The biggest Christmas 2018 videogame release for PlayStation VR was most certainly Gearbox Software’s popular shooter Borderlands 2 VR. However, in the run-up to launch the studio confirmed it would only be the core experience with none of the DLC included. The team did say that any future updates would highly depend on player feedback which first saw its effects earlier this month with the release of Aim Controller support. That has now continued with the confirmation that all the DLC for Borderlands 2 VR will soon be released for free.
The original Borderlands 2 which launched in 2012 has quite the treasure trove of DLC content, with a quick browse on Steam bringing up 46 different packs. Now quite a few are different skins to customise your character but there are some goodies to be had, including different character classes such as the Mechromancer as well as campaign expansions to greatly increase the size of the videogame.
With Gearbox Software quite clearly stating on Twitter that: “We’re bringing you ALL the DLC for Borderlands 2 VR straight to your eye-holes!” that should be one colossal update, so PlayStation VR players may need to clear some hard drive space.
The recent Aim Controller update didn’t just include additional controller support, it helped to improve Borderlands 2 VR further by including options for swapping buttons and sticks, movement refinements and simple things like toggling the crosshairs on and off. Gearbox Software did mention at the time about: “improvements to the HUD and height offset along with fixes to an unreachable chest, teleport, and more,” which could well land alongside the DLC.
Borderlands 2 VR was well received when it first launched with VRFocusgiving it a maximum five-stars in our review, saying: “it’s somewhat of a surprise that Borderlands was the first AAA the studio decided to go with. A pleasant surprise, that is, as Borderlands 2 VR is most certainly a highlight of this year’s VR releases and one of the best titles yet to hit PlayStation VR. Its still Borderlands 2, sure, but you’ve never played Borderlands 2 like this before.”
VRFocus will continue its coverage of Borderlands 2 VR, reporting back with the latest updates.
Auf der derzeit stattfindenden PAX East lässt es Gearbox Software ordentlich krachen. So verkündeten die Devs nicht nur die Fortsetzung der Borderlands-Reihe mit Borderlands 3 für PC und Konsole (allerdings ohne ein Wort über VR zu verlieren), sondern gaben auch freudige Nachrichten für die VR-Adaption von Borderlands 2 für PlayStation VR (PSVR) bekannt. Entsprechend sollen sämtliche bisher veröffentlichten DLC’s für das Originalspiel in Form eines Updates im Sommer kostenlos für die VR-Version erscheinen. Weitere Neuigkeiten zum Thema VR sollen zudem folgen.
Borderlands 2 VR – Kostenloses Update bringt sämtliche DLC’s im Sommer
Roll for initiative in VR! We’re bringing you ALL the DLC for Borderlands 2 VR straight to your eye-holes! This FREE UPDATE goes live in Summer 2019!
Zu den DLC’s gehören unter anderem die Kampagnen Captain Scarlett and Her Pirate’s Booty, Mr. Torgue’s Campagin of Carnage, Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt, Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep sowie Psycho Pack und die Headhunter-Pakete.
Neben den neuen Inhalten sollen weitere Verbesserungsvorschläge der Community ins Spiel gebracht werden. Dazu zählen Quality of Life Changes und Optimierungen am HUD, Höhenverhältnissen und Fehlerbehebungen. Auch Teleport-Optionen und Performance sollen verbessert werden. Zudem wurden Ankündigungen zu VR angeteast. Spekulationen gehen von einem Release für PC-Brillen aus, der zeitgleich zum neuen Content-Patch erscheinen könnte.
Im Repertoire der Änderungen für den erfolgreichen VR-Shooter fehlt nun nur noch ein Multiplayer-Modus, um das spaßige Spielerlebnis mit seinen Freunden gemeinsam zu teil. Da der VR-Titel allerdings von grundauf als Singleplayer gedacht ist, bleibt dies wohl weiterhin ein Wunschtraum.
Die gesamte Präsentation könnt ihr euch hier ansehen:
Borderlands 2 VR, the PSVR exclusive port of the lauded loot shooter, was recently updated with improvements including support for the PS Aim accessory. Now developer Gearbox Software says the game’s entire DLC library will be added for free this summer.
