360 Video Do Not Touch Takes You Inside Paintings In A Museum

Tiny Tank Is An Action-Packed 360 Video From SoKrispyMedia

There’s still a lot to figure out about 360 video, which means filmmakers tend to stick to slower-paced experiences. Tiny Tank, Videogame Vehicle and Do Not Touch are no such experiences.

The newest VR short, Do Not Touch, launched today by SoKrispyMedia in partnership with Madison Wells Media and is the final video in the VR series SoKrispy Daydreams. This latest piece takes the viewer inside a magical art museum using Google’s Yi camera with computer-generated elements driven by algorithms which “replicate the paintings’ styles onto the original video.” The piece stars SoKrispyMedia co-creator Eric Leigh as he climbs inside the paintings.

The earlier release, Tiny Tank, envisions near-perfect online VR gaming that might come with the occasional kick to the real-world face. Though quite funny, the piece is pretty impressive from a special effects standpoint; virtual helicopters and UI HUDs complement real-world explosions and firefights.

These are all YouTube videos so you can watch it pretty easily across a range of VR headsets, including smartphone-based devices via the YouTube app on iOS and Android, web browser on Gear VR and the PS4 app for PSVR owners. Or you can just enjoy it as a browser-based video, too.

Also check out the other project in the series, Video Game Vehicle, linked below.

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Nickelodeon Release AR Mode For Sky Whale Mobile Videogame

Nickelodeon have launched a new update for their mobile videogame Sky Whale that allows user to experience a new augmented reality (AR) mode.

Sky Whale App Icon

The Sky Whale AR mode transforms the allows players of the number-one mobile app to enjoy it in a completely new way. By using a mobile device players can enriched the Sky Whale experience but bringing the character to life in the real world thanks to the power of AR technology.

This allows for a full 360-degree immersive experience where the physical space appears to become the Sky Whale sea and sky. Players will then need to steer the narwhal with their device, moving through the space to soar through the sky or swim underwater in a race o collect items and earn points for the high score.

The Sky Whale app has had nearly 30 million global downloads since its launch and with an average of two million active monthly users, Nickelodeon hope to keep these numbers up with the release of the new AR mode. Designed to be enjoined by users of any age, the colour title is accessible to everyone and allows for engaging gameplay on a mobile device now enhanced with the new AR mode.

Elsewhere, Nickelodeon have also released a standalone app for their popular “No Not Touch” button which was included in their official app. The new standalone release means that users will be able to explore a range of AR features including interactive surprises and mini games, designed to bring their favorite characters to life within their own home. With new content said to be released every week for the app the AR content will continuously grow to build up an exciting library of engaging content.

With the update to Sky Whale and the new standalone release of Do Not Touch, Nickelodeon have shown commitment to develop new AR experiences for their audience. With so many popular franchises and characters to use as a starting point, the possible applications for Nickelodeon are near limitless.

The AR update for Sky Whale is available on both Android and iOS with the Do Not Touch app available on iOS.

VRFocus will be sure to bring you all the latest on Nickelodeon and it’s AR products in the future.