Break a Leg Conjured onto Gear VR

apelab has today launched the full edition of Break a Leg on the Samsung Gear VR, a new virtual reality (VR) videogame which casts the player as an unfortunate magician. Available to download now, this final release version follows a preview chapter launched back in June of this year.

Break a Leg screenshot 1Who is the greatest magician of the universe? Harry Houdini? David Copperfield? Well, today it could become you: starting tonight, Samsung Gear VR owners can enter the enchanted world of Break a Leg and perform tricks like a true illusionist on Halloween Night.

Break a Leg is a VR experience inspired by the magic shows of the 19th Century. The videogame tells the tale of an unknown creature that has kidnapped you as part of a plan to unleash the ‘Ultimate Power of The Galaxy’. Only a human being can unleash its force by going through the ancient book of Stellar Tricks written by Houdini’s Great Great Aunt Maggie in person.

Using the new Samsung Controller as a wand players will perform iconic magic tricks such as “The Orange Tree”, “The Vanishing Assistant” or train your sleight of hand in Break a Leg’s second act, called “The Professor”.

“VR and theater are really close, it is all about acting. In Break a Leg you really are the actor on your own stage,” states Maria Beltran, CDO at apelab. “The game is also really funny, with strange and exotic creatures and great challenges, it is a total new world.”

Break a Leg screenshot 2apelab developed Break a Leg using their own SpatialStories software, which is currently taking on beta applications. This Unity plugin, currently in development as a full software title, allows developers to craft augmented reality (AR) or VR videogames and experiences without any prior coding knowledge. Users simply upload designs, convert them into interactive objects and assign to them predefined behaviors.

Break a Leg is now available to download from the Oculus Store, exclusively for Samsung Gear VR, priced at $5.99 USD/ £4.49 GBP. The official launch trailer for Break a Leg follows below and VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest from apelab.

Break a Leg: Vollversion für Gear VR am 30. Oktober

Ende Juni ist das erste Kapitel von Break a Leg kostenlos für die Samsung Gear VR erschienen. Nun wird es Zeit für die Vollversion, die am 30. Oktober exklusiv im Oculus Store auftauchen soll. Das Spiel orientiert sich an Magie-Shows im 19. Jahrhundert und bietet Adventure- sowie Puzzle-Elemente.

Break a Leg

Break a Leg: Magie-Show für Gear VR

Das Entwicklungsstudio Apelab mit Sitz in der Schweiz sowie in Los Angeles hat auf seinem Blog die Vollversion von Break a Leg für die Samsung Gear VR angekündigt. Es soll am 30. Oktober erhältlich sein. Wer schon mal in den Titel hineinschnuppern will, erhält das erste – sehr kurze – Kapitel kostenlos im Oculus Store Immerhin 60.000 Downloads konnte das Spiel bisher verzeichnen. Break a Leg setzt den Gear Controller voraus, der zum Zauberstab im Spiel umfunktioniert wird. Die Inspiration zu dem Titel holten sich die Entwickler von Magie-Shows des vorletzten Jahrhunderts wie die von Houdini. Um die verschiedenen Zaubertricks in die VR-Erfahrung zu übersetzen, studierten die Entwickler alte Bücher und Anleitungen, die manches Geheimnis der Bühnen-Illusionen enthüllen. Ansonsten findet man viele weitere Anspielungen wie den Fisch, den man sich gleich zu Beginn ins Ohr stecken muss. Neben den typischen Adventure-Rätseln findet man noch Geschicklichkeitsaufgaben.

SpatialStories: Unity-Plug-ins für AR und VR

Um die VR-Erfahrung zu entwickeln, programmierte das Team ein Toolset für die Spiele-Entwicklungsumgebung Unity. SpatialStories befindet sich noch in der Beta-Phase. Auf der Webseite von können sich Interessierte registrieren lassen und mit bisschen Glück am Beta-Programm teilnehmen. Die ist zwar erstmal kostenlos, allerdings nicht zur kommerziellen Nutzung freigegeben. Wer will, kann erstmal in die Bedienungsanleitungen zu den Plug-ins hineinschnuppern.

Die finale Version von SpatialStories Studio soll laut Apelab die erste Suite zur Erstellung von Inhalten speziell für Augmented- und Virtual-Reality-Anwendungen sein. Bisher unterstützen die Tools Apples ARKit, Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR, HTC Vive, Google Daydream und Microsofts Hololens. Weitere Plattformen sollen folgen.