Most importantly, the Borderlands 2 VR 2.0 update adds support for the PS Aim gun controller which had been widely requested since even before the game launched. Gearbox says they’ve added a range of options for the PS Aim controls to accommodate both right and left handed users, and allow players some customization options including gun-relative or head-relative movement. The game has supported Move controllers and the gamepad since launch.
The patch also improves the performance on weapon scopes which were previously displayed with a very low framerate in a relatively small window. Gearbox says the window size and the performance of the scope view have booth been improved. For players who don’t like the window approach at all, the scope window can be turned off entirely (so that players can still get the benefits of using the ‘aim’ button without looking through the scope window).
On the immersion front, the update also provides an option for disabling floating crosshairs, allowing players to rely instead on iron sights and visual feedback for aiming.
With the 2.0 update bringing a host of widely requested improvements, the next update shifts attention to widely requested content.
At launch, Borderlands 2 VR lacked access to the game’s trove of DLC content. Even if players wanted to pay for it, they couldn’t.
That’s about to change. Gearbox announced today plans to bring “all” of game’s DLC to Borderlands 2 VR in an update this summer, for free. Pretty awesome news for fans of the game.
Beyond that the studio has said they’re working on bringing more community suggestions to the game, including “improvements to the HUD and height offset along with fixes to an unreachable chest, teleport, performance and more.”
Alongside a lack of DLC (which is now being addressed in a major way), another frequent critique of Borderlands 2 VR is its lack of co-op, especially considering that the franchise is deeply built around co-op gameplay. Gearbox hasn’t confirmed co-op for the VR version of the game, but that won’t stop players from hoping!
And if you were wondering if the newly announced Borderlands 3 will support PSVR or other VR headsets, Gearbox hasn’t confirmed or denied anything just yet.
Just before the launch of Borderlands 2 VR for PlayStation VR last December, Gearbox Software revealed to VRFocus that when it came to updating the videogame after launch that would very much depend on the fans and what their feedback was. Well, the studio has been listening and released a free update with several additions, the biggest being Aim Controller support.
The Aim Controller has proven to be a popular accessory for virtual reality (VR) first-person shooters (FPS) on PlayStation VR. First introduced with Farpoint, titles such as First Contact Entertainment’s Firewall Zero Hourhave made it the preferred control scheme and now Borderlands 2 VR fans can use it.
Gearbox Software made the announcement via Reddit, giving further details:
Within the Options Menu, options for swapping sticks, buttons, or both are available. We added this to help with Lefty Swap and to allow for more custom options to use the Aim Controller.
Also, the option for movement relative to the Gun or Head is available for the Aim Controller. For example, you can shoot straight forward, while looking to your right. If your movement is Gun relative, pushing forward on the control stick will move you based on where the gun is pointing. If your movement is Head relative, pushing forward on the control stick will move you based on where you’re looking.
That’s not all, thanks to several other community suggestions the studio also implemented an improved scope with a larger window, the crosshairs can now be toggled on and off, and so can the scope with an options menu setting to switch to iron sights.
And it looks like the team isn’t stopping there: “Please look forward to community suggested updates such as improvements to the HUD and height offset along with fixes to an unreachable chest, teleport, and more.”
Highly anticipated before launch, Gearbox Software didn’t disappoint when it came to Borderlands 2 VR, with VRFocus’ review giving it a full five -stars, saying: “Borderlands 2 VR is most certainly a highlight of this year’s VR releases and one of the best titles yet to hit PlayStation VR. Its still Borderlands 2, sure, but you’ve never played Borderlands 2 like this before.”
For further updates on the videogame, keep reading VRFocus.
Entwicklerstudio Gearbox Software veröffentlichte das neue Update 2.0 für Borderlands 2 VR für PlayStation VR (PSVR). Der neue Patch sorgt neben einigen Hot Fixes, Performance-Upgrades und Fehlerbehebungen für die Integration des lang ersehnten Supports für den PS Aim Controller.
