Windows Mixed Reality: Lenovo bei Mediamarkt gelistet, HP lieferbar

Erste Windows Mixed Reality Headsets erreichen den deutschen Online-Handel: Ab sofort lässt sich das Lenovo Explorer Mixed Reality Headset auf der Webseite des Mediamarkts vorbestellen. Es handelt sich dabei um das Endkunden-Headset mit Microsofts Touch Controllern. Der Preis liegt bei knapp 450 Euro, das Veröffentlichungsdatum ist wie angekündigt am 17. Oktober 2017. Wer nicht warten will und Einschränkungen in Kauf nimmt, kann bei HP ab sofort bestellen.

Windows Mixed Reality von HP und Lenovo: Es geht los

Während man die Brille von Lenovo auf der Webseite des Mediamarkts vorbestellen kann, lässt sich das Windows Mixed Reality Set von HP im Online-Store des Herstellers bereits direkt ordern. Allerdings gibt es einige Einschränkungen. Der Preis von 400 Euro sieht zwar auf den ersten Blick gut aus, aber es handelt sich um das Entwicklerkit. Das bedeutet, dass man auf die Touch-Controller von Microsoft erstmal verzichten muss. Diese kosten paarweise 100 Euro, womit man am Ende 50 Euro für die HP-Lösung mehr bezahlen muss.

Außerdem ist es ungewiss, wie viel früher man an das VR-Headset herankommt. Die Lieferzeit gibt HP mit 5 bis 10 Arbeitstagen an. Wenn man Pech hat, hält man die Brille also nicht sehr viel vorher in den Händen. Nach dem Startschuss im Online-Handel kann man davon ausgehen, dass schon in kurzer Zeit noch weitere Anbieter die diversen Windows Mixed Reality Brillen in ihr Sortiment aufnehmen. Bestätigt sind noch Headsets von Acer, Asus und Dell, eventuell steigt auch Samsung mit in den Ring.

Der Beitrag Windows Mixed Reality: Lenovo bei Mediamarkt gelistet, HP lieferbar zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Bereit für VR? Microsoft veröffentlicht Windows Mixed Reality PC Check

Am 17. Oktober erscheinen die ersten Windows Mixed Reality Headsets und einige Menschen wissen nicht, ob ihr PC für die kommende Generation an VR-Brillen ausreichend Leistung mitbringt. Deshalb hat Microsoft nun ein Tool veröffentlicht, welches euch einfach überprüfen lässt, ob euer PC bereit für die virtuelle Realität ist.

Windows Mixed Reality PC Check veröffentlicht

Windows Mixed Reality PC Check

Das neue Tool wird kostenlos im Windows Store angeboten, doch ihr benötigt natürlich Windows 10, um die Anwendung herunterladen zu können und zu nutzen. Doch Achtung: Ein negatives Ergebnis muss nicht zwangsläufig bedeuten, dass euer PC tatsächlich zu schwach ist oder gewisse Treiber zur Benutzung fehlen. Wenn das Ergebnis jedoch positiv ausfällt, könnt ihr mit relativer Sicherheit in die Zukunft mit den VR-Brillen von HP, Dell, Lenovo und Co. starten.

Die kostenlose App findet ihr hier. 

Windows Mixed Reality PC Check

Um Virtual Reality in voller Pracht genießen zu können, muss euer PC bereit für den Ultra VR Modus sein. Wenn ihr diese Hürde nehmt, dann sollten auch die meisten SteamVR-Spiele mit eurem System kompatibel sein. Ihr könnt aber die Windows-Mixed-Reality-Brillen auch mit deutlich schwächeren Systemen nutzen, um beispielsweise einfache Inhalte und Videos zu konsumieren. Hierfür reicht bereits ein relativ aktuelles Notebook mit integrierter Grafikkarte aus. In diesem schwächeren Modus wird die Brille jedoch auch nur mit 60 Frames pro Sekunde befeuert.

(Quelle: Microsoft)

Der Beitrag Bereit für VR? Microsoft veröffentlicht Windows Mixed Reality PC Check zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Dell’s VR ‘Visor’ Headset Now Available For Pre-order at $350, Shipping Mid-October

Dell’s virtual reality headset may be only one out of an entire fleet of PC VR devices designed with the auspices of Microsoft, but it appears to be the first consumer headset of the bunch currently up for pre-order.

