Cubism To Receive DLC Levels, Playtesting Sign-Ups Now Available

Puzzle game Cubism will receive some new levels in an upcoming DLC pack, some of which are currently available for early playtesting.

The game’s official account announced on Twitter that DLC was in the works, while also gauging interest from players who might want to test the new levels before release.

The beta testing of new levels will run over the next few weeks, and anyone who is interested in giving some new levels a try can sign up here.

If you gain access to the new DLC test levels and already own Cubism, your copy should automatically switch over to the puzzle playtesting release channel. If not, you can manually select it by locating Cubism in your library on the Oculus app and clicking on the version number, which will let you switch between the current live release and the playtesting puzzles release channel.

That being said, you don’t need to own the game to sign up for playtesting. Even if you’re new to the game, the playtesting channel will grant you (temporary) access to the full game as well. If you haven’t tried Cubism yet and you’re on the fence, this is a great way to get a feel for the game before making the full purchase. Even better, anyone who helps test the new levels will receive a free code for the DLC when it releases.

The testing puzzles will run for a few weeks, changing every Friday. You can access them via the new Puzzle Playtesting button on the main menu.

Cubism is one of our favorite puzzle games on Quest — you can read our review and our impressions of the hand tracking update here. The game also recently received 120Hz support, making it one of the few games with 120Hz hand tracking support on Quest.

Beat Saber OST 4 Update Out Now For Free On All Platforms (Update)

[Update 3/18] OST 4 is now available in Beat Saber for free on all platforms. The update includes four new songs:

  • It Takes Me (ft. Waylon Reavis) by Boom Kitty
  • Spin Eternally by Camellia
  • Into the Dream (ft. Jakub Tirco) by Jaroslav Beck
  • LUDICROUS+ by Jaroslav Beck

[Original 3/15] Beat Games revealed today that the fourth Original Soundtrack DLC for Beat Saber (OST 4) is slated to release this week on March 18th. The update will be free.

Beat Saber OST 4

Former Beat Games CEO and current Head of Music revealed late last year during a video livestream (more details here) that the “theme” for OST 4 will be “guitars and synthetic guitars” with “metal-ish” music. According to Beck there is a lot of electronic music and he has always wanted to do a metal song.

On a personal level, this is great news. The Linkin Park DLC is my favorite paid music pack across all of Beat Saber so I whole-heartedly welcome more guitar-focused music for the game. As someone that played Guitar Hero and Rock Band religiously in late high school years and college, I am extremely excited to tap back into that mindset again.

In the video above you can hear a quick preview of one of the tracks. There isn’t much more to go off of, but the previous official release, OST 3, was a free download so fingers crossed this new pack will be free as well. According to some follow-up tweets from the official Beat Saber account it sounds like this pack may also include a new environment. Perhaps that’s what is teased when the ‘4’ shows up on-screen in the video teaser within the tweet embedded at the top of this article.

Let us know what you think of the news down in the comments below! We won’t have to wait but a few days before diving into the new music tracks for ourselves.

Skydance: ‘More In The Works’ For The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners, Players ‘Don’t Have Long To Wait’

After a year of success and huge sales, Skydance Interactive is still not done with The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners. Studio head Chris Busse told us in an interview this week that there is still “more in the works” for the zombie apocalypse action game and players “won’t have to wait long” to find out more.

We spoke to Busse earlier this week about The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners, the recently released Trial update for Oculus Quest, and what it’s been like working on such a well-known licensed property in VR. Naturally, the conversation drifted towards future plans more than once.

Now that The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners has platform parity, meaning all of the updates have been deployed to all three versions of the game (PC VR, PSVR, and Quest) it should theoretically be easier and faster to iterate and create more new content.

At least, that’s what I was assuming — so I asked Busse about it.

“Absolutely,” says Busse. “We certainly have more in the works, but we’re not prepared to announce anything yet. We’re working on more stuff, we’re not done with Saints & Sinners, for sure…here’s what I can tell you: stay tuned. You don’t have long to wait.”

From the sounds of it, this is likely either more replayable DLC content similar to The Trial’s new wave-based survival mode, or is actual story DLC. I think most fans of Saints & Sinners would prefer to pay a small fee for the latter option if they could pick.

The big, obvious desire would of course be co-op of some kind, but that sounds unlikely based on the response I got to the topic.

“Is [multiplayer] for sure not going to happen in Saints & Sinners? No,” says Busse. “But I wouldn’t want people excited and expectant, because it’s not immediately about to happen…we want to capture that, but technologically it’s not trivial so it’s a balancing act.”

