‘Elite Dangerous: Horizons’ Now Free to All Owners of the Base Game

Elite Dangerous (2014), one of the first truly massive VR-compatible space sims, is releasing its biggest DLC for free today to all players who own the base game.

Initially announced last month by creators Frontier Developments, the previously separate Horizons expansion has now been folded into the base game.

Before today, Horizons cost $30 on top of the base game’s $30 price tag. The free update includes all supported platforms, including PC (SteamVR, Oculus PC), Xbox and PS4.

Launched back in late 2015, Horizons brought to the space-faring simulator the option to finally head out of the ship, land on planets and drive surface recon vehicles to explore the ground below, craft weapons, and allow for multicrew action.

Although the game has lost some of its appeal over the years, it’s good to see Frontier offering even more to new VR players looking to delve into one of the decidedly ‘classic’ space sims out there.

And while the studio initially said VR wasn’t on the roadmap for its 2021 first-person shooter DLC Odyssey, Frontier developer Arthur Tolmie announced last month that VR will be available when users fly down to planets, fly through atmospheres and drive along planet surfaces in their SRVs, although leaving the ship to continue on foot would bring up a 2D projected flat game screen.

The post ‘Elite Dangerous: Horizons’ Now Free to All Owners of the Base Game appeared first on Road to VR.

‘Elite Dangerous: Horizons’ Now Free to All Owners of the Base Game

Elite Dangerous (2014), one of the first truly massive VR-compatible space sims, is releasing its biggest DLC for free today to all players who own the base game.

Initially announced last month by creators Frontier Developments, the previously separate Horizons expansion has now been folded into the base game.

Before today, Horizons cost $30 on top of the base game’s $30 price tag. The free update includes all supported platforms, including PC (SteamVR, Oculus PC), Xbox and PS4.

Launched back in late 2015, Horizons brought to the space-faring simulator the option to finally head out of the ship, land on planets and drive surface recon vehicles to explore the ground below, craft weapons, and allow for multicrew action.

Although the game has lost some of its appeal over the years, it’s good to see Frontier offering even more to new VR players looking to delve into one of the decidedly ‘classic’ space sims out there.

And while the studio initially said VR wasn’t on the roadmap for its 2021 first-person shooter DLC Odyssey, Frontier developer Arthur Tolmie announced last month that VR will be available when users fly down to planets, fly through atmospheres and drive along planet surfaces in their SRVs, although leaving the ship to continue on foot would bring up a 2D projected flat game screen.

The post ‘Elite Dangerous: Horizons’ Now Free to All Owners of the Base Game appeared first on Road to VR.

Elite Dangerous: Beyond Gets Set To End Season 3 With Biggest Update Of The Year

Thanks to immersive technology, the idea of actually being inside a spaceship and zipping about the cosmos, getting into everything from minor scrapes to full-pitched space battles as you go about your adventures throughout the stars is something of a reality.

Elite Dangerous Beyond - Chapter FourIt’s a popular one too, and even established titles are still looking into the possibilities of adding virtual reality (VR) support, as seen earlier this week with No Man’s Sky.

One name that always springs to mind when discussing space adventures – and one we’ve talked about many times in the past here on VRFocus – is Elite Dangerous.  Developed by the team at UK-based studio Frontier Developments and supporting both the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, Elite Dangerous sees you take on the role of a starship pilot trying to carve out a living for themselves in a galaxy not known for its ability to be generous nor forgiving.

The team have now revealed a new trailer for the forthcoming fourth chapter of Elite Dangerous: Beyond, which will bring to an end the third season of content for the title.  Chapter Four will bring with it a number of improvements to visual components, background simulation within the title and other in-game changes.  These changes will, according to Frontier, see Chapter Four become the largest update to Elite Dangerous in 2018 and will among other things “make exploration feel more meaningful, making the results more satisfying and rewarding”.