Borderlands 2 VR – Update 2.0 integriert PS Aim Controller Support für PlayStation VR (PSVR)
Borderlands 2 VR ist derzeit exklusiv für PlayStation VR (PVSR) erhältlich und wurde bereits von den Nutzern im PlayStation Blog als beste PS VR-Erfahrung ausgezeichnet. Dennoch wünscht sich die Community einige zusätzliche Features für den VR-RPG-Shooter, beispielsweise den lang ersehnten Support für den PS Aim Controller oder einen Koop-Modus wie im Originaltitel. Während Letzterer definitiv ausbleibt, sorgt dagegen das jüngst veröffentlichte Update 2.0 für die Integration des Zielcontrollers als Eingabegerät.
A new Borderlands 2 VR Update is out today, including performance optimizations and bug fixes. Also, WE NOW HAVE AIM CONTROLLER SUPPORT!!! Read more about the patch here ->
Innerhalb des Menüs könnt ihr die Eingabeoptionen für den Aim Controller individuell festlegen. So können auch Linkshänder problemlos auf den Controller zurückgreifen. Ebenfalls könnt ihr die Fortbewegungsmethode selbst bestimmen. So ist das Vorwärtsbewegen entweder per Zeigerichtung des Zielcontrollers und Drücken des Sticks oder durch Blickrichtung möglich.
Zudem wurden weitere Verbesserungsvorschläge aus der Community umgesetzt. So wurde das Heranzoomen mit dem Zielfernrohr optimiert, eine neue Option zum Ausstellen des Fadenkreuzes sowie des Scope-Fensters hinzugefügt.
Die obligatorischen Fehlerbehebungen und Performance-Verbesserungen sind natürlich auch ein Teil des Updates. Die gesamten Patch Notes findet ihr hier im offiziellen Gearbox-Forum.
Borderlands 2 VR (2018) launched on PSVR late last year with support for DualShock 4 and PS Move, and while it also seemed to be a perfect fit for the platform’s dedicated gun controller, PS Aim, users just had to make do. Now developers Gearbox Software and 2K Games have announced they’ve officially added PS Aim support including a few other shooting specific improvements that should keep you happily blasting bandits and looting vaults with greater ease regardless of your chosen controller.
Looking through the options menu, you’ll now find options for swapping sticks, buttons, or both—something the dev team said in a Reddit post was added “to help with Lefty Swap and to allow for more custom options to use the Aim Controller.”
Users can also assign forward movement either according to their head’s position, or movement relative to PS Aim.
“For example, you can shoot straight forward, while looking to your right. If your movement is Gun relative, pushing forward on the control stick will move you based on where the gun is pointing. If your movement is Head relative, pushing forward on the control stick will move you based on where you’re looking,” the developers say.
Photo captured by Road to VR
There’s also a few new features that come to the game as the result of community suggestions:
Improved Scope – Performance on the scope has been improved and it is now a much larger window.
Crosshairs Toggle – A new option is available in the Options menu that allows you to turn off the crosshairs.
Scope Toggle – A new option is available in the Options menu that allows you to use iron sights when aiming instead of the scope window.
Vault Symbols – Fixed a bug where Vault symbols did not appear correctly.
Moreover, the dev team says they’ll be working on updates such as “improvements to the HUD and height offset along with fixes to an unreachable chest, teleport, and more.”
Although we weren’t wowed byBorderlands 2 VR in our review, it’s good to see the developers taking the time to mold the game a little more to the medium, as some of the negatives we noted in our review seem to be alleviated by the recent update; being able to aim down iron sights of a physical gun without a gaze-based reticle constantly floating around is certainly a step in the right direction in the immersion department, although we would love to see more updates that help make the game more of a true VR native considering it commands premium price tag of $50.
Ask and ye shall receive — sometimes. Gearbox Software have officially added PS Aim controller support to Borderlands 2 VR! When the FPS launched late last year as a PSVR exclusive the omission of the headset’s best peripheral, which is designed specifically for shooters, was glaring and strange. Thankfully that’s been remedied now. Too bad they probably won’t ever add co-op support.
