Ninja Legends is Getting Physical on PlayStation VR This Summer

Ninja Legends

Coinflip Studios released its first virtual realty (VR) title Ninja Legends last year for PC VR headsets, offering players the chance to wield deadly weapons against waves of enemies. Today, Perp Games has announced it’ll bring the title to PlayStation VR as a physical release.

Ninja Legends

An action-packed experience which is all about physical combat, Ninja Legends will arm you with a selection of classic ninja weapons. You’ll be able to go toe-to-toe with assassins using swords, gauntlets, staff and a bow, all designed with different handling characteristics to suit your preference.

There are 18 levels and four difficulty modes to play through, as well as boss battles, daily challenges and unlockable secret modes to keep you coming back for mode. To aid you in battle Ninja Legends also provides you with Shadow Skill abilities. These can slow down time and take down multiple enemies at once.

“We’re very pleased to bring Ninja Legends to Playstation VR, in collaboration with Perp Games,” said Brian Guenther, CEO of Coinflip Studios in as statement. “The intense melee and bow combat of Ninja Legends is unique and we are excited to share it with the Playstation community. Good luck on the leaderboards!”

Ninja Legends

The experience is designed to be brutal, allowing you to slice and dice enemies with efficiency when using bladed weapons, whilst blunt ones will send them flying.

Ninja Legends is an intense workout! Following Perp Games’ focus on fitness applications in VR, we felt Ninja Legends was an essential fit in our library of games. PlayStation VR owners have been long awaiting the chance to play this for themselves, and we’re thrilled to be working with Coinflip Studios,” Rob Edwards, Managing Director of Perp Games added.

Ninja Legends is scheduled for a PlayStation VR launch this summer, although Perp Games hasn’t confirmed an exact date at the moment. When those details are made available, VRFocus will let you know.

Ninja Legends Slices Onto Steam Early Access Next Week, Oculus Quest Support Coming Soon

For those that want to be a badass ninja in virtual reality (VR), there are a couple of titles that fit the bill. At the moment the most notable is Mixed Realms’ Sairento VR which arrived on PlayStation VR today, and Oculus Quest last month. Next week, however, Coinflip Studios its brutal katana swinging experience Ninja Legends onto Steam Early Access.

Ninja Legends

Looking like a violent mashup between Fruit Ninja and Gorn, Ninja Legends is set in feudal Japan, where you’re tasked with recovering some stolen Shadow Scrolls. What this means is taking on swarms of enemies and less than delicately slicing and dicing them, causing a bloody massacre in the process.

Being the ever deadly ninja that you are, you’re armed with the latest and deadliest weaponry. Swords, staffs, gauntlets, Naginata (a pole with a blade on the end), Odachi & Wakizashi, and even Claws (to unleash your inner Wolverine). After those standard weapons there are the four Shadow Skill abilities, the Bow & Arrow; Shadow Step, Energy Blast and Chain Dart which also seem to slow down time by the looks of the trailer.

The Early Access version will also include 18 levels, four difficulty modes, boss battles, unlockable secret modes and daily challenges. The studio expects early access to last between six to twelve months depending on popularity and user feedback.

Ninja Legends

Coinflip Studios has a roadmap of planned content such as a sandbox mode with an in-game level editor for user-generated levels, more weapons including nunchucks and sais; additional throwing knives and explosive special abilities, plus a series of story levels to complete.

Ninja Legends is scheduled to launch via Steam Early Access on 11th July 2019, supporting Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Valve Index and Windows Mixed Reality headsets. Then in August Ninja Legends will come to Oculus Store including Oculus Quest and Viveport. VRFocus will continue its coverage of Coinflip Studios, reporting back with any further updates.

Ninja Legends Is A Wave Fighter Featuring Slow-Mo Dismemberment

Ninja Legends Is A Wave Fighter Featuring Slow-Mo Dismemberment

We’re now over three years past the launch of the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, but developers are still making wave-based combat games. Although I initially wrote off Ninja Legends as just another wave-based VR game recycling assets and gameplay mechanics, it’s actually really fun and well-made with an addictive slow-motion system and satisfying ways to slice enemies in half and lop off body parts.

But don’t worry: this isn’t ultra-realistic gore and dismemberment like you’d find in games such as Blade & Sorcery, The Walking Dead: Onslaught, or Asgard’s Wrath. It’s got a very cartoon-style aesthetic which helps alleviate the subject matter and lets you focus on the fun of a good slash. What makes the system so fun is that it isn’t canned animations at all. If you slice through an enemy with enough force you can actually cleave the character model itself into bits.

Slice horizontally through the stomach? You just cut that ninja in half. Slice just the top of the head? Then you’ve lopped off the skull cap instantly. The same applies to body parts too — slice down diagonally and you could catch the arm, torso, and leg in one fell swoop. Frankly, it’s the kind of dismemberment I was hoping to see in a game such as Asgard’s Wrath.

I spent a little bit of time playing the Oculus Quest version and I had fun with it. There is some good environment variety, enemies actually keep you on your toes once you get deeper into the waves, and there are some good ideas at play.

My biggest gripe with Ninja Legends is the lack of physics on collisions. In Swords of Gargantua, Blade & Sorcery, and lots of other recent VR games weapons collide with the environment and other weapons so that you can’t phase them through objects. Or when you parry and block attacks, enemy weapons bounce off. Instead, Ninja Legends just has some haptic feedback and then shows a spark animation to let you know you blocked it. Otherwise, the enemy completes their attack as if they hit you.

For example, you can build up a special gauge to then unleash weapons other than your dual katanas, such as ultra-powerful arrows fired from a bow that makes the whole world go slow-motion. Everything slows down when you block as well, giving you time to retaliate with quick powerful slashes.

At its heart Ninja Legends is still just another wave-based combat game, which is a shame, but at least it isn’t a sci-fi wave shooter…right? It’s got 18 levels, 4 difficult modes, 6 different weapons, 4 different super skills, leaderboards, and daily challenges. Price is unknown still, but I can’t imagine it’ll be very pricey.

Coinflip Studios, the developer, was founded last year and this appears to be their first and only project so it’s not a bad showing for a new group of developers.

Ninja Legends is slated to hit Steam Early Access on July 11 with support for Rift, Vive, Index, and Windows VR and then is slated to come to Quest and Rift on Oculus Home in August. Let us know what you think down in the comments below!

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