Celebrate International Dog Day With AR Dog Dex

The idea of a virtual pet has been a popular one for many years, from the Tamagotchi craze of the 90s to the considerably more sophisticated effort of Nintendogs and Cats. With the rising popularity of augmented reality (AR) it stands to reason that AR pets would start to become a reality. One such example is Dex, the lovable AR labrador, who is currently available for free as part of a celebration for International Dog Day.

Dex: Your AR Dog Companion is the creation of Labrodex Studios, whose president and CEO Jim Ivon modelled the AR pup after one of his own real-life dogs.

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Android or iOS users can launch the app to see Dex appear in their living room (or kitchen, hallway or back garden). Players can then use the various app functions to feed Dex, play with him, take him for walks or teach him tricks.

Dex can be taught a variety of tricks, which range from simple commands such as ‘sit’ through the complex and silly games like ‘peek-a-boo’. A collection of toys can be assembled, and players will be able to learn about Dex to discover what his needs are.

Toys and other objects are bought with in-game ‘coins’ which Dex can find for the player while out on walks, where he will sniff them out for players to use.

Labradex Studios usually charge $1.99 (USD) for the app, but from 22nd August until 29th August, in celebration of International Dog Day, users will be able to download the app for free on Apple App Store or Google Play Store and discover the joys of owning a virtual pet – perfect for those who can’t take in a real pet for whatever reason.

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The developers are keen to get feedback on Dex: Your AR Dog Companion from the user base, and have plans to include new features in future updates, like the option to give Dex a personalised collar, a virtual dog house or the ability to send Dex on virtual puppy play dates with a friend’s virtual dog.

For future coverage on other new and upcoming AR and VR titles, keep checking back with VRFocus.

Celebrate International Dog Day With Dex, Your AR Best Friend

Celebrate International Dog Day With Dex, Your AR Best Friend

International Dog Day is this weekend on August 26th, 2018, so what better way to celebrate than with an AR best friend of your very own? Meet Dex: the AR dog created by the appropriately named VR/AR development studio, Labrodex. They’re the same team behind upcoming VR shooter, Scraper.

This AR app featuring their company mascot is usually $1.99, but until August 29th it’s free to download for all iOS and Android users with AR-capable devices. The promotion is to help raise awareness for “charitable causes such as the Guide Dog Foundation and America’s Vet Dogs” according to a company representative.

Fans of the popular Nintendogs series on the Nintendo DS or even old-school Tamagotchi devices will know what to expect. It’s a simple app with basic functionality like being able to level up Dex’s skill by teaching him tricks like sit, rollover, and speak. He has needs as well, such as needing food and play time to stay happy.

There is even a “follow” and “stop” command so you can bring him with you while you’re out on walks, or sniff out coins in the world for rewards. In the future they plan to add new mini-games, more accessories, a little doggy house, and more authentic training commands.

Dex is far from being the only immersive pet app out there. We’ve  covered other similar apps in the past like CurioPets, RoVR, and a cute little guy named Waba.

Check out AR doggy Dex right now for free until August 29th. And if you want more dogs in  your life, here’s a picture of the best dog ever, my pembroke welsh corgi, Luna.

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Dex: Your AR Dog Companion – AR-Hund für iOS und Android

Das Entwicklerstudio Labrodex Studios stellt seinen neuen AR-Haustiersimulator Dex: Your AR Dog Companion für iOS und Android vor, der es Spielern erlaubt, einen eigenen virtuellen vierbeinigen Begleiter zu halten. Mit dem unterhaltsamen AR-Titel für Tierfreunde versucht das Studio zeitgleich, auf die Projekte The Guide Dog Foundation, America’s Vet Dogs und The Wounded Warrior Project aufmerksam machen.

Dex – Virtueller Labrador für iOS und Android

Der AR-Titel Dex: Your AR Dog Companion ermöglicht AR- und Hundeenthusiasten ein eigenes individualisierbares, virtuelles Haustier zu halten. Der Labrador Dex wird damit zum ständigen Begleiter und möchte ganz wie ein echtes Haustier umsorgt und bespaßt werden. Daher gilt es die alltäglichen Bedürfnisse des pelzigen Mitbewohners zu beachten und ihn mit Futter, Aufmerksamkeit und Streicheleinheiten zu versorgen.

Neben dem Befriedigen der Grundbedürfnisse könnt ihr dem putzigen Vierbeiner außerdem verschiedene Tricks und Kommandos wie „Sitz“ oder „Männchen“ beibringen und eine Kollektion an diversen Spielzeugen sammeln. Zudem braucht das virtuelle Haustier ganz wie sein reales Gegenstück regelmäßigen Auslauf an der frischen Luft, weshalb Parkspaziergänge auf der Tagesordnung stehen. Währenddessen könnt ihr Dex abrichten, versteckte Schätze mit Münzen aufzuspüren, die für weitere Goodies eintauschbar sind.


Bei einem Erfolg der App sollen zukünftig weitere Features wie zusätzliche Accessoires, eine personalisierbare Hundehütte und progressive sowie authentische Trainingsmethoden eingeführt werden. Auch gemeinsame Treffen mit anderen Spielern und deren Hunden sollen möglich sein.

Der virtuelle Labrador Dex basiert auf dem Maskottchen des Entwicklerstudios und wurde mit der Unreal Engine zum Leben erweckt. Mit ihrem AR-Haustiersimulator möchten die Entwickler Hundefreunden, denen die Freude aufgrund von Allergien oder Wohnsituationen verwehrt bleibt, die Möglichkeit bieten, ein eigenes Haustier zu halten. Außerdem soll der AR-Titel auf die Hilfsprojekte Guide Dog Foundation, Wounded Warrior Project und America’s Vet Dogs aufmerksam machen.

Dex: Your AR Dog Companion ist für iOS und Android im PlayStore sowie im Apple Store für knapp zwei Euro erhältlich.

(Quellen: Labrodex Studios | VR Focus | Video: Labrodex Studios Youtube)

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Say Hello To Dex, Your AR Dog Companion

With the continued rise of augmented reality (AR) and the ever growing number of devices capability of supporting the technology, new titles are always appearing. Today, you can say hello to your new AR dog companion, Dex.

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Developed by Labrodex Studios, this adorable Labrador Dex is the latest in AR pet simulation videogames that bring the joy of interactive with a pet to your device. Based on the company mascot, Dex is a furry friend who is brought to life thanks to the power of the Unreal Engine and AR technology allowing anyone to bring him into their own front room.

Labrodex Studios are sponsors of Dex who is part of the Guide Dog foundation and is being actively supported by them along with Wounded Warrior Project and America’s Vet Dogs. App has been developed as a passion project and as a way to raise awareness to this organisation. Additionally, the developers want to provide the entertainment found within pet simulators into the the real world and give dog lovers a chance to express that love.

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Dex: Your AR Dog Companion is a fully trainable friend meaning players will be able to level him up to reliably perform simple commands such as “sit” and even play tricks like “peek-a-boo”. Though he is a virtual pet Dex still has needs and players will need to make sure their give him enough food and play with him offer. As the developers say, a happy dog is also an obedient dog. Elsewhere players will be able to build up a collection of virtual tools each with a unique interaction with Dex.

Depending on the success of the product the developers at Labrodex Studios have plans to bring a number of new features to the title as well. This includes a number of accessories for Dex, including collars and maybe even socks, a Dog house, progressive training and even possible dog play dates. Dex: Your AR Dog Companion is available now on iOS and Android.

VRFocus will be sure to bring you all the updates on Dex: Your AR Dog Companion and Labrodex Studios in the future so stay tuned for more.