Review: ZED

There’s nothing wrong with adding a virtual reality (VR) element to a videogame after the fact, just so long as it’s done well. It’s true that projects built from the ground up for VR tend to fair better and showcase the technology in a more positive light. So when videogames like ZED come along that look promising but ultimately flounder in VR, that you have to wonder why go through the process in the first place.

ZEDInitially a successful Kickstarter project for Eagre Games back in 2016, with Chuck Carter – one of the creative talents behind Myst and the Command & Conquer series – at the helm, all appeared good, with an intriguing premise featuring a rich narrative and surreal imagery. VR was a stretch goal that was never met but the team decided to add it in any way.

ZED is a gorgeous videogame to look at. From the initial menu hub with a desk littered with finely detailed items to the bizarre landscapes which appear every so often, with twisting geometry, rich colours and towering structures, the entire experience is a visual treat for the eyes. The artists at Eagre Games must have had a field day dreaming up some of the sequences that help to convey what is going on in the mind of an artist suffering dementia.

The same goes for the audio and narrative itself. You really have to listen to the voice of Stephen Russell – a veteran videogame voice actor who has worked on Thief and the Fallout series. Russell does a tremendous job in the role of the ageing artist, as different scenes from the protagonists fragmented memories help him recall his past. Just like an audiobook, the story is engaging, dark and a sad reflection on a harrowing disease.


If this was more of an interactive experience designed for VR, with Eagre Games going down the route of Vader Immortal: A Star Wars Story or even Bonfire by Boabab Studios then this could have been something special. Alas, this is a videogame with some fundamental flaws.

Purely concentrating on the VR version for Oculus Rift – who plays on a flat screen any more! – ZED’s first glaring mistake is the lack of options. With any new VR compatible title, a quick look at the options menu for settings like VR comfort are a good indication of things to come (generally). ZED has options for audio level and subtitles. So you’d better be happy with teleportation because that’s all there is.

Unfortunately, the teleportation is the single most annoying feature in ZED. It’s horrendous, one of the worst examples in modern VR gaming. The reason is the inconsistency, it feels like an actual chore trying to move around the world of ZED. All you need to do is push the joystick forward to create a reticule and then let go to move, simple. Yet it doesn’t always work, or the spot where you jump to disappears, slowly building the frustration levels.


The knock on effect is that exploring the areas becomes tedious, rather than being able to admire them. After an hour of playing through the first three chapters out of six, the prospect of a further three chapters wasn’t exciting.

And then there’s the gameplay. Almost everything you can see isn’t interactive in any way. Fragments of memory can be unlocked by finding certain objects which glow and generally can be clearly seen. They all need to be found in each area to open the next location, with a picture puzzle needing to be solved before stepping through. These puzzles don’t take long to solve, with the solutions drawn on the walls somewhere in each level in bright blue pigment.

The two combined really detract from the experience as a whole, making ZED seem like it was developed by two different teams. One on the art/narrative side and then one on the actual interaction and gameplay.

ZED was such a promising title, and with Cyan Ventures helping to back it for launch, all the ingredients were there for a unique experience. However, that’s not been the case. A pretty videogame does not necessarily make for one that excites and enthrals. There has been some great VR content arrive this year, ZED is not one of them.



  • Verdict

Kickstarter Backed ZED to be Released in June

Surreal adventure title ZED began life back in 2016 as a successful Kickstarter campaign for Eagre Games, with virtual reality (VR) support one of the stretch goals. Even though that particular goal wasn’t achieved ZED will be coming to HTC VIve and Oculus Rift. And this week, Cyan Ventures, the new publishing arm of Cyan, has confirmed that ZED will finally launch on Steam in less than two weeks.


ZED is very much a weird and wonderful adventure set in a world of an artist suffering from dementia – desperately trying to reconnect fragmented memories. Developed in association with Skymap Games, you explore the dreams of the artist’s crumbling mind in hopes of helping him assemble enough meaningful images to leave behind a loving memento and final legacy for his granddaughter.

The videogame will be the first published by Cyan Ventures, a new division which launched in November 2018. Cyan Inc. is best known for its puzzle adventures Myst and Riven, most recently releasing Obduction whilst completing its own Kickstarter campaign for Firmament

“It’s exciting to release ZED as the first, in what we hope is, a series of artisan indie titles,” said Rand Miller, CEO of Cyan in a statement. “Cyan Ventures was created to connect our amazingly supportive Myst fan base to inspiring artists like Chuck at Eagre Games. We hope that ZED, with its graphically mesmerizing narrative, will resonate with our fans and audiences worldwide.”


“I am thrilled to be working with Cyan Ventures,” adds Chuck Carter, founder of Eagre Games. “It is awesome to be working with a publisher as vested in the visual fidelity and compelling story as us. They believed in our vision and helped us move ZED across the finish line, from its Kickstarter inception to a deeply moving story of an unexamined life.”

The vision of Carter, ZED was co-written by Joe Fielder (Bioshock Infinite, The Flame and the Flood) and David Chen (Metal Gear Solid series, Narcosis).

ZED is due for release on 4th June 2019 and will be available on Steam, GOG, Oculus Store and VivePort. VRFocus will continue its coverage of both Eagre Games’ ZED and Cyan’s Firmament as more details are released. 

