Bow to Blood: Last Captain Standing Sails onto Oculus Rift and HTC Vive Next Week

Bow to Blood: Last Captain Standing is a massive update Tribetoy has been preparing to release, featuring not only new content for the PlayStation VR version but also greatly expanded support, for Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, and PlayStation 4. Today, the studio has confirmed that the updated will be rolled out next week. 

Bow to Blood

A single-player procedurally generated airship adventure, Bow to Blood: Last Captain Standing is a strategy title where you take control of an airship in a multi-stage competition being broadcast as a deadly reality TV show. The objective is to pilot your airship and stay alive, what’s not so easy is the staying alive part.

In the heat of aerial naval combat, you need to keep your ship afloat by managing the crew as you defend yourself from enemy ships, forge allegiances, and plot betrayals, as well as engaging in a little treasure hunting from time to time. As the captain, you can use your command console to route power between ship systems to charge and activate critical abilities, overcharge systems, or when things get a little close switching to your pistol can help.

While this is new for PC and console players, PlayStation VR gamers have been battling it out since last summer. So to keep them further entertained Tribetoy is adding a few extra features. The update includes an all-new Hard difficulty setting, more enemies and improved visuals making airship destruction even more satisfying, plus VR players will have the option to switch to the non-VR version if they wish.

Bow to Blood

“With its mix of naval combat, airship management and diplomacy Bow to Blood is one of the most unique IPs around,” said Matthew Hoseterey Co-Founder and Director of Design of Tribetoy in a statement. “We’re thrilled that a whole new audience will get to discover it in this multiplatform release next month.”

You can pre-order Bow to Blood now on the Nintendo Switch eShop, Xbox One, and Oculus Store, ahead of its release on Wednesday, 3rd April, with a 10 percent discount taken off its usual $19.99 USD price. Additionally, platforms such as Steam will feature a 10 percent launch week discount. For further updates on Bow to Blood, keep reading VRFocus.

Bow to Blood: Last Captain Standing: PSVR-Exklusivtitel erscheint im April für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive

Werbung für Virtual Reality Hygiene

Der PSVR-Exklusivtitel Bow to Blood von Entwicklerstudio Tribetoy schafft im April den Sprung von der Konsole auf weitere Spieleplattformen. Demnach veröffentlichen die Entwickler die erweiterte Fassung Bow to Blood: Last Captain Standing für PC mit VR-Support für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive und erweitern zeitgleich die Inhalte um neue Features. Zum zusätzlichen Content zählen höhere Schwierigkeitsgrade, mehr Luftschiffe sowie eine aufpolierte Grafik. Für die PlayStation VR (PSVR) erscheint der neue Content in Form eines kostenlosen Updates.

Bow to Blood: Last Captain Standing – Release für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive mit neuen Inhalten

In Bow to Blood: Last Captain Standing übernehmt ihr als Captain die Kontrolle über ein Hightech-Luftschiff, um in einer Arena euer Können gegen anderen Piloten zu beweisen. So tretet ihr in einer Reality-TV-Show in einem Battle Royale an und kämpft in einer Arena um Ruhm, Ehre und das eigene Überleben. Nur der Publikumsliebling kann am Ende als Champion der Arena siegreich vom Schlachtfeld ziehen.

Deshalb müsst ihr geschickt die eigene Crew kommandieren, die richtigen Flugpfade auszuwählen und natürlich eindrucksvoll durch die Lüfte manövrieren. Während eures Pfads durch die Arena erwarten euch zahlreiche Herausforderungen, die es zu umschiffen gilt. Dafür steht euch ein Waffensystem, euer taktisches Geschick sowie eine Handfeuerwaffe zur Auswahl.


Zusätzlich könnt ihr eure diplomatischen Fähigkeiten nutzen, um mit euren Kontrahenten zu kommunizieren. Da jeder NPC seine eigene Motivation besitzt, könnt ihr mit diesen Zusammenarbeiten, wenn ihr bei den Personen die richtigen Knöpfe drückt. Verrat, Lug und Trug zählen dabei natürlich zum Tagesgeschäft, um voranzukommen. Letztlich entscheidet nämlich der Zuschauer in einem Voting, wer in der Arena weiterkämpfen darf und wer ausscheidet. Um für Abwechslung zu sorgen, werden die Abschnitte prozedural generiert. Dadurch gleicht kein Durchgang dem Letzten.


Die Neufassung beinhaltet im Vergleich zur bisher erhältlichen PSVR-Version zusätzlichen Content in Form eines neuen und höheren Schwierigkeitsgrads, mehr Luftschiffe sowie eine verbesserte Grafik.

Wir haben die Originalversion von Bow to Blood für PlayStation VR (PSVR) bereits unter die Lupe genommen. Was euch darin erwartet, erfahrt ihr in folgendem Video:

Bow to Blood: Last Captain Standing erscheint unter anderem als PC-Version mit VR-Support für Oculus Rift im April 2019 auf Steam. Die neuen Inhalte werden für die PSVR-Version als Update kostenlos bereitgestellt.

(Quellen: Road to VR | Videos: Tribetoy Inc YouTube | VR Nerds YouTube)

Der Beitrag Bow to Blood: Last Captain Standing: PSVR-Exklusivtitel erscheint im April für Oculus Rift und HTC Vive zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Bow to Blood: Last Captain Standing Update to Add Oculus Rift and HTC Vive Support in April

Originally released last summer as a PlayStation VR exclusive, today, virtual reality (VR) developer Tribetoy has announced that Bow to Blood will be getting a massive update in April. The update will not only greatly expand platform support, but it’ll also include new features for the PlayStation VR version. 

Bow to Blood

Called Bow to Blood: Last Captain Standing, the update increases its platform support by adding Xbox One, Switch, PC, and PlayStation 4 (non-VR) to the mix. On top of that, the PC release also includes support for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

When it comes to additional PlayStation VR content Tribetoy will be adding an all-new Hard Difficulty setting, more enemy ships, more events, improved procedural engine, and improved art making airship destruction even better looking.

Bow to Blood is truly unlike anything out there, with its mix of naval combat, airship management, and diplomacy,” said Tribetoy Co-Founder and Director of Design, Matthew Hoesterey in a statement. “We’re thrilled that a whole new audience will get to discover it in this multiplatform release next month.”

Additionally, Bow to Blood: Last Captain Standing will also included a Ready Player One inspired community event wherein the first player to uncover a secret treasure will be immortalized forever in the videogame.

Bow to Blood

The experience itself is a single-player action-strategy roguelike which puts you in charge of a flying airship in a multi-stage reality TV show. You’ll need to manage a ragtag crew to keep the vessel afloat, fend off incoming attackers, gather resources, and search for treasure. One of the key factors in the videogame is forging temporary alliances, teaming up with NPCs to takeout the most dominant threats.

When VRFocus reviewed Bow to Blood originally, we gave it a commendable 4-stars, saying: “Bow to Blood is a fine, fun title with some minor niggles. The combat is good, though somewhat tricky to get used to, but the alliance system offers something interesting and unique that elevates the title to a higher level.”

Bow to Blood: Last Captain Standing will be available at some point in April. If you already own the PlayStation VR version of the title then it’ll be a free update. For any further Bow to Blood announcements in the future, keep reading VRFocus.

Ace VR Ship Battler Bow To Blood Coming To Rift/Vive, New PSVR Content In Tow

Ace VR Ship Battler Bow To Blood Coming To Rift/Vive, New PSVR Content In Tow

Bow to Blood, one of last year’s most underrated PSVR gems, is pulling into the PC VR port soon.

Developer Tribetoy today announced Bow to Blood: Last Captain Standing. It’s essentially a port of the original game coming to Switch, Xbox One and PC. HTC Vive and Oculus Rift support is being added to the latter. Check it out in the trailer below.

In Bow to Blood, you enter a televised tournament. Commandeering a flying ship, you take part in different match types that have you completing objectives to earn points. The core gameplay is sharp but where the game really shines is its relationship system. Over the course of the tournament, you can choose to ally with other contestants to avoid being voted off.

That means completing favors for friends and making fragile alliances. You’ll often find yourself having to stab people in the back before it happens to you. It’s a wonderfully unpredictable system that gives the game some life.

But the news keeps getting better. The original PSVR version of the game will also be receiving a free update that includes new additions from Last Captain Standing. That means a new Hard difficulty, more enemy ships and improved visuals.

“There’s a lot to learn about Bow to Blood and not all of it’s to love, but what does work elevates the game to soar with all the majesty of its battle-hardened ships,” we said in our review of the game. “This is a deliciously strategic bit of randomized arena battling that might not make the most compelling case for VR itself but stands as a thrill to play in its own right.”

Look for Bow to Blood: Last Captain Standing to arrive sometime in April.

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