To go along with Epson’s recently expanded Moverio line of smart glasses, developer EdgyBees has announced that the augmented reality (AR) drone-piloting videogame Drone Prix is now compatible with the Epson Moverio Drone Edition smart glasses.
Drone Prix presents a mid-air obstacle course superimposed over the real world view from your drone’s camera that users need to try and pilot their little drone through in order to hone their piloting skills and perhaps have some fun while doing so. Drone Prix features over 30 courses and features a competition mode along with a single player mode, for drone pilots who feel like testing their piloting skills against each other. The multi-player mode can connect with other drone pilots around the world, so there’s no need for users to worry about their drones colliding.
Epson America Product Manager Eric Mizufuka said in a statement: “Edgybees has created an amazing new innovation — AR drone gaming on smart glasses — that could only be possible on the Moverio platform. With the Moverio BT-300 Drone Edition, users can avoid having to look down at their smartphones or tablets in bright sunlight, providing convenience, comfort and safety as well as a one-of-a-kind gaming experience.”
The Epson BT-300 Drone Edition smart glasses were created as a collaboration between Epson and drone manufacturers DJI and were designed specifically to improve the experience for drone pilots. The Drone Prix app is available for users who don’t have the Epson smart glasses as it can be played using just a smart phone.
The app was launched last month by Edgybees specifically for DJI drones like the Phantom 3, the Phantom 4 and the Mavic Pro.
A video demo showing how the Drone Prix app works is available to view below.
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