Retailer GAME Offers Exclusive Steel Book for Resident Evil 7 biohazard

While you can just buy a normal videogame of the shelves developers and publishers try to squeeze that extra bit of cash out of consumers by offering limited edition versions of titles. These can range from additional artwork or a fancy steel case, to much more elaborate offerings involving models, clothing and much more. This hasn’t really happened yet in the world of virtual reality (VR), as content has been purely digital, but with the release of PlayStation VR for PlayStation 4 that time has now come. UK-retailer GAME now has an exclusive Steelbook Edition available for Capcom’s Resident Evil 7 biohazard.

Resident Evil 7 biohazard - Steelbook

This special edition – as the name suggests – comes in a fancy metal case (for extra protection of that special disk. Whilst that might not tempt gamers to spend the £54.99 GBP asking price, the included DLC might.

This is the Survival Pack: Action Set, featuring .44 MAG ammo x4; Special Grenade x1; Lock Pick x 1; Solid Fuel x1; Gunpowder x1; Herb x1 and the Madhouse Mode Unlocked. As far as VRFocus is aware Capcom hasn’t yet revealed any details about this mode.

The developer previously revealed four Survival Pack Sets back in September, the Recovery Set, Handgun Set, Burner Set and Chem Fluid Set. Each has their own specific qualities depending on how gamers want to play the title, and they all include one coin. GAME’s exclusive ‘Action Set’ doesn’t seem to feature any of the previously revealed coins.

Resident Evil 7 biohazard is set for release on 24th January 2017, both on traditional 2D monitors for Xbox One and PlayStation 4, and as an exclusive VR experience for PlayStation VR for 12 months. VRFocus will continue to keep you updated with all the latest details on Resident Evil 7 biohazard.

The Final Teaser Videos for Resident Evil 7 biohazard Reveal What Lies in Wait

Over the last month Capcom has been releasing a series of teaser trailers for its upcoming horror title Resident Evil 7 biohazard. There’s now a total of 10 videos to watch with the first four released together, then five and six, and now VRFocus has the last four available, two of which were revealed today.

As with the other videos released in the series all the trailers a very short – ranging from 20 – 40 seconds – each giving a tiny glimpse at what’s in store for players.

The seventh video in the series ‘A Closer Look’ showcases the player examining a tin, being able to fully spin the object round before finding the clasp to open it. For the eighth video ‘Imagination’ the player heads into a dimly lit room with a light casting a spot on the opposite wall. A shape of a spider can be seen in a picture frame which the player tries to replicate with various items in their inventory. The last two trailers bring the horror element of the series back into focus with volume 9: ‘Shadow’ getting upfront a personal with one of Resident Evil 7’s many monsters. While the final video ‘Aunt Rhody’ features a creepy song being hummed by an old lady in a wheel chair.

Resident Evil 7 biohazard is due to be released on 24th, January 2017 across multiple systems, but its exclusive to the PlayStation VR for 12 months.

For all the latest Resident Evil 7 biohazard news, keep reading VRFocus.

Capcom Expecting to Sell 4 Million Copies of Resident Evil 7 biohazard Next Year

In just over a couple of months time Capcom will release the next instalment of its long running horror franchise, Resident Evil 7 biohazard. The title will launch on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows, but it’ll also be exclusive to PlayStation VR for 12 months. Today Capcom has released its ‘2nd Quarter in FY2016 Presentation of Financial Results‘ which details how many copies the studio expects to sell over the forthcoming fiscal year.

In the Q&A summary asking what the company’s expectations were for lifetime revenue of Resident Evil 7 biohazard, Capcom responded: “We are expecting 4 million unit sales worldwide in this fiscal year. Also, we expect to recognize sales of the game as a catalogue title in the next fiscal year; however, revenue for catalogue titles tends to grow in relation with the timing of movie releases and new titles in a series. What is more, the sales lifecycles for titles has grown due to digital distribution, so we expect this game to become a foundation title, producing revenue not limited to the next two fiscal years but into the long term as well.”

ResidentEvil7 screenshot mia_3

There’s a couple of interesting aspects to the comment which hint towards Capcom looking at a longer than usual lifecycle for its AAA title. Firstly is the ‘foundation title’ remark, which indicates there could well be spin-offs from this particular versions story arc or possibly more virtual reality (VR) oriented.

In terms of the revenue being produced there’s also the matter of the VR exclusivity. While Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) securing it for PlayStation VR for 12 months does restrict the revenue possibilities somewhat, Capcom expecting continued revenue does hint towards more platform support, it’s listed on Steam so bringing it to Oculus Rift and HTC Vive isn’t that much of a stretch as it already works in VR.

If Capcom do decide further VR support it probably won’t announce anything until the second half of 2017, and if it does VRFocus will bring you the latest details.

Capcom Releases Vol 5 & 6 in its World of Resident Evil 7 Series

Last week VRFocus reported on videogame developer and publisher Capcom releasing four teaser trailers for the upcoming Resident Evil 7 biohazard. Today the company has unveiled the next two video shorts in the series, Vol.5 “Survival” and Vol.6 “Immortal”.

For these next two videos in the World of Resident Evil 7 series, Capcom showcases a more detailed look a the famous green herb and viewers also get to see one of the undead enemies they’ll be facing.

In Vol.5 “Survival” the player finds a green herb in a cabinet which is then combined with ‘Chem Fluid’. This combination creates ‘First Aid Med’, which the video shows: “Closes up wounds and promotes cell regeneration. Partially restores health.” In doing so the character then pours the resulting liquid over their arm. The footage doesn’t show how much this heals them – a watch can be seen in the early part flashing red – as it cuts out shortly afterwards.

While Vol.6 “Immortal” sees the player already in combat with an enemy brandishing a spiked gardening tool, taking some serious damage. But with one shot to the chest the assailant seems to go down, crumpling to the floor. But as with anything in Resident Evil, if something looks dead that’s not always the case.

Resident Evil 7 biohazard is due to launch on 24th January 2016 with support for PlayStation VR. For all the latest Resident Evil 7 biohazard news, keep reading VRFocus.