EVE: Valkyrie Wormholes Update Coming Next Week

Over the past few months CCP Games has been busy pushing more features and head-mounted display (HMD) support for its online shooter EVE: Valkyrie. Since October the studio has released to big updates Joint Strike and Gatecrash whilst adding support for PlayStation VR and HTC Vive for cross-platform warfare. Today the developer has announced its next major update, Wormholes, featuring some exotic game modes.

Wormholes – the fourth free update for EVE: Valkyrie – will see a new wormhole appear every weekend. Venturing inside, players will find new gameplay opportunities, from mined control points to Supermissiles and more, with the combinations possibly endless.

EVE Valkyrie_wormholetubelaunch

The update will bring a new Leagues alpha feature to increase the competitive spirit of the videogame. In this early version players earn points toward League status by playing competitive multiplayer matches. Beginning at Emerald, they’ll then be able to progress to Sapphire, Ruby, and ultimately Diamond, for the lofty few.

Also included is HOTAS (hands-on-throttle-and-stick) support for PlayStation 4, improvements to Com Alerts based on feedback from the community, plus various enhancements to performance and stability.

EVE: Valkyrie Wormholes will go live for PlayStation VR, HTC Vive and Oculus Rift on 15th February. For any further updates, keep reading VRFocus.

CCP Games Adds Challenges and a Loadout System to Gunjack 2: End of Shift

Shortly after the launch of Google Daydream View last year CCP Games Shanghai released Gunjack 2: End of Shift as an exclusive on the platform. A sequel to the popular Gunjack on Samsung Gear VR, Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and PlayStation VR, the followup has now been updated adding four major new additions to the videogame.

With the aim to bring greater depth and replayability to Gunjack 2, the new features are: Challenges, Weekly Shift, a Progression System and a Loadout System. In the Challenge mode players will be matched against others in a competition for the highest score, with a mission mutator altering the characteristics.

Gunjack 2 End of Shift - Loadout screenshot

Then there’s the Weekly Shift, taking over from the daily shift, where seven procedurally generated new missions will be made available each week, with high scores for each mission displayed on a leaderboard, rewarding the best players.

Gunjack 2: End of Shift’s new progression system utilises both of these two new features, as players complete Challenges and Weekly Shift missions they’ll be rewarded experience. In turn this unlocks new weapons and upgrades including such as the Pyro Slicer gun, the ‘Maelstrom’ Autocannon upgrade, for raw damage and faster reloads and the ‘Carnage’ Flak Cannon upgrade, for a larger area-of-effect.

Lastly there’s the Loadout System with which players can customise their own particular choice of weapons for the Challenges and Weekly Shift game modes, ensuring they’re ideally equipped for the fight ahead.

As a Daydream exclusive Gunjack 2: End of Shift can be found on Google Play for £12.99 GBP.  Checkout the new trailer below, and for any further updates, keep reading VRFocus.

The VR Job Hub: Unity, Felix & Paul & CCP Games

Whether you’re an experienced designer, programmer, engineer, or maybe you’ve just been inspired after reading VRFocus articles, the jobs listed here are located worldwide, from major game players to humble indie developers – the one thing they all have in common is that they are all jobs in VR.

View the new listings below for more information:

Location Company Role Link
Atlanta, US CCP Games Senior Console Engineer Click Here to Apply
Atlanta, US CCP Games

Visual Effects Artist

Click Here to Apply
Atlanta, US CCP Games Quality Assurance Lead Click Here to Apply
San Francisco, US Unity

Virtual Reality Evangelist

Click Here to Apply
Montreal, Canada Felix & Paul

Application Developer

Click Here to Apply

Look back at last week’s post for ongoing listings. If you’re an employer and are looking for someone to fill a VR or AR related gap on your workforce and would like your role to feature on next week’s VR Job Hub please send details of the role to either pgraham@vrfocus.com or keva@vrfocus.com

Check back with VRFocus at the new time of 3pm GMT every Sunday for the latest positions in this ever growing industry.