Here’s When You Can ‘Play Robinson: The Journey’ on PS VR

Here’s When You Can Play Robinson: The Journey on PS VR

PlayStation VR is launching tomorrow with a huge line-up of games, but one of its most promising is still about a month out.

Crytek today announced that its upcoming Robinson: The Journey will be arriving on November 8th in North America and November 9th in Europe. We previously hoped the game would be ready for launch but, as with a handful of other titles like Windlands, it’s instead being spread out across the Q4 2016 launch window.

Revealed last October, Robinson is a first-person adventure game in which players step into the shoes of Robin, a young boy that crash lands on an alien planet filled with dinosaurs. Accompanied by an AI companion and a pet dinosaur named Laika, Robin explores the lush world around him, solving puzzles and interacting with the prehistoric beasts. It’s a lavishly-produced experience, running on the developer’s own CryEngine to produce richly-detailed worlds with full voice acting.

We’ve gone hands-on with the game a few times now and found a lot of promise in its gorgeous world. If its 3 – 5 hour campaign can remain interesting throughout and is priced appropriately, it could be one of PS VR’s most compelling experiences.

For now, Robinson is exclusive to PS VR, but it looks like the game could come to the HTC Vive and Oculus Rift later down the line. A PlayStation Blog post listing upcoming titles for the headset states that you’ll can play the game “first” on PS4, rather than explicitly calling it an exclusive. It sounds like this could be a timed-exclusive, similar to Batman: Arkham VR and the PS VR support for Resident Evil 7, though we’ve reached out to Crytek for clarification.

Robinson: The Journey Now Has Official Release Date

The amount of titles available for PlayStation VR on launch day will leave many owners spoilt for choice, but during the launch window – around 90 days – there will be even more to keep players using the headset. One of those previously confirmed for that window was Crytek’s Robinson: The Journey, but today the videogame gets a solid confirmed date.

Robinson: The Journey will be available on 8th November in the US and Canada, while Europe will get it a day later on 9th.

Robinson The Journey screenshot 1

The videogame is the second virtual reality (VR) title from the German developer, with The Climb arriving as an Oculus Rift title earlier this year and it’ll support Oculus Touch as well. Robinson: The Journey is an exclusive for PlayStation VR set on a world filled with dinosaurs.

Players take the role of Robin, a boy that’s left stranded on an alien world called Tyson III after his ship crash lands. But Robin isn’t alone, he’s accompanied by an AI companion called HIGS, and together they must survive the harsh environment and dangerous inhabitants as they search for the lost crew, solving puzzles and unearthing the planet’s secrets along the way.

VRFocus recently previewed the title ahead of release saying that Robinson: The Journey: ‘sits as a title that looks set to become one of the most enduring experiences available in the early days of console VR.’

VRFocus will continue its coverage of Crytek, reporting back with any further VR updates.

50 Days Of PS VR #10: ‘Robinson: The Journey’ May Be PS VR’s Grandest Adventure

50 Days Of PS VR #10: ‘Robinson: The Journey’ May Be PS VR’s Grandest Adventure

10 days to go until the launch of PlayStation VR! We’re counting down to the release of Sony’s VR headset on October 13th by highlighting one game a day for its anticipated release. Today we’re walking with dinosaurs in Crytek’s Robinson: The Journey

There are few better ways to sell someone on the idea of VR than getting them to picture a real, live dinosaur standing in front of them. It’s what Oculus CEO Brendan Iribe did when he tried to describe the sensation of using the Oculus Rift back at E3 2015, and it’s a concept that many developers have latched onto in the early days of the technology. Perhaps the most exciting entry in the upcoming wave of dinosaur VR games is Robinson: The Journey from Crytek.

You’ve probably heard about Robinson by now. It’s a first-person experience coming exclusively to PlayStation VR late next week. You play as a young boy named Robin that becomes stranded on a planet infested with dinosaurs with nothing but a slightly sarcastic AI to aid him. It’s a game about exploration and puzzle solving that aims to routinely stun you with the scale of its beasts and the sheer detail of its graphics.

That latter point is something that shouldn’t be understated. Visually, Robinson is easily one of VR’s best looking games, which is all the more impressive considering it’s running on a PS4, a machine that many were worried wouldn’t be able to support high fidelity VR. Crytek is clearly putting its own CryEngine to great effect, creating lush jungle’s filled with diverse and striking vegetation and wildlife.

