VR Goes Big at E3 2017, VR/AR/MR Exhibitors Increase by 138%

The Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), the worlds largest event dedicated to videogames, starts next week in Los Angeles, California, and it’s set to be even bigger and better than ever for virtual reality (VR) fans. The Entertainment Software Association (ESA), which represents the US videogame industry and owns/manages E3, has revealed there’s going to be more exhibitors focused on VR than in 2016 as well as new figures detailing the technology’s reach into the US market.

Big names like Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) and Microsoft are set to reveal more VR and mixed reality (MR) content, but there’s going to be a increase in small exhibitors as well. ESA has announced that 126 exhibitors are involved in the VR/MR and augmented reality (AR) space – a 138 percent increase from 53 last year.

E3 - VR Infographic

The organisation also unveiled some interesting statistics on the state of the VR industry in the US, with 63 percent of frequent players familiar with the technology and 15 percent having used it. The infographic above also highlights some interesting details on VR use, with the most common – and not too surprising – being single-player videogames, either on mobile or PC/console.

Two stats which are close to the bottom are group orientated VR, like socialising and multiplayer. While social apps like vTime and AltspaceVR have been out for sometime – with Facebook Spaces joining the field earlier this year – they still have a long way to go before widespread adoption in the VR community.

Multiplayer VR is the second most common activity for PC and console users – certainly elevated by multiplayer focused titles such as EVE: Valkyrie, Star Trek: Bridge Crew, Rec Room, Sports Bar VR, Elite Dangerous and many more – with cross-platform gameplay being an important part. But that doesn’t seem to be the case for mobile, which technically has a larger install base.

2017 will certainly look to mark a noticeable uptake in VR adoption with more and more advancements being made. SIE recently revealed PlayStation VR has passed the 1 million mark, during Google I/O the company announced a partnership with HTC on a standalone headset, Microsoft and Acer will be releasing a MR HMD with motion controllers at the end of the year, and Apple has finally taken steps into the world of VR and AR.

As ever, for all the latest VR/AR and MR news, keep reading VRFocus.

E3 2017: Sony veröffentlicht mehrere neue PSVR-Titel

Die E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) startet nächste Woche in Los Angeles in Kalifornien. Die Computerspielmesse gilt als eine der bedeutendsten und besucherstärksten Veranstaltungen weltweit. Entsprechend sind alle Videospielbegeisterten auf die neuen Veröffentlichungen und Ankündigungen gespannt. Zurecht, denn die Messe vereint die besten Spieleentwickler, Publisher, Marketingfachleute und weitere Professionelle an einem Ort. Dies gilt natürlich auch für die VR-Industrie, weshalb wir unsere Aufmerksamkeit auf Sonys Pressekonferenz richten.

Mehrere neue Spiele für die PSVR

Die Pressekonferenz von Sony findet am 12. Juni statt und dürfte einige interessante Ankündigungen für das Herzstück der Show mit sich bringen. Welche genauen Neuigkeiten uns erwarten, können wir natürlich noch nicht voraussehen, jedoch gibt es einige Spekulationen. So erwartet man Neuigkeiten über den bereits angekündigten Horror-FPS The Persistence, der noch nicht veröffentlicht wurde. Zudem geht man davon aus, dass Star Wars: Battlefront 2 genauso, wie sein Vorgänger VR-Support erhält. Auch diverse Titel aus dem chinesischen Raum wären denkbar, doch hier enden die Spekulationen bereits.

Der CEO von Sony Interactive Entertainment in Amerika Shawn Layden sagte in einem Interview dazu Folgendes:

„Immer wenn wir eine neue Konsole oder Plattform starten, bringt dies für einige Zeit eine Menge Trubel mit sich. Darauf folgt eine unvermeidliche Ruhepause bis zur Veröffentlichung neuer Titel. Genau das passiert gerade, denn Farpoint ist der Vorreiter dieser Phase und wir werden über mehrere weitere Titel auf der E3 sprechen“.

Natürlich hält man sich über weitere Informationen seitens Sony bis zur E3 bedeckt, doch der weitere Support für die PlayStation VR Plattform klingt durchaus vielversprechend. Dementsprechend wirkt es, als halte man an der Konsole fest und lässt nicht wie bei anderen Produkten, wie z. B. der PlayStation Vita, die Aufmerksamkeit darauf nach einer Hypephase fallen.

Wir dürfen uns über die neuen Ankündigungen auf der E3 freuen und sind gespannt, welche PSVR-Spiele uns in Zukunft erwarten.