Appropriately enough for the fourth chapter, a four week Beta period beginning on October 30th will be available for all PC players of both Elite Dangerous and Elite Dangerous: Horizons. Whilst PlayStation 4 players and those on XBox one will get to play they will do so at a date as yet unconfirmed. Elite Dangerous Beyond - Chapter FourKey changes listed are as follows:


A new Analysis Mode, with the improved Exploration Discovery Scanner and Detailed Discovery Scanner, is a game-changing, brand new way for all Commanders to explore the galaxy. After an initial scan of the system, players will then be able to tune their scanners to find stellar bodies and other phenomena. Unidentified Signal Sources and conflict zones will also appear, allowing players to easily track down interesting or important things within the system. Not only is this new system a more realistic, satisfying and engaging exploration experience, but also provides players with the freedom to make more informed decisions on where to look next, and be ultimately better rewarded for time spent exploring. Commanders will now have probes that can be arced onto planetary surfaces, and planetary rings, to map them in detail, locate points of interest and leave their mark on the galaxy in a new way.


Asteroid belts and planetary rings are about to get very busy. New tools and mechanics will provide a fresh, exciting and lucrative mining experience for all Elite Dangerous Commanders. Using new exploration mechanics, miners can investigate rings to locate the best spots to start their mining sessions. With the right amount of skill and expertise, Commanders can create an awesome asteroid detonation before sweeping up the spoils.


Squadrons is a new way of uniting like-minded Commanders in Elite Dangerous. Players will be able to take part in Community Goals together and compete for top spots, and bragging rights, in weekly leader boards. New communication tools such as in-game chat channels and a new web portal, give players the freedom to manage their Squadron and collectively blaze their trail across the galaxy.

You can check out the newly released introduction trailer below to get an idea of just some of the changes players might expect. VRFocus will bring you more news about the Beta as Frontier reveals things.

‘Elite Dangerous: Beyond’ Chapter 4 Update Available Now

Elite Dangerous (2014), the popular (and VR supported) sci-fi space-faring simulator, this week saw the launch of the Elite Dangerous: Beyond – Chapter 4 update, the final chapter of the game’s third season of DLC.

Update (December 12, 2018): Elite Dangerous: Beyond – Chapter 4 is available now, and bringing new features along with some minor VR fixes. The full patch change notes are available here, and the article below has been updated to reflect the public release of the update.

Elite Dangerous: Beyond first landed early this year with Chapter One, which directly followed the Thargoids assault on humanity’s starports, the space-faring alien baddies first introduced back in September 2017 with the Horizons update. Beyond then saw two smaller rapid-fire chapter releases this summer, Chapters Two and Three, which included new ship types, weapons, and a number of system improvements.

Chapter 4, available now, is the “largest Elite Dangerous update of the year,” according to developer Frontier Developments, and includes a host of new features that aim to make the game’s expansive universe more detailed and offer more for players to do.

The beta for Chapter Four will be available to all PC Elite Dangerous and Elite Dangerous: Horizons players on October 30th. The beta will roll out in stages, first coming to PC platforms (Rift and Vive included) and then at a later date to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The PC beta is planned to extend over a four-week period.

Frontier Developments lays out a few key updates in an official post:

Exploration [read more]

The Analysis Mode with the improved Exploration Discovery Scanner and Detailed Discovery Scanner, is a game-changing, brand new way for all Commanders to explore the Milky Way galaxy. After the initial scan of the system, you will then be able to tune your scanners to find stellar bodies and other phenomena. Not only is this new system a more realistic, satisfying and engaging exploration experience, but now you will be able to make more informed decisions on where to look next, and you will be more rewarded for your time spent exploring. Commanders will now have probes at their disposal to map the planetary surfaces, and planetary rings, in detail, to locate points of interest and leave your mark on the galaxy in a different way.

