Bravo Team Releases ‘Immersion’ Trailer Ahead Of Release

Upcoming virtual reality (VR) first-person shooter Bravo Team has released a new trailer ahead of its release next week.

Bravo Team E32017 (3)

Developer Supermassive Games has been hard at work on first-person shooter (FPS) Bravo Team for some time now, creating an action-packed immersive experience for PlayStation VR owners. After being delayed from last December to March of this year, Bravo Team is only a few days away from release so it’s just the right time for a new trailer to drop. Players will be trapped in hostile territory and using the titles buddy system will need to work with their teammate in order to survive.

Bravo Team E32017 (1)

The new trailer, titled ‘Immersion‘ focuses on how players will be able to experience a heart-pounding, action packed adventure thanks to the PlayStation VR headset and the PlayStation Aim controller. Together, the two will allow players to feel right there in the thick of the action as Bravo Team fight through all manner of situations that can only be solved with bullets. With a variety of weapons at their disposal and complete freedom to move around the battlefield as they wish, making anything count as cover, players will feel their heart rate rising. It has already been confirmed that the title will be bundled with the PlayStation Aim controller meaning players will be able to experience the title as it is intended from the get go.

VRFocus‘ Senior Staff Writer Peter Graham went hands-on with Bravo Team when it was announced at the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) 2017, saying in his preview: “Bravo Team feels like a safe bet. A by the numbers approach to VR FPS titles, offering more interactivity and tactical opportunities than the stationary John Wick Chronicles, but lacking that special something that makes these early reveals one to watch. The main draw of Bravo Team is going to be its buddy system, whether that’s enough for players remains to be seen.”

Bravo Team will be a PlayStation VR exclusive, arriving on 6th March for the US market and the 7th March for Europe. The latest trailer is available to watch just below.

For more on Bravo Team in the future, keep reading VRFocus.

PlayStation VR: Bravo Team im Bundle mit Aim Controller bestellbar

Der bereits heiß erwartete VR-Shooter Bravo Team von Entwicklerstudio Supermassive Games für PlayStation VR (PSVR) wird in einem Bundle mit dem PlayStation Aim Controller in Europa sowie Nordamerika verfügbar sein. Bereits jetzt sind Vorbestellungen auf Amazon möglich. Der Titel sowie das Bundle sind ab dem 7. März 2018 erhältlich.

Bravo Team VR mit PlayStation Aim Controller im Bundle bestellbar

Bravo Team VR setzt auf eine äußerst realistische Grafik, kooperatives Gameplay und taktische Elemente, um die Spieler zu fesseln. Durch langsames Vorrücken und wohldurchdachte Entscheidungen müsst ihr euch vorwärts bewegen, um euer Ziel zu erreichen. Im Spiel werdet ihr in feindliches Gebiet auf eine Mission geschickt, bewaffnet bis auf die Zähne mit Pistole, Schrotflinte und automatischen Sturmgewehren und umzingelt von Feinden.

Bereits auf der E3 kündigten die Entwickler von Supermassive Games Support für den Aim Controller an, wodurch sich neben Farpoint, Arizona Sunshine sowie einigen weiteren Titeln immer mehr kompatible Spiele für das Zubehör erscheinen. Nun kündigten die Verantwortlichen zudem ein weiteres interessantes Angebot an, denn Bravo Team wird in einem Bundle mit dem PlayStation Aim Controller erhältlich sein. Neben dem Farpoint-Bundle stehen den PSVR-Besitzer zukünftig also weitere Kaufoptionen zur Verfügung.


Wir konnten uns bereits auf der Gamescom erste Einblicke über den VR-Titel verschaffen. Die Nutzung des Aim Controllers fühlt sich dabei äußerst intuitiv an. Nachladen, Feuern und das Wechseln der Waffe funktioniert per Knopfdruck und das ziemlich reibungslos. Leider war die Fortbewegung, um zwischen den Positionen zu wechseln, ebenso nur per Knopfdruck möglich, sodass keine freien Bewegungsoptionen mit dem Stick gewährleistet wurden. Dies fühlt sich etwas einschränkend an, jedoch bleibt abzuwarten, wie sich der Titel zum Full Release entwickelt.