(Quellen: UploadVR | The Verge)

Der Beitrag E3 2017: Sony veröffentlicht mehrere neue PSVR-Titel zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

E3 2017: Sony veröffentlicht mehrere neue PSVR-Titel

Die E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo) startet nächste Woche in Los Angeles in Kalifornien. Die Computerspielmesse gilt als eine der bedeutendsten und besucherstärksten Veranstaltungen weltweit. Entsprechend sind alle Videospielbegeisterten auf die neuen Veröffentlichungen und Ankündigungen gespannt. Zurecht, denn die Messe vereint die besten Spieleentwickler, Publisher, Marketingfachleute und weitere Professionelle an einem Ort. Dies gilt natürlich auch für die VR-Industrie, weshalb wir unsere Aufmerksamkeit auf Sonys Pressekonferenz richten.

Mehrere neue Spiele für die PSVR

Die Pressekonferenz von Sony findet am 12. Juni statt und dürfte einige interessante Ankündigungen für das Herzstück der Show mit sich bringen. Welche genauen Neuigkeiten uns erwarten, können wir natürlich noch nicht voraussehen, jedoch gibt es einige Spekulationen. So erwartet man Neuigkeiten über den bereits angekündigten Horror-FPS The Persistence, der noch nicht veröffentlicht wurde. Zudem geht man davon aus, dass Star Wars: Battlefront 2 genauso, wie sein Vorgänger VR-Support erhält. Auch diverse Titel aus dem chinesischen Raum wären denkbar, doch hier enden die Spekulationen bereits.

Der CEO von Sony Interactive Entertainment in Amerika Shawn Layden sagte in einem Interview dazu Folgendes:

„Immer wenn wir eine neue Konsole oder Plattform starten, bringt dies für einige Zeit eine Menge Trubel mit sich. Darauf folgt eine unvermeidliche Ruhepause bis zur Veröffentlichung neuer Titel. Genau das passiert gerade, denn Farpoint ist der Vorreiter dieser Phase und wir werden über mehrere weitere Titel auf der E3 sprechen“.

Natürlich hält man sich über weitere Informationen seitens Sony bis zur E3 bedeckt, doch der weitere Support für die PlayStation VR Plattform klingt durchaus vielversprechend. Dementsprechend wirkt es, als halte man an der Konsole fest und lässt nicht wie bei anderen Produkten, wie z. B. der PlayStation Vita, die Aufmerksamkeit darauf nach einer Hypephase fallen.

Wir dürfen uns über die neuen Ankündigungen auf der E3 freuen und sind gespannt, welche PSVR-Spiele uns in Zukunft erwarten.

(Quellen: UploadVR | The Verge)

Der Beitrag E3 2017: Sony veröffentlicht mehrere neue PSVR-Titel zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Kein VR für Xbox Scorpio dieses Jahr, aber kabellose Zukunft

Alex Kipman von Microsoft erteilt VR auf der Xbox One und Xbox Scorpio eine Absage, zumindest vorerst. Der Fokus liege darauf, die Mixed-Reality-Erfahrungen auf Windows 10 PCs zu einem Erfolg zu machen. Gegenüber Polygon ergänzt der Techniker, dass die PC-Plattform durch ihr offenes Ökosystem und die riesige installierte Basis am besten für Mixed Reality geeignet sei. Dadurch ergeben sich hervorragende Chancen für Entwickler und Kunden hätten die größte Auswahl.

VR auf Xbox Scorpio muss warten

Wenn es nach Kipman geht, dann bleibt der PC die erste Wahl, um technische Neuerungen auf den Markt zu bringen. Schließlich sei Windows schon immer die Geburtsstätte zahlreicher Technologien gewesen, erklärt der Microsoft-Techniker. „Angesichts der Anstrengungen, die wir mit Mixed Reality für Windows unternommen haben, und unser Glaube daran, dass VR auf Spielekonsolen kabellos sein sollte, konzentrieren wir uns darauf, Mixed-Reality-Erfahrungen für den PC zu entwickeln und nicht für Konsolen.“

Ein Erscheinungsdatum für die Xbox Scorpio ist noch nicht bekannt. Jüngsten Gerüchten nach soll sie aber für unter 500 US-Dollar in den Handel kommen. Der Analyst Lewis Ward veranschlagt die Kosten für die Hardware bei 650 Dollar und ging deshalb von einem Verkaufspreis von rund 700 US-Dollar aus. Jez Corden von Windows Central glaubt aber, dass Microsoft die Konsole subventioniere und deshalb günstiger auf den Markt bringen werde. Anderen Gerüchten nach sollen alle Spiele im Oktober 2017 XDK-zertifiziert sein, eine Veröffentlichung stünde also erst nach diesem Zeitpunkt an.

