Survival Horror Shooter Dead Effect 2 Gets Surprise App Lab Release On Quest

Well this is unexpected. BadFly Interactive’s Dead Effect 2 VR has launched on Oculus Quest via App Lab.

The game launched on the service last week for $19.99. As the name suggests, Dead Effect 2 VR itself is a full port of the original game. The VR edition launched in 2017 on PC VR headsets after a stint on early access and was pretty popular at the time, offering a rare full, single-player campaign-driven experience.

Here’s a trailer from the game’s original launch on PC. Obviously don’t expect the same level of visual fidelity out of the Quest version.

In the game, you fend for yourself on a spaceship overrun with all types of monsters. It’s a fairly simple shooter, but it’s enriched with RPG mechanics and a range of different weapons. There’s enough meat to it that we’re surprised to see it launch on App Lab rather than the official Oculus Store.

App Lab does allow developers to release their content on Quest without having to pass Facebook’s own rigorous curation standards. But this means the game isn’t actually visible from the main Quest store itself – you have to find them via direct links elsewhere.

Will you be picking up Dead Effect 2 on App Lab? Let us know in the comments below!

Dead Effect 2 VR Giveaway Livestream: Sci-Fi Zombies In Space

Dead Effect 2 VR Giveaway Livestream: Sci-Fi Zombies In Space

Dead Effect 2 VR from BadFly Interactive is one of the most unknown and underrated VR shooters out there. It went under my radar for a while too. But what we’ve got here is a VR game with tons of weapons and enemies, a structured campaign with over a dozen hours of content, optional co-op, and even PvP support as well. And since it’s the spooky month of October, it only makes sense for us to venture out into a game again that’s loaded with zombies. We’re gonna play co-op today as well!

We’ll be playing Dead Effect 2 VR on PC and I’ll be using an Oculus Rift with two Touch controllers. For the giveaway, we are giving out 10 codes for Steam, which can be used for either Rift or Vive. We’re starting any minute now, right around 2:30PM PT and we’ll aim to last for around an hour or so. We’ll be livestreaming directly to the UploadVR Facebook page and we’ll also be using Restream to go directly to YouTube as well. Either way, you can see the full stream embedded right here down below once it’s up:

You can see our most recent archived streams over on the UploadVR Facebook Gaming portal right here. There’s lots of good stuff there!

Let us know which games or discussions you want us to livestream next. Comment with feedback down below!

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Spring Into VR With Steam Spring Sale

As the year advances and Christmas becomes a distant memory, your videogame library might need a bit of a refresh. Steam are here to assist with some wallet-friendly special offers in celebration of the warming weather and blooming flowers of the Spring season.

There are deals of up to 70% off selected titles in the Steam VR Spring Sale, with some of the biggest virtual reality (VR) hits getting substantial discounts.


Despite only being released today, the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift version of Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin is available with a 20% discount, lowering the price to a respectable £12.39 (GBP).

One of the best deals in the sale is for the Serious Sam VR bundle, which comprises of The First Encounter, The Second Encounter, The Last Hope and Serious Sam 3 VR: BFE. This bundle has a huge 70% discount, which brings the price down to only £36.26 from its normal price of £120.96.

Also available with a substantial discount is Star Trek: Bridge Crew, which allows Star Trek fans to take control of a Federation starship, playing alongside three friends to take rolls on the bridge and seek out new life and new civilisations. This is on the Steam VR Spring Sale at only £15.99, a 60% discount on the normal price of £39.99.

If you are seeking a sliver of sci-fi horror, Dead Effect VR is available for only £7.79, a 60% discount, letting players roam around spooky abandoned spaceships and shooting down alien zombies for a very reasonable price.

From Bethesda there is DOOM VFR and Fallout 4 VR, both of whom received very favourable reviews from the team at VRFocus, and both are available with 30% discounts as part of the sale, putting DOOM VFR at £13.99 and Fallout 4 VR at £27.99.

Fallout 4 VR screenshot

Over fifty VR titles are available as part of the sale. VRFocus will keep you updated on the latest deals for VR hardware and software.

3dRudder Announces Price Cut

3dRudder has been making something of a name for itself by providing an alternative method of controlling movement within virtual reality (VR) environments. This different approach to motion control is now within reach of more people with the announcement of the price drop.

3dRudder have been quite active in providing updates and new functionality for its flagship device, with new features and bug fixes being pushed out to users on a monthly basis. The drop in price to $99 (USD) will no doubt make the 3dRudder an even more attractive offer for VR users.

