Dell and Alienware Bring New VR Hardware to E3

Alienware and Dell are bringing their latest virtual reality (VR) ready machines to E3 2017, and they’re bringing VR to the masses with what Dell believe to be a much more affordable VR solution. E3 2017 has been great for VR videogames thus far, but will it convince gamers to buy a VR-ready desktop?

Alienware first debuted two new models of their Area-51 desktop, with AMD Threadripped and Intel X-Series CPUs.

Not content simply bringing desktops to the show, Alienware also introduced a line of gaming monitors, keyboards and mice – all complete with the premium quality you’d expect from an Alienware product.

But for gamers on the go, a desktop just won’t suffice – which is of course why the Alienware 15 notebook exists – and now, complete with a GeForce GTX 1080 Max-Q GPU in the machine, the notebook will be running the very best-looking games available – which includes VR, of course.

And then there’s Dell, Alienware’s more conventional little brother. Not content letting Alienware take all the high-end VR glory, Dell have introduced a brand-new Inspiron Gaming Desktop, which even features liquid cooling – very fancy. The VR-capable desktops start at $599 USD, a very attractive price, considering how expensive some VR-ready PCs can be.

Frank Azor, Alienware, Dell Gaming and XPS vice president relishes the opportunity to share their PCs with the world; “I love arriving at E3 every year to watch fans get blown away by our latest PC gaming innovations and this year is no exception.”

Azor continues; “Our fans’ passion for Alienware and our gaming PCs is our lifeblood, and it’s only through our equal passion and commitment in delivering bleeding-edge innovation, design and performance, that we continue to exceed expectations and deliver on their requests.”

E3 attendees interested should stop by the South Exhibit Hall to see all of Dell and Alienware’s new kit.

For more from Alienware, Dell and everything VR from E3 2017, stay on VRFocus.

ICVR, LLC: Dell, LG und weitere wollen Standardanschluss für AR und VR entwickeln

Es ist eine Crux: Immer mehr Lösungen bereichern den VR-Markt, doch von einem gemeinsamen Standard ist man weit entfernt. Zumindest bei den Anschlüssen soll sich dank der neuen Initiative ICVR, LLC etwas ändern. In einer Partnerschaft wollen Dell, LG Electronics und andere Unternehmen einen Standardport entwickeln, mit dem sich AR- und VR-Headsets mit Zubehör, PCs und Smartphones verbinden lassen.

ICVR, LLC: Lösung über USB-C und DisplayPort-Protokoll

Dell, Analogix Semiconductor, Tencent und LG Electronics haben zu diesem Zweck die ICVR, LLC ins Leben gerufen, die den Industriestandard entwickeln will. Das ICVR steht dabei für Interface for Connected VR. Der neue Anschluss erfindet das Rad nicht neu, sondern basiert auf USB-C und nutzt das DisplayPort-Videoprotokoll für die Übertragung von Daten, Audio, Video und Energie. Durch den Standard verspricht sich Liam Quinn, CTO von Dell, zudem eine einfachere Handhabung der AR- und VR-Brillen, da die Headsets nur noch ein dünnes und leichtes Kabel benötigen anstatt ganze Kabelstränge. Bereits im dritten Quartal 2017 soll der neue Standard für Hersteller, die der ICVR, LLC beitreten, verfügbar sein.

Das ist sicherlich ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung, allerdings bleibt abzuwarten, ob der Standard nicht teilweise vielleicht zu spät kommt: Bereits jetzt gibt es mit TPCast für die HTC Vive eine kabellose Lösung, und die für dieses Jahr angekündigten All-in-One-Daydream-Brillen von HTC und Lenovo benötigen naturgemäß kein Kabel, da sich die Recheneinheit im Headset befindet. Kritiker wenden zudem ein, dass die USB-Lösung Apple-Geräte ausschließe. Der iPhone– und iPad-Hersteller setzt im mobilen Bereich auf den proprietären Lightning-Anschluss.

Andererseits ist es wahrscheinlich, dass Dell den neuen Anschluss in seiner erst kürzlich vorgestellten Microsoft-Mixed-Reality-Brille verbaut, die bis Jahresende erscheinen soll. Ob ICVR dann auch in die Headsets von Acer, Asus und HP einziehen wird, bleibt abzuwarten.

