VR Game Releases For December 2018

VR Game Releases For December 2018

Every month we aim to round up each and every VR game release for you in one single place — this is December’s list. Don’t worry — we’ll continue highlighting the best ones at the end of each week too.

With the door closed on November, we’ve just been through another great month of VR content. Between Echo Combat, Tetris Effect, and the incredible puzzler Transpose, there were lots of titles to look forward to last month. Now with December upon us, it’s time to take a look at what’s coming down the line next.

And if you’re a VR game developer planning to release a game soon — let us know! You can get in touch with me directly by emailing david@uploadvr.com or hit all of the editorial team by emailing tips@uploadvr.com. Please contact us about your upcoming releases so that we can know what you’re working on and include you in release lists!

Rift, Vive, and Windows VR Game Releases For December 2018

Palace of the Azure Dragon ($4.99) – December 1st – Vive
Puzzle Out VR ($5.99) – December 1st – Rift, Vive
Mind Massaging Machine ($19.99) – December 1st – Rift, Vive, Windows VR
Defense Contract ($14.99) – December 2nd – Rift, Vive
TendyTrainer (Free) – December 3rd – Rift
Space Turret Gunner ($24.99) + Free Demo – December 3rd – Rift, Vive, Windows VR
Arca’s Path ($19.99) – December 4th – Rift, Vive, Windwos VR (Read Our Review)
Tippy Tree ($1.99) – December 4th – Rift, Vive, Windows VR
Angry Ball VR ($7.99) + Free Demo – December 4th – Rift, Vive, Windows VR
VR Mini Bowling ($4.99) – December 5th – Rift, Vive, Windows VR
Awake Episode One ($7.99) – December 5th (Read Our Review)
Lost On The Island ($24.99) – December 6th – Rift, Vive
VRetired ($4.99) – December 7th – Rift, Vive
Whale Island ($2.99) – December 7th – Rift, Vive
Dinosaurus Life VR ($5.99) – December 7th – Rift
Asteroid Turret Defender VR ($5.99) – December 7th – Rift, Vive
Santa Simulator ($6.99) – December 7th – Rift, Vive
Giant Celebration ($19.99) – December 7th – Rift, Vive (Read Our Preview)
Jigsaw 360 ($1.99) – December 7th – Rift, Vive, Windows VR
Koliseum Soccer VR ($19.99) – December 7th – Rift, Vive
ToyShot VR ($7.99) – December 7th – Rift, Vive
Ball Out ($5.99) – December 8th – Rift, Vive
Rapid Fire (Free) – December 9th – Vive
The Technician ($14.99) – December 10th – Rift, Vive
ZOLO – Zombies Only Live Once ($3.99) – December 10th – Rift, Vive, Windows VR
DOJAGI: The Korean Pottery ($29.99) – December 10th – Rift, Vive, Windows VR
Tech Drive (Free) – December 11th – Rift
Blade & Sorcery ($19.99) – December 11th 2018 – Rift, Vive, Windows VR (Read Our Preview)
Prey: Typhoon Hunter ($19.99 w/ Mooncrash) – December 11th – Vive (Our Impressions)
Slightly Heroes ($9.99) – December 11th – Rift, Vive, Windows VR
Conveyor VR ($19.99) – December 11th – Rift, Vive
The Secret of Puffin Cove ($8.99) – December 12th – Rift, Vive, Windows VR
Flying Aces – Navy Pilot Simulator  ($19.99) – December 12th – Rift, Vive
Contractors ($19.99) – December 14th – Rift, Vive, Windows VR
Welcome Above ($8.99) – December 14th – Rift, Vive, Windows VR
Double Bubble Blaster Madness VR ($4.99) – December 14th – Vive
Trigger Finger ($8.99) – December 14th – Rift, Vive
DMT: Dynamic Music Tesseract ($4.99) – December 14th – Rift, Vive, Windows VR
Shadow Uprising ($19.99) – December 14th – Rift, Vive
Space Battle VR ($19.99) – December 14th – Rift, Vive
BallisticNG ($7.99) – December 14th – Rift, Vive
Hunting Simulator VR ($4.99) – December 14th – Rift, Vive
Sleigh Runner ($5.99) – December 17th – Vive
Project Aeronaut ($4.99) – December 17th – Vive
Shennong: Taste of Illusion ($2.99) – December 17th – Rift, Vive, Windows VR
The Spy Who Shrunk Me ($9.99) – December 18th – Non-VR Only This Year
Hell Breaker (Free) – December 18th – Rift, Vive
Rone ($4.99) – December 18th – Rift, Vive
Wrench ($19.99) – December 19th – Rift, Vive (Our Coverage)
Dead Moon – Revenge on Phobos ($12.99) – December 19th – Rift, Vive
AnimVR Non-Commercial ($29.99) – December 19th – Rift, Vive, Windows VR
Counter Fight 3 ($14.99) – December 19th – Rift, Vive, Windows VR
Escape Legacy VR ($9.99) – December 20th – Rift, Vive, Windows VR
Experiment Gone Rogue ($16.99) – December 20th – Rift, Vive
FlyInside Flight Simulator ($34.99) – December 20th – Rift, Vive, Windows VR
Fightttris VR ($9.99) – December 20th – Rift, Vive
Skyfront ($19.99) – December 20th – Rift, Vive, Windows VR
Polybius ($17.99)December 21st – Rift
Singularity 5 ($9.99) – December 21st – Rift, Vive, Windows VR
Starblazer ($19.99) – December 21st – Vive
Minotaur Arcade Volume 1 ($12.99) – December 21st – Rift
Number Hunt ($17.99) – December 21st – Rift, Vive, Windows VR
Aurora ($2.99) – December 21st – Rift, Vive
Elash ($5.99) – December 21st – Rift
Greedy Crush ($2.99) – December 21st – Vive
Orc Towers VR ($4.99) – December 24th – Vive
Jake and the Giant ($14.99) – December 24th – Rift
Dodgeball Simulator VR ($9.99) – December 26th – Rift, Vive
Eggcellent VR ($2.99) – December 26th – Rift, Vive, Windows VR
Sopwith VR (Free) – December 26th – Rift, Vive, Windows VR
VR Cricket ($4.99) – December 27th – Rift, Vive
Wisentree Spirit ($9.99) – December 28th – Vive, Windows VR
Make a Jigsaw Puzzle ($2.99) – December 28th – Vive
Mad Hunting Simulator VR ($29.99) – December 30th – Rift, Vive


