Grids announce holiday events, hunts, freebies, and activities

Christmas is coming up and so are the other winter holidays, and OpenSim grids have a lot of holiday-themed events, Christmas hunts, contests, freebies, shops, and winter activities for you.

(Image courtesy TanGleGrid.)

Christmas Ball Hunt kicks off next week in Tangle grid

Tangle grid is hosting a Christmas Ball Hunt adventure that starts on December 15 and runs through January 15, 2022 where users can play and win T$5,000 by searching and collecting a total of 200 Christmas Balls from regions across the entire grid.

Regions participating in the hunt get an item pack containing items such as free Christmas hats, Christmas balls, Christmas Hunt huds, and links they can place on their regions and which visitors can click to collect points, take home, or find information on the hunt.

Participants will have to collect the Christmas Balls score HUD from the Hunt stand, then wear it in order to collect the balls. The first one to collect all 200 special Christmas Balls wins the prize.

(Image courtesy TangleGrid.)

The event is open to hypergrid visitors but to win they must make an account with Tangle. The winner will be free to spend the money on land and other items or request a cash out to their PayPal account.

To start, visit HG Station 1 via the hypergrid.

Christmas and New Year parties at Wyldwood Bayou

Wyldwood Bayou grid and Rockin’ the Blues club will be hosting parties on Christmas Eve on December 24, Christmas Day on December 25, on New Year’s Eve on December 31, and Yule celebrations on December 19 at the Wyldwood Bayou region.

Christmas Eve kicks off at 6 p.m. and runs until 9 p.m. Pacific Time. It will feature an evening of Blues and Christmas tunes played by DJ Riker and DJ Kith. DJ Kith will host the Christmas Day celebrations starting at 6 p.m. Pacific time, featuring an evening of Christmas tunes, and Rockin’ the Blues.

Tiara Beningborough or in-world known as Harmony.

“This evening will be a gathering of friends wishing to have someone to spend the holiday with, and will feature wonderful Blues music, fun, and friendship,” grid spokeswoman Tiara Beningborough told Hypergrid Business. “We wish everyone safe, joyous, and blessed holidays and a wonderful New Year filled with love and warmth, happiness and prosperity!”

The hypergid address is Bayou.

On Dec. 19, the Wyldwood Bayou Roleplay Group’s Winter Solstice — also known as the Yule ceremony — kicks off at  11 a.m. Pacific Time in Grove.

“The holiday marks the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and celebrates the rebirth of the sun and the beginning of winter,” she said. “It is one of the oldest winter celebrations known. The winter solstice is the longest night and shortest day of the year.”

“Medi-Fantasy attire is appreciated but not required. Colors are gold, silver, red, green, and white,” she added.

The hypergrid address is Roleplay Hub.

Then, on Dec. 31, starting at 6 p.m., visit the grid to ring in the New Year with the Blues Tribe. DJ Rosie, DJ Riker, DJ Ray and DJ Kith will be entertaining the audience on the night of laughter, music, and friendship.

“Dress is comfy casual to glittering formal,” said Beningborough. “Rockin’ the Blues is the place to be on New Year’s Eve to usher out 2021, witness our very own fabulous ball drops courtesy of Blues Tribe member Xaria Aubrey, and welcome the brand new year.”

The hypergid address is Bayou.

Twisted grid holds Christmas build contest

Christmas builds are to be set up at the red zones. (Image Aurora Georgetown.)

Twisted Grid‘s Aurora Georgetown region, Northern Ontario-themed, is hosting a Christmas build contest for anyone from around OpenSim. Participants will need to build a Christmas scene either from scratch or comprising items from other places in OpenSim. The contest runs through Dec. 15 and the top three builds will be chosen, voted, and awarded at noon Pacific Time on Dec. 20.

Apart from the contest, you can also visit the beautiful Christmas-themed scenery and shop for Christmas items at the stores in the grid. You can also get a shop for free to host and sell Christmas items in the region.

The hypergrid address is Georgetown.

Winter and Christmas decor at Encantada in OSgrid

Christmas wreaths at the region. (Image courtesy Encantada.)

OSgrid‘s Encantada region is full of Christmas and winter decor. Available decor items include Light Ball that has a menu to vary lighting and color. Some say Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas. Other items are Santa stuck in a chimney of a tiny house, Christmas wreaths or flowers — some with and others without ornaments on which you can alter bow or ornament colors.

And visit the region to enjoy winter environments like the frosty Round Greek Pavilion, time in the snow and with snowmen, and of course the polar bears and sculptures. You can also find frozen Ball Fountains, campfires in the snow, and other items.

