Jon Favreau’s VR Adventure Gnomes & Goblins Might Not Be Dead

Iron Man director Jon Favreau just wrapped up work on the live-action remake of The Lion King. It looks like his next project could finally be a full version of Gnomes & Goblins.

This compelling VR experience released in preview form back in 2016. Favreau produced the piece alongside Wevr and Reality One. In it, you met a cutesy little gnome and eventually gained his trust as you explores his forest habitat. It was an amazing early example of character interaction in VR, and how captivating it could be. Two and half years on, though, we have heard a peep about the full version. Until today.

Wevr just suspiciously posted a link to the experience’s full webpage. The site itself still says ‘Coming Soon’, but its resurgence suggests we’ll be getting more news soon. The piece appears to have MWM Immersive and Golem Creations attached to it too. For now you can sign up to hear more about the project.

The timing certainly matches up. Favreau’s take on The Lion King released last week so hopefully he’s found a little time for this promising project. In fact, the director ended up using VR to film the Disney remake. His crew created a multiplayer VR game that helped them set the stage for the big screen.

It’ll be interesting to see how Gnomes & Goblins has developed with nearly three years of progress in the VR space since we last saw it. Could we perhaps see it launch on other VR platforms like Quest and PSVR? Perhaps we could see some experiments with Valve’s Index controllers?

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Black Mirror Creator: Episodes May Eventually Get ‘Remastered’ In VR

Several Black Mirror episodes focus on virtual reality and its implication for the future of society and technology. But what about an actual Black Mirror VR experience?

The entire show is built on the idea of what negative (and sometimes positive) effects advanced technology, especially that of the simulation variety, could have on us as people and some of its best episodes are squarely focused on VR.

There’s of course the USS Callister episode, which is all about a simulated MMO in the vein of Star Trek with people roleplaying as characters in a twisted sci-fi fantasy and San Junipero, an afterlife simulated world that won an Emmy for Outstanding Writing for a Limited Series. And in the most recent season, Striking Vipers is all about intimacy and identity within a VR world.

Then there’s also Bandersnatch, a stand-alone movie-style experience in which the viewer gets to make decisions to guide the narrative, similar to a TellTale game like The Walking Dead or Until Dawn from Supermassive, but with fully-filmed live action Hollywood-quality scenes.

In an interview with Deadline, series creator and writer Charlie Brooker mentioned the possibility of seeing future iterations of Bandersnatch and other Black Mirror episodes getting the VR treatment.

“Going forward I hope you’ll find that interactive becomes another genre, or approach, or style [of storytelling] along the lines of a musical,” Brooker said. “…I actually had an idea for a VR port of ‘Bandersnatch,’ which you could do very easily. Somewhere down the line, when these things are remastered, you could see things being remastered into VR.”

What do you think about the idea of Black Mirror in VR? Would that be something you’d voluntarily experience, or would it be a bit too on the nose for you? Let us know down in the comments below!

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Star Wars: Vader Immortal Episode 2 Sneak Peak Coming At Comic-Con

Hungry for news about Star Wars: Vader Immortal Episode 2? Then you’ll want to tune into Comic-Con tomorrow.

Developer ILMxLAB will be hosting a panel focusing on its Star Wars VR content at 4pm on Friday July 19. The session, titled ‘Step Inside ILMxLAB’s Star Wars Stories’ will look back at the team’s work thus far. That includes experiences like Trials on Tatooine and, of course, Vader Immortal Episode 1.

More importantly, though, the panel’s description promises “a sneak peek at Vader Immortal: Episode II.”

We only know a few things about the VR series’ second installment so far. For example, ILMxLAB already teased players will learn to use The Force in this episode. But what can we expect from the panel? A trailer? More details? Perhaps even a release date? We have no idea how far along the second episode is, so it’s hard to tell.

Elsewhere, ILMxLAB will be handing out nifty character posters for Vader Immortal at the show. If you want the one starring Darth Vader (because of course you do), you’ll need to be at the panel. We’ve got a look at it below and we can confirm it is indeed a poster with Darth Vader on it.

Vader Immortal’s first episode released back in May on Oculus Quest and we loved it. You play as a captive in the Sith Lord’s castle and engineer an escape plan before stumbling upon a lightsaber. The episode also released on Oculus Rift soon after.