Auf der E3 wird Microsoft mehr Licht ins Dunkel bringen und hat bereits angekündigt, die neue Xbox vorstellen zu wollen. Die Spielemesse in Los Angeles findet vom 13. bis 15. Juni statt, die Pressekonferenz bereits 2 Tage vorher am 11. Juni ab 23 Uhr.

(Quellen: Polygon, Microsoft, PCGamesHardware)

Der Beitrag Kein VR für Xbox Scorpio dieses Jahr, aber kabellose Zukunft zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

E3 2017: Sony Will Show ‘A Number Of’ New VR Games At The Show

E3 2017: Sony Will Show ‘A Number Of’ New VR Games At The Show

The 2017 Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) is right around the corner. Starting next week, the game industry’s most iconic event will descend on Los Angeles, CA and bring together all of the top gaming developers, marketers, publishers, and industry professionals to one location for a solid week of gaming nirvana. For the VR industry one of the most important press conferences happens Monday, June 12th, at 6PM PT; that’s Sony’s press conference and the PlayStation VR (PSVR) is expected to be a big part of that show.

We don’t know exactly what’s going to be shown this year but we do know it should be exciting. Of course The Persistence will likely be shown since we previewed that at a Sony event not long ago and the game isn’t out yet. Battlefront 2 is expected to get PSVR support, like its predecessor. We’ve also seen a bunch of upcoming titles from Chinese developers that could make an appearance. But what else? The headset launched in October with a great initial lineup and other than a few big releases such as Resident Evil 7, Farpoint, and Star Trek: Bridge Crew there hasn’t been a whole lot else.

“When a new console or a new platform launches, there’s a lot of activity driving launch day,” Shawn Layden, CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment America, tells The Verge in an interview. “And then there’s the inevitable lull between that and the next launch of titles. I think we’re seeing that happening now. Farpoint is the lead of that, and we’ll be talking about a number of other titles at E3.”

That isn’t much to go on, but it sounds like they’re intending to support the PSVR going forward. Historically, Sony does have a bit of a reputation of hyping up a new product or device only to seemingly abandon support before it ever really takes off. Devices such as the PlayStation Vita, PlayStation Move, EyeToy, and others serve as good examples of this.

What do you think of this verbal promise? Will the “number of titles” on display at E3 for PSVR this year be enough to satiate the hunger of over one million rabid consumers? Let us know what you think down in the comments below!

We’ve also put together a compilation of everything you need to know about VR and AR at E3 2017 to get you ready for the show.

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Check out the VR Games Coming to E3 2017

The Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), Los Angeles, always has a lot of demos, trailers and new exciting information about the latest videogames. From Microsoft’s Project Scorpio Bethsda’s Fallout 4 to Lenovo’s new Head-mounted displays (HMDs) and exciting new virtual reality (VR) videogames – you will find it all on VRFocus.

This year, the team has compiled various news pieces, updates and articles to put into a video. The video will showcase what VRFocus think might be shown at E3 this year. As VR becomes more popular and consumers start to become more aware of VR videogames, expect to be hear some exciting news. Watch the video to find out more.

Find more videos and news related to VR on the VRFocus YouTube channel, as well as the latest edition of our weekly show VRTV.



E3 Spotlight: Star Wars Battlefront 2

E3 Spotlight: Star Wars Battlefront 2

Star Wars Battlefront 2 is one of the industry’s most anticipated upcoming games, period. There’s no caveat to that. The previous game from EA and DICE was an excellent multiplayer-only shooter that captured the sights and sounds of a galaxy far, far away like never before. Now this sequel ups the production values, increases the content, and finally reintroduces a single player campaign that’s set to deliver on big thrills and narrative excitement.

But what about VR?

What We Know

Okay so we don’t know that Battlefront 2 is going to have VR support, but we “know” it will. The evidence is piling up really fast and E3 isn’t even here yet. For starters, the developers that created the fantastic X-Wing VR Mission from the first Battlefront took to Twitter to let fans know they’re working on “something awesome in Battlefront II.” That statement wasn’t limited to just VR content, mind you, but it’s a fair assumption given the context. Check.

Then in an interview with Eurogamer, a developer said he wasn’t willing to talk about VR in Battlefront II in that interview simply because “that’s a story for another day…” which is about as cryptic as you can get without denying something. Check.

Then the real kicker is when PlayStation itself (the previous X-Wing VR Mission was a PSVR-exclusive) sent out an email to its Danish fans that has the PSVR logo specifically listed on the product image. Woops. Sony eventually came out and said the email was “incorrect” and that “nothing has been announced” for PSVR support in Battlefront II. Again, not denying it. Check.

What We Expect at E3

Now at E3 2017 the ball is in EA and Sony’s court. The game is already confirmed to be playable at the EA Play event (we’ll be going hands-on with the non-VR version this coming weekend) and it follows that perhaps if there is VR support this time around it will be playable at some point during E3 as well. Sony is having another big showcase this year (similar to its showcase of content last year) and the game could very well show up in its VR form at that event on Monday.

We also expect it to be talked about during Sony’s press conference since it will likely be an exclusive again, although this time perhaps only timed like Batman Arkham VR and Resident Evil 7: BIohazard. We won’t have to wait long to find out.

E3 Crystal Ball

That covers what’s likely, now let’s dip our toes into the unlikely (but nice-to-haves.) My bold prediction for Battlefront II at E3 2017 is that instead of just being a single mission we’ll get much deeper VR support. I don’t think the entire game will be playable in VR, but perhaps a handful of missions and flight challenge maps. If we’re really lucky it might even get multiplayer VR support for some of the upcoming space battles. That would be excellent.

What do you think is going on with Battlefront II’s (non-confirmed) VR support? Regardless of how it’s implemented, Battlefront II is a game that absolutely needs VR support. Let us know down in the comments below!

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E3 2017: Six Big Predictions For VR This Year

E3 2017: Six Big Predictions For VR This Year

For gamers, Christmas isn’t a snowy time of year. The only trees are those that decorate the surroundings of the Los Angeles Convention Center, burning away in the sweltering Californian sun. It’s not in December, but instead slap bang in the middle of the year, and Santa Claus ditches the bushy beard and red outfit for an executive suit and a couple of cheesy jokes for audiences to roll their eyes at. I am of course talking about the Electronic Entertainment Expo, or E3, the biggest show in the gaming industry, and it’s right around the corner.

The 2017 edition of the event officially takes place from June 13th – 15th, with three days of press conferences preceding it. It’s here that titans like Sony, Microsoft and others do their best to wow us with new announcements on both the software and hardware front. Over the past few years VR has gradually been stealing more and more of those headlines and we expect this year’s show to be the biggest yet for the technology. So let’s get right down to one of the most fun parts of the E3 experience; predicting what’s going to happen.

Below, each of your faithful UploadVR writers has come up with their big prediction for the show. How will Microsoft flaunt Project Scorpio’s VR capabilities? And will we see the next big game for PSVR?

Ian – Predicting Project Scorpio

I would be very surprised to find out Microsoft’s upcoming Xbox refresh, Project Scorpio, isn’t compatible with Windows 10-powered headsets from Acer, Lenovo, Dell and others. It would be a huge missed opportunity for Microsoft.  As far as content, there is a year worth of games the tech giant can bring to the platform that have already released for Rift, Vive and PS VR that could be a great fit for the Xbox VR platform.

An Acer headset and controllers will be bundled this holiday season for $400, which is in the same ballpark as Sony’s PSVR (side note: could this put pressure on Sony to lower PSVR’s price). However, Microsoft’s headsets use a different kind of position tracking that may make them much more versatile than Sony’s system. In addition to titles that have already released, Microsoft has a long history of funding exclusives that could also help bolster the roll-out.

Jamie – Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Steals The Show For PSVR

This is probably cheating a little seeing as a PlayStation Store icon already suggested Battlefront 2 would be getting PSVR support, so I’ll up the stakes a little. My guess is Battlefront 2’s PSVR support makes a big splash at Sony’s E3 conference, promising not just another 20 minute X-Wing mission, but a full mode dedicated to space combat in VR. Ideally I’d love that to be a single-player campaign, but I’d also welcome a mutliplayer mode. Either way, let us fly more than just the X-Wing, and let me dive down into the Death Star’s trenches.

That said, I won’t complain if you give me PlayStation Move-controlled lightsaber combat and Aim controller-fueled Stormtrooper battles too. Sony needs a scene-stealing game for PSVR this year, especially after last year’s Resident Evil 7 bombshell, and this to me looks like the safest bet.

David – Content Is King

E3 2015 was all about building hype for VR headsets that didn’t exist yet. E3 2016 was all about solidifying promises for the first year of consumer-grade VR. Now E3 2017 is going to be all about pushing forward with exciting new games and experiences. Just like every E3 after a new game console release, you can expect to see more robust games that aim to take greater advantage of their target platform. Microsoft will probably show off a Halo-themed VR experience for Scorpio but will otherwise lack exclusive content, just like they do on Xbox One. Sony is expected to make PSVR a big focus of their press conference once again this year, likely announcing VR modes for otherwise full non-VR games and a handful of enticing new exclusives. If I had to put money on it, I’d assume Fallout 4 VR will come to PSVR, as well as a much more elaborate space combat mode for Star Wars Battlefront 2. Fingers crossed for something VR related in The Last of Us 2 somehow.

For something a bit out of left field I want to turn my predictions to Ubisoft. All three of their major VR games we knew about (Eagle Flight, Werewolves Within, and Star Trek: Bridge Crew) are officially released. I expect a Next Generation DLC announcement for Star Trek, along with more details on Just Dance VR for Gear VR, and at least one or two new VR game announcements. Perhaps the next Assassin’s Creed will get a VR mode, especially since the previously released movie had a coinciding VR experience of its own.

Tal – The Fallout Of Things To Come

Like Ian, I’m expecting a number of VR and AR announcements out of Microsoft this year, especially since Sony already has a nine-month lead in the VR realm. I don’t think Microsoft will focus much on HoloLens this year, at least not for gaming, and will instead shine the spotlight on VR. The powerful Scorpio console will undoubtedly support VR, and with Microsoft’s recent alignment with Acer, Dell, HP and Lenovo on Windows-compatible HMDs as well as the reveal of their own responsive tracking motion controllers,  I have no doubt we’ll get an announcement at this year’s E3 for an Xbox-branded VR bundle that will be available in the first half of 2018.

While Microsoft will likely focus on VR hardware, Sony’s VR announcements this year will be all about content, and I expect to hear some big AAA news, most likely VR translations of existing, popular games since that’s easier and less risky for developers than full-blown, new VR experiences. Bethesda will definitely show off Fallout 4 VR at their presser on Sunday, June 11. My guess is they’ll focus on the PC version at their conference, and show Fallout 4 VR running on PSVR at Sony’s conference the following day. It also wouldn’t surprise me if Bethesda revealed Fallout 4 VR is available NOW, just like they did with Fallout Shelter two years ago. And since the VR translation work has already been done for Fallout 4, I could also see Bethesda announcing Skyrim VR at E3 since both games are built on Bethesda’s Creation Engine.

E3’s just over a week away, so we won’t have to wait long to see if these predictions are true!

Charles – Dark Souls VR?

Star Trek: Bridge Crew, Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-Ality, and the upcoming Fallout 4 VR are pivotal entries in the virtual ecosystem for a couple reasons: 1) They are high production value titles that show what the platform can pull off and 2) They’re recognizable brands that signal to the casual consumer that VR is the real deal. From Software as a company isn’t casually recognized, but their Dark Souls franchise has grown into quite a popular series among hardcore and casual gamers alike.

Dark Souls 3 signaled the end for that world and everyone is anticipating the next hardcore RPG from them, but it’s known that they’ve wanted to bring the Souls franchise to VR. Whether that’s by reworking existing parts or a new journey into these dark labyrinths, this E3 could be where we see another traditional game developer with immense pedigree take the leap into virtual reality.

Joe – Breaking Tradition With Oculus

Oculus, unfortunately, will not be serving as the VR world’s de-facto representative among the monolithic booths at this E3. In previous years we got to see what Facebook money could do thanks to the increasingly massive, black structures that dominated the show floor and stood as flags staking out VR’s new claim on the gaming world’s territory. However, just because they won’t have a booth does not mean that Oculus and Facebook can just let something as significant as E3 pass without a peep.

One of Oculus’ greatest strengths right now is that it has cultivated a respectable stable of game developers under the umbrellas of Oculus Studios. Oculus itself may not be at the show floor, but its emissaries from Playful Corp., High Voltage, Insomniac, Ready at Dawn, and others may well turn out in force to announce and demo brand new and upcoming VR games for the Rift. My official prediction is that we will be close out E3 with no fewer than 5 new Rift games being announced from partner studios and developers. Most of these will probably be smaller games but my money is on at least one Robo Recall-sized partnership with a team like Epic.

If there’s one thing Oculus knows how to do its create hype and E3 is far too powerful of a messaging platform for them to ignore it all together.

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