Slated to deliver their first batch on October 17th, you can pre-order the headset from Dell for $350, the controllers separately for $99, or the whole controller/headset bundle for $450. The company is currently offering free shipping for a limited time, although it’s not certain for how long.

Windows VR headsets (dubbed ‘Mixed Reality’ by the Microsoft) offer inside-out tracking, meaning there’s no external sensors needed to run a VR experience. Coming from various OEMs, other headsets are set to launch soon too from HP, Lenovo, Asus, and Acer. We got out hands on an early Acer developer kit at Microsoft’s Build conference, and reported that the headset was light, comfortable, and tracking was impressive. Check out the hands-on article here.

Report: Steam Support for Windows VR Headsets Won't Be Ready at Launch

We we tested the Windows VR controller, it left something to be desired in the ergonomics department however, as they were remarkably clunky in comparison to similarly designed controllers like Oculus Touch. Because the controllers are tracked by the headset itself, and don’t require any beacon or external sensor, tracking proved to be accurate for the setup, and surprisingly outperformed the PSVR Move Camera tracking solution. Check out our full hands-on with the controller here.

Dell Visor Pre-order Page

image courtesy Dell

We also had a chance to go hands-on with a non-functioning version of headset at Gamescom in Cologne. Although we didn’t get a chance to really try it out, the premium materials used and the halo-style headstrap make for an extremely comfortable wearing experience. The added rubberization to the exterior meant for a good grip, easy cleanup and no fingerprints like some more plasticy models in the Windows ‘Mixed Reality’ headset lineup.

Dell Visor Specs

  • Dual Sharp LCDs at 1440 x 1440
  • 2.89” diagonal display size (x2)
  • Front-hinged display
  • Fresnel Lenses
  • 110 degrees horizontal field of view
  • Display refresh rate up to 90 Hz (native)
  • Single cable with HDMI 2.0 (display) and USB 3.0 (data) for connectivity
  • Inside-out tracking
  • 4.00m cable

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Pre-Orders For Dell Visor Mixed Reality Headset Now Available

Many people are excited about the upcoming consumer release of the various Windows 10 Mixed Reality (MR) headsets. Its good news if you are one of those people, since pre-orders for the Dell Visor MR headset are now open.

Due to begin shipping on 17th October, the headset is available for pre-order in the US from Dell.Com, or in the UK from or PC World. The device is set to be priced at $349.99 (USD) for the headset, $99.99 for the controllers, or $449.99 for a bundle.

Similar to other Windows 10 MR devices, the Dell Visor offers a resolution of 1440×1440 per eye, dual 2.89” LCD panels, a 110 degree field of view and a refresh rate of 90Hz. Using similar technology to what is available in the Microsoft HoloLens, the Dell Visor uses inside-out tracking, so no additional cameras or tracking base stations are needed. The headset has a flip-up hinge so users can quickly check their real-life surroundings when needed.

Dell Visor

The controllers are fully tracker and offer force-feedback, a thumbstick and track pad and is capable of 6Dof. As we have previously reported, Windows 10 MR devices will be compatible with VR content on Steam, as well as VR and MR content from the Windows Store. Like most Windows 10 Mr devices, the Dell Visor can use integrated graphics on lower-spec PC set-ups for some simple VR applications.

Upon launch on October, the device will be available from the Microsoft Store, Best Buy Stores and BestBuy.Com as well as directly from the Dell website.

VRFocus will bring you further news on the Dell Visor and other Windows 10 MR devices as it becomes available.

SteamVR für Windows Mixed Reality Headsets erst nach dem Launch

Die Ankündigung von Microsoft, SteamVR zu unterstützen, hat für Aufsehen gesorgt – immerhin steht damit eine riesige Software-Bibliothek für die jungen VR-Headsets bereit. Wenn die Kompatibilität denn da ist. Ein Sprecher von Microsoft hat nun auf der IFA 2017 geäußert, dass sich die Unterstützung verzögert. Damit hätten Kunden, die zum Launch am 17. Oktober ein Windows Mixed Reality Headset erwerben, eine deutlich eingeschränktere Auswahl an VR-Titeln.

Windows Mixed Reality: SteamVR kommt, aber später

Wie auf der IFA 2017 in Berlin erfahren hat, verzögert sich die SteamVR-Kompatibilität für die Windows Mixed Reality Headsets. Die Webseite beruft sich auf eine Aussage von Greg Sullivan, der für die Kommunikation im Bereich Mixed Reality bei Microsoft zuständig ist. Ein Datum, wann die Unterstützung des Valve-Shops kommt, wollte Sullivan nicht nennen.

