‘Drunk or Dead’ Studio Announces Starship Trooper-Style Shooter ‘B3’

4 I Lab, the studio behind Drunk or Dead (2017), released a trailer announcing their next game, B3, a co-op VR shooter that’s definitely borrowing some of its vibe from Starship Troopers (1997).

Not much is known about the game besides its release date, fall 2019, and its target platforms, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and Windows “Mixed Reality” VR headsets.

According to the trailer, it will launch on Steam.

4 I Lab, a Belarus-based VR studio, appears to be basing B3 off their prototype game SST, which was Greenlit on Steam last year. Although it’s not certain at this point, here’s a description from the SST Steam page:

Stand at the frontline of defence and play your key role in this war, to reverse its course into humanity’s win and immortalize your name with great deeds!

SST is a first person co-op VR-shooter where you defend your base from waves of attacking monsters.The base is protected from back and sides with mountains. On the front side it has a wall with firing points. To protect the base, you need to move all around this points, using a teleport system. So, when you need to go to another point, you look on the flag above it and instantly teleport to the point.

Monsters appear from the side of the desert in random waves. They attack the wall. After the destruction of the wall monsters penetrate the base. The game is over when first monster reaches the control point inside the base. There will be several types of monsters and they will require different tactics to defeat them.

The studio has released several DLCs for Drunk or Dead in the past year, a zombie shooter that puts plenty of emphasis on bar hopping (and shooting) your way through western honky-tonks. Like Drunk or Die, we’re hoping for a high degree of polish to the Starship Trooper-style wave shooter.

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Drunk or Dead Lives On With New DLC

You know what they say, you just can’t keep a good zombie down. Unfortunately, when it comes to the worlds of film, tv and videogames it’s very difficult to keep a bad one down as well. Mainly due to the fact that whilst you’re doing that another one has leapt on your back and is looking to make the contents of your cranial pan its first choice of meal as its Tuesday brunch.

You may be surprised to know there are zombies at CES 2018 – and no, we’re not talking about all the rest of the bleary-eyed press now starting their Thursday. Actually, there’s a familiar zombie-themed videogame on display, and it’s being shown with a very recent piece of kit. That piece is the Teslasuit, which VRFocus reported on several days ago.

Teslasuit are in the process of exhibiting a full-body haptic suit of their own design. The suit is designed to aid with immersion and can give users a sense of the atmosphere around them. One of the titles they are using to showcase it? Drunk Or Dead. Which also happens to be celebrating its 1-year anniversary very soon.  As a result of this the developers 4 I Lab are concocting a new celebratory update that will see players take on a brand new location in a dark street filled with zombified zoo animals.

“We are grateful to all people who supported us during this year,” Said 4 I Lab, “And we’ve done much to encourage the community’s interest in our game by evolving a small party game into a full-fledged project with a lot of content. With the release of the update, we consider that it will be fair to raise the price of our product to all new users in accordance with the growth of its quality and so that we can continue to support and expand it.”

The new mode On the Road  as separate DLC for $2.99 (USD) is available. You can find a clip of the escaped inhabitants of the zombie zoo below along with additional details. VRFocus will bring you more VR videogame news very soon.

New location – Foggy Fields

Endless fields of American Corn Belt, covered with fog where you can meet a lot of dangers – lonely abandoned cars, burning barrels and don’t forget about hordes of the ravenous undeads.

New gameplay mechanics – Death Race

Ride through the fear and loathing, crush and shoot enemies, hold as long as possible and remember that only moving can save you and every stop can cost you a life.

New Easter eggs for the true genre-fans

A lot of obvious and secret cultural references which will remind you [of  a number of] favourite movies of yours.

Drunk or Dead Developer Launches IndieGoGo Campaign for new VR Title SST

4 I Labs, the team behind the innovative wave shooter Drunk or Dead has announced its next project, codenamed SST. The studio is looking for $600,000 USD in funding over the next two via IndieGoGo to bring the videogame to life.

Set in a futuristic sci-fi universe which is overrun with bugs – Starship Troopers anyone? – players have to defend their base from hordes of scuttling critters who want to get in and rescue their captured queen.

SST screenshot

Featuring both single-player and multiplayer co-op gameplay, SST currently features four different bug classes; Soldier, which is the most common enemy and attacks in packs; Jumpers, which emit a piercing cry before they attack, jumping into the air and exploding raining acid down on enemies; Flyers, which spit acid from the skies and lastly the Tank, which is well armoured and shells from a distance.

So to counteract this threat players have got some weaponry at their disposal. The ever trusty pistol for those close encounters, an assault rifle for medium to long range killing and grenades to dissipate groups. While that might not sound a lot the base does come equipped with a large caliber machine gun for when things get really tough. All the guns feature infinite ammo – so no dead man click moments – but they do overheat when used aggressively. As SST is still in the very early stages of development 4 I Labs does plan on introducing more weapons as time goes on.

