Hitman 3 Confirmed for PC VR This Month

Hitman 3

It’s been almost a year since IO Interactive launched Hitman 3 across multiple platforms, with virtual reality (VR) support exclusive to PlayStation VR. That’s going to change next week as part of Hitman 3’s Year 2 update, with PC VR support rolling out with a bunch of immersive improvements.

HITMAN 3 - Dubai

So after a year of PlayStation VR owners having all the fun in Hitman 3 PC players will finally get to go literally hands-on. And that’s probably the main defining difference between the two VR editions of the videogame, on PC VR you’ll have full motion controller support. As IO Interactive’s Year 2 reveal stream highlights, the update is going greatly increase the physical interaction, making Hitman 3 even more immersive.

From little things like nudging an NPC to actually throwing a knife at a target, PC VR users will really be able to utilise the environment to complete assignments. Other natural VR elements have also been included like blind firing around corners, steadying your gun with your second hand and close combat, getting into fisticuffs with enemies.

All rather exciting but it’s not just PC VR players getting treated next week. The studio is going to release a new game mode called Elusive Target Arcade, an upgrade to the Elusive Target concept. Arcade will introduce consecutive targets, each one needing to be completed before the next contract opens up. The stakes are high, however, fail an Arcade Contract and you’ll be locked out for 12-hours before being given the chance to try again from the beginning. Elusive Target Arcade will launch with three contracts, each one featuring three targets from the Hitman franchise.

Hitman 3

Lastly, IO Interactive gave a look at what else is to come in 2022. As previously announced, the PC version will be getting several technology enhancements this year such as Ray Tracing, VRS (Variable Rate Shading) and Intel’s XeSS technology, the latter two helping boost performance.

Available on the Epic Games Store for PC players, Hitman 3’s VR support and the Elusive Target Arcade will be available from 20th January. IO Interactive hasn’t specified which PC VR headsets will be compatible, those details will be released closer to launch, but the Oculus Rift S does appear in the announcement video so that’s one at least. For continued updates on Hitman 3, keep reading VRFocus.

Hitman 3 Confirmed for PC VR This Month

It’s been almost a year since IO Interactive launched Hitman 3 across multiple platforms, with virtual reality (VR) support exclusive to PlayStation VR. That’s going to change next week as part of Hitman 3’s Year 2 update, with PC VR support rolling out with a bunch of immersive improvements.

HITMAN 3 - Dubai

So after a year of PlayStation VR owners having all the fun in Hitman 3 PC players will finally get to go literally hands-on. And that’s probably the main defining difference between the two VR editions of the videogame, on PC VR you’ll have full motion controller support. As IO Interactive’s Year 2 reveal stream highlights, the update is going greatly increase the physical interaction, making Hitman 3 even more immersive.

From little things like nudging an NPC to actually throwing a knife at a target, PC VR users will really be able to utilise the environment to complete assignments. Other natural VR elements have also been included like blind firing around corners, steadying your gun with your second hand and close combat, getting into fisticuffs with enemies.

All rather exciting but it’s not just PC VR players getting treated next week. The studio is going to release a new game mode called Elusive Target Arcade, an upgrade to the Elusive Target concept. Arcade will introduce consecutive targets, each one needing to be completed before the next contract opens up. The stakes are high, however, fail an Arcade Contract and you’ll be locked out for 12-hours before being given the chance to try again from the beginning. Elusive Target Arcade will launch with three contracts, each one featuring three targets from the Hitman franchise.

Hitman 3

Lastly, IO Interactive gave a look at what else is to come in 2022. As previously announced, the PC version will be getting several technology enhancements this year such as Ray Tracing, VRS (Variable Rate Shading) and Intel’s XeSS technology, the latter two helping boost performance.

Available on the Epic Games Store for PC players, Hitman 3’s VR support and the Elusive Target Arcade will be available from 20th January. IO Interactive hasn’t specified which PC VR headsets will be compatible, those details will be released closer to launch, but the Oculus Rift S does appear in the announcement video so that’s one at least. For continued updates on Hitman 3, keep reading VRFocus.

Epic Games Acquires Sketchfab, the Massive 3D Object Library Compatible with AR/VR Headsets

Sketchfab, the platform that lets you view, share, and download 3D models via traditional monitors and AR/VR headsets, today announced its been acquired by Unreal Engine creators Epic Games.

Founded in 2012, Sketchfab plays host to over 4 million 3D assets, all of which are accessible through its web-based platform across PC, mobile, and immersive headsets. In a blogpost announcing the acquisition, Sketchfab says it aims to make 3D, AR and VR content more accessible and grow its creator ecosystem, something it says is “critical to an open and interconnected Metaverse.”

Details of the acquisition are still thin on the ground, however Sketchfab says it will remain independently branded moving forward and will be working closely with Epic Games. Sketchfab says it will continue to support other game engines, Unity included.

The acquisition no doubt comes as a direct result of Epic securing a $1 billion financing round back in April, $200 million of which came from Sony Group Corporation. Epic still hasn’t tipped its hand on what that Metaverse will look like, however the company says it’s looking to build connected social experiences starting with its most successful properties FortniteRocket League and Fall Guys.

“Joining Epic will enable us to accelerate the development of Sketchfab and our powerful online toolset, all while providing an even greater experience for creators,” said Alban Denoyel, CEO and co-founder of Sketchfab. “We are proud to work alongside Epic to build the Metaverse and enable creators to take their work even further.”

Sketchfab has partnered with Epic Games in the past as a recipient of an Epic MegaGrant. Unreal Engine, one of the two largest game development platforms alongside Unity, officially supports the 3D model platform via a plugin, as well as Epic’s RealityCapture and ArtStation.

“We will maintain and expand our integration efforts with all creation tools and 3D/VR/AR platforms, so you can easily upload to and import from Sketchfab everywhere,” the company says.

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