The hypergrid address is

Winter and Christmas shopping at the Hidden Christmas Mall

(Image courtesy Hidden Christmas.)

The Hidden Christmas Mall at the Hidden Christmas region has been relocated but still in OSgrid and hosts more than 200 Christmas dresses in the mall, as well as hats, sweaters, jeans, boots, scarves, and candles, wreaths, trees, and figurines. These can be used to decorate your in-world home. You also find gift shops with multiple gift items for the season, Christmas villages, and live animals.

North Pole Mall. (Image courtesy Hidden Christmas.)

The North Pole Mall hosts a themed collection of holiday dresses, winter coats, hats, and men’s clothing. You also can find magical winter scenes like the cold Arctic sea scenery and pair of skates, Santa Claus at the North Pole, polar bears, penguins in the snow, gnomes, and elves.

The hypergrid address is Christmas.

Winter and Christmas scenery at Snow Dream

The Snow Dream region of the OSgrid has beautiful winter snow-covered villages and Christmas-decorated scenery for you to explore. Once you land in the region, you can choose to walk around or pick a sled with which you can drive through the village to explore the scenery which hosts polar bears, penguins, and woods. You can also take a chair lift up to the toboggan run then descend a valley using a sled or ski.

If you do not wish to travel across the region, just sit and relax in a sauna and pamper yourself with a massage, or just decide to shop for winter. The region also hosts ice skating.

The hypergrid address is Dream.

Eastern Canada’s seasons at the Novale in CreaNovale grid

Novale region in CreaNovale grid. (Image courtesy Novale.)

The Novale region in CreaNovale grid is themed for the winter, this year showcasing Eastern Canada’s seasons. Starting with the landing area, there is a snow globe where you can spend some time for easy loading, then take the laser bridge and walk toward the greenhouse hub that shows you the different winter, Christmas, or other destinations at the grid.

Wanderers, photographers, and levelers who love Eastern Canada and winter habitats, sites, landscapes, and stories are welcome. Added to the list of items to explore this year includes the Christmas Market, skating and dancing on ice facilities, and a newly improved seven kilometers Cross-Country Grand Tour area.

Those who love winter sports can enjoy cross-country and downhill ski tracks, sleigh rides with Santa, skating, snow saucer, and toboggan rides.

The hypergrid address to the region is

You can also attend the Virtual Dream Tour starting at noon Pacific on Dec. 14 in the region. To participate in the tour, visit the tour team at the Virtual Dream grid’s welcome area.

The hypergrid address to the Virtual Dream Tour team is Accruell.

Christian Christmas tunes at I Love You in ZetaWorlds

(Image courtesy Karen Mansour.)

The I Love You region in ZetaWorlds  grid will celebrate the journey of the wise men from the East going to celebrate the birth of baby Jesus at noon Pacific time on Dec. 23. The Yuletide celebrations feature Christian songs.

The hypergrid address is Love You.

Christmas freebies and gifts at the ArcadiaShop in OSgrid

(Image courtesy ArcadiaShop.)

The ArcadiaShop region in OSgrid has mesh item freebies designed from scratch by Aaack Aardvark, including Christmas-themed gifts like the Xmas Lights.  These are a simple add-on for your Christmas tree comprising a set of lights that can be resized to adapt to any cone tree. It has several light modes and lighting options. You can pick this item and take it to your sim for the Christmas decorations.

Other freebies include the French Beret, which is a non-rigged mesh with six colors and which can be fitted to an avatar and tinted to match any outfit. There’s also a Panda Hoodie for girls, Arcadia’s Weather System, and a Simulator Statistics Indicator.

The hypergrid address is

Christmas gifts at Dallas in AviWorlds

(Image courtesy Dallas.)

The Dallas region of the AviWorlds grid has gift items like Christmas trees for visitors every day until Dec. 27. New gifts are added each day. The region also hosts the German World Grid mall which has winter-themed items for both men and women.

The hypergrid address is

Freebies at the Arkham city in Arkham grid

The Arkham City region of the Arkham grid is decorated for winter and Christmas for holiday experiences. The Snowfall Expanse hosts the Christmas market, a castle, and the house of Santa Claus, which not only host wonderful Christmas scenery but also have freebies you can take to your home grid after visiting. Freebies include an animated Christmas carousel that you can copy, mod, transfer, and share freely. You also get a Christmas coat, dresses, balls, and trees. Visitors can also shop for Christmas-themed furniture featuring the Kingman Furniture Design.