Mining [read more]

Asteroid belts and planetary rings are about to get very busy. New tools and mechanics will provide a fresh, exciting and lucrative mining experience for all Elite Dangerous Commanders. Using new exploration mechanics, miners can investigate rings to locate the best spots to start their mining sessions, and then the best specific asteroids to probe and excavate for rewards. With the right amount of skill and expertise, the new Abrasion blaster, Sub-surface displacement missile, and Seismic charge launcher, will provide some exciting and explosive results.

Squadrons [read more]

Squadrons is a new in-game way of uniting like-minded Commanders to support factions of their choice and compete for top spots in seasonal leader boards. New communication tools, including in-game chat channels, will help you blaze trails together, and leave your Squadron’s mark on the galaxy.

More [read more]

There’s a number of additional improvements coming to Elite Dangerous, including visual improvements, background simulation updates, and [two new ships, the Krait Phantom and Mamba] and cockpit interface changes.

The post ‘Elite Dangerous: Beyond’ Chapter 4 Update Available Now appeared first on Road to VR.

Elite Dangerous: The Return Update veröffentlicht

Die Weltraumsimulation Elite Dangerous für PC, PlayStation 4 und Xbox One erhielt ein Update, das viele Neuerungen ins Spiel implementiert. So werden neue Orte und versteckte Geheimnisse, einige Features sowie Verbesserungen des Gameplays und Bug Fixes integriert. Das Hauptaugenmerk liegt jedoch auf die Einführung der Thargoids, die bereits im Vorgänger Elite aus dem Jahr 1984 eine Rolle spielten. Ihnen huldigt der Titel des Updates: The Return.

Elite Dangerous: The Return Update – Neue Orte, Features und Aliens

Das mittlerweile fünfte Update für die Horizon-Reihe wurde unter dem Namen 2.4 The Return veröffentlicht und umfasst satte sieben GB. Entsprechend bringt es viele neue Inhalte sowie Features mit sich.

So wurden nun die Thargoids ins Spiel implementiert, eine gefährliche Alienrasse mit hoch entwickelter Technologie, die eine Bedrohung für die komplette Galaxis darstellen. Immer mehr Raumschiffe der Aliens tauchen auf und attackieren Piloten. Leider erweisen sich die Raumschiffe der Angreifer als äußerst widerstandsfähig, weshalb ihr mit anderen Spielern kooperieren müsst, um die anstehende Bedrohung zu bekämpfen. Welche Beweggründe die neuen Feinde haben, steht derzeit noch nicht fest, dies wird erst im Verlauf der neuen Geschichte erklärt. Jedoch sollen die Spieler durch ihre Aktionen dazu beitragen können, wie sich der neue Storystrang entwickelt.

Elite-Dangerous-The Return


Neben der Einführung der Aliens gibt es neue Planetenbasen innerhalb der Region von Colonia und es wurden viele neue versteckte Orte und Geheimnisse eingeführt, über die die Entwickler noch den Mantel des Schweigens breiten. Die Spieler müssen also selbst herausfinden, um was es sich hierbei handelt. Nebenbei stehen neue Outfits und Frisuren zur Auswahl. Zudem gab es unzählige Bug Fixes und Verbesserungen für Audio, Steuerung, UI, Companion API, Ingenieure, Raumschiffe, Missionen und vieles mehr. Die genauen Patch Notes befinden sich hier.

Auch am VR-Modus wurde etwas geschraubt, so wurde die Maus im Holo-Me-Menü angepasst und der bei manchen Spielern auftretende Bloom-Effekt entfernt. Zudem gab es auch hier einige Fehlerbehebungen.

Die Sci-Fi-Weltraumsimulation Elite Dangerous vom Entwicklerstudio Frontier Developments ist für PC, PS4 und Xbox One erhältlich. Die PC-Version beinhaltet dabei VR-Support für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive. Dieser bleibt den Konsolenbesitzern mit PSVR bisher vorenthalten. Das Spiel ist für 24,99 Euro auf Steam erhältlich, die PS4-Version steht zum selben Preis im PlayStation Store zur Verfügung.