Quelle: ICVR, LLC

Der Beitrag ICVR, LLC: Dell, LG und weitere wollen Standardanschluss für AR und VR entwickeln zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

LG and Dell Aim to Develop VR Connection Standards

There has been an effort made recently towards creating standards for virtual reality (VR). Weather that involves software standards, or specifications that hardware has to meet in order to acquire certifications from the likes of THX. Other companies are looking at standardising the ports and connectors used in wired VR.

Anyone who remembers working with computers before USB will know what chaos it can be when connectors are not standardised. It can make things difficult, confusing and often expensive for consumers when every company uses its own proprietary connectors. That is currently the case in the area of wired VR. There are a bewildering array of different cables, ports and connectors in use by wired VR solutions. Two companies, LG electronics and Dell are aiming to change that state of affairs by introducing a standard connector that can be used to connect VR headsets with accessories, PCs and phones.

The proposed standards will utilise the DisplayPort video protocol over a standard USB-C connector. Dell and LG Electronics have formed an industry group called ICVR in order to promote the proposed standard. The standard will be available to companies who are part of the ICVR from the third quarter of 2017.

Of course, standards don’t mean much unless other companies get on board, and it remains to be seen how many other VR and hardware companies will get on board. The new standard also doesn’t seem to take into account the various proposed wireless solutions for VR. It’s also been pointed out by some critics that the standard uses the USB standard, which means that Apple devices that use Apple’s Lightning connector, such as iPhones are somewhat out of luck, which cuts out a large part of the mobile VR market.

VRFocus will bring you further information about the new ICVR standard as it becomes available.

Microsoft zeigt VR-Brillen von Dell und Asus

Microsoft möchte in diesem Jahr den Virtual Reality Markt auf den Kopf stellen. Das Unternehmen hat sich diverse Partner geschnappt, welche das Inside-Out-Tracking von Microsoft verwenden dürfen, um eine Virtual Reality Brille für Windows 10 auf den Markt zu bringen. Während Acer und HP bereits die ersten Development Kits anbieten, waren die finalen Designs der Brillen von Dell und Asus noch nicht bekannt. Jetzt hat Microsoft das Geheimnis auf der Computex 2017 gelüftet.

Microsoft zeigt VR-Brillen von Dell und Asus

Die neue Brille von Asus (Beitragsbild) soll besonders leicht und komfortabel sein und eine beeindruckende VR-Erfahrung ermöglichen. Zudem soll die Brille auf die neuen Motion Controller von Microsoft setzen und deshalb wird die VR-Brille vermutlich auch im Bundle mit den Controllern angeboten werden.

Dell VR-Brille

Die Brille von Dell wurde laut Microsoft von dem Team entworfen, welches auch für die XPS-Reihe und die Alienware PCs verantwortlich ist. Leider ist aktuell bei beiden Brillen nicht klar, auf welche Komponenten die Systeme setzen werden. Microsoft hatte im letzten Jahr versprochen, dass die unterschiedlichen Brillen für Windows 10 eine große Bandbreite an Spezifikationen abdecken sollen. Die bisher angekündigten Brillen von HP und Acer bieten jedoch fast identische Hardware und deshalb sind wir sehr gespannt, welche Überraschungen die inneren Werte der Brillen von Asus und Dell bereithalten.

Die VR-Brille von Dell soll laut Microsoft bereits zum Ende des Jahres für Konsumenten erhältlich sein. Wann die Brille von Asus erscheint, ist aktuell noch offen, doch wir gehen von einem ähnlichen Zeitraum aus.

(Quelle: Microsoft, Road to VR)

Der Beitrag Microsoft zeigt VR-Brillen von Dell und Asus zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Microsoft Reveals Asus Mixed Reality Headset, New Design from Dell

Today at Computex 2017, the annual IT expo held in Taipei, Taiwan, Microsoft revealed more from their line-up of affordable Windows ‘Mixed Reality’ headsets, including Asus’ headset and an updated design from Dell.

