Life In 360°: A Taste Of Things To Come From The BBC?

You may remember some time back that VRFocus experimented with a new type of discussion show in which Kevin J and Jamie interviewed a guest. The whole thing being filmed with a 360 degree camera. What would end up being called VRCast was, in effect, a 360 degree round table discussion. There are no plans for that to return at this time, however the BBC has evolved the idea of a 360 degree round table into a new project from BBC Taster.

No Small Talk 360°

BBC Taster is, as may be suggested from the name, a relatively recent addition to the corporation’s line-up where it openly experiments with different programmes and different ways to produce content. It then sees what resonates with the audience and that which has potential, and uses that to decide whether or not to green light future episodes.

The latest addition to BBC Taster is No Small Talk 360°, a pilot for a potential series. Aimed at and starring millennial women, in episode one we sit in on a discussion between Cherry Healey and Emma Gannon as the shoot the breeze over about modern life and what’s going on in the world.

Speaking to the BBC website, Executive Producer Catherine Allen explained some of the difficulties in bringing No Small Talk 360° to life.

“Our main challenges lay in trying to make the most of the authentic, rawness of the 360° video medium. Luckily, producer Dorothea and the VR City team have lots of experience in addressing this challenge. Our director, Darren Emmerson did an amazing job here at capturing the spontaneous, fluid nature of conversation, in a way that felt akin to being there. However, the experience could only be ten minutes long; a length much shorter than most deep, exploratory discussions. We solved this through a simple, chaptered editing style. This made it obvious to the audience, that we had chosen a select few exciting chunks, of something that took much longer in real life.”

The programme is available in two sizes and is recommended to be viewed on a Samsung Gear VR. However, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive owners can view it too. More information and links to download the show can be found on the BBC Taster website.

VRFocus will be back on Monday with more Life In 360°.