We’ll keep you posted on more updates for Vader Immortal Episode 2.

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Star Wars: Vader Immortal, Wolves in the Walls Up For Emmy Awards

The Emmy Awards has long recognized VR projects and 2019 will be no different. Both Star Wars: Vader Immortal Episode 1 and Wolves in the Walls are nominated for this year’s show.

The Twitter accounts for both respective apps confirm as much. Both experiences are up for the Outstanding Innovation in Interactive Media award.

Developed by ILMxLAB, Vader Immortal is a long-anticipated story-driven VR experience. In it you play the role of a captive in Darth Vader’s secret base, coming face-to-face with the Sith Lord himself. We’re really fond of the app’s interactive elements, which toes the line between accessible experience and full videogame. Vader Immortal first released on Oculus Quest back in May and we’re still waiting on news of its other two episodes.

Wolves in the Walls: It’s All Over, meanwhile, is a new experience from Fable Studio. It features two episodes in a series created by former members of the now-defunct Oculus Story Studio. Again, we’ve been really impressed with how the experience grows a connection between player and virtual character. It’s currently not available to download but we’re hoping for a full release soon.

In our eyes, they’re both deserving of wins, then. Unlike a lot of other VR awards, the Emmy’s categories are more focused on VR storytelling than gaming experiences. Past winners include Oculus’ own Henry and compelling VR documentary, Zero Days.

We’re not sure what other VR apps have been nominated this year (if any). We’ll let you know if we hear of any more, though.

Watch Jon Favreau Talk Using VR To Make The Lion King

A little movie by the name of The Lion King is releasing in theaters this week.

The live action remake of the Disney classic is directed by Jon Favreau. It brings your favorite characters to life using cutting edge CG and technology. But did you know Favreau and his crew used VR to make this ambitious project a reality?

The director himself spoke a little bit about the process on Jimmy Kimmel last week. You can see him talk about it at the 8:45 mark in the video below.

“The other interesting thing that makes it look live action is we took all of those digital files, brought them into VR,” Favreau explained, “and created this multiplayer VR filmmaking game where all the crew put on headsets and they were able to walk around and look around the Pride Lands and watch the animated performances and set cameras inside VR so it felt like we were making a live action film inside virtual reality.”

It’s a pretty unique use for VR headsets. Favreau is no stranger to VR, of course. The director has long been working on narrative-driven VR experience called Gnomes and Goblins in which players interact with a tiny creature. We’re still eagerly awaiting to see what becomes of that project. We’d also love to see some of Favreau’s VR work on The Lion King but Disney hasn’t said it it might release it or not.

Elsewhere, though, Disney is soon set to debut its second VR animation, A Kite’s Tale.

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Disney Reveals First Info On VR Animation, A Kite’s Tale

Last month we reported that Disney would debut its next VR animation, A Kite’s Tale, at Siggraph 2019 in late July.

Now we have the first details about the project.

Disney’s Next VR Experiment

A Kite’s Tale is Disney’s second VR animation following the debut of Cycles at Siggraph 2018. It centers around two kites. A smaller one features a puppy that wags its tale as it glides through the air. The other is a larger, more elaborate dragon. The two initially clash but eventually learn to live alongside each other.

The piece is directed by Bruce Wright and features hand-drawn animation. It was developed inside Disney Animation’s Short Circuit program. The initiative gives staff the chance to work on a blind submission. Cycles was created under the exact same program.

“Virtual reality has the ability to bring us into new worlds of story, and touch the hearts of the audience in never before dreamt of ways,” Wright said in a prepared statement. “It’s an honor to showcase our film at SIGGRAPH for the innovators and artists who are shaping the future of this medium.”

A Kite’s Tale will be just one of several projects on show at Siggraph’s VR Theater. The show runs from July 28 – August 1. No word yet on a wider release, though Cycles is sadly still yet to launch on home headsets.

Also at the show is Epic Games’ II Divino: Michelangelo’s Sistine Ceiling in VR, Parallux and New York University’s, Mary and the Monster: Chapter One and a new experience from Magic Leap called Undersea.

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The Best VR Games And Experiences Of 2019… So Far

We’re at the halfway point in 2019.