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Break a Leg Brings its Full Experience to Samsung Gear VR Next Week

Have you ever fantasised about summoning objects, uttering powerful spells or become the greatest illusionist of the universe? This Halloween you’ll be able to grab your wand and enter the world of Break a Leg, apelab’s virtual reality (VR) adventure for Samsung Gear VR.

Break a Leg screenshot 1Having debuted with its first chapter in June of this year, apelab are back with the full Break a Leg experience. 60,000 gamers already downloaded Break a Leg‘s debut release, and the full videogame will be released exclusively on the Oculus Store next week. Using the new Gear VR Controller as a wand, players will have to perform magic tricks and master the codes in a world inspired by Harry Houdini and his fellow illusionists.

Players must levitate objects from distant locations, conjure an audience, shrink to the size of a mouse and much more in order to solve the puzzles within Break a Leg.

“We gave Break a Leg all the passion that we have for interactive VR and magic shows. It is not only an adventure we took time crafting, it has also been a challenging project allowing us to build new production pipelines. SpatialStories saved us production time but more importantly gave the creative team the tools they needed to achieve their vision. And we hope it shows in the final product,” said Emilie Joly, CEO at apelab.

Break a Leg’s debut was married with the launch of the new Gear VR Controller earlier this year. A number of other alternatives for the Samsung Gear VR are available, and you can find out more in VRFocusguide to the best gamepads for the Gear VR.

Break a Leg screenshot 2The full Break a Leg adventure will be released on 30th October 2017, available for Samsung Gear VR exclusively via the Oculus Store. Other editions of Break a Leg have already been announced, including a version for Google and Vive’s forthcoming all-in-one head-mounted display (HMD), currently believed to be named the ‘HTC Vive Focus’.

Break a Leg is also expected to come to other VR platforms in due course, and VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest details on this and other VR titles from apelab.

Apelab’s Break a Leg Swinging onto Google & Vive’s All-in-One VR Headset

Apelab’s debut virtual reality (VR) videogame, Break A Leg, launched for Samsung Gear VR only last month. However, the studio is now looking to bring the title to more formats, including offering a launch title for the upcoming all-in-one mobile head-mounted display (HMD) from Google and Vive.

Google-Vive-Standalone-HMDCreated by the four-person team of Emilie Joly, Michaël Martin, Maria Beltran and Sylvain Joly, who together form Apelab, Break A Leg is an interactive adventure which challenges the player to perform magic tricks in front of a demanding audience. Following the Samsung Gear VR edition of the videogame, the apelab team is developing an ‘arcade style’ version for standalone VR platforms and PC hardware and have announced plans to be a launch title on the new Vive and Google HMDs debuting on holiday period.

In order to achieve their goals, the team turned to Kaleidoscope to help with funding. $300,000 USD is the requested sum, with more information available to those registered on the Kaleidoscope platform here.

The first chapter of Break A Leg is available to download for Samsung Gear VR via the Oculus Store now completely free of charge. VRFocus will keep you updated with Apelab’s future plans for the videogame and further titles announced for the upcoming Google and Vive all-in-one HMD.

It’s Time to Break a Leg on Samsung Gear VR

The secretive and fantastical world of magic has long enthralled the public, with magicians like Penn and Teller, David Copperfield, Houdini and many more becoming famous worldwide for their acts of illusion. Now Samsung Gear VR owners can delve into that world of mystery now that Apelab has released its interactive story Break a Leg.

This initial release is actually a pre-cursor to a larger narrative and videogame due to release later this year, with players drawn into the world of Harry Edward Jonas Pablo the 15th, the titles host and former illusionist. Divided between puzzle phases and performances on a stage, players take on the role of an illusionist who has been kidnapped by an unknown species and forced to perform in front of a highly demanding audience.

Break a Leg screenshot 2

Apelab created Break a Leg using its narrative tool SpatialStories which the studio built to create interactive animation Sequenced that premiered at Sundance in 2015. In a press release the team explains some of the development behind Break a Leg, saying: “The title started as a Google Project Tango prototype back in 2013 when the team was already exploring mobile interactions with 6DOF configuration. When mobile headsets started to get controller support the team jumped at the opportunity to build a full fledged adventure based on the initial premise.”

Ever since Sequenced was released Apelab has expanded SpatialStories functionality completely upgrading it to support high-end roomscale, mobile + controller and AR configurations. The team is also experimenting with voice commands and IBM Watson as a tool to bring more life to the characters and the environment, all of which will be available inside the SDK release roadmap.

