Campfire Creepers Brings Classic Horror To VR Produced By Oculus

Campfire Creepers Brings Classic Horror To VR Produced By Oculus

A new VR series produced by Oculus could make b-movie horror terrifying again.

As revealed over at Bloody Disgusting, Campfire Creepers is a new VR series set to debut at the Tribeca Film Festival this month. It’s directed by Alexandre Aja, best known for films like the 2006 remake of The Hills Have Eyes and, uh, Piranha 3D. Rather than state-of-the-art scares and CGI, though, Campfire Creepers looks like something new to VR but well known to horror veterans. Judging by the trailer below, the series looks like an 80’s-era low budget scare-fest, the type you’d stay up late an hide under bed sheets to watch.

The series sees viewers join a group of campers at Camp Coyote, sitting around a campfire and swapping scary stories. These tales come to life inside VR, though, directly pitting you against the horrors. It’s basically Goosebumps for a new, braver generation. Dark Corner and Future Lighthouse also worked on the series.

The first two episodes of Campfire Creepers, The Skull of Sam and Midnight March, will make their debut at Tribeca, with the first episode screening on April 21st at the Cinema360 installation and the second episode, oddly, screening a day before at the VR Arcade. The film has partnered with D-Box to support the company’s haptic motion seats which, considering this is a horror series, gets a big ‘nope’ from me.

For everyone else, Campfire Creepers is to the Dark Corner app on Oculus Rift and Gear VR on April 21st. Feel free to watch it, but note you won’t be able to hide under the covers this time.

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Embrace the Horror as 3 new VR Experiences are Coming to Dark Corner

Los Angeles-based virtual reality (VR) studio Dark Corner has been producing horror experiences for quite sometime now, with director and founder, Guy Shelmerdine creating films like Catatonic and Night Night. October 2017 saw the studio release its first VR app, combining all of its projects in one place. In the next few weeks the Dark Corner app library will be expanded further with three new experiences.

Campfire Creepers_Midnight March_(Future Lighthouse)_1

First on the list is the long-awaited release of Mule, a point-of-view (POV) experience that first premiered at Fantastic Fest in 2016 before heading to several other festivals in 2017. Mule is a dark, emotional, fast-paced ride that catapults the viewer through the frantic last moments of one very unfortunate man’s life and beyond, with Shelmerdine promising it will be “bigger, more immersive, and more terrifying” than Catatonic.

Then there’s Deerbrook, an acclaimed mystery thriller that launched at AFI Fest last year, featuring a cast including Ari Miller (Orphan Black) and Nicholas Campbell (Black Mirror). Directed by Grayson Moore, Jon Riera, Aidan Shipley and Connor Illsle, Deerbrook involves two strangers showing up at a family’s cottage claiming to have spent their childhood summers there, but their behaviour seems to be driven by something more sinister than nostalgia.

The last 360-degree film is Spacewalker, an immersive adventure tied to the new feature from producer Timur Bekmambetov (Wanted, Hardcore Henry), which invites you to step into the void alongside the first Russian cosmonaut to ever perform an external space walk in 1965.

Dark Corner App Screenshot Gallery6

Alongside the three new films will be an exclusive 360-degree trailer for Campfire Creepers, Alexandre Aja’s throwback anthology series starring Robert Englund (a.k.a. Freddie Krueger himself) which will world premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival next month. “When the kids at Camp Coyote are forced on a brutal midnight march by their sadistic counselors, one boy reaches his breaking point,” notes the official description. “He turns the tables on the bullies, revealing a surprising secret about himself in the process.”

The new films are due to be released on March 28th 2018. Featuring both free and paid content from Dark Corner Studio as well as other filmmakers, the Dark Corner app, is available for iOS, Android, Samsung Gear VR, Google Daydream, and Oculus Rift. For any further updates, keep reading VRFocus.

Oculus to Send 6 VR Projects to Tribeca Film Festival 2018

The Tribeca Film Festival starts next month, an annual screening of everything from indie documentaries to family-friendly films. Coming to the festival’s Immersive program, which showcases works by artists who are pushing boundaries and using cutting-edge technology, are six Oculus-funded projects.

Oculus most recently sent 5 VR experiences to the Sundance this year, one of which, SPHERES, was sold in a 7-figure deal while there. SPHERES is also taking part in this year’s Tribeca Film Festival.

Many of the projects funded by Oculus came out of the company’s VR For Good program, which sees funding and expertise in VR film making go to causes for social change.

A total of 21 AR/VR projects are coming to the film festival (check out the full list here). Here’s all of the Oculus-funded projects heading to Tribeca next month:

Meeting a Monster

image courtesy Oculus

Gabriela Arp + Life After Hate: Meeting a Monster examines the memories and motivations of former white supremacist Angela King. Through audio recordings, dramatic re-enactments, and present-day footage, the film invites us to experience both the stereotypes and bigotry that lured Angela into the white power movement as well as the encounters that led her back out. While the monsters of Angela’s past and imagination define much of the eight years she spent mired in bias and hate, she finds the path to redemption only after encountering and acknowledging the ultimate monster—herself.