For those interested in backing the project, funding tiers start from $1 but that won’t get you the videogame. For $10 you’ll get SST when it fully launches in 2018 – estimated between May – July. Spend a bit more however and you’ll get access to an alpha version right away, with $30 securing two Steam keys. The studio plans on supporting Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and PlayStation VR, but the campaign page does state if the early keys are suitable for both Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

To see SST in action check out the trailer below. As 4 I Labs release further details on the videogame and its IndieGoGo campaign VRFocus will let you know.

Ahros: One Warrior Chronicle 60% Discount on Steam

Early Access adventure title Ahros: One Warrior Chronicle is being offered on Steam for a big discount until the end of August 2017. A bundle deal is also available in which Ahros: One Warrior Chronicle and another title from developer 4 I Lab is available for 56% off.

Ahros: One Warrior Chronicle is an adventure story that puts the player in the shoes of a young warrior who is attempting to restore peace to a world that has been torn apart by war. A largely story-driven experience, the story unfolds as the player character performs various tasks with the help of various characters and tools. The player will need to deal with establishing mobile and stationary turret defences, deploying various military mechanisms and will interact with dragons during the course of gameplay.

Ahros: One Warrior Chronicle is available for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, priced at £5.99 (GBP), a 60% discount compared to the usual price of £14.99.

Alternatively, customers can purchase a bundle with another virtual reality (VR) title from 4 I Labs, first-person shooter Drunk or Dead. In Drunk or Dead, the player is put in the world is a midst of a zombie apocalypse. Curiously, however, the zombie plague only affects those who are sober. As such, gameplay involves shooting down zombies, trying to balance remaining drunk enough to stave off the virus with not being so drunk your aim goes haywire.

The bundle with Drunk or Dead and Ahros: One Warrior Chronicle costs £8.62, a discount of 56% compared to the usual price of £19.76 for both titles.

More information can be found on the Steam Store page.

VRFocus will continue to report on offers and deals for VR hardware and software.

Venture Further into the World of Drunk or Dead with New Update

Zombie-filled wave shooter Drunk or Dead is getting a major update that introduces some gameplay changes, developer 4 I Lab has announced. For the first time, players will be able to venture out of the bar to see how the rest of the world has been affected by the zombie outbreak.

The premise of Drunk of Dead is that a zombie virus has got loose – but it only affects those who are sober. As a result, the player character needs to straddle a line between being drunk enough not to succumb to the virus, but sober enough to be able to shoot straight and take down the zombie horde.

The new update allows players to leave the bar where they have previously been tethered due to the abundant alcohol supply. Players can now take their alcohol with them with the introduction of a stylish Beer Hat. Dangers lurk out in the outside world, though. Since animals can’t drink alcohol, deer and birds have become infected and will be out for the player’s blood. Deer charge at you to impale you on their antlers, while birds become a Hitchcock-eqsue menace from the skies.

There are new weapons being made available to help combat the zombie hordes, though. The the beer hat to keep the player’s hands free, they can freely wield the newly introduced SMGs to cut down zombies with ease.

The update will be introduced on Friday 2nd June, 2017. To celebrate the update, the developers are planning to drop the price of the title on Steam. It has not yet been confirmed if this is a permanent price drop or a sale. Drunk or Dead is available for HTC Vive and Oculus Rift.

A video trailer for the new update is available to view below.

VRFocus will bring you further information on Drunk or Dead and other VR titles as it becomes available.

Pick Up Your Beer with Oculus Touch in Drunk or Dead Update

Drunk or Dead came out of a virtual reality (VR) GameJam where developers 4 I Lab put together the core basis for the title. The videogame was originally released for HTC Vive, and now Oculus Touch support is being added in a new update.

The storyline is fairly simple, a zombie apocalypse is taking place, but only the sober are afflicted. As a result, the player stands near a bar, drinking and shooting the zombies that come at them in waves. Drunkenness must be carefully managed, however. Too drunk and your accuracy drops to unusable levels, too sober and you die from the zombie plague. Being drunk does convey its own form of benefit, however, as time runs slower when you are drunk. But too drunk and your aim is too bad to defend yourself. Too drunk or too sober and you are dead.

Points are awarded for killing zombies, how many points depends on the players level of drunkenness. The drunkenness meter also acts as the health meter, since being hit by the zombies induces sobriety.

The update to include Oculus Touch support has been launched today. Drunk or Dead is also also compatible with HTC Vive and can be bought on Steam for £4.79 (GBP). You can visit the Steam page for further details and updates.

Previous updates have included things like the option to bash in zombie heads with a bass guitar, and new drunkenness effects where drinking too much wine will cause the player to see the zombies in stereotypical French clothes. A St Patrick’s Day update turned the bar green.

VRFocus will bring you further updates on Drunk or Dead and other VR titles when they come in.