Sundance Attendees Saw A Hologram of ‘Mad Men’ Actor Jon Hamm

Sundance Attendees Saw A Hologram of ‘Mad Men’ Actor Jon Hamm

Back in 2012, the world was introduced to the idea of augmented reality by the way a hologram of the long deceased Hip Hop artist Tupac. While the idea was not quite a “hologram” as we understand them to be, Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg were certainly utilizing AR to perform alongside the CGI recreation. As reported by Hollywood Reporter, the Sundance Film Festival was home to what’s shaping up to be one of the first hologram performances there with actor Jon Hamm being transformed into a hologram for an experience based on one of the event’s feature films.

Marjorie Prime, the feature film that this AR experience was inspired by, has a premise that sounds like it fits right in with an episode of the British sci-fi anthology Black Mirror, which is available on Netflix. In the film, there’s a service that produces life-like holograms of deceased loved ones and a man named Jon (played by Tim Robbins) takes the opportunity to come face to face with his late father in law (played by Jon Hamm).

The demonstration is powered by 8i, a company that received $13.5 million toward its goal of realistic 3D human capture, Hamm’s character from the film will make an appearance at Sundance and can be interacted with using VR or mixed reality on mobile devices.

“It is amazing to experience the future in the here and now,” says Marjorie Prime producer Uri Singer in the report. “When we first started working on the movie, the script dictated that the holograms would be portrayed as a futuristic reality. Making an actual hologram, not only on film but one that can be experienced with VR/AR, attests to how present the future has become.”

And in case you haven’t seen it, Hamm does in fact star in one of the best episodes of Black Mirror — the White Christmas episode which itself includes some elements of mixed reality. The episode is on Netflix and highly recommended.

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Free 56-Page Guide From JauntVR Shows How To Make A 360-Degree Video

Free 56-Page Guide From JauntVR Shows How To Make A 360-Degree Video

Cinematic VR company JauntVR has established itself as one of the leading 360-degree production companies, with collaborations spanning from ESPN to ABC News, and they’ve put together a lengthy document to help others capture

JauntVR, which announced a slew of titles at the Sundance Film Festival this weekend including a VR re-imagining of the cult classic “Lawnmower Man” film, announced on their blog the availability of “The Cinematic VR Guide: A Guide To Best Practices Shooting in 360-degrees”. The guide includes over 50 sections covering lighting, framing, types of cameras, and post-production. There are even some parts that address directing the action and minimizing motion sickness.

As the cost to produce 360-degree video falls and quantity of cinematic VR experiences increases, hopefully a guide like this will help quality keep pace. As stated in the blog, “many of the old rules of cinematography no longer apply” so even the most well versed in traditional film could benefit from a few tips. This is only the beginning, though, as Jaunt plans for this guide to serve as a “living document” that is continuously updated as new technology and techniques surface.

Producing the content is a significant part of stepping forward as a major force in any creative field, but putting together a document such as this and paying it forward is a way to solidify that space especially in the minds of those just now getting involved. It will be interesting to see how such a guide is accepted by the rest of the creative community buy hopefully it, along with initiatives to make 360-video clearer, will result in high-tier production.

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YouTube VR Wants To Provide Tools To Make Things ‘We Never Even Thought About’

YouTube VR Wants To Provide Tools To Make Things ‘We Never Even Thought About’

YouTube is a media leader, providing a nearly endless supply of accessible content and standing as the 2nd ranked website in the world. With such a significant position, it’d be an absolute boon for 360-degree and VR content to gain any type of foothold on the platform. YouTube had the largest presence they’ve ever had at the Sundance Film festival this year and one of our editors had an opportunity to speak with them, revealing that the video-sharing website is making a pointed effort to invest more into virtual reality.

YouTube’s expanded presence this year was largely seen in their return as sponsors for the Shorts Program and the YouTube House. We spoke with Jamie Byrne, YouTube’s Director of Creators and VR Initiatives, about YouTube’s VR plans since launching in November, and what they’re doing to enhance the service in the future.

“One of the things we’re focusing on is what’s going to bring people back every day for VR content,” Byrne says.

There’s no standard set for what works in VR so many continue to experiment and take on the risk of things not quite executing as they wish. Despite that, YouTube wants to open the door for creators, no matter where they’re making.

The people “doing some of the coolest and newest stuff are just individual creators in their bedroom, Byrne said. “And we want to get them the tools they need to realize their creative vision.”

Byrne and the team at YouTube are working closely with Google to get creators the equipment they need to make cool new VR projects, including entire new genres of VR content, and tehy are “really looking forward to seeing what the creators are going to create that we never even thought about. We want to get YouTube VR on as many platforms as possible.”

Keep your eye on UploadVR for more updates from the 2017 Sundance Film Festival.

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‘The Walking Dead’ Publisher Skybound Brings Interactive Horror Play ‘Delusion: Lies Within’ To VR

‘The Walking Dead’ Publisher Skybound Brings Interactive Horror Play ‘Delusion: Lies Within’ To VR

A Los Angeles-based interactive horror play is becoming a virtual reality series with Skybound Entertainment.

Skybound is the publisher of properties like The Walking Dead and we previously covered Skybound’s collaboration with Samsung on the VR thriller Gone. Now, Skybound has acquired a creative property for a new and thrilling VR horror experience.