In addition to the price drop, 3dRudder have also announced that it will be bringing in native support for a number of popular ‘blockbuster’ videogames throughout 2018. The first title to have its developers work with 3dRudder is Dead Effect 2 VR by BadFly Interactive.

Dead Effect 2 VR is a space-horror shooter taking inspiration from films such as Event Horizon and videogames like the Dead Space series. 3DRudder support allows Dead Effect 2 VR players to delegate movement to their feet, thus freeing up the hands for the far more important business of shooting mutated crew members. As an added bonus, using 3dRudder means users can remain sitting in their comfortable chair of choice.

It was recently announced that 3dRudder will be bringing out a new version of its motion control device called the Blackhawk by the end of 2018, but for those who don’t want to wait, the current version of the 3dRudder controller is available through the 3dRudder website, or via Amazon and other large electronics retailers.

For more professional use, such as for those engaged in 3D modelling or VR development, a Business Edition of the 3dRudder is also available. The Business Edition allows for access to the SDK along with gaming engine resources. The 3dRudder business Edition is priced at $179.

For further news on the latest discounts and deals for hardware and software, keep checking VRFocus.

Dead Effect 2 VR Introduces Support For 3dRudder

Foot-powered virtual reality (VR) motion controller 3dRudder offers different control options to VR users who have limited mobility, or who have restricted space to enjoy room-scale VR. An increasing number of VR titles are introducing support for the device, a list which now includes Dead Effect 2 VR.

Dead Effect 2 VR is a sci-fi shooter that draws inspiration from videogames such as the Dead Space series and classic sci-fi horror film Event Horizon. Players find themselves taking the role of a crew member released from cryo-stasis to find that a terrifying virus has broken out aboard the ship, turning the crew into flesh-eating zombie-like monsters. Players need to take out the monsters and regain control of the ship and escape intact.

Dead Effect 2 VR screenshot

VRFocus released a preview of Dead Effect 2 VR, saying: “With its over the top gunplay, customisation and movement options and hours of gameplay Badfly Interactive has certainly entered the VR market in a noticeable way.”

3dRudder will be showcasing a new version of the VR motion controller at the Consumer Electronics Show, or CES next year. Displayed as part of this demonstration will be the new native integration of 3dRudder into Dead Effect 2 VR. At previous CES, 3dRudder has picked up Innovation Awards for its product.

The 3dRudder motion controller allows users to run, walk, control vehicles and perform other actions using only the feet, leaving the hands free to use traditional motion controllers for other actions, such as Oculus Touch or Vive Wands.

Native integration with the 3dRudder in Dead Effect 2 VR is available now, introduced in the 5th December update. Visitors to CES will be able to see this demonstrated at CES 2018, due to take place on 9th-12th January 2018 in Las Vegas.

VRFocus will bring you further news on 3dRudder as it becomes available.

FPS-Shooter Dead Effect 2 VR für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive verlässt Early Access

Der Sci-Fi-Shooter Dead Effect 2 VR von BadFly Interactive für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive verlässt die Early-Access-Phase und ist nun offiziell auf Steam erhältlich. Zur Veröffentlichung erhielt der VR-Titel etliche Verbesserungen, Bug Fixes und neue Funktionen, um den Überlebenskampf noch spannender zu gestalten.

Dead Effect 2 VR ab sofort im Full Release erhältlich

Dead Effect 2 VR starete im Juni 2017 im Early Access auf Steam und erhielt seitdem viel Feedback von der Community. Dadurch konnten die Entwickler diverse Fehler beheben und Vorschläge ins Spiel integrieren, beispielsweise gewisse Balance-Änderungen. Über die vier Monate hinweg erhielt der VR-Titel bereits einen Coop-Modus, neue Singleplayer-Missionen sowie einen Multiplayer-Deathmatch-Modus.

Das Full Release enthält nun neue mächtige Waffen, die Möglichkeit in den Nahkampf zu gehen und etliche weitere Verbesserungen. Das neue Waffenarsenal enthält unter anderem eine taktische Armbrust, Miniguns und Schrotflinten. Insgesamt stehen dem Spieler über 30 Waffen zur Verfügung, um sich gegen die Zombies zu wehren. Die Ausrüstung lässt sich im Spielverlauf verbessern. Ebenso ist es möglich, den Charakter mit Implantaten aufzuwerten und somit an den eigenen Spielstil anzupassen.