While solid specs or pricing information aren’t available for either headset just yet, the company today revealed Asus’ headset which sports an interesting low-poly front cover panel. Microsoft says in their blogpost that the headset was designed with an ergonomically adjustable strap that can be adjusted with a single hand. The company further says that Asus is working with Microsoft to make the headset “fast, powerful, and ultra-light with a six degrees of freedom (DOF) tracked motion controller, for an incredible, immersive MR experience.”

The Windows 6 DOF motion controller was first announced at the company’s annual Build dev conference, and utilizes the headsets’ inside-out, positional tracking sensor tech.

image courtesy The Verge

Dell’s headset has undergone a noticeable change from when it was first publicly shown back at CES earlier this year, now featuring a remodeled front cover panel with indented sensor mounts and black head strap accents. Microsoft says the headset is designed by the same team that creates their premium XPS and Alienware PCs. The headset features cable routing, replaceable cushions and a halo-style headband with flip-up visor.

Microsoft’s Windows Mixed Reality (formerly called ‘Windows Holographic’) is the company’s immersive platform built on the foundation laid by their HoloLens AR headset. The platform features an operating environment—native to Windows 10 devices—that essentially allows compatible headsets to run any Universal Windows Platform (UWP) app. Microsoft says that a staggering 20,000 UWP apps are already available for Mixed Reality headsets. Compatible devices, first announced last December, include headsets from Asus, Acer, Dell, HP, Lenovo and Chinese firm 3Glasses.

As for computer hardware specs, Microsoft and Intel have partnered on a platform specification for these headsets so they’ll be able to “scale across mainstream Intel architecture platforms natively on [Intel’s CPU-integrated] HD Graphics,” by the end of 2017. That means there’s no need for a high-end dedicated GPU like with the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive.

Microsoft maintains that its Mixed Reality headsets will be available as early as holiday season. Acer ($299) and HP ($329) are now available for pre-order through the Microsoft Store for developers in the US (Acer, HP) and Canada (Acer, HP).

No concrete specifications have been published by either Dell or Asus regarding their respective headsets, although we wouldn’t be surprised if they look something like Acer and HP’s.

HP Headset Specs

  • Two high-resolution liquid crystal displays at 1440 x 1440
  • 2.89” diagonal display size (x2)
  • Front hinged display
  • Double padded headband and easy adjustment knob for all day comfort
  • 95 degrees horizontal field of view
  • Display refresh rate up to 90 Hz (native)
  • Built-in audio out and microphone support through 3.5mm jack
  • Single cable with HDMI 2.0 (display) and USB 3.0 (data) for connectivity
  • 4.00m/0.60m removable cable
  • Inside-out tracking

Acer Headset Specs

  • Two high-resolution liquid crystal displays at 1440 x 1440
  • 2.89” diagonal display size (x2)
  • Front hinged display
  • 95 degrees horizontal field of view
  • Display refresh rate up to 90 Hz (native)
  • Built-in audio out and microphone support through 3.5mm jack
  • Single cable with HDMI 2.0 (display) and USB 3.0 (data) for connectivity
  • Inside-out tracking
  • 4.00m cable

Update 31/05/17 18:00ET: updated to include specs of HP and Acer headsets.

The post Microsoft Reveals Asus Mixed Reality Headset, New Design from Dell appeared first on Road to VR.

Microsoft Unveils ASUS and Dell VR Headsets

Microsoft had already let users get a glimpse of the headsets from Acer and HP, but now they have revealed what the Windows 10 mixed reality (MR) headsets from manufacturers ASUS and Dell will look like.

The headsets, as revealed by Engadget, look to be roughly the same size as the device from Acer, and both share a similar construction and design for the head strap, though the Dell device seems to be a little bulkier. Both devices have a minimalist, stripped-down look, presumably to save on weight, though the ASUS device has a decorative touch with the front faceplate having a polygonal effect to make it distinctive.