Skybound announced a collaboration that will bring into VR a Los Angeles-based horror play known as Delusion: Lies Within. One of our editors had an opportunity to speak at the Sundance Film Festival with Delusion writer/director Jon Braver and Skybound’s Director of Digital Programming Mike Cruz about the new development.

In 2014, horror company Delusion produced a well-received play called Lies Within — an attempt to redefine live theater by including the play’s audience as characters within the unfolding story. The VR version of the story is set in the American south in the 1940s as an episodic feature where a couple fans attempt to find a horror author that has gone missing. Over the 10 chapters (potentially 80 minutes total) visitors can follow those two fans down branching paths, as you realize the author’s fictional creations have come to life.

“It’s a great emotional story; it’s a great horror story,” says Braver. “It’s a great first project to work on together.”

The plan is to build tension using a variety of techniques, like audio that lets you know something is behind you, or a shot where you are reluctantly pulled along even though you might be heading into danger. Skybound’s Cruz explains that, with the 360-degree viewing of VR, when filming you have to put in extra effort to hide things that would normally break immersion. “You have to hide your wires, your lighting, your rigs, your crew, or you have to paint it out.”

The isolated nature of VR headsets can enhance horror elements ten-fold. When asked if the team anticipated people potentially “pooping their pants”, Cruz joked, “That would be great!”

The VR series is expected to start production in Los Angeles this March.

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MasterpieceVR Launches Today With Cross-Platform Collaborative Sculpting and Painting

MasterpieceVR Launches Today With Cross-Platform Collaborative Sculpting and Painting

Virtual spaces offer players, enthusiasts, creatives, and professional entities near infinite work spaces for many interests. A great deal of popular existing experiences like Tilt Brush and ScluptVR are of a more creative slant, giving users virtual chisel and paint brush so that they can formulate the brightest and even some of the darkest creations within VR.

While there are applications that offer collaborative experiences in creative VR, Brinx Software is attempting to go the extra mile with cross-platform teamwork for their new program: MasterpieceVR. We had an opportunity to get an early hands-on with the program in December, but now it’s available for download on Steam — entirely for free for a limited time.

MasterpieceVR is a robust creative platform with over 12 different sculpting tools, over 12 paint brushes, and the option to work in a handful of realistic or dream-like environments. Mechanically, it’s almsot like a combination of Tilt Brush and Oculus MediumMasterpieceVR‘s biggest hook, though, is the ability to work in real time with other creatives around the world.

Whether using an Oculus Rift or HTC Vive, 2 users are allowed in a virtual space at one time and regardless of platform they can team up to make things together. Via email correspondence, Brinx Software CEO Jonathan Gagne also confirmed that the player count will increase to 4 in the next few weeks and grow steadily over the life of the platform.

No matter who you decide to work with, the Brinx Software team has made a pointed effort to create a program where “ease of use is a key differentiator and strength” as so put by Gagne. “In fact, this technology allowed us to teach an eight-year old child how to model in less than 60 seconds. With a vision to build the future of VR, we are enabling people around the world to translate creative ideas into 3D works of virtual art. There is nothing that lets you collaborate like it on the market today.”

MasterpieceVR is available on Steam for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. For a limited time, it is available for free and we don’t have information on when and to what extent that will change.

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‘Lawnmower Man’ Is Being Re-imagined For Virtual Reality

‘Lawnmower Man’ Is Being Re-imagined For Virtual Reality

25 years ago, the cult sci-fi classic 1992 film “The Lawnmower Man” transported audiences into a thrilling narrative built on virtual reality. In it, a young man with mental disability (Jobe Smith, played by Jeff Fahey) uses VR to evolve intellectually at an incredible pace. The film takes an incredibly dark turn, though, and essentially turns into a science fiction recreation of the classic horror film Carrie. JauntVR, one of the leaders for 360-degree video content, has announced at the Sundance Film Festival that they’re working on a line of VR films for 2017 with a re-imagined Lawnmower Man being one of them.

“The original movie was a film of unsurpassed imagination and creativity with its ground-breaking use of VR back in 1992,” says Jim Howell, one of the holders of the rights for the film, in a press release for the announcement. “Together with Jaunt we look forward to a contemporary team bringing to life a whole new world of VR; a world of immersive entertainment and communication. We are very excited to be working with Jaunt to create a VR realization of the film.”

It’s frankly a little surprising that there hasn’t been a direct remake or reboot in the 25 years since the film debuted. Marrying the film’s ideas with actual VR headsets will hopefully produce a top-quality remake.

JauntVR also announced a handful of other VR features at Sundance. They’re working with Robert Schwentke, the man responsible for The Time Traveler’s Wife and the Divergent series of films, on a 12-episode sci-fi/thriller called Luna. They are also teaming with the director of Harold and Kumar 3D, Todd Strauss-Schulson, for a stoner comedy called Bad Trip that will recreate drug-induced hallucinations for the viewers.

Stay tuned to UploadVR as we cover more of the announcements at this year’s Sundance Film Festival, and check out our previous report on the VR/AR experiences being shown during Sundance’s New Frontier exhibit.

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