Cyan’s Upcoming Surreal Adventure ZED Receives new Trailer Ahead of Spring Release

Currently being developed by Eagre Games and Skymap Games is a new surreal adventure experience called ZED, which is being published by Oblivion creator Cyan Ventures. Supporting both standard PC monitors and virtual reality (VR) headsets,  ZED is due for release this Spring. With the launch not far away Cyan has just released an official trailer for the title.


Very much a twisted puzzle adventure, the trailer gives a good demonstration of the weirdness that the development teams have been creating. A synopsis explains that: “ZED is the story of an artist suffering from dementia — desperately trying to reconnect fragmented memories. The player explores the dreams of the artist’s crumbling mind in hopes of helping him assemble enough meaningful images to leave behind a loving memento and final legacy for his granddaughter.”

“This game is very personal to me,” said Chuck Carter, founder of Eagre Games in a statement. “I had a dear friend and mentor pass a few years back. He suffered from dementia in those final years and my visits to him became the inspiration for ZED. This is not his story, but a broader cautionary tale of not waiting till the end to examine your life.”


“ZED is just the type of game Cyan Ventures wants to publish, said Rand Miller, CEO, Cyan. “We formed Cyan Ventures because we believe that now is the time to experiment and explore the new possibilities in VR storytelling. Chuck’s very emotional exploration of an artist’s struggle to examine the meaning of his life through the fog of dementia is a provocative approach to narrative gameplay. We’re very excited to have a part in bringing ZED’s moving and inventive narrative to VR and PC.”

Eagre Games has been working on ZED for a while now, having held a successful Kickstarter crowd-funding campaign in 2016. Managing to raise over $50,000 USD, backers will soon be able to enjoy the videogame they supported 3 years ago.

Cyan plans on releasing ZED for PC as well as HTC Vive and Oculus Rift in Spring 2019. When a more concrete release date has been announced VRFocus will let you know.

Zed Is An Atmospheric VR Adventure Published By Cyan, Creators of Myst

zed main title image cyan

Cyan, the creators of Myst, Riven, and VR adventure Obduction, are back — this time as a publisher. Dubbed Cyan Ventures, this new arm of the company will allow them to branch out away from just development to help bring more of their style of high-quality atmospheric games to the world that might otherwise not get played. The first effort in this new endeavor is Zed from Eagre Games.

According to the press release:

ZED is the story of an artist suffering from dementia — desperately trying to reconnect fragmented memories. The player explores the dreams of the artist’s crumbling mind in hopes of helping him assemble enough meaningful images to leave behind a loving memento and final legacy for his granddaughter. The experience blends adventure, a rich narrative, stirring sentiment, and fanciful world exploration.

ZED is the vision of Chuck Carter, developed in association with Skymap Games and co-written by Joe Fielder (Bioshock Infinite, The Flame and the Flood) and David Chen (Metal Gear Solid series, Narcosis).  The game features compelling voice over work from an outstanding cast, including a riveting performance from veteran voice actor Stephen Russell (the Thief, Skyrim and Fallout series).

Based on the experience of its team alone, Zed is certainly worth keeping on your radar. We don’t have a firm release date yet, but according to the already-live Steam page it is expected to come this Spring, so hopefully not a long wait at all.

After  releasing Obduction, Cyan’s next game is going to be Firmament the last we heard from them. We got to try a brief vertical slice of it at GDC 2018 and appreciated the interactive puzzle solving.

Zed is coming to Rift, Vive, and non-VR PCs this Spring. Let us know what you think down in the comments below!

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Cyan Announces New VR Adventure ‘ZED’, Development Led by ‘Myst’ Creator

Cyan, the studio behind iconic adventure games Myst (1993) and Riven (1997), are putting their stamp of approval on a newly announced VR game from Eagre Games, a studio led by original Myst artist Chuck Carter.

Dubbed ZED, the adventure game is currently under development by Eagre Games and New England-based Skymap GamesZed will be the first game published by Cyan Ventures, Cyan’s newly formed publishing arm.

Image courtesy Cyan Ventures

Outside of his work on Myst, Carter has worked on 25 other games including many in the Command & Conquer series, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, and Pac-Man World Rally. Carter is also known for his work on a number of non-game projects such as art for TV series Babylon5, NASA, National Geographic, and Scientific American.

Image courtesy Cyan Ventures

To create Zed, the studios have also assembled a cast of industry talent including writers Joe Fielder (Bioshock Infinite, The Flame and the Flood) and David Chen (Metal Gear Solid series, Narcosis). Long-time games industry voice actor Stephen Russell (the Thief and Fallout series) will be lending his voice to the game.

Creators of 'Myst' & 'Obduction' Announce VR Steampunk Adventure 'Firmament'

Here’s Cyan’s description of what to expect from Zed:

ZED is the story of an aging artist, lost in regret, and the haze of dementia. Inside the dreamscape of this creative mind come undone, players reassemble the artist’s fragmented memories into a final, lasting legacy: a loving final gift to his unborn granddaughter.

Making its debut with VR support for Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and non-VR support for PC, ZED is a surreal trip, with an unexpected narrative that unfolds across fanciful, fractured lands. Spanning regret, reconciliation and redemption, it’s a bittersweet story that’s both deeply personal, and undeniably universal.

Zed is slated to release in Spring 2019, targeting Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and non-VR support for PC.

A Steam page is now live, although there’s no pricing information or specific release date yet.

The post Cyan Announces New VR Adventure ‘ZED’, Development Led by ‘Myst’ Creator appeared first on Road to VR.