As COVID-19 lockdowns begin to ease in some countries around the world, businesses are beginning to reopen which also includes location-based entertainment (LBE) venues like VR arcades. Today, LBE content distribution platform SynthesisVR has announced that Ubisoft’s Eagle Flight Arcade and Space Junkies Arcade will be license-free to operators for a limited time.

The gesture is to help commercial premises in these difficult times, as the public are slowly allowed to resume social activities. So from now until 30th September (11.59pm PST) those arcades which use SynthesisVR can access Eagle Flight Arcade and Space Junkies Arcade for free. If they already subscribe then no additional steps are required.
Eagle Flight was one of Ubisoft’s earliest videogames developed exclusively for virtual reality (VR) headsets like Oculus Rift. The gameplay allows you to fly around a deserted Paris 50 years after humans have disappeared. You can fly past iconic landmarks and race though narrow streets, competing against other players and protecting territory.
Space Junkies on the other hand, is a sci-fi first-person shooter where you face off PvP style in orbital arenas. Equipped with backpacks, in these zero-g matches every direction could spell danger. You’re equipped with a basic loadout with more powerful weapons littered around the environment, offering a chance to improve your odds or get caught in a trap.

The measure is one of a number big companies have been rolling out to help the LBE VR industry since it was effectively closed down several months ago. Hologate, for example, developed new Hygiene and Safety Standards which could be used by most venues, Zero Latency has been installing systems remotely and Vertigo Arcades has just launched team-based experience Ghost Patrol VR.
VRFocus’ The Virtual Arena has been closely following developments, from reopening plans to how the pandemic will affect the industry going into the future. As VR arcades begin to reopen VRFocus will keep you updated on the latest industry news.