Eine neue Komponente bringt der Nahkampf ins Spiel, durch den man Feinde wegstoßen oder schlagen kann. Das ist mit den Fäusten und mit der ausgerüsteten Waffe möglich. Der dadurch zugefügte Schaden an den Gegnern ist zwar nicht sonderlich groß, aber es gibt die Chance, den Angreifer auszuknocken. Alle weiteren Änderungen und Verbesserungen sowie eine Liste mit Bug-fixes sind hier einsichtlich.

Der VR-Titel enthält eine Singleplayer-Kampagne, die den Spieler durch die Geschichte führt: Nach einem Virusausbruch auf einem Raumschiff erwacht der Held, um den Überlebenskampf gegen Zombies, Cyborgs, Mutanten anzutreten. Zudem enthält das Spiel einen Co-op-Modus und verschiedene Multiplayer-Modi für PvP-Gefechte. Insgesamt verspricht der Hersteller eine Spielzeit von über 20 Stunden.

Der First-Person-Shooter Dead Effect 2 VR ist nun im Full Release auf Steam für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive für 22, 99 Euro erhältlich. ALs Grafikkarte empfiehlt der Entwickler mindestens eine NVIDIA GTX 970, besser eine 980 GTX.

(Quellen: Steam Forum Dead Effect 2 VR | VR Focus)

Der Beitrag FPS-Shooter Dead Effect 2 VR für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive verlässt Early Access zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Sci-fi Shooter Dead Effect 2 VR Leaves Early Access

Depending on how far through development a title is a studio can have a project on Steam Early Access for as little as a few weeks all the way up to several years. Badfly Interactive didn’t need long for its virtual reality (VR) videogame Dead Effect 2 VR as it’s now been fully released after only a couple of months.

Set aboard a colony spaceship, players awake from cryostasis to discover that a virus has broken out on the ship turning the crew into flesh-eating monsters. So the aim of the game is simple: kill everything in sight, take back control of the ship and make it out in one piece.

Dead Effect 2 VR screenshot

Dead Effect 2 VR is brimming with modes, options and weapons galore, especially now that it’s left early access. There’s a single-player campaign which the studio reckons will give around 15 hours of gameplay. There’s a co-op mode should you want to bring a couple of friends to the party, and there are multiplayer modes for up to 8 players like PvP.

Being a first-person shooter guns naturally play an important role and Dwd Effect 2 VR certainly has plenty to choose from. There are over 30 available, including flamethrowers, shotguns, samurai swords, machine guns, grenades and mines. The newest being the Onyx disc launcher, Equinox tactical crossbow, Helion and Trinity heavy fusion weapons, Vindicator miniguns and Rebellion shotguns.

To add that personal touch to the gameplay all the weapons can be upgraded and so can the character with implants. Plus there are special abilities to unlock from bullet time to force field to give that extra edge in battle.

VRFocus previewed the early access release, finding that its over the top gunplay, customisation options and hours of gameplay would certainly find a few fans.

Dead Effect 2 VR can be downloaded through Steam for £19.49 GBP. For any further updates keep reading VRFocus.

Full Release Changelog:

* Weapon bashing – you can bash enemies with your firearms; the damage is minimal, but you can throw them away and a good crack in the head may stun them.
* Holding grip with empty hands and without any other possible interaction will switch to fists.
* Punching – you can punch enemies with your fists (or with clips). Again, minimal damage, but a small chance to knock enemies down.
* A few small improvements in the weapon shop menu (longer lists, showing weapon training skills for weapons)
* Options for free rotation sensitivity
* Option for FOV reduction during teleport (FOV will be reduced by the value set by the player during the teleport).
* Option for FOV reduction during free movement (FOV will be reduced by the value set by the player and speed during free movement).
* Option for allowing spatial distortion effects in video settings
* Option for ammo bag reload on dual wield – with this setting you can reload your weapons from holsters if you’re holding two weapons. A single weapon has to be reloaded manually.
* Option for disabling most of the on-hand hints

– Rescaled sights for the Fury machine gun
– Updated SteamVR plugin – Mixed Reality should be now possible.
– Updated models for the Rebellion and Venom shotguns
– Weapons no longer reset on respawn.
– Paralyzer shooting – holding fire will show an aiming electric bolt, releasing –
will trigger the attack.
– Minor rebalancing of the weapons.
– Mines dropped by the Supersoldier can be now shot.
– The Venom shotgun pumping is now faster.
– Minor difficulty balance for the nightmare and hell difficulties. Remember – -you have to aim at the head!
– Using the ammo bag reload now adds a small debuff based on the weapon type (none for melee, maximal for pump shotguns).
– Increased revolver animation reload speed
– Added a small penetration chance to standard sniper rifle bullets.
– Added a small penetration chance to revolver bullets.