Das Bundle bestehend aus Bravo Team und PlayStation Aim Controller ist bereits jetzt auf Amazon für 99,99 Euro vorbestellbar. Der Versand erfolgt wenn alles klappt zur Veröffentlichung am 7. März 2018.

(Quellen: VR Focus | Supermassive Games | Video: PlayStation Youtube)

Werbung für Virtual Reality Hygiene

Der Beitrag PlayStation VR: Bravo Team im Bundle mit Aim Controller bestellbar zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Bravo Team and PlayStation Aim Controller Bundle Revealed

The PlayStation Aim controller is slowly growing a list of compatible titles. Having launched with Farpoint earlier this year, the likes of Arizona Sunshine, Raw Data, The Brookhaven Experiment and Dick Wilde also added support for the accessory. The forthcoming Bravo Team from Supermassive Games will not only be compatible, but will also launch as part of a bundle package with the device.

Bravo Team & PlayStation Aim Bundle

The PlayStation Aim controller has been a highly sought after accessory since launch, frequently selling out at retail stores across North America and Europe. Farpoint is available to purchase both at retail and digitally via the PlayStation Store without the PlayStation Aim controller, however the general consensus of the virtual reality (VR) community is that it offers a far superior experience with the device.

The fact that Bravo Team would be compatible with PlayStation Aim had already been confirmed, however the retail bundle deal has been revealed via retailer communication. Bravo Team recently suffered a delay into next year, but upon launch will be available in a package with the PlayStation Aim controller as can be seen in the image on this page.

VRFocus has previously been hands-on with Supermassive Games’ 2018 releases, stating in a preview of Bravo Team: “Using the Aim controller feels very natural and intuitive. The normal face buttons let you reload, switch between cover positions and swap to an emergency sidearm in a pinch, as you might expect. While properly looking down the assault rifle’s red dot sight gives you a much more accurate targeting reticule for getting those head shots. You could also quick turn 180-degrees if you moved too far forward and enemies were behind you – also good for returning to a better defensive position.”

Bravo Team E32017 (3)No official price point has yet been confirmed for the Bravo Team and PlayStation Aim bundle, but VRFocus has been informed that a £79.99 GBP suggested retail price (SRP) is expected; approximately £20 less than the current Farpoint and PlayStation Aim bundle is available for via Amazon.

Bravo Team is now expected to launch in March 2018, exclusively for PlayStation VR. VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest details on this and other forthcoming PlayStation VR videogame titles.

PSVR Titles ‘The Inpatient’ & ‘Bravo Team’ Delayed Until Early 2018

Supermassive Games has delayed two of its upcoming PSVR titles originally expected for Q4 releases, Bravo Team and The Inpatient. Both games are now set to launch in Q1 of 2018.

Bravo Team, a cover-based shooter, was originally slated to launch December 5th; and The Inpatient, a prequel to the Until Dawn franchise, on November 21st.

According to a PlayStation Europe tweet, The Inpatient will now launch next year on January 24th, and Bravo Team on March 7th. The company says the delay is to “give the development teams extra time to make the games as enjoyable for players as possible.”

The Inpatient

Taking on the role of a patient with amnesia, you find yourself on familiar ground, the Blackwood Sanatorium from Until Dawn. In an effort to recall lost memories and discover who you are, you’re given choices on how to interact with characters that will ultimately shape how the story unfolds as you witness the horrific events of the sanatorium’s final days. Check out our hands-on here.

Bravo Team

Bravo Team is a cover-based FPS built with constant forward movement in mind. Featuring both single player and two-player online co-op, you battle in a fictional modern-day city in Eastern Europe, that promises to test both your shooting and tactical skills. The game supports both PS Move and dualshock 4 controller. Because it’s a cover-based game, locomotion is essentially on-rails, meaning you’ll have to figure out how to get good angles on enemy targets and dial in on your shooting ability to move forward.

The post PSVR Titles ‘The Inpatient’ & ‘Bravo Team’ Delayed Until Early 2018 appeared first on Road to VR.

PSVR: The Inpatient und Bravo Team auf nächstes Jahr verschoben

Zwei der für dieses Jahr angekündigten großen Titel für PlayStation VR (PSVR) verschieben sich, wie Sony Europa auf Twitter mitteilt: Das Horrorspiel The Inpatient von den Until-Dawn-Entwicklern soll jetzt am 24. Januar 2018 erscheinen. Noch länger muss man auf den Einsatz des Bravo Teams vom gleichen Studio warten, das erst im März im nächsten Jahr seinen Auftritt hat.