True, much of the year thus far has been dominated by hardware with the launch of Rift S, Quest, Index and the reveal of Cosmos. But there’s also been a smattering of really excellent releases that prove VR game and experience design is making just as significant strides as the headsets that run them.

We’ll save crowning the best of the best until the very end of the year but, for now, let’s round up some of our favorite things we’ve seen in VR in the past six months.

Vacation Simulator – Read Our Review

Owlchemy Labs could be considered the kings and queens of VR interaction and Vacation Simulator only serves to cement that position. Buidling on the work it did with Job Simulator and Virtual Rick-Ality, this is another set of wonderfully engaging minigames, finely tuned to get rid of the awkwardness that most other VR games simply end up embracing.

It speaks volumes about just how fun Vacation Simulator is that you want to keep playing even after the credits roll. It’s packed full of delightful discovers to make and includes Owlchemy’s signature humor too. We can’t wait for it to land on Quest towards the end of this year.

Blood & Truth – Read Our Review

When VR headsets first launched, people wanted to know when we’d get a full, story-driven AAA-level first-person shooter designed exclusively for headsets. Sony London’s Blood & Truth is arguably the closest we’ve yet come to that milestone. This PSVR exclusive delivers the blockbuster production values you’d expect of a Sony-made game, paired with explosive shootouts and setpieces.

More than that, though, Blood & Truth’s wonderfully silly story of a British crime family getting its own back is packed with genuinely compelling face-to-face encounters and memorable moments of downtime.

A Fisherman’s Tale – Read Our Review

A Fisherman’s Tale includes one of the most instantly-captivating applications of VR we’ve seen this year. In this short-but-sweet puzzler you play with scale in ways never before seen. A model of the lighthouse you find yourself in sits in the middle of the room. Take the roof off and you’ll find a mini-you mimicking your every move. Look out the window and you’ll see an enlarged version of yourself and the room too.

This ingenious mechanic gives way to some thrilling puzzles. Not only that, but A Fisherman’s Tale spins a memorable yarn about guilt and the burden of succession. It might be a little lean on puzzles, but this is one VR experience you won’t forget.

Star Wars: Vader Immortal Episode 1 – Read Our Review

vader immortal lightsaber

Early on in Vader Immortal the Dark Lord himself strides up to you, buries you in his shadow and pronounces “This is the one I’ve been searching for.” And there isn’t really a more fitting way to describe this third stab at bringing Star Wars into VR. Vader Immortal’s first episode is a hugely captivating 40-minute ride digging into highly-polished character interaction, exploration and combat in VR.

As if that weren’t enough, the 40-wave Lightsaber Dojo offers some of the very best combat you’ll find in VR today, reaching levels that will push your skills and heart rate like few other apps have. This might not be a multi-hour epic, but it’s arguably more powerful.

Ghost Giant – Read Our Review

Ghost Giant Review ImageWho’d have thought that Ghost Giant’s unsuspecting tale of imaginary friendship — a concept already well-explored in VR — would hold enough subversion and charm to make it one of the year’s best titles? Developer Zoink really doubles down on the tried and true aspects of VR, like the power of diorama-sized sets, the intensity of connection and the weight of interaction, to pull off something special.

Ghost Giant has some wonderful little puzzles, but its the themes of depression and the weight it places on others that really makes it memorable. Even if you don’t consider yourself to be interested in story-driven experiences, Ghost Giant is one to check out.

Beat Saber/Superhot Quest

beat saber quest

We’ll cheat a little on this one. Beat Saber and Superhot are, of course, great games from yesteryear. But it’s not that they’ve simply been competently ported to Quest, it’s that Quest’s wireless setup actually elevates the experience you can have with each game. These are titles that are truly best on Quest.

For Superhot, that means action of Matrix-level action sequences without the worry of tugging at a wire on the back of your head. For Beat Saber, it’s the freedom to slice and dice with more immersion than you’ve ever seen before.

Trover Saves The Universe – Read Our Review

Justin Roiland’s Squanch Games does VR that makes you laugh. Nowhere is that truer than within Trover Saves The Universe a hilarious and utterly bizarre adventure that’s in constant search of ways to delight and amuse players. While the core gameplay can feel somewhat generic the humor is often enough to pull you through.

