positive reviews across the board, sitting at a 75 average on Metacritic after 16 officially syndicated reviews, including an 81/100 from IGN.

Would you play MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries in VR? Let us know down in the comments below!

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GNOG Is Free On The Epic Games Store Until August 15

Diorama puzzle game GNOG is free on the Epic Games Store until August 15.

The puzzle game is for sale on from most storefronts already — including releases on GOG,, Oculus, Steam, iOS, and PS4 — but if you haven’t played it yet then you can grab it for free via Epic’s storefront.

We rated the game’s diorama puzzles 7/10 back in 2017, describing its design as encouraging “you to feel things out and let the puzzles unravel on their own.”

Developer KO_OP made GNOG. They are now working on a new game for Apple Arcade called Winding Worlds.

GNOG joins a growing collection of titles with VR support making their way onto more PC storefronts. Epic recently became the exclusive storefront for Tetris Effect on PC, at least for a time, with play modes for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

GNOG originally released on PC in July 2018. Here’s the game’s official description:

“GNOG is a 3D puzzle game set in a tactile world of toys and secrets. Point, click, grab, poke, spin, pull, and play with uniquely charming monster heads as you explore the hidden worlds inside them. Filled with eye-catching designs, playful interactions, and a rich, reactive soundtrack, the hand-crafted heads come to life in either standard play or in VR.”
“Inspired by real-world toy designs, every GNOG head is a miniature world to discover. Grab a bookcase and spin it to reveal a hidden pile of coins, slide levers to navigate a damaged ship through outer space, crank a wheel to cook a stew on the stove – each playful interaction generates lively feedback and surprising consequences. Set to a relaxing and dynamic soundtrack that evolves with each level, the surreal worlds and joyful puzzles of GNOG will have you turning heads.”

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