The Inpatient und Bravo Team erst nächstes Jahr

Kurz und knapp ist die Begründung von Sony auf Twitter: Das Entwickler-Team Supermassive Games nähme sich die Zeit, um die beiden Titel für die PSVR so gut wie möglich zu machen. Das Horrorspiel The Inpatient verschiebt sich demnach auf den 24. Januar 2018, der Shooter Bravo Team soll sogar erst am 7. März 2018 herauskommen. Erst vor rund zwei Wochen hat sich das Entwickler-Team nicht nur zu VR bekannt, sondern es gab auch konkrete Release-Daten, die eine baldige Veröffentlichung nahelegten: The Inpatient wäre demnach schon am 22. November 2017 erschienen, das Bravo Team am 6. Dezember 2017.

Beide Titel konnten wir auf der gamescom 2017 in Köln antesten. The Inpatient konnte dabei durch seine Atmosphäre besonders überzeugen. Wie bei Bravo Team bemängelten wir allerdings die Steuerung. Beim Ko-op-Shooter geht Supermassive Games neue Wege und wechselt von der Ego- in die Third-Person-Perspektive, sobald man sich fortbewegt. Über mangelnden Spielenachschub müssen sich PSVR-Besitzer trotzdem nicht beklagen: Am 15. November steht die Veröffentlichung von Skyrim VR an. Am 1. Dezember soll Doom VFR für PlayStation VR verfügbar sein – beide Termine liegen also eine Woche vor der bisher geplanten Veröffentlichung von Bravo Team und The Inpatient.

Der Beitrag PSVR: The Inpatient und Bravo Team auf nächstes Jahr verschoben zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Supermassive Games VR Releases Slip To 2018

There’s been a big increase in the amount of PlayStation VR related news in recent weeks, especially so following Paris Games Week and Sony’s presentation during which they gave updates on a number of titles and revealed several new ones. With videogames such as Blood & Truth, nDreams’ Shooty Fruity, Rec Room, End Space, Bravo Team and Out of Ammo all receiving news stories in the last few days alone. That’s not including the reveal of the second PlayStation VR demo disc and the twelve virtual reality (VR) experiences on that, such as Moss and The Persistence.

But not all news is good news unfortunately, and for one of the titles mentioned above the wait for released is going to be that much longer.

Bravo Team E32017 (3)Back at the end of August this year, developers Supermassive Games confirmed the release dates for two of its upcoming VR titles. Those were The Inpatient and Bravo Team – both of which were for the PlayStation VR. This saw Bravo Team set for release on 6th December 2017, whilst The Inpatient was to be released a couple of weeks earlier on 22nd November 2017.  Sadly for interested parties both videogames have now been delayed until 2018, as confirmed by Supermassive Games on their website.

No reason is given for the delay, to these two titles and non-VR videogame Hidden Agenda by the developers in the update which only states they have some “updated” news for fans and that listings are now releasing in their new timeslots. In both cases The Inpatient is now releasing on 23rd January 2018 for the US market and on 24th January 2018 for the European and International markets. Bravo Team meanwhile has slipped back even further, all the way to March of 2018. I will now be releasing on March 6th for the US market and March 7th for Europe and the rest of the world.

The Inpatient screenshot 2Bravo Team is a first-person cover shooter that utilises the PlayStation Aim controller. Players can go alone, or team up with a friend to take on waves of enemies as they struggle to hold onto a fictional city in Eastern Europe.

The Inpatient is a VR psychological horror experience that takes place in the same universe as Until Dawn, and indeed occurs in a familiar location – that of The Blackwood Pines Sanatorium. Playing as a patient with amnesia, you play out the videogame slowly discovering who you are, and why you’ve been held in the Sanatorium in the first place.

VRFocus will be bringing you further updates on both of these titles as we get them.



ESRB Provides Further Details on Bravo Team

For PlayStation VR owners who were looking for a military shooter that offered something a bit more in-depth than the average wave shooter, Bravo Team seems to be tailor made for that audience. Further news on what players can expect from the title has now emerged thanks to the ESRB.