That wildlife is obviously another highlight. We’ve played two sections of Robinson now and both times been amazed as just how well Crytek is bringing ancient beasts back to life. No doubt its work on the Back to Dinosaur Island tech demos helped with that. Some will snap at your feet as you cross makeshift bridges made out of tree trunks, while others will obliviously block your path as they peacefully munch on leaves and fruit. Each is stunningly well rendered and can range from amazing to downright terrifying depending on their actions.

In Robinson, we’re hoping to get PS VR’s grandest adventure yet; a hugely enjoyable journey that we’ll want to revisit time and again and show our friends too.

Robinson: The Journey launches alongside PlayStation VR on October 13th.


VR First an zwölf weiteren Bildungseinrichtungen gestartet

Mit der VR First-Initiative bringt Crytek Virtual Reality an Universitäten und Forschungseinrichtungen. Damit will Crytek natürlich auch seinen Stand im Virtual Reality Sektor sichern und gleichzeitig Virtual Reality insgesamt nach vorne bringen. Da Crytek derzeit voll auf VR setzt, ist dies auch ein nachvollziehbarer Schritt.

VR First an zwölf weiteren Bildungseinrichtungen gestartet

VR First Lab in Instanbul

Quelle: Crytek

Das VR First Projekt startete zum Anfang des Jahres 2016. Damals rief Crytek Universitäten und Forschungseinrichtungen auf, sich um eine Aufnahme in das Programm zu bewerben. Crytek stattete anschließend ausgewählte Institute mit Virtual Reality Hardware und Virtual Reality Software aus und möchte natürlich gerne, dass für die Projekte die CRYENGINE verwendet wird. Insgesamt sind jetzt 26 Bildungsstätten in dem Programm und Crytek weitet das Programm kontinuierlich aus.

Unter den zwölf neuen Bildungseinrichtungen sind auch einige Hochschulen aus Deutschland. So wurde die Universität Darmstadt, die Universität Heidelberg und die Universität Hamburg aufgenommen. Hier findet ihr die vollständige Liste der neuen Partner:

Dania Academy of Higher Education (Dänemark); Hochschule Darmstadt (Deutschland); Doña Ana Community College (USA); Universität Hamburg (Deutschland); Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (Deutschland); Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin (Deutschland); International School Of Design – Rubika (Frankreich); Middle East Technical University (Türkei); NHTV Breda University of Applied Sciences (Niederlande); Sogang University (Südkorea); State University of New York at Oswego (USA); VIGAMUS Academy (Italien).

Der Beitrag VR First an zwölf weiteren Bildungseinrichtungen gestartet zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

New ‘Robinson: The Journey’ Video Shows 5 Minutes of PSVR Gameplay

Crytek’s Robinson: The Journey is the studio’s first PlayStation VR game. A new gameplay video reveals more about the title’s gameplay and interactions.

Robinson: The Journey is shaping up to be an ambitious VR adventure game, and a beautiful one at that.


Crytek has clearly built the game from the ground up for VR. As the new video above shows us, the game is full of small scale interactions between the player and the world: clearing barrels from a stream to unblock a generator, shooting hoops with a basketball for a little rec time, and rebuilding a scarecrow in an effort to ward off the many dinosaurs inhabiting the extrasolar planet that you’ve crashlanded on.


There’s one dino you don’t want to ward off though, a puppy-eyed raptor called Lica who the main character, Robin, befriends as a pet (despite the wishes of HIGS, the boy’s AI companion). We can only hope that over time our little friend will grow into a menacing ally at our command.


While the video shows the sorts of things Robin will do around his makeshift basecamp (including power management from the viewpoint of HIGS), our hands-on time with the game has showed that he will adventure far outside of the camp and find lots more to do, including tree climbing, scanning the environment with his multi-tool, and interacting with more wildlife on the planet.


A prior developer diary video tells us more about how Robin ended up on the planet in the first place, and suggests he’ll probably run into some not-so-friendly dinosaurs throughout his journey.

Robinson: The Journey is set to launch around the time that PlayStation VR launched (on October 13th).

The post New ‘Robinson: The Journey’ Video Shows 5 Minutes of PSVR Gameplay appeared first on Road to VR.