The PS Aim support is included in today’s latest patch which also introduces some bug fixes and performance optimization. You can read the full patch notes right here for more details. And if there’s any doubt why Aim support was introduced, these patch notes officially label the feature as a “Community Suggestion.”
A new Borderlands 2 VR Update is out today, including performance optimizations and bug fixes. Also, WE NOW HAVE AIM CONTROLLER SUPPORT!!! Read more about the patch here ->
Other than standard bug fixes the other really, really great thing this patch does is fix the scope. In the base game the scope was just a little screen that popped up in low resolution with awful framerate — reportedly, the screen is now bigger with better framerate.
We haven’t gotten a chance to try out this patch for ourselves yet, but it sounds like two welcomed updates that a lot of people were asking for.
Read our full review of Borderlands 2 VR to see what we think of the game as a whole, read our tips for getting started if you’re new, and keep an eye out for it on other headsets, like Rift and Vive, later this year. Let us know what you think of this update down in the comments below!
Der Erfolgstitel Beat Saber reitet weiter auf der Erfolgswelle und konnte sich erneut einen famosen Preis sichern. Ganz nach dem Motto: eine weitere Woche, eine weitere Auszeichnung für Beat Saber. So wurde der VR-Rhythmustitel im Voting im hauseigenen PlayStation Blog von der Community zur besten PlayStation-VR-Erfahrung des Jahres 2018 gewählt. Doch auch weitere VR-Spiele wurden im Kampf um die Krone ausgezeichnet.
Beat Saber zum PSVR-Spiel des Jahres 2018 gewählt
Das alljährliche Nutzer-Voting im PlayStation Blog ist beendet und die Gewinner wurden in diversen Kategorien ermittelt. So haben über 100.000 Konsolenbesitzer über ihre Lieblingstitel abgestimmt und dadurch die beliebtesten PS4- und PSVR-Titel des Jahres 2018 ausgewählt.
Die folgenden Titel konnten sich ein Treppchen im Kampf um die Gunst der Spielerschaft sichern:
Top-Award: Beat Saber
1. Platz:Borderlands 2 VR
2. Platz: Astro Bot Rescue Mission
3. Platz: Tetris Effect
So hat sich natürlich Beat Saber die Spitze gesichert und wurde mit den meisten Stimmen als Top-Reiter der letztjährigen PSVR-Erfahrungen ausgezeichnet. Kein Wunder, denn der suchterzeugende Musiktitel eroberte seit seinem Konsolendebüt im November 2018 die Herzen der Fans im Sturm. Bereits über die Weihnachtsfeiertage brach das VR-Spiel neue Rekorde und startete das neue Jahr mit dem Erreichen eines Meilensteins. Wer auf neuen musikalischen Content wartet, muss sich übrigens nicht mehr allzu lange gedulden, denn der erste DLC soll bereits in Kürze erscheinen. Zusätzlich gab es eine Goldauszeichnung in der Kategorie Best Independent Game.
Ebenfalls imposant ist das nachfolgend erstplatzierte Borderlands 2 VR. Schließlich ist die VR-Adaption des beliebten RPG-Shooters erst am 14. Dezember 2018 erschienen. Dennoch sind zahlreiche Abenteuer von der virtuellen Welt von Pandora begeistert und rühmen das Gameplay mit der Goldtrophäe.
Auf dem zweiten Platz befindet sich der innovative VR-Plattformer Astro Bot Rescue Mission. Dank der großartigen Levelgestaltung, dem kreativen Gameplay sowie dem geschickten Einbezug des Spielers haben auch wir den VR-Titel bereits zum Jump’n’Run des Jahres 2018 erklärt.
Den dritten Platz und damit Bronze verdiente sich Tetris Effect. Die VR-Neuauflage des Spieleklassikers zieht die Spieler mit seinen visuellen Effekten und auditiven Klängen in seinen Bann und erzeugt mit jedem Level ein ästhetisches Kunstwerk, in welchem man sich schnell einmal verliert und dadurch die Zeit vergisst. Wer dann auch noch im Alltag beginnt gedanklich Objekte vor seinem geistigen Auge zu stapeln, leidet verständlicherweise schnell unter dem gleichnamigen Tetris Effekt. Nebenbei kassierte der PSVR-Titel übrigens den dritten Platz in der Kategorie Best Independent Game.