The Hidden

image courtesy Oculus

Lindsay Branham + International Justice Mission: In southern India, debt bondage enslaves entire families in a vicious cycle of deception and violence. The Hidden follows the developing case of a family of nine that has been enslaved in a rock quarry for 10 years—over the ludicrous sum of just $70 USD. Indian government representatives and human rights activists plot a raid to attempt to apprehend the creditor and free the family. The Hidden takes you to sites of active slavery and inside the rescue mission itself, bringing you face-to-face with two families as they endure the unspeakable.

Authentically Us: She Flies By Her Own Wings

image courtesy Oculus

Jesse Ayala + Pride Foundation: Even as transgender visibility in pop culture continues to break glass ceilings, direct violence and discriminatory legislation against the transgender community continues to rise. Shannon Scott stands up at a time when her communities—proud transgender service-people and veterans of the US Armed Forces—are vulnerable and under attack. Shannon has dedicated her entire adult life to defending and safeguarding American citizens at home and abroad. Driven by the military tenet of “Leave No One Behind,” she seeks freedom and justice for all from the marbled halls of Washington, DC, to the hallowed ground of those who championed equality before her.

Campfire Creepers: Midnight March

image courtesy Oculus

Directed by Alexandre Aja (High Tension, The Hills Have Eyes) and starring iconic ’80s horror icon Robert Englund of Freddy Krueger fame, this episodic narrative from Future Lighthouse and Dark Corner leverages the unique affordances of VR storytelling to chill and thrill audiences like never before.

Untitled Ok Go & WITHIN Project

image courtesy Oculus

WITHIN Founder and CEO Chris Milk joins forces with OK Go’s Damian Kulash to let you and a friend experience the joy of music creation. Enter an environment surrounded by magical music-making contraptions, involving animals and robots wondrously working together with your help to create an original song.

SPHERES: Pale Blue Dot

image courtesy Oculus

The Big Bang was silent. Then came sound. Journey through the history of sound in the Universe and uncover the strangest song of all. Following the premiere of the first episode of SPHERES at Sundance, Eliza McNitt returns to debut the second installment at Tribeca. And with an unprecedented deal signed as a result of the project’s first public showing, we can’t wait to see what the encore has in store.

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The post Oculus to Send 6 VR Projects to Tribeca Film Festival 2018 appeared first on Road to VR.

Campfire Creepers: 360-Grad-Live-Horror-Serie in VR von Horror-Regisseur Alexandre Aja

Alexandre Aja dürfte knochenharten Horror-Fans ein Begriff sein, schließlich ist der Regisseur beispielsweise für das Remake des Wes-Craven-Klassikers The Hills Have Eyes und Piranha verantwortlich. Aufsehen erregte aber vor allem High Tension und begründete neben anderen Filmen den blutigen Ruf des französischen Horror-Kinos. Der neueste Streich von Aja soll nun Anwendern in der virtuellen Realität in 360 Grad das Fürchten lernen: Campfire Creepers. Die Horror-Serie entsteht in Zusammenarbeit mit Oculus und dem spanischen VR-Entwicklerstudio Future Lighthouse.

Campfire Creepers am Set

Campirefire Creepers: 360-Grad-Serie mit prominentem Gastauftritt

Es dürfte die erste Horror-Serie für VR werden und man darf auf das Ergebnis gespannt sein: Die einzelnen Episoden spielen in einem typischen Sommerlager in Houston, Texas namens Camp Coyote. Die Besucher der sommerlichen Ferienunterkunft scharen sich um ein Lagerfeuer und erzählen sich ihre jeweiligen gruseligen Geschichten. Diese sollen einen eindringlichen Ritt in die dunkelsten Alpträume der eigenen Kindheit bieten, verspricht die Pressemitteilung. Als Vorlagen dienten Aja die Serien-Klassiker Creepshow und Geschichten aus der Gruft. Als besonders nette Anspielung auf vergangene Zeiten darf man dem Gastautritt von Robert Englund alias Freddy Krueger entgegenfiebern. In der von Wes Craven entwickelten Kino-Serie A Nightmare On Elm Street bringt der Killer mit Hut und Klauenhänden Teennager in ihren Alpträumen kreativ und rabiat um ihre noch jungen Leben.

Campfire Creepers wird in 360 Grad gedreht
Das Team um Campfire Creepers ist zwar schon mitten im Dreh der ersten Folge, ein wenig Warten muss man aber auf die Veröffentlichung noch. Zum Trost erscheint die erste Episode stilecht zu Halloween am 31. Oktober – wenn alles klappt. Denn Aja und das Future Lighthouse Team wollen beispielsweise neue Kamerafahrten und Makroaufnahmen entwickeln sowie neue Akzente in der Postproduktion setzen, um die 360-Grad-VR-Erfahrung noch unheimlicher und furchterregender zu gestalten. Unterstützung beim Skript erhält Aja zudem vom Produzenten und Regisseur Casey Johnson sowie Drehbuchautor und Regisseur Martin Anderson. Die Serie erscheint wie durch die Cooperation zu erwarten exklusiv im Oculus-Store. Ob und was einzelne Folgen kosten werden, bleibt abzuwarten.

(Quelle: PR-Mitteilung)

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