Something for the Weekend: Discounts on Steam

For those who may find themselves looking for something now to play over the next week on their HTC Vive, Oculus Rift or OSVR, we have just the thing. VRFocus has delved into Steam’s library of virtual reality (VR) titles to find discounts for the budget-conscious.

Assetto Corsa

Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, OSVR

For those who don’t fancy waiting for Project Cars 2 or Gran Turismo Sport, there is another option. Driving simulator Assetto Corsa is available at a 60% discount, reducing it to just £9.19 (GBP). Alternatively there are DLC or Season Pass bundles available for £11.99 or £5.16, a saving of 60% and 71% respectively.

Elite Dangerous

Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, OSVR

Elite Dangerous doesn’t really need an introduction. A vast multiplayer space opera where players can get control of a small spaceship and then proceed to do… pretty much anything they fancy. The base version of Elite Dangerous is on sale for £13.39, a 33% discount. Or you can buy the Elite Dangerous: Commander Deluxe Edition for £26.79, also a 33% discount.


Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift

Adventure-puzzle title FORM is offering surreal exploration for a discount. The sci-fi puzzler by Charm Games is available for £8.99, a 40% discount off the usual price of £14.99.

Chroma Lab screenshot1

Chroma Lab

Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift

For those who miss the gold old days of trippy WinAmp visualisations, this particle physics simulator might just be for you. The recently launched title is being offered for £3.59, a 10% discount on the usual price.

The Sniper VR

Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift

As you would expect from a videogame with that title, The Sniper VR is all about cutting down foes from a distance. There’s even a stabilisation system for those who don’t have the steadiest of hands. The Sniper VR can be bought for £8.24, a 25% discount.

Dead Effect 2 VR screenshot

Dead Effect 2 VR

Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift

The latest addition to the popular Dead Effect franchise by Badfly Interactive brings the first-person shooter into VR. The title is available to buy for £11.99, a discount of 20% on the usual price.

Final Soccer VR

Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift

One for the Football fans (Soccer to our readers in the US). Experience what it is like to be a goalkeeper or striker, hone your skills with animations made my motion capture of real football players. Final Soccer VR is available for £7.49, a 50% discount. Or you can by the VR Arcade bundle with four titles for £24.56, a 56% discount.

A Legend of Luca

Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift

A VR rogue-like RPG using Greek/Roman mythology as a basis. Players can pick up one of the ‘weapons of virtue’ and enter procedurally generated dungeons to hunt down evil. A Legend of Luca is available for £7.49 at a 50% discount, or can be bought along with the soundtrack for £9.49, also a 50% discount.

VR Regatta – The Sailing Game

Compatibility: HTC Vive, Oculus Rift

If you’ve ever wanted to go sailing, but live too far from the water, fear not, there is an answer. In VR Regatta – The Sailing Game, players can learn the intricacies of running a sailing yacht without ever getting wet. The title is available for £7.25, a discount of 34%.


Compatibility: HTC Vive

A VR shooter title that discards intricate story in favour of fast-paced action. Players start out with a pair of swords and two guns and then are charged with cutting down the enemy, with a bullet-time slow motion mechanic to make things easier. Aeon is available for £15.19, a 20% discount.

Dead Effect 2 VR: Update mit Mehrspielermodus und neuen Missionen

Dead Effect 2 VR für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive trägt noch den Early-Access-Stempel, konnte viele Spieler aber schon in den ersten Versionen mit knallharter Action und einer langen Spielzeit von über 20 Stunden überzeugen. Das frische Update in der Version 1.2 des Monster-Shooters mit Rollenspiel-Elementen legt jetzt noch mal eine ganze Schippe drauf und ergänzt Mehrspielermodus, neue Story-Missionen und noch etliches mehr.

Dead Effect 2 VR: Coop, Deathmatch und mehr Single-Player-Missionen

Zombies und andere Monster erledigt man im Action-Shooter Dead Effect 2 VR. Dabei versetzt der Titel den überlebenswilligen Spieler in die unendlichen Weiten des Weltraums und bietet eine passende Story zum blutigen Gemetzel. Das Update auf Version 1.2 hat es in sich: Einzelspieler freuen sich über fünf zusätzliche Missionen, mit denen sich die eh schon vergleichsweise lange Spielzeit des Shooters noch weiter erhöht. Wer gerne mit anderen Spielern loszieht, um gemeinsam Gegnerhorden zu erledigen, darf beim neuen Coop-Multiplayer-Modus loslegen – sofern man die ersten zwei Missionen abgeschlossen hat. Für viele Spieler ein Highlight dürfte der PvP-Multiplayer-Modus sein, die Deathmatches unternimmt man allein oder in Teams gegeneinander. Außerdem kann man den Character, von denen drei zur Auswahl stehen, jetzt bis auf Level 15 hochjagen und Teile des ersten „Epic Armor Set“ erspielen.

Auf der langen Liste der Änderungen stehen zudem einige Balance-Anpassungen, beispielsweise erhöht sich der Schaden, die Revolver anrichten. Wichtig für den Multiplayer-Modus ist nach Aussage vom Entwickler BadFly Interactive die Möglichkeit der VR-Kalibration, mit der sich die Bodenposition und die Welt-Skalierung einstellen lässt. Außerdem stehen Anpassungen der GUI auf dem Programm und etliche Bugfixes. So fällt beispielsweise Loot nicht mehr durch den Boden, auch Probleme mit nicht funktionierenden Munitionskisten und fehlenden Waffen nach Zwischensequenzen wollen die Entwickler behoben haben.

Dead Effect 2 VR Zombie

Dead Effect 2 ist über Steam erhältlich und kostet knapp 20 Euro, alle Updates sollen kostenlos sein. Die Mindestvoraussetzung ist ein Rechner mit 6 GB Arbeitsspeicher und NVIDIA GTX 970 oder eine vergleichbar leistungsfähige AMD-Grafikkarte. Das gesamte Change-Log findet ihr auf der entsprechenden Steam-Seite.

(Quelle: Steam/Change-Log)

Der Beitrag Dead Effect 2 VR: Update mit Mehrspielermodus und neuen Missionen zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Dead Effect 2 VR Update Adds PvP Multiplayer

Last month BadFly Interactive launched a virtual reality (VR) version of its Dead Effect 2 videogame on Steam Early Access for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive. This week the developer has released a major update for the title, which not only includes a bunch of bug fixes and improvements, but also player vs player (PvP) co-op mulitplayer modes and new story missions.

Last weekend BadFly Interactive held a beta run for the incoming update, with players able to access and early version of the PvP modes. Now with the official release going live the studio has ironed out some of the bugs that were present – although BadFly does state that PvP mode is still experimental.

Dead Effect 2 VR screenshot

There’s a PvP multiplayer where gamers can engage in deathmatch and team deathmatch modes across several maps. For the co-op multiplayer they’ll need to have unlocked the ship map by completing the first two missions.

One the single-player side, five new story missions, and some new maps have been added as well as a level cap increase to 15 giving access to more powerful equipment.

As the title is still in Early Access VRFocus previewed it a few weeks ago, saying: “With its over the top gunplay, customisation and movement options and hours of gameplay Badfly Interactive has certainly entered the VR market in a noticeable way.”

Dead Effect 2 VR can be purchased through Steam for £14.99 GBP. Checkout the full changelog below for all the updates and keep reading VRFocus for any further announcements.

Full change log:

• Added: COOP multiplayer. You must finish first two missions, once you’ll have access to the ship map, you can start or join cooperative games.
• Story and generic missions cannot be joined in progress. Other mission types can be joined by others even in single player if your set allow joining in the game options.
• Added: PVP multiplayer. Accessible from the play menu, deathmatch and team deathmatch are available on several maps.
• Added 5 new story missions and few new maps for generic modes
• Increased level cap to 15 (giving you access to first epic armor sets)
• Increased revolver damage
• Added quick sell and upgrade quick buy – hold grip and click on item
• Added VR calibration – you can now modify world scale and floor position. Note: Setting correct scale is important for the multiplayer.
• Changed teleport blackout to use screen blackout instead Steam VR compositor (caused problems on some computers)
• Tuned melee swing detection – weapons now has to be swung with more force to do some damage. Rebalanced melee weapons a bit.
• Tuned knockdown effects.
• Fixed panel positions in Haxxor type side missions
• Fixed damage and haptic feedback for mounted gun
• Various small improvements in the GUI for the map and shops
• Fixed not working ammo boxes
• Fixed weapons not being returned after cutscene
• Fixed money loot falling through the floor
• Fixed mission summary screen bugs
• Improved response on several GUI controllers (consumables shop, side quest log)
• Fixed empty clips not disappearing
• Fixed Proteus STD weapon not working correctly
• Fixed trading stations GUI
• Fixed and tuned grips for several weapons