The VR Job Hub: Fabrick Games, DeepQ, Fable

And now for the first official VR Job Hub of 2019. Now that Christmas and New Year seem like distant memories it’s time to look to the future, and more particularly the coming year. Have you made your last custard cream or chocolate hobnob soggy and inedible not through too many dunks in your brew but from those tears of employment dispair? Well, fear not as VRFocus has more job possibilities to enrich your Sunday afternoon spirits.

Location Company Role Link
Manchester, UK Fabrik Games Tech Director Click Here to Apply
Manchester, UK Fabrik Games Programmer Click Here to Apply
Manchester, UK Fabrik Games Senior QA Click Here to Apply
Manchester, UK Fabrik Games Accounts Assistant Click Here to Apply
Taipei, Taiwan DeepQ/HTC Computer Vision Algorithm Engineer Click Here to Apply
Taipei, Taiwan DeepQ/HTC Deep Learning Research Engineer Click Here to Apply
Taipei, Taiwan DeepQ/HTC Sales Specialist/Manager for Healthcare VR Click Here to Apply
Taipei, Taiwan DeepQ/HTC Deep Reinforcement Learning Research Engineer for Health Care Click Here to Apply
San Francisco, CA Fable Studio Assistant Click Here to Apply
San Francisco, CA Fable Technical Animator Click Here to Apply
San Francisco, CA Fable Sound Designer Click Here to Apply
San Francisco, CA Fable AI Consultant Click Here to Apply
San Francisco, CA Fable Machine Learning Engineer Click Here to Apply

Don’t forget, if there wasn’t anything that took your fancy this week there’s always last week’s listings on The VR Job Hub to check as well.

If you are an employer looking for someone to fill an immersive technology related role – regardless of the industry – don’t forget you can send us the lowdown on the position and we’ll be sure to feature it in that following week’s feature. Details should be sent to Peter Graham (

We’ll see you next week on VRFocus at the usual time of 3PM (UK) for another selection of jobs from around the world.

Taipei Hospital Creates Multiuser VR Patient Education Room Using Vive Focus

The fact that virtual reality (VR) technology can be used for so many other applications is one of its most salable features. HTC’s healthcare division DeepQ recently announced that Taipei Municipal Wan Fang Hospital would be using its standalone headset, the Vive Focus, to create a dedicated multiuser patient education room.

HTC Vive Focus headset

Employing the Vive Focus system in conjunction with a VR human patient education application, both surgeons and families can enter a shared VR space where the surgeons can easily explain surgical procedures to help educate patients.

“Vive Focus can be used as a tool to break down barriers between doctors and their patients to improve care and drive education of patients to new levels,” said Edward Chang, President of HTC’s DeepQ division in a statement. “With Vive Focus, medical consultation can become mobile and more approachable to patients and doctors alike. We’re proud to work with Taipei Municipal Wan Fang Hospital to explore how VR can begin to change medicine.”

While traditional patient consultations tend to involve human anatomy models, smaller structures such as nerves, vessels, and lymph nodes are much harder to portray. The patient application Taipei Municipal Wan Fang Hospital will be using features over 4,000 detailed structural components and microstructures giving a greater understanding of what a particular procedure will entail. As the software is further improved new models and tools will be added.

Vive Focus And Education

“In the past, it has been difficult to educate patients on the impacts of a procedure or medical need. Through VR, physicians can now easily talk to patients about human organ structures and treatment plans in a shared environment,” said Kuan-Jen Bai, Dean of Taipei Municipal Wan Fang Hospital.

The hospital also plans to integrate the VR education platform with its Health Information System (HIS) system as part of the patient educational review system. After each VR patient consultation, the public, the family, and healthcare personnel’s review will be digitized.

As DeepQ continues to advance medical VR applications, VRFocus will keep you updated on the latest announcements.