The ESRB, or Entertainment Software Rating Board, is the American regulatory organisation that gives age and content ratings to videogames. As such, they get to see them before anyone else, and so can provide a good source of information on some aspects of an upcoming title.

In the case of Bravo Team, the title has been assigned the rating of T for Teen, with content warnings for blood and violence. Slightly more interesting is the description, which describes players as battling militia soldiers in a fictional country. The description also speaks about some sections allowing players to command comrades in the squad to use stealth to take out enemy soldiers.

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Though there will be a single-player mode, most likely with AI controlling the player’s squadmates, it is the co-op mode that had drawn the most attention. As was said in the VRFocus preview: “Bravo Team should really be looked at as a purely two-player experience, as that going to be where the most fun will be had. Not only will players have to pick each other up should one go down, they’ll need to carefully manage ammo, as the crates available on route only dispense to the player that opens it.”

Bravo Team is due for release on 6th December, 2017 and will be compatible with the PlayStation Aim controller for what the developers at Supermassive Games hope will make for a more intuitive and immersive experience.

VRFocus will bring you further news on Bravo Team as it becomes available.

Supermassive Games bekennt sich zu VR, neue Release-Daten

Mit Until Dawn: Rush of Blood und Tumble VR hat das Studio Supermassive Games zwei Titel für die PSVR auf dem Markt. In einem Interview hat sich nun der Entwickler Simon Harris geäußert und sich klar zur Entwicklung von VR-Spielen bekannt. Noch in diesem Jahr erscheinen zwei neue Titel für PlayStation VR: The Inpatient und Bravo Team.

Supermassive Games: Klares Bekenntnis zu VR

Die Stimmung im Virtual-Reality-Markt ist gemischt: Erst kürzlich platzte die Bombe, dass CCP Games – der Entwickler der Eve-Reihe – die Entwicklung von Virtual-Reality-Spielen stoppt. In einem Interview mit der Webseite Develop-Online hat sich der Entwickler Simon Harris von Supermassive Games zuvor zur Perspektive von VR geäußert.

„VR ist unglaublich wichtig für Supermassive“, erklärt Harris. VR liefere aus ihrer Perspektive das, was man sich erhofft habe, und sei eine unglaubliche neue Möglichkeit, Spiele zu erfahren. Am Ende zieht der Produzent das Fazit: „Ich denke, wir stehen bei VR noch ganz am Anfang. Wir experimentieren und lernen jeden Tag hinzu. Und man schreite dabei voran, bessere Spiele abzuliefern. Wir sind weiter sehr stark an der Plattform als Ganzes interessiert.“

Release-Daten von The Inpatient und Bravo Team

Nach Until Dawn: Rush of Blood und Tumble VR kommen dieses Jahr zwei weitere Spiele für die PSVR auf den Markt: The Inpatient soll am 22. November erscheinen. Im August konnten wir den vielversprechenden Horrortitel auf der Gamescom 2017 antesten. Die Demo endete mit einem kräftigen Jump Scare, der trotz Messeumgebung seine Wirkung nicht verfehlte. Trotz kleinerer Kritikpunkte können sich PSVR-Besitzer auf den Titel freuen.

Das zweite angekündigte Spiel – Bravo Team – soll ab dem 6. Dezember für PlayStation VR erhältlich sein. Auch diesen Titel haben wir auf der Gamescom ausprobieren können. Der kooperative Shooter bietet ein realistisches Setting, Action satt und unterstützt den Aim Controller. Harris stellt in dem erwähnten Interview zwar die innovative Steuerung heraus, auf der Messe konnte sie uns aber noch nicht so ganz überzeugen. Bei Bravo Team wechselt bei der Fortbewegung die Perspektive von der üblichen Ego-Ansicht auf die Third-Person-Perspektive, ein freies Umherschleichen ist also nicht möglich.