I got the sense from the conversation that there will likely be a follow-up to Saints & Sinners of some kind that may include multiplayer support. If you recall, Archangel was a linear single-player mech combat game, but then Archangel: Hellfire focused entirely on PvP multiplayer. Maybe they’ll do something similar here or just save it for a full-fledged sequel. I’d love for something like State of Decay in VR with co-op base building and supply runs.

Let us know what you’d want from future updates and/or DLC down in the comments below and read or watch our full The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners review for more info.

In Death: Unchained Free DLC Siege Of Heaven Coming December 8

Top-rated VR roguelike In Death: Unchained for Oculus Quest is getting a free DLC expansion next month titled Siege of Heaven, introducing a new wave-based defense mode.

In Death: Unchained – Siege of Heaven DLC

In Death: Unchained is an excellent VR roguelike that strikes a near-perfect balance between offering a steady stream of content that gets more difficult the further you go, while also shuffling its layout and enemies around to keep you on your toes. Just as your own skill improves, the game tends to respond by upping the difficult ever-so-slightly at a steady pace.

This new mode aims to offer something completely different. Whereas the typical game sees you exploring a vast labyrinth in the clouds, this new mode will task you with fending off waves of enemies from a more stationary perspective.

“It’s a fully-featured game-within-a-game, with shorter more “snackable” session times, where players can focus on having fun shooting for 15 minutes, from a safe stationary position, enjoy the game’s beautiful visuals and arguably VR’s best archery mechanics,” says Superbright’s CEO Wojtek Podgórski in a prepared statement.

The new mode promises to keep the expected brand of difficulty intact and even includes new leaderboards, new challenges, and new achievements so even the most skilled veteran players have something to look forward to.

But it’s also a more approachable and accessible way of playing the game if you don’t want to fully dive into a tough-as-nails unforgiving roguelike.

“Our goal was to enhance the game in a way that will engage and challenge the advanced players, and boy it’s that and more – but we also wanted to make it approachable for everyone else,” says Podgórski in the same prepared statement. “We’ve heard our players say they’d love to be able to share the fun with friends and family, but maybe the game was too scary or too demanding. And we listened – we’ve all loved the archery from The Lab, this is how most of us got started in VR. With this DLC we hope to bring this experience to VR’s best platform – Oculus Quest, so anyone should be able to pick up the game and enjoy the best their Quest has to offer, at their own pace.”

The Siege of Heaven DLC releases for free on the Oculus Quest store for both Oculus Quest and Oculus Quest 2 on December 8th. The Quest 2 version enjoys some added visual punch and performance upgrades. You can read and watch our In Death: Unchained review right here.

EA Has ‘No Plans’ For Star Wars: Squadrons DLC, New Modes, Or Oculus Quest Port

Star Wars: Squadrons is here and it’s pretty great. We’ve been having a blast playing it in VR with a HOTAS setup since EA chose not to support VR motion controllers. During an interview last week, we also spoke about future plans for the game and whether it could ever come to the Oculus Quest.

Check out some multiplayer VR gameplay using HOTAS here:

Star Wars: Squadrons Post-Launch Support

One major point in favor of Star Wars: Squadrons in the hearts of gamers is that EA has promised to never have any microtransactions at all, which is great to hear after the loot box fiasco in Battlefront 2. But what does that mean for the game’s future support post-launch with new game modes, DLC, and so on?

Well, as it stands, there are no plans for any of that stuff:

“Never say never, so to speak, but as far as our philosophy goes we’re not trying to treat the game as a live service,” says Ian Frazier, Creative Director on Star Wars: Squadrons. “We don’t want to say, ‘It’s almost done!’ and then dribble out more of it over time, which to be honest is how most games work these days. So we’ve tried to treat it in kind of an old-school approach saying, ‘You’ve paid the $40, this is the game and it’s entirely self-contained. We’re not planning to add more content, this is the game, and we hope you understand the value proposition.'”

Part of me hopes this mindset changes, or perhaps EA opens their wallet a little bit more to fund new content. I’d love to see more ships become available, more game modes, or more maps. Something near a planet’s surface would be a really cool change of pace, but that seems unlikely:

“From pretty early on we wanted to be a space combat game, emphasis on space,” says Frazier. “So even though we do go into the outer atmosphere of Yavin Prime, we never go anywhere truly terrestrial because we wanted to separate the game in that flavor from something like Battlefront, which we already have. “

Finally, I wanted to ask and get a concrete answers from Frazier directly, even though I already knew what he was going to say. Is there any chance of a Quest port?

“No plans at this time,” says Frazier. “Obviously if you have the Oculus Quest and Link with a PC that has sufficient requirements you can run a Quest off of your PC, but as a standalone thing, no plans at this time.”

Oh well, I had to ask! If you want to know more about Star Wars: Squadrons make sure and read our full review and check out our Everything You Need to Know info dump for more.

Let us know what you think of the game so far down in the comments below!