The Snowfall Expanse also hosts winter experiences, scenery, and items you can take to your home grid. For instance, the winter-themed Birch Forest building module is available for copy, mod, transfer, and free sharing. You can also do skating and have fun in the snow on the ski slopes and mountains.

The hypergrid address is City.

Christmas Jewelry from Monentes shop

Christmas Frost earrings. (Image courtesy Monentes Jewelry.)

The Monentes Jewelry shop at the Continuum Grid is adding new Christmas jewelry for the holidays. They are free and full perm and customizable. The items include Christmas Frost earrings pictured above.

The hypergrid address is Jewelry.

Christmas decoration items at Holiday Haven

(Image courtesy Holiday Haven.)

The Holiday Have region on Twisted Grid has lots of full perm and free items for Christmas and other holidays including, castles, trees, outbuildings, leaves, fogs, wreaths, lights, landscaping, animals, ruins, and houses.

The hypergrid address is Haven.

Freebies at Christmas Island in Littlefield Grid

(Image courtesy Christmas Island.)

Littlefield‘s Christmas Island has multiple Christmas decorations and freebies for residents and visitors at the Santa’s Workshop, as well as ice skating, hot cocoa, Santa’s Magic Sleigh ride, and other holiday attractions. Freebies include buildings, wreaths, and castles.

The region is also hosting the musical WLFG’s Holiday Stream featuring favorite Christmas tunes and music, 24 hours each day, until 23 January. The stream can be played at

The hypergrid address is Island.

The Speakeasy region of the grid is also decorated for Christmas and will be playing Christmas music.

The hypergrid address is

Christmas gifts at the Christmas Dreams on My Virtual Beach

(Image courtesy Christmas Dreams.)

The Christmas Dreams region on the My Virtual Beach grid hosts freebie market shops and a Santa’s workshop with free Christmas gifts. The gifts include new dresses, shoes, trees, and wreaths. You can also visit Santa’s Elves on Elf Mountain.

The hypergrid address is Dreams.

Winter World and Christmas Market at Poseidon Clubworld

(Image courtesy Poseidon Clubworld.)

OSgrid’s Poseidon Clubworld region opened its doors on Dec. 3 and comprises various event venues and clubs. In addition to these, you can enjoy Snowski, Tube Sleds, Cross Country Ski, snowball fights, Husky Sleds, Extreme downhill Ski, and many other winter activities. You can also shop for Christmas gifts and get freebies at the Christmas Market.

The hypergrid address is Clubworld.

Skating and photo with Santa at Phantom Rose Grid

(Image courtesy Phantom Rose.)

The Phantom Rose grid‘s Welcome Region offers winter events such as skating with friends at the Skate Mountain and near Swan Lake, hot chocolate, and holiday music. You can also take photos with Santa in addition to getting free gifts for your Christmas decor.

The grid’s Phantom Rose Bayou region has a Christmas-themed Opera House open 24 hours a day throughout this season. In addition to its magical and gaming offerings, the house has Christmas gift items and Santa.

The hypergrid address is Rose Bayou.

Christmas wedding venues at Country Rhodes in AviWorlds

(Image courtesy Country Rodes.)

AviWorlds‘ Country Rhodes region has Christmas and winter-themed wedding venues in addition to its usual hangout areas, cave hideouts, beach, ballroom, and country-themed areas. Do not miss visiting Santa and his Elf’s at the magic Toy Workshop and the reindeer.

The hypergrid address is Rhodes.

Candy Cane Christmas outfit in Japan in Otterland grid

Candy Cane Christmas. (Image courtesy Suzan Von Otter.)

The Japan region of the Otterland grid has a beautiful Candy Cane Christmas outfit made by Suzan Von Otter.

The hypergrid address is

Free Christmas music

(Image courtesy OSWRS.)

The OSWRS or OpenSim Working Radio Streams region in the Metaverse Depot grid has several commercial and free radios for the December holdouts from the Christmas spirit. These can be copied and used with full perms to change them however and whichever you want and use them at your grid or region.

The Christmas radio stream objects support different music types and can be found at,,,,,, and

The hypergrid address is

Christmas Radio. (Image courtesy GWG Winter Magic.)

German World‘s GWG Winter Magic region hosts Christmas Radio, which is playing Christmas music and tunes for this season.

The hypergrid address is Winter Magic.