Auf der IFA 2017 hat Microsoft den Startschuss für die Windows Mixed Reality VR-Brillen gegeben: Am 17. Oktober veröffentlich der Konzern sein Windows 10 Fall Creater Update, zeitgleich werden die VR-Headsets der Hardware-Partner erhältlich sein. Derzeit angekündigt haben Asus, Dell und Lenovo ihre Brillen, von Acer und HP lassen sich die Headsets bereits in der Entwicklerversion erwerben – allerdings noch ohne die Microsoft Touch Controller. Die Preise bewegen sich bei rund 300 US-Dollar ohne und bis zu 450 Dollar mit Controllern.

Bereits vor der IFA hat Microsoft Software-Partner vorgestellt und insgesamt 67 VR-Titel angekündigt. So soll es beispielsweise eine VR-Version des First-Person-Shooters Halo geben, einen Termin nannte Microsoft allerdings noch nicht. Gleiches gilt beispielsweise für Minecraft, SuperHot, Skyworld und andere von Microsoft angekündigten VR-Erfahrungen. Die Windows Mixed Reality Headsets basieren auf der gleichen Technik und unterscheiden sich hauptsächlich im Tragekomfort und Design. Sie konkurrieren direkt mit Oculus Rift und HTC Vive. Im Gegensatz zu den PC-Platzhirschen benötigt die Microsoft-Löung keine externe Hardware, um die Umgebung und Controller zu erkennen: Diese Aufgabe übernehmen zwei Kameras in der VR-Brille. Das vereinfacht zwar die Installation, jedoch benötigt man eine Kabelverbindung zum PC.


Der Beitrag SteamVR für Windows Mixed Reality Headsets erst nach dem Launch zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Summary of Microsoft’s Latest Mixed Reality Headsets From IFA 2017

At Microsoft’s keynote IFA 2017 in Berlin Germany, Microsoft showcased their serious interest in their mixed reality (MR). Microsoft is working together with partners Acer, HP, Lenovo, Dell and Asus to provide a range of MR Head-mounted displays (HMD’s) that all have Windows 10 and Cortana on them. All five of these MR HMD’s will be released on October 17th this Fall and the prices will start from $299, with some coming as bundles. For example Dell’s MR HMD’s known as the ‘Visor’ will be $349.99 USD with controllers set to be $99.99, but are now retailing for $449.99 as bundle package. Some of the headsets can be pre-ordered already but Visor is not one of them.

The controllers have an LED tracking system, a home button, front trigger, lower grip trigger and analog stick. The sensors on the headsets are able to track the controllers and therefore you do not need extra sensors or lighthouses in order to be tracked. It’s encouraging to see such a range available for various price ranges for mixed reality headsets all in one go. It allows consumers to choose what is best for them and at different price points.

What has to be noted is that these are not all-in-one headsets. You are still requirde to purchase a virtual reality (VR) ready PC or laptop, which Microsoft are prepared for. They have a “Windows Mixed Reality Ultra” line of computers that will run experiences at 90 frames per second (FPS), the optimal standard for VR as well as “Windows Mixed Reality”, which will run experiences at 60FPS, a minimum standard for FPS. Though not all the prices or specs have been revealed for all the headsets, it’s important to note that both high-end VR HMD’s; the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive have come down in price recently with the Oculus Rift with Touch controllers retail for $399 in their temporary summer sale and the HTC Vive dropping down in $200 in price to £599. As prices continue to drop for HMD’s, consumers are given more choice than ever when it comes to accessing VR experiences, it just becomes the price of the PC or laptop that comes with it.

VRFocus already previously discussed content available for the headsets, which will include future projects on Halo with 343 Industries. The MR HMD’s will have content accessible such as Space Pirate Trainer, Superhot Vr, Arizona Sunshine and Rec Room to name a few. With Steam VR supporting the headsets, MR HMD’s buyers should have access to all the VR titles in the Steam VR library. With JauntVR’s app and other applications 360 video content can also be enjoyed in the headset.

To find out more watch the video below.

Dell’s Mixed Reality Headset Named ‘Visor’, Controller Bundle Revealed

Dell has revealed that the company’s upcoming mixed reality (MR) head-mounted display (HMD) for Windows 10 will be known as ‘Visor’. The product was already confirmed to be launching later this year at $349.99 USD with controllers also set to be available for $99.99, but now a retail bundle package has been revealed containing both for $449.99.