Break a Leg is free to download now for Samsung Gear VR, and when further details are released regarding the videogames full story VRFocus will let you know.

Break a Leg’s First Chapter Coming to Samsung Gear VR this Month

In March VRFocus reported that Apelab would be releasing a new story-driven experience called Break a Leg for the launch of Samsung’s new Gear VR controller in April. That didn’t happen with the title getting delayed, but as it turns out not for long. The developer has just announced that Break a Leg’s first chapter will be coming to the mobile head-mounted display (HMD) later this month.

Benefiting from the latest version of Apelab’s SpatialStories toolset, Break a Leg aims to bring interactivity and a polished storyline to the mobile platform revolved around performing magic. Players have been kidnapped by an unknown entity that wants to unleash the ultimate power of the galaxy, which turns out to be unlocked by performing tricks from The Ancient Book of Stellar Tricks written by Houdini’s great great Aunt Maggie. They’ll need to learn close-up tricks, misdirection, levitation and more to succeed.

Break a Leg screenshot 2

“I absolutely love stage magic performance and always have”, said Emilie Joly, CEO and Director of Apelab in a statement. “Tricking the mind into believing something is real is what makes VR unique and illusionists have done quite a bit of that. Break a Leg is an homage to those performers of the 19th century. I had studied the link between stage magic and interaction design in the past and Break a Leg was the perfect project to apply this research. I also draw my inspiration from iconic stories of my generation like The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Beetlejuice, The NeverEnding Story or even The Monty Python movies. You’ll also notice some hints as you go along the adventure at pieces like Fantasia and amusement park rides like Disney’s haunted house or the older Pirates of the Caribbean.”

Break a Leg premiered at the Future of Storytelling and won an honorable mention at GDC 2017. An exclusive sneak-peek of the upcoming Oculus Rift version will be shown at the Art of VR on 23rd June at Sotheby’s NYC.

The first chapter of Break a Leg will be released for Gear VR on 29th June for free, with the full experience coming out Q3 2017.

For further updates on the title, keep reading VRFocus.

Apelab’s Break A Leg is Official Gear VR Controller Launch Title

Geneva-based independent game studio Apelab have announced that upcoming title Break A Leg will be part of the range of videogames and experiences that will fully support the new Gear VR Controller at launch.

The story of Break A Leg is curiously reminiscent of the plot to classic Doctor Who episode ‘The Greatest Show in the Galaxy’ in that the player takes the role of a person trapped at the mercy of the owner of the Intergalactic Grand Theatre, who has been kidnapping human magicians and illusionists in search of entertainment. The player character is forced to learn the tricks of the stage magician’s trade: sleight of hand, conjuring, levitation and more. A bad performance is a death sentence, so it is wise to master the techniques quickly.

The developers researched stage magic heavily as part of the development process, looking into the works of famous performers and illusionists like Houdini and Daniel Fritzkee, using their written ‘guide books’ to inspire the ticks used within Break A Leg.

Apelab previously worked on SpacialStories, an interactive script-writing tool designed specifically for virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR) applications. According to Apelab, Break A Leg was entirely built using the SpacialStories toolset. The developer claims that SpacialStories should be easy enough for beginners and non-programmers, but maintains the level of depth required for engineers and coders.

The first chapter is launching for free on the Oculus Store. The full experience is planned to be released later on this year.

You can watch the launch trailer below.

VRFocus will bring you further updates on Gear VR and Break A Leg when they come in.

Apelab Announce Real-Time Virtual Environment Creator ‘SpacialStories’

Geneva-based development studio Apelab have announced that they are working on an interactive script writing tool for virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR) applications.

Apelab say that SpacialStories enables the real-time creation of complex virtual environments. It’s tool set was designed to improve workflow in the virtual reality and mixed reality pipelines. They claim it is simple enough for non-coders and beginners, but has sufficient depth for programmers and engineers to take full advantage of its power.


According to the company their most recent game, Break A Leg, was entirely built using SpacialStories. Break A Leg won an award for ‘Best In Play Honorable Mention’ this year at GDC and is available for demo on the Oculus Touch at booth PL4726 at GDC.

SpacialStories itself is currently entering closed beta, and Apelab say they are still seeking creators to test the Software Development Kit.

VRFocus will bring you further information on SpacialStories as it develops.