Zwar keinen Platz auf dem Treppchen, dafür aber jede Menge Stimmen verdienten sich übrigens die VR-Spiele Star Trek Bridge Crew: The Next Generation und Creed: Rise to Glory.
This year was awesome for VR gaming, but 2019 is looking even brighter with a slew of highly polished titles coming to PSVR, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive.
Here we take a look at 15 tantalizing VR titles confirmed for release in 2019.
Don’t miss the ‘To Be Announced’ section below either, which features eight high-profile games that don’t have release dates yet, but will hopefully come out in 2019 too.
Population: One is an upcoming battle royale shooter from the studio behind VR indie hit Smashbox Arena (2016). Population: One is offering a ton of fun mechanics such as the ability to climb anything, build forts, fly, and shoot the ever-living crap out of everyone with a variety of scrounged weapons as you battle for that tasty chicken dinner.
Studio description: The Tempest shattered your android body. Now you must journey through an ever-changing cloudscape to augment yourself and save your friends. Explore an expansive world with complete freedom—bound up cliffs, glide across chasms, and fly through the slipstream with velocity. Detonate explosives, harness electricity, and wield makeshift weapons to overcome titanium sentries and monolithic guardians. Play single-player, or explore forgotten ruins together.
Studio description: You are elite Special Forces soldier Ryan Marks, on a desperate mission to save his family from a ruthless criminal overlord. Grab your PS Move motion controllers and blast anyone in your way as you go face to face with enemies, uncover secrets and experience the thrill of the chase in a high-octane action narrative inspired by PlayStation VR Worlds’ ‘The London Heist’ experience.
Studio description: Jack and Liv are back in Lone Echo II. Return to the rings of Saturn in this highly-anticipated sequel, to unravel the mysteries of Lone Echo and journey deeper into space – past the very boundaries of time itself.
Studio description: Deliver cargo or smuggle alien lifeforms on your rickety ship all across the galaxy! In Failspace the pressure is always on you and your crew. Fix those leaks, pull those levers and crank those handles to maximum in short but increasingly difficult cargo missions.
Studio description: Overcome impossible odds and survive certain death scenarios in the undercover spy thriller that VR has been waiting for. It’s a zero-sum world where facing danger head-on is a requirement, and success favors those who embrace it. In this exciting Oculus exclusive, the enemy will stop at nothing to gain an advantage. To defeat them, you and your team of elite operatives must use every advanced weapon, cutting-edge technology, and deceptive tactic in your arsenal.
Studio description: Bend and twist reality in A Fisherman’s Tale, the mind-bending VR puzzle adventure game in which being turned upside down and inside out is not merely a play on words.
The free multiplayer Typhon Hunter update to Prey: Mooncrash is already out for console and PC, but support for all major VR platforms is coming next year. Like PropHunt in Gary’s Mod, one player is assigned as the hunter (Morgan Yu) while the others try to hide out and evade detection as typhons, the game’s alien race of mimics that can turn into everyday objects like mugs, chairs—practically anything you can think of.
ACE COMBAT 7 is unfortunately not entirely playable in VR, as the game’s campaign is focused on PS4 users, although Bandai Namco has created a handful of missions developed specifically for the PSVR that the studio says will provide “several hours of VR gameplay.”
Studio description: Wonderful. Your dogs have been dognapped by a beaked lunatic who stuffed them into his eye holes and is using their life essence to destroy the universe. Does that make any sense? You’ve partnered with Trover, a little purple eye hole monster to save them. Find power babies and plug them into his eye holes so that he can absorb their power, track down Glorkon, and save your dogs (and the Universe).