Are we missing any holiday events or destinations? Let us know in the comments or email me at

The VR Diversity Initiative Find Solutions For Disabilities Using Virtual Reality

Although the VR Diversity Initiative is not a hackathon, it very much felt like it during the fourth VR Diversity Initiative if you were a participant taking part in the VR Design workshop. Led by virtual reality artist Continuum, participants were put into teams of three for a day to start ‘project backpack’.

The goal for Continuum was to create three accessible backpacks. Two for individuals with scoliosis and one for a man in a wheelchair. The challenge was, could the teams do it in a single day? Can they use new technologies like 3D scanning and printing? Did team members require certain skills to pull it off?

At all started before the workshop. Continuum knew two individuals with scoliosis. Perhaps a little background knowledge on scoliosis is needed to fully understand the process as well. Scoliosis is when the spine curves to the side. The spine can also twist at the same time. This twisting can pull the ribcage out of position. Although many people have not heard of scoliosis it is not rare. 3 to 4 children per 1000 need specialist supervision (Scoliosis Association UK).

Backpack for Jess

Before the workshop took place, Continuum scanned one of the individuals called Jess. You can see images above how they scanned her and decided where to put the backplate on her back. Continuum then used virtual reality (VR) software Gravity Sketch to design the backplate in 3D. With the help of Barclays Eagle Labs, they 3D printed the plate before the workshop began. The girls who were assigned to create the backpack for Jess came from design backgrounds. Young girls who studied Design or Fashion.

Here is the step by step process used to make the custom fitted backpack, with 3D scanning and 3D printed backplate for Jess.

Using the backplate as a blueprint for the backpack, the girls decided to add straps in order to distribute the weight when Jess wore the backpack. This would make it easier to carry heavier items such as shopping. They added a small pink pouch at the front and on the shoulder straps for easy access to items such as an Oyster card, wallet and keys.

Backpack for Jo

Jo is a woman with severe scoliosis and physically attended the VR Diversity Initiative. Her team members had a background in fashion design as well as 3D printing. With Jo being a costume designer for films, all members had a huge amount of previous experiences and skills they could utilise during the workshop. With the help and guidance of occupational therapist Emma Sheppard, the team was able to find what Jo needed the most for her backpack, and the best way to design the backpack.

Jo holds up a template for her backpack. This will later be 3D printed to serve the base of her backpack.
Continuum holds a Vive headset as Jo prepares to sit down and design.

The team chose to create a small shoulder backpack, that would not rest on the lowest part of Jo’s back, which also happens to be the weakest and most painful part of her spine. They chose to create a shoulder backpack which rested on her left shoulder, which is also her strongest part of her spine. The team decided to make the backpack big enough to fit an iPad, phone and wallet, avoiding the weakest and most painful parts of Jo’s spine.

They created a blueprint for what the 3D printed backplate would have to be for Jo’s back with cardboard, tape and foam. Then used this as the blueprint for the backpack. This backplate would be 3D printed after the workshop to put into Jo’s backpack.

Trolley for Ben Harris

Ben Harris is the Funds Manager for charity organisation Sportsable, which aim to promote and advocate individuals with disabilities but also provide them with help and support for athletics and sports. When he heard about the VR Design workshop he wanted to participate immediately.

With the help of Keith Pamment, Ben worked tried to find an accessible backpack solution for Ben. They quickly realised that a backpack wasn’t quite as useful for people in wheelchairs, simply because of the chair. Instead they opted to with a trolley design, which could easily detach or attach to the wheelchair.


Using Gravity Sketch they created a prototype in VR and then proceeded to use a metal trolley, some tools and 3D printing to build a trolley that would be able to hold up to 25kg. They also made it extendable, allowing the trolley to become smaller or larger depending on what people wanted to use it for.

As Ben showcased the trolley at the end of the day, he explained that this could be used for athletes at his charity. Particularly an individual who competed in archery, and did not have an electric wheelchair. Going onto various terrains was vital, and they proposed having different wheels available as well. Keith also explained that taking part in the VR Design workshop allowed had given him the confidence to potentially find a solution to 3D scan individuals in wheelchairs, materials and allow people in wheelchairs to custom create their own wheelchairs in future using VR and 3D printing as the tools and the means.

Now that the workshop has ended both Jo, Jess and Ben can use these backpack prototypes. Jo uses hers in her everyday life and is extremely happy. Continuum hopes to continue doing more of these workshops in collaboration with the VR Diversity Initiative and is currently looking for companies to donate leftover materials such as cloth or left-over backpacks for future events.

Watch the process and results in this video below: