God-of-War-Director David Jaffe wünscht sich Entwicklung eines VR-Horror-Titels

In einem Gespräch innerhalb eines Livestreams äußerte sich David Jaffe, Entwickler von God of War, neben den Erfolgen des Franchises zudem über die VR-Technologie mit Fokus auf PlayStation VR (PSVR). Mit enthusiastischen Worten verkündet der bekennende VR-Freund währenddessen, seinen Wunsch an einem VR-Horror-Titel zu arbeiten.

David Jaffe – God-of-War-Designer möchte an VR-Horror-Titel arbeiten

Während seines Livestreams führte David Jaffe im Stil einer Talk Show ein Telefongespräch mit Corly Barlog, dem Director und Writer der letzten Teile von God of War. Innerhalb des lockeren Interviews nahm das Thema Virtual Reality einen größeren Stellenwert in der Konversation ein.

Auf die Frage hin, ob sich Barlog zukünftig an der Entwicklung eines VR-Titels beteiligt, rückte das Thema Motion Sickness zunächst in den Vordergrund:

“Ich weiß nicht, was die Zukunft bringt. Derzeit habe ich selbst noch das Problem, dass mir nach mehr als 25 Minuten innerhalb der VR schlecht wird. Ich habe das Farpoint-Spiel ausprobiert und war begeistert vom Gameplay mit dem Gun-Controller, aber meine Güte! Von der Fortbewegung wurde mir übel. Das neue Firewall: Zero Hour [sic!] sieht aber unglaublich aus! Ich würde es liebend gerne ausprobieren, aber müsste vermutlich unterbrechen, weil mir schlecht werden würde.”


Jaffe dagegen ist begeistert von der Technologie und den Möglichkeiten:

“Wenn du einmal Room Scale VR ausprobiert hast, möchtest du nichts anderes mehr probieren. Es ist absolut unglaublich. Ich bin derartig gehookt, dass ich sofort ins VR-Gaming einsteigen würde. Eine gute VR-Erfahrung kann absolut transformativ sein. Mein Traum war immer Spiele in einem Holodeck zu entwickeln, aber dafür werden wir wohl nicht lange genug leben. Room-based VR wirkt jedoch wie die Zukunft des interaktiven Entertainments.”

Auf die Frage hin, welche Art von VR-Titel Jaffe gerne entwickeln würde, teilte er seine Vision:

“Ich würde liebend gerne ein Horror-Spiel machen, welches im Setting des Dammbruchs in Katrina angelegt ist. Also ein Spiel rund um dieses Ereignis mit Särgen, die durch die Straßen gespült werden, ähnlich zum Scuba Diving, jedoch auf einem Boot. Quasi ein “Der weiße Hai” mit übernatürlichen Elementen in einer überfluteten Stadt in New Orleans.”

Seine Liebe für VR-Spiele entwickelte Jaffe beim Spielen von Resident Evil 7 mit der PlayStation VR (PSVR). Die beeindruckende Atmosphäre innerhalb der Sümpfe des Spiels, erzeugte bei ihm eine unglaubliche Immersion und prägten ihn nachhaltig. So bewertet er den VR-Zombie-Titel als eine der besten zehn Spieleerfahrungen, die er jemals machen durfte.

Die gesamte Diskussion zwischen den beiden Videospiel-Designern findet ihr hier:

(Quelle: Upload VR | Video: David Jaffe YouTube)

Der Beitrag God-of-War-Director David Jaffe wünscht sich Entwicklung eines VR-Horror-Titels zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

David Jaffe, Creator Of God Of War And Twisted Metal, Wants To Make A VR Horror Game

David Jaffe, Creator Of God Of War And Twisted Metal, Wants To Make A VR Horror Game

Earlier this week on his livestream talk show, God of War and Twisted Metal creator, David Jaffe, received a phone call from Cory Barlog, the Director and Writer for the most recent PS4 God of War game that released this year. During the chat (warning: language is extremely NSFW), they discussed the series, this year’s game’s overwhelmingly positive reception, and the future for each of them.

Near the end of the part-interview part-casual conversation, they start talking about VR, mostly focused on PSVR at first. Specifically, Jaffe (a huge fan of VR) wants to know if Barlog is going to work on a VR game.

“I don’t know, who knows what the future holds on that one,” Barlog says. “I still have not gotten to a point where I don’t get nauseated after about 25 minutes in VR…I played that Farpoint game, which is so phenomenally cool with the gun controller, but man moving around, oof, that made me nauseous. Then there’s the new one that [Adam] Orth worked on, Fireteam (sic, Firewall Zero Hour), and that one looks amazing! I really want to play, but I’d be the guy that says ‘Guys, I gotta stop, I’m getting sick.'”

After hearing that reaction, Jaffe shifts gears to talk about room-scale VR, since that’s a great avenue to help cut back on motion sickness.

“Once you do it [room scale VR] you never want to go back, it’s f***ing amazing,” Jaffe says. “VR has its hooks in me so deep and so wonderfully, that if I could create the opportunity for myself to get back into games with VR, I would be all over it, that’s how transformative it can be if you have a good VR experience. The dream was always let’s make games in the holodeck, but we’re not gonna live long enough for that. Room-based VR at least makes you feel like it’s the future of interactive entertainment.”

After creating and working on a litany of Twisted Metal games, as well as designing and directing the first two God of War games, Jaffe moved on to his own studio, The Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency, which released Drawn to Death last year, a free-to-play third-person arena battle/shooting game with a bold, hand-drawn aesthetic.

After discussing VR a bit more, Barlog asks Jaffe what type of VR game he’d want to work on and, surprisingly, Jaffe already has a very specific vision.

“I would want to do a horror game,” Jaffe says. “I have a game about, sort of like when the levees broke in Katrina. I’d like to do a horror game based around, they had all the coffins floating down the street…I love the idea of doing a horror game that’s like scuba diving and you’re on a boat and it’s constantly raining, kind of like a supernatural version of Jaws set in this sort of flooded New Orleans town. I’d like to do some kind of horror game based on that.”

Near the end of their conversation Jaffe sheds some light on why he’s so entranced with VR, specifically VR horror, as it all started with Resident Evil 7, a game he played completely in VR.

“There was a sequence in that game [Resident Evil 7] where you’re out on the docks, the swamp, and there were no monsters around or anything like that,” Jaffe says. “And at that moment, in that part, I just said I’m gonna come out here, sit down on the dock, and be in that space. I’ll just listen to the f***ing frogs and watch the f***cking fireflies. That is one of my top ten game experiences of all-time, Resident Evil 7 on PSVR, it’s like I was there. To the point where I was saying I didn’t even need to go to a haunted house this year, this trumps that…the moment you put the VR headset on, it blew my f***ing mind.”

If you have 20 minutes to spare, it’s a great, insightful discussion between two prolific game designers full of fascinating details. As long as you don’t mind mature language, I’d highly recommend listening to the entire thing or even considering checking out his talk show when it airs.

Let us know what you think of Jaffe’s idea for a VR game down in the comments below!

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VR Iron Man Game Was Being Prototyped By ‘Drawn to Death’ Studio

David Jaffe, the director on the Twisted Metal series along with the original God of War has revealed that his studio were working on an Iron Man virtual reality (VR) prototype for PlayStation VR.

Iron Man VR Concept

The news comes from David Jaffe himself via a post on his Twitter account and follows the closure of his studio, The Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency following the less than ideal performance of their debut title Drawn to Death.

The Iron Man prototype, though only shown in one concept image, would allow a user to fly about as Iron Man and make use of his suits powers. Players would of been able to talk directly to Tony Stark’s JARVIS system as well, to offer additional controls of the suit and provide more gameplay features. A second-screen experience is also included in the pitch called “Marvel Teamup” in which a second player could control a different character, such as War Machine, Captain America, or a SHIELD agent and fight alongside Iron Man.

Though lacking in any further details or demonstrations, the concept sounds to be a fairly reasonable and achievable one. Interestingly, is the detail that Marvel were unaware of the project altogether. In his tweet, David Jaffe mentioned that the prototype was unfunded and being made without Marvel’s knowledge, with the goal being to pitch it to them and hope they liked it in a bid to secure funding.

Given that Marvel and Disney revealed Marvel Powers United VR last year, the two companies are clearly interested in creating more dynamic VR content. Marvel Powers United VR lets players jump into the shoes of a number of heroes from the Marvel universe including Captain Marvel, Thor, Rocket Raccoon and become heroes together in immersive co-op encounters.

It is a shame that David Jaffe and the team at The Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency were not able to bring their Iron Man prototype forward into active development. There is also a small chance that Marvel may still show some interest in the idea now that it has been made public.

For more stories like this one, stay tuned to VRFocus.