We don’t know much about gameplay mechanics yet, but it’s possible the Magic Leap One release of Angry Birds: FPS – First Person Slingshotmay hold some answers. Resolution Games was also involved in its making, a title that does away with the standard side-scrolling gameplay for a more immersive first-person experience of physically shooting a slingshot at the 3D piggy fort.
Respawn Entertainment, the studio behind Titanfall and Call of Duty, has partnered with Oculus to develop what they call “a major VR release.” There’s not much on the books about the game yet, including the title or specific release date, but it promises battlefield realism that will give you a chance to “experience life closer to what a soldier would experience in real combat.”
Studio description: First you JOBBED, now you VACATION. Visit Vacation Island and experience RECREATION, optimal RELAXATION, and classic human past times like SUNBURN. Vacation Island offers all this and more so that you can discover the lost art of TIME OFF.
Studio description: A visceral, jetpack-fueled VR Arcade Shooter where you fly through deadly Orbital Arenas in hostile space, facing off in extreme battles. You are now part of the elite Tribes of gun-slinging Spacers who battle it out in treacherous 2v2 and 1v1 battles.
Studio description: ZED is the story of an aging artist, lost in regret, and the haze of dementia. Inside the dreamscape of this creative mind come undone, players reassemble the artist’s fragmented memories into a final, lasting legacy: a loving final gift to his unborn granddaughter.
Eagre Games is a new studio led by original Myst (1993) artist Chuck Carter. Zed will be the first game published by Cyan Ventures, Cyan’s newly formed publishing arm.
To Be Announced
3 Games from Valve
Image courtesy Valve
Platform: Rift, Vive (unannounced)
Developer: Valve
Valve is still famously mum on its three games originally confirmed back in February 2017, and yes, we’re still waiting on all of them. [Insert tired Half-Life 3 joke here].
Valve has produced The Lab (2016) and plenty of content for the SteamVR Home that all really demonstrate just how uniquely qualified they are to produce full-length VR games. Fingers crosses we hear something definitive this year.
Originally teased at PSX 2015 with a slated release for an October 2016, High Wire Games’ has slipped into what looks to be a 2019 release. In Golem, you play as an adventurous kid who has been seriously injured. You are stuck at home in your bed, dreaming of exploring the outside world. The minds behind the game are ex-Bungie staffers, including Halo composer Marty O’Donnell.
Playful Corp, the minds behind Rift launch title Lucky’s Tale (2016), had a bit of a scare recently when pre-orders for their upcoming side-scrolling platformer Star Child were mysteriously cancelled. Never fear, Star Child is still in production, although the release date is unknown at this time.
From the makers of Myst (1993) and Obduction (2016) comes another VR puzzler, this time promising more steampunk goodness. It’s still heavily under wraps, but Cyan calls it a “resplendent, magical, journey — a monumental voyage through four diverse and curious realms, working in concert with an ever-present, clockwork companion, and the support and instruction of a long-dead, ethereal mentor.”
Borderlands 2 VR is already available on PSVR, but it’s more than likely that the loot-em and shoot-em action game is headed to PC VR headsets too. According to a new promo video, Sony is confirming that Borderlands 2 VR is a timed exclusive, giving it at very least a five month minimum on the PSVR platform; a hypothetical PC VR launch date could come as early as May 14th, 2019.
The minds behind early successes Senza Peso (2014) and Insurgent (2015) have been busy developing their first full-fledged VR game. Called Bebylon Battle Royale, the VR melee party brawler puts ridiculously dressed infants into kart-based Smash Bros-style combat.
The studio previously targeted an early 2018 release, although now it seems it’s heading towards 2019.
What a year it’s been for Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) and its virtual reality (VR) headset, PlayStation VR. During the summer SIE announced the major milestone of 3 million units sold since its launch in 2016, and an IDC report put the headset ahead in Q3 2018 shipments. The device has seen some big titles exclusively launch over the past 12 months, giving it one of the most unique libraries available for any headset.