(Quellen: Frontier Patch Notes | Video: Elite Dangerous Youtube)

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Space Sim ‘Elite Dangerous’ Gets Major Update With New Content and VR Fixes

Elite Dangerous (2014), the interstellar space trading, fighting, and exploration sim, has received a major new update, 2.4, The Return, which brings frightening new enemies to the virtual galaxy, as well as a number of fixes to the game’s VR mode, and improvements to the avatar system.

Elite Dangerous is not a VR-only title, but with support for both the Vive and Rift, and its focus on simulator-like mechanics, it does an impressive job of making you feel like a lone pilot somewhere out in a vast and lonely galaxy. The VR aspect of the game got more interesting thanks to the prior patch (2.3, Commanders) which for the first time allowed up to four players to co-pilot ships together, and introduced a character editor, allowing players to define the look of their avatar.

The latest update, 2.4, The Return, which caps off the broader Horizons expansion, heralds the return of the Thargoids to the Milky Way galaxy, deadly space-faring aliens of which little is known. Even outside of the game’s lore, developer Frontier Developments is playing coy with the ultimate purpose of the Thargoids, though a new cinematic released with the update gives an idea of what you’ll be up against:

For now they’re seemingly unstoppable enemies, but it seems players are destined to advance their armories and explore new tactics to defend humanity’s grip on the galaxy. A release from the studio reads:

Today humanity’s dreaded enemy will return in an ongoing Elite Dangerous story arc enabled by Elite Dangerous: Horizons 2.4 – The Return, continuing the Horizons season with ongoing story events that will see commanders thrust into battle against the Thargoids for the first time in gaming’s modern age, bringing a new and deadly dynamic to the Elite Dangerous galaxy.

In coming months the Thargoids’ influence will be felt throughout Elite Dangerous, and players will be forced to develop new tactics and technologies of their own to counter the Thargoid menace, or see humanity’s grip on our sectors of the galaxy recede.

And here’s the part where we show you the pretty new pictures:

In addition to the Thargoids, there’s a big list of both new features and enhancements (full patch notes here) in 2.4. For VR players, the most intriguing are new avatar items for more customization (including eyewear, outfits, 12 new hair styles) and fixes to the avatar system. There’s also fixes for the Multi-crew co-pilot experience, and a number of VR specific fixes:

  • We have made some adjustments to mouse behaviour when viewing the Holo-Me menu in VR so that it matches other UI screens
  • We have disabled the bloom effect when using the VR graphical presets by default, as it could be a bit hard on the eyes
  • Fixed a tiling issue that occurred when taking high resolution screenshots when using VR
  • Adjusted a variety of outfitting cameras across a range of ships to work better when using VR
  • Fixed an issue whereby the HUD target reticle was displayed inside your cockpit in one eye when using VR

The post Space Sim ‘Elite Dangerous’ Gets Major Update With New Content and VR Fixes appeared first on Road to VR.

Space Sim ‘Elite Dangerous’ Gets Major Update With New Content and VR Fixes

Elite Dangerous (2014), the interstellar space trading, fighting, and exploration sim, has received a major new update, 2.4, The Return, which brings frightening new enemies to the virtual galaxy, as well as a number of fixes to the game’s VR mode, and improvements to the avatar system.

Elite Dangerous is not a VR-only title, but with support for both the Vive and Rift, and its focus on simulator-like mechanics, it does an impressive job of making you feel like a lone pilot somewhere out in a vast and lonely galaxy. The VR aspect of the game got more interesting thanks to the prior patch (2.3, Commanders) which for the first time allowed up to four players to co-pilot ships together, and introduced a character editor, allowing players to define the look of their avatar.