Mobile VR Game Releases For December 2018

Virtual Desktop for Go ($9.99) – November 30th, but too good not to include) – Oculus Go, Gear VR (Our Full Review)
Arca’s Path ($9.99) – December 4th – Oculus Go, Gear VR (Read Our Review)
Lostfriesland (Free) – December 5th – Oculus Go, Gear VR
Storm Hockey VR (Free) – December 5th – Oculus Go, Gear VR
Galaxity (Free) – December 5th – Oculus Go, Gear VR
Relucent ($1.99) – December 5th – Oculus Go, Gear VR
Calm Place (Free) – December 6th – Oculus Go, Gear VR
Cirque du Soleil ($4.99) – December 7th – Oculus Go, Gear VR
Tech Drive (Free) – December 11th – Oculus Go, Gear VR
Shattered State ($8.99) – December 11th – Google Daydream (Read Our Review)
Slightly Heroes ($4.99) – December 11th – Oculus Go, Gear VR (Our Impressions)
Lost in Time ($3.99) – December 12th – Oculus Go, Gear VR
VR Planetarium For Schools (Free) – December 12th – Oculus Go, Gear VR
Sanctuary ($2.99) – December 12th – Oculus Go, Gear VR
Theta Legion (Free) – December 12th – Oculus Go (Our Impressions)
Void Racer ($4.99) – December 12th – Oculus Go (Our Impressions)
Liminal (Free) – December 13th – Oculus Go, Gear VR
NFL Immersive VR (Free) – December 14th – Oculus Go, Gear VR
ESPN (Free) – December 17th – Oculus Go
FOX Now (Free) – December 17th – Oculus Go
Sling TV (Free) – December 17th – Oculus Go
Foosball Arcade (Free) – December 19th – Oculus Go, Gear VR
Tourney of Eradorn ($1.99) – December 19th – Oculus Go, Gear VR
Space Shooter ($1.99) – December 19th – Oculus Go, Gear VR
Dear Angelica (Free) – December 20th – Oculus Go
Slots in De Nile ($1.99) – December 20th – Oculus Go, Gear VR
Nuclear: The Periodic Table of Elements ($4.99) – December 20th – Oculus Go, Gear VR
Pacmoon (Free) – December 20th – Oculus Go, Gear VR
VRHealth Portal (Free) – December 20th – Oculus Go, Gear VR
Fear Incarnate ($4.99) – December 20th – Oculus Go, Gear VR
Splat VR ($8.99) – December 20th – Oculus Go, Gear VR
Tippy Tree ($1.99) – December 21st – Oculus Go, Gear VR
Santa Christmas Ride ($1.99) – December 21st – Oculus Go, Gear VR
Marble Anxiety ($1.99) – December 21st – Oculus Go, Gear VR
INL Nuclear Science and Technology Facilities (Free) – December 21st – Oculus Go, Gear VR
Pirate Survival Fantasy Shooter ($2.99) – December 26th – Oculus Go, Gear VR


PSVR Game Releases For December 2018

Prison Boss ($19.99) + Free Demo – December 4th (Read Our PC VR Review)
Rush ($24.99) – December 4th
Arca’s Path ($19.99) – December 4th (Read Our Review)
Persona 3 and Persona 5 Dancing – ($59.99/ea or $99.99 bundle) – VR “viewer” mode only – December 4th
Picture Party VR ($9.99) – December 5th
Guns’n’Stories: Bulletproof VR ($19.99) – December 7th
Gungrave VR ($39.99) – December 11th
Red Matter ($24.99) – December 11th
Smash Hit Plunder ($29.99) – December 11th
Gungrave VR ($29.99) – December 11th (Read Our Review)
Gungrave VR U.N. ($14.99) – December 11th (Read Our Review)
Prey: Typhoon Hunter (Free if you own the base game) – December 11th (Our Impressions)
Warbot ($9.99) – December 11th
Richie’s Plank Experience ($14.99) – December 12th
Rollercoaster Tycoon Joyride ($19.99) – December 13th (Read Our Review)
Borderlands 2 VR ($49.99) – December 14th (Read Our Review)
Gun Club VR ($24.99) – December 18th
Beats Fever ($19.99) – December 18th
VR Apocalypse ($17.99) – December 19th
Kingdom Hearts VR – December 25th 2018 (Japan Only For Now)

As a point of emphasis: reach out to david@uploadvr.com or tips@uploadvr.com to let us know about your upcoming VR game releases!

Editor’s Note: This list will be continuously updated.

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Borderlands 2 VR: Möglicher Release für PC-Brillen im Mai 2019; Neue Infos zur Fortbewegungsmethode

Der Release von Borderlands 2 VR für PlayStation VR (PSVR) steht kurz bevor, bereits am 14. Dezember 2019 erwartet uns der heiß begehrte VR-Titel. Nun gibt es Neuigkeiten zum VR-RPG-Shooter, denn ein neuer Trailer verrät, dass die Exklusivität für PSVR zeitlich auf fünf Monate limitiert ist. Entsprechend könnte uns bereits im Mai 2019 eine Veröffentlichung für PC-Brillen, wie Oculus Rift, HTC Vive und Windows-VR-Brillen erwarten. Zudem gibt es neue Informationen zur Fortbewegung in der virtuellen Welt.

Borderlands 2 VR – Ab Mai 2019 auch für PC-Brillen erhältlich?

Der neuste Trailer aus dem Hause Sony weckt weiter Vorfreude auf den kommenden VR-Titel. Wer dabei genauer hinsieht, erkennt ein kleines Textfeld am unteren Rand, das uns mit interessanten Informationen versorgt:

Borderlands 2 VR ist für einen Zeitraum von mindestens fünf Monaten nach Release exklusiv für PlayStation VR (PSVR) verfügbar.

Das bedeutet, dass PC-Spieler/innen möglicherweise bereits im Mai zu schlagen dürfen und in die virtuelle Welt von Pandora einziehen können.

Borderlands 2 VR für PlayStation VR (PSVR) – Neue Informationen zur Fortbewegunge bekannt

In der VR-Adaption des RPG-Shooters dürft ihr zwischen den vier spielbaren Klassen Kommando (Axton), Sirene (Maya), Gunzerker (Salvador) und Assassine (Zer0) auswählen und im Singleplayer-Modus durch die Spielwelt ziehen. Der Koop-Modus sowie die veröffentlichten DLC’s sind vorerst nicht enthalten. Dafür soll es einen speziellen Bullet-Time-Modus und optimierte Talentbäume geben.

Außerdem wurde kürzlich die Frage zur Fortbewegung geklärt. Die Spieler/innen haben die Wahl zwischen Teleportation oder einer Form von freier Fortbewegung auszuwählen. Eine Kombination aus beiden ist ebenso möglich. Dafür kommen sowohl DualShock-Controller wie auch PS Move Controller zum Einsatz.

Borderlands 2 VR erscheint am 14. Dezember exklusiv für PlayStation VR (PSVR) für 49,99 Euro. Die Vorbestellungen wurden bereits eröffnet.

(Quellen: Road to VR | Upload VR | Video: PlayStation Europe)

Der Beitrag Borderlands 2 VR: Möglicher Release für PC-Brillen im Mai 2019; Neue Infos zur Fortbewegungsmethode zuerst gesehen auf VR∙Nerds. VR·Nerds am Werk!

Borderlands 2 VR Could Come To Rift and Vive In 2019

Borderlands 2 VR Could Come To Rift and Vive In 2019

The small text of Sony’s latest trailer for Borderlands 2 VR for PSVR reveals an interesting fact- the game’s exclusivity to the platform is timed, not permanent. Specifically, it is a timed exclusive for 5 months from launch.

At the bottom of the screen from the very start it states: “Borderlands 2 VR is exclusive to PSVR for a minimum of 5 months from launch.”

This means that after that 5 month period, Gearbox could port it to PC VR platforms like Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and Windows VR if they wanted to. That would mean May 15th, 2019 is the earliest you’d see Borderlands 2 VR on a PC headset, but since that’s a Wednesday, I’d wager May 16th or 17th at the earliest instead.

We’d be shocked if Borderlands 2 VR isn’t ported to PC. The non-VR game has enjoyed a long life thanks to the PC gaming community and there is nothing inherently tying Borderlands to PSVR other than whatever deal they’ve arranged. In the case of Resident Evil 7 VR I’m less shocked it hasn’t come to PC yet (almost two years later) just because of the history with that franchise on Sony platforms. Borderlands 2 VR feels more like Batman Arkham VR or Skyrim VR, both of which eventually released on PC VR devices.

Regardless, you can play Borderlands 2 VR later this year on December 14th when it releases on PSVR as a timed-exclusive. The game will support both DualShock 4 and dual PS Move controllers, both of which will have teleportation or smooth locomotion options.

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Borderlands 2 VR is a Timed PlayStation VR Exclusive, PC VR Release a Possibility

One of the big virtual reality (VR) releases set to happen this year is the arrival of Gearbox Software’s Borderlands 2 VR  exclusively for PlayStation VR next month. While PC VR owners may be a bit annoyed the open-world shooter isn’t coming to any other headset, there might be a brief glimmer of hope if a new trailer is anything to go by.

Borderlands VR - Screenshot

A video advertising the videogame was published on the PlayStation Europe YouTube channel with an interesting little disclaimer at the bottom: “Borderlands 2 VR is exclusive to PS VR for a minimum of 5 months from launch.” If the title was purely exclusive to PlayStation VR then why the need to add the disclaimer at the bottom? It’s the first indication that in 2019 Borderlands 2 VR may be ported to headsets like Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.

That would mean May at the earliest, or a possible announcement during the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in June – the one which PlayStation isn’t attending.

VRFocus will admit to taking this info with a pinch of doubt as previous PlayStation VR exclusives like Resident Evil 7 biohazard were also timed – 12 months for the horror experience – yet have never seen the light of day on any other VR platform, unfortunately.

And in new information for PlayStation VR owners the official Borderlands Twitter account has confirmed that Borderlands 2 VR will support teleportation, direct movement or both using either PlayStation Move or DualShock controllers, which should ensure maximum comfort however you like to play.

Borderlands 2 VR is set for release on 14th December 2018, retailing for $49.99 USD, via PlayStation Store. A dynamic PlayStation theme will also be available to those who pre-order the title in advance. For any further updates keep reading VRFocus.

Borderlands 2 VR Will Have Smooth Locomotion With PS Move Controllers

Borderlands 2 VR Will Have Smooth Locomotion With PS Move Controllers

Ever since Borderlands 2 VR was announced as a timed PSVR-exclusive, the narrative surrounding the game’s lead up to release has been pretty consistently positive. It’s one of the most popular and celebrated shooters of the last 10 years and it’s distinctive cel-shaded art style should translate to the limited resolution of most modern VR headsets well.

However, there have been some concerns. Obviously the most obvious concern is the lack of any of the post-launch DLC being included and the absence of multiplayer. Borderlands has always been a franchise squarely focused on it’s cooperative elements, so it feels like a major missed opportunity to remove that. Additionally, Borderlands 2 VR will only support the DualShock 4 or PS Move controllers — but not the PS Aim controller.

Thankfully, as of today, we have new details about the movement options. Previously it seemed like smooth movement would only be possible on DualShock 4, as seen in this video, but as it turns out, according to the official Borderlands Twitter account, you will in fact be able to do teleportation movement, “direct motion” or smooth movement, or a combination of the two with both the DualShock 4 and PS Move configurations.

This is great news for PSVR gamers looking to grab Borderlands 2 VR when it releases next month on December 14th.

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‘Borderlands 2 VR’ Could Come to PC Headsets Five Months After PSVR

Borderlands 2 VR is headed to PSVR next month, but PC VR headset owners are undoubtedly curious to know if Gearbox’s massive hit shooter will eventually make it to Oculus Rift and HTC Vive too. According to short message in new promo video, Sony is confirming that Borderlands 2 VR is a timed exclusive, giving it at very least a five month minimum on the PSVR platform.

The video (linked below) was published by PlayStation Europe and flashes a small subtitle for a few brief seconds reading “Borderlands 2 VR is exclusive to PS VR for a minimum of 5 months from launch.”

Image courtesy Sony

Borderlands 2 VR is slated to launch on PSVR December 14th, putting a hypothetical PC VR launch date as early as May 14th, 2019.

While neither Gearbox nor publisher 2K Games have publicly made a PC VR launch certain, if the game follows in Skyrim VR’s (2017) footsteps we could see day-one support for Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, and possibly even Windows VR headsets. Skyrim VR first launched on PSVR back in November 2017, releasing just shy of five months later on Steam for Rift and Vive.

The 5 Best Games for PlayStation VR

That said, it’s a pretty rare occurrence when larger publishers openly admit to timed platform exclusivity, especially with such a specific time frame. Whatever the case may be, PC VR headset owners can at least circle a date in their calendars now to start salivating over the prospect of stepping into the dusty boots of the game’s four Vault Hunters and hanging out with Claptrap.


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PlayStation VR Borderlands 2 VR and Beat Saber Bundle is Coming Next Month

Typical Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE). You’ve just spent your hard earned cash on a new PlayStation VR during the Black Friday weekend sales and the company goes and unveils a new bundle just in time for Christmas. 

PlayStationVR Borderlands 2 - BeatSaber box

The PlayStation VR Borderlands 2 VR and Beat Saber Bundle hits store shelves in the US and Canada (sorry Europe) on 14th December – the same day Borderlands 2 VR comes out – offering gamers an all in one solution to enjoy some virtual reality (VR) gaming over the festive season.

For the price of $349.99 USD / $449.99 CAD customers will get:

  • One PlayStation VR system
  • One PlayStation Camera
  • One Demo Disc 2.0
  • Two PlayStation Move Motion controllers
  • Borderlands 2 and Beat Saber digital game vouchers (internet required to download)

PlayStationVR Borderlands 2 - BeatSaber boxback

The standard version may already be a few years old, but just like Bethesda did last year with The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR, Gearbox Software’s Borderlands 2 VR is looking to be the major release of the season for PlayStation VR. The new VR version features the original characters as well as adding new options including reworked skill trees that keep the single-player VR focus in mind and new features that play off the VR environment, such as “BAMF Time” – BadAss Mega Fun Time – which is Borderlands’ own take bullet-time from The Matrix films.

Beat Saber, on the other hand, is already going strong on PlayStation VR after arriving last week. The rhythm action title has become quite the VR sensation since its original PC launch earlier this year, where players have to slice blocks with light sabres in time with the music. Not only is it fun it can be quite an energetic workout.

Should SIE decide to release the bundle in other regions, VRFocus will let you know.

Beat Saber PSVR Bundle On The Way With Borderlands 2 VR

Beat Saber PSVR Bundle On The Way With Borderlands 2 VR

It looks like one of PSVR’s most popular new games is soon to be bundled with Sony’s headset.

Best Buy has listed a new bundle (now confirmed by Sony) for the VR headset that includes two Move controllers and two of its latest games: Beat Saber and Borderlands 2 VR. The bundle costs $349.99 and is set to arrive on December 14th, the very same day that Borderlands 2 itself is due to launch.

It’s not quite the steal that PSVR was during Black Friday weekend (you could get a headset, Moves, Creed and Superhot for $249.99) but its certainly the next best thing heading into the holiday season. Beat Saber is a brilliantly addictive rhythm action game that has taken the platform by storm since its release last week. Borderlands 2, meanwhile is set to offer the entire original game in VR albeit without any kind of co-op play.

It’s a pretty great move on Sony’s part; a Beat Saber bundle might be the most attractive thing going in the current VR market. Beat Saber requires two Move controllers to play whereas Borderlands 2 supports both the motion controllers and the DualShock 4.

It’s not entirely clear if this is an official PSVR bundle or something Best Buy has put together itself, though both games will be bundled as redeemable vouchers to download rather than physical copies.

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New PlayStation VR Bundle to Include ‘Borderlands 2 VR’ & ‘Beat Saber’

You might have already splurged on Black Friday and Cyber Monday for the biggest VR deals of the season, but if you were reticent to pull out your credit card and plonk down a few hundred on that shiny new PSVR game bundle, you may want to rethink that decision with the platform’s next big offering that’s slated to launch before Christmas.

BestBuy.com is currently advertising pre-orders for a new PSVR bundle which includes the hotly awaited Borderlands 2 VR and the indie breakout hit rhythm game Beat Saber (2018).

The pre-order listing states the bundle will launch on December 14th, costing $350.

The bundle includes the PlayStation VR headset, PlayStation Camera, two PlayStation Move motion controllers, demo disc, and both Borderlands 2 VR and Beat Saber game vouchers. Sorry folks, it doesn’t appear the physical retail release is included.

It’s uncertain at the time of this writing if other retailers will carry the bundle or if it’s a Best Buy exclusive, although the deal presents even greater savings than the previously launched Creed: Rise to Glory + Superhot VR bundle, which is also regularly priced at $350.

'Beat Saber' PSVR Review – Move & Groove as You Slice & Dice

Beat Saber launched just last week on PSVR for $30, while Borderlands 2 VR is set to cost $50 when it launches on December 14th, making the bundle a clear win over Creed: Rise to Glory and Superhot VR’s combined MSRP of $40.

If you didn’t manage to snap up a bundle at Black Friday pricing, the Borderlands 2 VR + Beat Saber offer is certainly the most attractive offer dollars-wise at this point.

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Borderlands 2 VR Gets A Cool New Live Action Trailer

Borderlands 2 VR Gets A Cool New Live Action Trailer

VR games don’t usually enjoy the high-end marketing seen in this latest Borderlands 2 VR trailer.

Posted online last week, this new promotional video is actually a live-action clip that gets us more excited for the prospect of a Borderlands movie than it does the upcoming VR port of the second game in the series, but we’ll take it all the same.

We’re quite excited to head back to Pandora in VR, though sadly it won’t be with friends as the game’s been stripped back to a single-player only experience. We also know the original game’s DLC won’t be included. Still, even with these omissions, this is a meaty shooter that you’ll get to enjoy either with a DualShock 4 or two PlayStation Move controllers.

Borderlands 2 VR is due to hit PSVR exclusively on December 14th.

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