Dell VisorThe Dell Visor takes advantage of the same technology used in the Microsoft HoloLens, including inside-out tracking cameras and a 360 degree panoramic view. The HMD itself is able to scan surroundings instead of satellite emitters positioned inside the room. The HMD includes a flip-up visor for convenient transitions between the real world and VR, and also features cushioned head and face padding, thumbwheel band adjustment for comfort, and smart weight balancing that takes pressure off the nose and cheeks.

Additionally, Dell Visor controllers offer flexibility with six degrees of freedom (6 DoF) of movement in a three-dimensional space. The controllers allow users total control with force feedback, thumb stick and buttons fully tracked by sensors in the headset.

Dell had already confirmed that the Visor would be shown at IFA today, and while pre-orders for some Windows 10 Mixed Reality HMDs are available, the Visor is not yet one of them.

Set to launch in the U.S. later this year for $349.99 (headset) and $99.99 (controllers) or $449.99 (headset and controllers kit), the Dell Visor will be available at Microsoft and select Best Buy stores. More details are expected at the Microsoft keynote at IFA later today, and VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest details.

Dell Will Be Bringing its VR Hardware to IFA

This year’s IFA Berlin Trade Show looks to be very popular with companies working on virtual reality products. Among the companies planning to make an appearance at one of Europe’s biggest consumer electronics fairs is PC hardware manufacturer Dell, who are planning on bringing its Dell Windows 10 Mixed Reality device, along with a range of VR-capable PC hardware.

The Dell Mixed reality headset is planned to be released sometime in October, 2017 and will sit alongside other Windows 10 compatible headsets from ASUS, Acer, Lenovo and HP. The developer units from HP and Acer have gone up for order on the Microsoft Store already.

The Dell version of the device will feature a 1440 x 1440 LCD display, a front-hinged visor and an anti-stain coating to keep the white device clean. Full technical specifications are yet to be released, but the price is expected to be £349.99 (USD) for the headset, with motion controllers costing an extra $99.99. This would make the device more expensive device than either the Acer headset at $299 or the HP version at $329.

PAX West is also on Dell’s mind, where they will be bringing VR-ready hardware such as the Dell Inspiron 15 700 Gaming Notebook, which boasts a 4GB Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 powering the graphics, with an Intel Core i5 processor, 8GB of RAM, a 1TB hard drive and a 15.6” HD display. Dell subsidiary Alienware will also be present, presenting its new curved gaming monitor and its line of Alienware Aurora desktop PCs

VRFocus will bring you further information on the Dell Mixed Reality headset and other Dell VR products as it becomes available.

Mixed Reality Content will Include Halo, Steam VR Support and Much More

The next steps are being taken for the mixed reality (MR) head-mounted displays (HMD’s) to be the next big thing. Microsoft has been focusing on their MR HMD’s,working together with Acer, Asus, Dell, HP and Lenovo with motion controllers – these MR headsets will be launching later this year.

It may not look like there are is a lot of content at the moment, but there are already quite a few exciting items that will be available for the MR HMDs in the near future. Most notably, Microsoft has announced they’re working alongside 343 Industries on some Halo Projects for MR. Alex Kipman, Technical Fellow and Hololens creator said, “It’s my pleasure to let you know that we are working with 343 Industries to bring future Halo experiences into mixed reality”.

67 apps or videogames have been listed for their MR HMDs with some maybe more Chinese oriented apps. Windows MR HMDs will also have Steam VR compatibility. How this is going to work hasn’t been stated – either developers will need to add support to their titles individually or Valve’s OpenVR driver might be utilized – just like HTC Vive and Oculus Rift, to provide easier access to Steam VR’s library.

Jaunt’s own VR app ‘Jaunt VR’ is set to use Microsoft’s Cortana for voice navigation and content adaptive streaming. The launch of the app will feature Jaunt’s first interactive cinematic 6DOF, Free the Night directed by Nicole McDonald, where you pick lights out of the skyline and place them back into the night sky.

Pre-orders for the Windows 10 development kit version of the MR headsets opened back in May. Then earlier this month the HP and Acer devices became available for anyone to buy through the Microsoft Store – although these are currently showing as out of stock. Microsoft’s Alex Kipman said at Microsoft’s Build 2017 event that the development versions will be fundamentally the same as the consumer versions when they are finally released.