Image via Engadget

Specifications for the devices from ASUS and Dell have not yet been revealed, though speculation is that the new headsets are quite likely to have similar specifications to the Acer and HP devices which are currently available for pre-order through the Microsoft store. The specifications for the Acer and HP devices are as follows:

  • Two high-resolution liquid crystal displays at 1440 x 1440
  • 2.89” diagonal display size (x2)
  • Front hinged display
  • 95 degrees horizontal field of view
  • Display refresh rate up to 90 Hz (native)
  • Built-in audio out and microphone support through 3.5mm jack
  • Single cable with HDMI 2.0 (display) and USB 3.0 (data) for connectivity
  • Inside-out tracking
Image via Engadget

The ASUS and Dell devices are not yet listed for pre-order on the Microsoft store so a price point for the devices is not yet known. Nor has there been any further word on if Lenovo are still working on a Windows 10 VR headset. The Acer and HP headsets are currently priced at $299 (USD) and $329 respectively, with an estimated shipping date of August 2017.

VRFocus will bring you further updates on the Windows 10 VR headsets as it becomes available.

Dell Goes VR-Ready with its Inspiron Gaming Desktop & Inspiron 27 7000 AIO Products

Computex Taipei 2017 hasn’t disappointed on its first day, with virtual reality (VR) announcements coming from HTC Vive and Intel on a new wireless solution, and now computer manufacturer Dell has revealed two products that’ll be entering the VR field. Both PC’s, one is a new desktop designed for gaming, while the other in an all-in-one (AIO) solution for VR.

Dell has unveiled the Inspiron Gaming Desktop and the Inspiron 27 7000 AIO, both of which pack enough performance to run VR. The Inspiron Gaming Desktop, will be Dell’s first in its new Inspiron Gaming product line, and starts from $599 USD. It’ll feature the latest AMD multicore Ryzen processors, and users will be able choose power supply options up to 850 watts, Ready for VR graphics cards, up to 32GB DDR4 memory, advanced cooling options and Waves MaxxAudio Pro with Performance 7.1 Channel HD audio. Dell will also offer SuperSpeed USB 3.1 Gen 1 Type-C port and up to six SuperSpeed USB 3.1 Gen 1 ports total.

Dell Inspiron Gaming Desktop

Buts it’s the Inspiron 27 7000 AIO that’s likely to turn a few heads, as a compact solution for VR. Built from the ground up for immersive videogames, the PC has an almost borderless InfinityEdge, 27″ display, with resolutions up to 4K UHD, the latest multi-core Ryzen AMD processors and AMD Polaris RX500 Series graphics, USB Type-C 3.1 and Dual Drive options with SSD storage all built in. Prices for the Inspiron 27 7000 AIO will start from $999.99.

“Dell has experienced 17 consecutive quarters of PC growth by continuously innovating with our PC designs and experiences,” said Ray Wah, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Dell Consumer and Small Business Product Group in a statement.  “With more people than ever streaming movies, gaming and consuming VR content on PCs, Dell remains committed to providing the best visual and audio experiences and the new Inspiron All-in-Ones and Gaming Desktop bring that innovation mainstream.”

Both products are available today in China through with a worldwide release occurring in the next few weeks. For the latest VR news from Computex 2017, keep reading VRFocus.

Microsoft: “Holiday 2017 is Going to be Phenomenal”, E3 to See More Mixed Reality Announcements

Microsoft Technical Fellow and chief inventor of HoloLens, Alex Kipman, took the stage today at Microsoft Build 2017 to show off a number of upcoming mixed reality hardware and software streaming out of the company and its partners. Among the announcements—including pre-orders of Windows Holographic Headsets from Acer and HP and a new VR hand controller—was a teaser for more to come at E3 in June.

“Holiday 2017 is going to be phenomenal,” said Kipman. “We have a product lineup that customers really want. I hope you tune in to E3 to learn more about Windows Mixed Reality content story for this holiday.”

Many of the headsets taking part in the Windows Holographic program including Asus, Dell, 3Glasses and Lenovo have yet to receive a street date. There’s also no telling what bundle deals Microsoft will push to entice newcomers to their Universal Windows Platform-flavor of virtual interactions.

image captured by Road to VR

As it is, HP and Acer’s headsets are set to arrive to developers in August, which according to Kipman will be the exact same models shipping to consumers later in 2017.

The post Microsoft: “Holiday 2017 is Going to be Phenomenal”, E3 to See More Mixed Reality Announcements appeared first on Road to VR.