(Quellen: VR Focus und Develop-Online)

Der Beitrag Supermassive Games bekennt sich zu VR, neue Release-Daten zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

New Japanese PlayStation VR Trailer Showcases Winter Releases

This holiday period is going to be a big deal for PlayStation VR owners. Following the successful launches of Gran Turismo Sport and No Heroes Allowed! VR, a number of big name titles are heading to the virtual reality (VR) platform in the coming months. Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan (SIEJ) has revealed a new trailer to showcase the full line-up.

gran turismo sport screenshot 1

Featured in the trailer are highly anticipated titles such as The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR, Bravo Team and The Inpatient from British studio Supermassive Games, fishing experience Monster of the Deep: Final Fantasy XV, Resident Evil VII biohazard’s latest downloadable content (DLC), entitled Not a Hero, the recently revealed Gungrave VR and the ultra violent DOOM VFR, as well as the aforementioned Gran Turismo Sport and No Heroes Allowed! VR.

All of the above titles are expected to receive both North American and European launches, however Gungrave VR does not currently have a release date penned-in for either territory. Of course, Gran Turismo Sport and No Heroes Allowed! VR are already available worldwide.

The PlayStation VR has recently seen a boost in sales in Japan, accredited to the launch of a new edition of the head-mounted display (HMD). This new model, known as CUH-ZVR2, launched earlier this month and brought with a number of small yet significant updates. Chief among these is a new embedded audio cabling option and high-dynamic range (HDR) passthrough on the control box, removing the need for PlayStation 4 Pro gamers to remove the PlayStation VR from their console when wishing to play traditional monitor-based videogames on a 4K HDR compatible television.

PlayStation VR 2 headsetThere’s currently no word on when the PlayStation VR CUH-ZVR2 model will launch in North America and Europe, however the recent discontinuation of the original PlayStation VR model suggests it won’t be long until this revised edition arrives at retail in the west. It should be noted that the PlayStation VR CUH-ZVR2 model will not see the HMD rise in price and is compatible with all existing PlayStation VR content.

The brand new Japanese trailer for the PlayStation VR winter line-up of videogame titles follows below, and VRFocus will keep you updated with all the latest details on every new videogame coming to the VR platform.

Sony Gears Up For PAX Australia With PlayStation VR Line-Up

With Tokyo Game Show long gone and as we approach Halloween the event season is pretty much over and done with in the Northern Hemisphere. Particularly in Europe and America, with the only real exception being Sony’s annual PlayStation Experience event set to take place across the 9th and 10th of December. Other than this however it’s more a case of waiting out the rest of 2017 and what Autumn and Winter bring until the new year.

But that’s not taking into account the Southern Hemisphere where it’s currently the end of Spring, not Autumn, and Australia is gearing up for its iteration of PAX once again. It also seems, much as with PlayStation Experience, there’s going to be plenty for PlayStation VR fans to try out.

The line-up is as follows:

Gran Turismo Sport

“In PlayStation VR you’ll quite literally have the driving wheel at your fingertips. From hitting the brakes to turning a corner, experiencing Gran Turismo Sport in the PS VR headset will let players experience a true-to-life driving experience.”

Gran Turismo Sport‘s VR mode is limited, but impressive, even to professionals.  Ardent armchair racers meanwhile can increase their experience with Thrustmaster’s Gran Turismo Sport racing wheel, which we covered at this year’s E3.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR: The Elder Scrolls V

Skyrim VR is a true, full-length open-world game for VR from award-winning developers, Bethesda Game Studios®. Skyrim VR reimagines the complete epic fantasy masterpiece with an unparalleled sense of scale, depth, and immersion.”

One of a trio of Bethesda titles coming to virtual reality (VR) along with DOOM VFR and Fallout 4 VRYou can read our recent preview here.


“Dive into the story mode for an exhilarating, action-packed showdown with the notorious MONSTER OF THE DEEP, or take in the sights, sounds and scenery of FINAL FANTASY XV as you kick back and cast off in the free fishing mode.”

A surprise from this year’s E3 and a replacement for the initial Final Fantasy XV: VR Experience, you can read our preview of MONSTER OF THE DEEP: FINAL FANTASY XV here.

Bravo Team

“It’s all or nothing in this heart-pumping PS VR firefight of intense combat and split-second tactical decision-making.”

A experience VRFocus likened to Army of Two on steroids”, the title is one of two VR videogames in the works from Supermassive Games. (The other being The Inpatient.)

Bravo Team E32017 (2)PAX Australia is from October 27th-29th 2017 at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. News about the PlayStation VR is developing all the time, so be sure to check back with VRFocus regularly for the latest.