The Best PlayStation VR Games of 2018
Astro Bot Rescue Mission – Sony Japan Studio
Let’s start with one of the biggest titles of the year for PlayStation VR, Astro Bot Rescue Missionfrom Sony Japan Studio. Proving that 3rd person platformers have a rightful place in VR, the lovably cute Astro Bot Rescue Mission spans 26 levels across five locations, with players in control of Astro who happens to be captain of a spaceship. An accident happens and Astro loses all the crew and now it’s up to players to find them all. Astro Bot Rescue Mission won the VR/AR category during the recent Game Awards 2018 and is one of the best introductions to VR gameplay on PlayStation VR.
Beat Saber – Beat Games
The rhythm action title featured on our Oculus Rift list and naturally found its way here. Having taken the industry by storm since its PC release earlier in the year, PlayStation VR owners got to see what all the fuss is about in November. With its simple but addictive gameplay, Beat Saber is great to play by yourself or with a few friends and family around.
Borderlands 2 VR – Gearbox Software
It may have only launched this month but Gearbox Software’s VR version of its open-world adventure is one to pick up. Exclusive to PlayStation VR, VRFocusproclaimed in its 5-star review: “Borderlands 2 VR is most certainly a highlight of this year’s VR releases and one of the best titles yet to hit PlayStation VR. Its still Borderlands 2, sure, but you’ve never played Borderlands 2 like this before.”
Firewall Zero Hour – First Contact Entertainment
Proving that dedicated online multiplayer shooters can work in VR when done correctly, this PlayStation VR exclusive makes good use of the PlayStation Aim controller. Firewall Zero Houris a team-based first-person shooter (FPS), four vs four player action where teamwork and communication is key to winning the multiplayer missions.
Moss – Polyarc
Much like Astro Bot Rescue Mission, Polyarc’s Moss is a third-person adventure. Featuring an adorable little mouse called Quill, Moss mixes up action sequences with puzzle platforming as she ventures away from her home to save her family and everyone else. Arriving at the beginning of the year, Moss is another 5-star experience in which VRFocus said: “Moss is a flawlessly crafted experience starring a character that absolutely deserves to be the face of modern VR. Every inch of the world shows attention to detail, and a story is woven that draws you in, making you truly invested in the world and in Quill as a person.”
Sprint Vector – Survios
Beat Saber maybe energetic but if you really want to work up a sweat in VR then Survios’ Sprint Vectoris the videogame of choice to burn those Christmas calories. Up to up to eight players can take part in this high-octane intergalactic game show which features both competitive multiplayer and customizable solo racing where movement is achieved by swinging your arms back and forth to build momentum.
Tetris Effect – Enhance Games
Bringing the classic puzzle videogame into the 21st century with an optional VR twist, Enhance Games has embued Tetris with some visual and audio flair as only it can. With 30-plus stages for players to experience, Tetris Effect also features the all-new “Zone” mechanic, where players can stop time (and Tetriminos falling) by entering “the Zone” and either get out of a sticky situation that could otherwise lead to “Game Over,” or rack up extra line clears for bonus rewards. One for those puzzle lovers out there.
Archangel: Hellfire – Skydance Interactive
Skydance Interactive originally launched single-player mech adventure Archangel back in 2017. The title has made it to this list thanks to the major update, Archangel: Hellfire, which added a major change. Originally an on-rails shooter, the studio gave the gameplay an overhaul which added free-roaming multiplayer. This improved the entire experience massively, with nuanced combat in massive building-sized machines that can unleash devastating attacks.
The Exorcist: Legion VR – Wolf & Wood
Now time for something scary. Wolf & Wood’s The Exorcist: Legion VRis an episodic horror series over five chapters. You step into the shoes of a Boston homicide detective tasked with investigating a series of ritualistic murders, including a priest at a local church. They have all the makings of a serial killer but it soon becomes apparent at the cause is far more demonic. With bags of creepy atmosphere, this is a proper alternative to the festive season.
Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner – Mars – Konami
Another big robot title, Konami’s Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner – M∀RS is a PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR remake of the PlayStation 2 title. For the first time players can jump into the cockpit of these giant mechs – called Jehuty’s – and pilot them first-person – rather than first-person. Fans of the series should love it, but you don’t need to be to enjoy this quintessential Japanese title.