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Batman VR Skydiving Experience Coming To San Diego Comic-Con

Iron Man isn’t the only superhero bringing a VR experience to San Diego Comic-Con this year.

DC and AT&T are also bringing Batman back to headsets yet again. As part of this year’s show the pair will host ‘The Batman Experience‘, celebrating 80 years of cowls, crime and Catwomen. Part of the experience will be The Dark Knight Dive, which is exactly what it sounds like.

It’s a VR skydiving app in which Batman is in pursuit of long-time foe, The Scarecrow. You’ll glide over the Gotham skyline wearing a helmet shaped like Batman’s cowl and floating over a skydive booth. Scarecrow has released his fear toxin into the city, so you’ll experience creepy hallucinations that bring some other classic bat baddies and allies to life. Think about those awesome Scarecrow sequences in the Arkham games, only in VR while you’re plummeting to your death. Sounds cheery, no?

Other features in the experience include a Batcave gaming lounge and a gallery of Bat-film and TV props.

This is far from Batman’s first brush with VR. Rocksteady’s Arkham VR is still one of the most polished VR apps out there and there’s a Justice League tie-in app too. No word yet on if this experience will be featured elsewhere outside of Comic-Con but we’ve got our fingers crossed. Don’t expect to see it on home headsets, though.

Elsewhere at Comic-Con, Iron Man VR will take the stage as part of the Marvel games panel. We’re expecting new reveals for the PSVR exclusive at the show.

Comic-Con runs from July 18 – 21.

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Sony ‘Looking At’ Spider-Man VR For Quest, Index

Sony Picture Virtual Reality brought Spider-Man: Far From Home to VR last week and everyone pretty much loves it.

It’s the first time fans have had the opportunity to suit up and swing through New York as the webbed one. But the experience is missing support for two crucial new VR platforms: Oculus Quest and Valve Index. Well cross your fingers; Sony says its “looking at” potential ports.

“We’re definitely looking at it,” SPVR Senior Vice President Jake Zim told Upload when asked about Index support. “We have had a large and very positive consumer response to the launch including a lot of requests for a Quest build. We’re considering all our options and are working with our developers and the platforms to figure out the best way to manage the demand.”

Both Quest and Index would bring unique experiences to Spider-Man VR. For the former, it would allow players to swing around tether-free, as Quest doesn’t require a connection to a PC or console to run. Index’s excellent finger-tracking, meanwhile, could let players pull their middle fingers back in the iconic pose to fire webs. We tried playing the app in Index on a stream the other week but, sadly, it didn’t really work.

We quite liked the app as it is on Rift, Vive and PSVR. It’s on the short side and a little crusty presentation-wise, but it’s still the best place to web-swing in VR right now. We’ll let you know if we hear anything more about Spider-Man VR Quest and Index ports.

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Waltz Of The Wizard Is Getting Remastered And Expanded For Index And More

Waltz Of The Wizard Is Getting Remastered And Expanded For Index And More

Remember Waltz of the Wizard? It was a free VR experience that launches around the same time as the HTC Vive. Developer Aldin built a magical showcase of room scale and hand-tracked VR. Now, with the Vive semi-succeeded by the Valve Index, developer Aldin Dynamics is doing a remaster.

Waltz of the Wizard: Extended Edition is due out on July 10 and adds full support for the Index controllers. Not only that, but this edition adds brand new spells and interactive objects. It’s also had a visual tune-up and some performances improvements to bring it in line with 2019 standards. You can see them in the below footage, which focuses on the finger tracking afforded by the Index Controllers. Pure magic, we say!

Like a lot of Aldin’s work, this is very much a showcase rather than a full ‘game’, but its digital playgrounds have always been a treat to explore. Here you can try out different spells, resizing objects and firing fireworks from your hands. It’s a great way to test the limits of current VR technology.

With all the new additions, the Extended Edition won’t be free. It will cost $9.99, though Aldin is planning a heavy launch window discount of 40% (so about $6). This version of the app will still support other headsets like Rift, Vive and Windows VR, but obviously won’t include the finger tracking there.

Elsewhere Aldin has its VR tracking tool, Ghostline, to maintain. We’re not sure we’ll see any truly ‘new’ experiences from the developer in the future but we sure hope we will.

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