The latest update, 2.4, The Return, which caps off the broader Horizons expansion, heralds the return of the Thargoids to the Milky Way galaxy, deadly space-faring aliens of which little is known. Even outside of the game’s lore, developer Frontier Developments is playing coy with the ultimate purpose of the Thargoids, though a new cinematic released with the update gives an idea of what you’ll be up against:

For now they’re seemingly unstoppable enemies, but it seems players are destined to advance their armories and explore new tactics to defend humanity’s grip on the galaxy. A release from the studio reads:

Today humanity’s dreaded enemy will return in an ongoing Elite Dangerous story arc enabled by Elite Dangerous: Horizons 2.4 – The Return, continuing the Horizons season with ongoing story events that will see commanders thrust into battle against the Thargoids for the first time in gaming’s modern age, bringing a new and deadly dynamic to the Elite Dangerous galaxy.

In coming months the Thargoids’ influence will be felt throughout Elite Dangerous, and players will be forced to develop new tactics and technologies of their own to counter the Thargoid menace, or see humanity’s grip on our sectors of the galaxy recede.

And here’s the part where we show you the pretty new pictures:

In addition to the Thargoids, there’s a big list of both new features and enhancements (full patch notes here) in 2.4. For VR players, the most intriguing are new avatar items for more customization (including eyewear, outfits, 12 new hair styles) and fixes to the avatar system. There’s also fixes for the Multi-crew co-pilot experience, and a number of VR specific fixes:

  • We have made some adjustments to mouse behaviour when viewing the Holo-Me menu in VR so that it matches other UI screens
  • We have disabled the bloom effect when using the VR graphical presets by default, as it could be a bit hard on the eyes
  • Fixed a tiling issue that occurred when taking high resolution screenshots when using VR
  • Adjusted a variety of outfitting cameras across a range of ships to work better when using VR
  • Fixed an issue whereby the HUD target reticle was displayed inside your cockpit in one eye when using VR

The post Space Sim ‘Elite Dangerous’ Gets Major Update With New Content and VR Fixes appeared first on Road to VR.

VRTV: Cyber Tanks, Traditional Tales and… Bill Gates?

Thursday means it’s time once again for your scheduled update of the headlines from the last week courtesy of VRTV, and this on this episode there’s quite the mix of stories for Nina to go through. With everything from new Betas and multiplayer updates for established game titles. To a new party game, a new virtual reality (VR) rendition of a traditional story and one of computing’s biggest names is getting into the Gear VR in a big way.

Click the video below for Nina’s round-up. You can find out more information about the stories mentioned via the links below.

On this week’s VRTV:

VRTV will back on VRFocus at the same time next week, and also on Tuesday where you can catch Nina’s VR review. Check out this week’s review of Lone Echo here.

Elite Dangerous Gets Multi-Player Ships in New Update

Popular space exploration videogame Elite Dangerous: Horizons is getting a big update in the shape of the 2.3 The Commanders patch. Several new features are being introduced along with the expected bug fixes.

Elite Dangerous is the fourth game in the Elite series, which began way back in 1984. Elite Dangerous itself was funded through Kickstarter after failing to arrive at the publishing deal. The PC version was launched in December 2014 and was one of the early titles to fully support Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

The new 2.3 update introduces the possibility of gathering multiple players together to crew a single ship in multicrew co-op play. Helm, Gunner and Fighter are available as roles for each crew person to take on. Multicrew ships get benefits in precision and control. Players can join a crew from anywhere in the in-game galaxy.

Also being introduced is the Holo-Me avatar, a creator and editor that allows players to create a personalised appearance for their in-game avatar. There are a large array of options available at patch launch, with the possibility of further being introduced in later patches, so players can create a truly unique avatar look.

The camera suite has been upgraded for third-person as well, enabling easier capture of screenshots as well as opening up the game for film-making and machinima. The patch is also introducing new ships in the from of the dolphin passenger ship, the massive Mega Ships and huge hidden Asteroid Bases.

You can watch a trailer for Elite Dangerous: Horizons 2.3 The Commanders below.

VRFocus will bring you further information on Elite Dangerous updates when they come in.